Sabem o que é um bullshitter?
""There’s nothing wrong with being wrong, so long as you pay the price. A used-car salesman speaks well, they’re convincing, but ultimately, they are benefiting even if someone else is harmed by their advice. A bullshitter is not someone who’s wrong, it’s someone who’s insulated from their mistakes. There is less “skin in the game” today than there was fifty years ago, or even twenty years ago. More people determine the fates of others without having to pay the consequences. Skin in the game means you own your own risk. It means people who make decisions in any walk of life should never be insulated from the consequences of those decisions, period. If you’re a helicopter repairman, you should be a helicopter rider. If you decide to invade Iraq, the people who vote for it should have children in the military. And if you’re making economic decisions, you should bear the cost if you’re wrong.
Ninety-eight percent of Americans—plumbers, dentists, bus drivers—have skin in the game. We have to worry about the 2 percent—the intellectuals and politicians making the big decisions who don’t have skin in the game and are messing the whole thing up for everybody else."
Hoje dei de caras com um bullshitter de estimação, João Cravinho. No JN de hoje em "O Interior: o desenvolvimento territorial policêntrico e o apoio à inovação" escreve:
"Penso que o modelo policêntrico de desenvolvimento territorial deve envolver todo o território nacional, incluindo o Interior, na formatação de ações e apoios com forte cunho internacional, nacional e local. Portugal necessita de um sistema de apoio à inovação coerente e eficaz, harmonizado na perspetiva sistémica, simultaneamente integradora do Litoral e do Interior, numa escala lógica de defesa do interesse nacional e do bem-estar generalizado da população." [Moi ici: Ehehehehe!!! Parece que descobriu o fazedor de textos do Quesado]
O fulano que defendia o modelo SCUT (auto-estradas que se pagam a si próprias) agora vem falar sobre o desenvolvimento do Interior... a lata. Eu não esqueço. Não confiem em mim, procurem outras fontes, eu deixo aqui: