Fruta da época.
Na HBR, "Train Your Brain to Work Creatively with Gen Al"
""You're competing with A.I." His point was that you can enhance, amplify, and even augment your potential by doing so. In other words, Al can make you more competitive.There's a saying that you've probably heard many times and will probably hear many times more, "Al won't likely take your job, but people who use AI will."Al empowers you to take what you do today and make it more efficient, more scalable, less expensive, and more automated. More so, AI supercharges your capabilities to do what you couldn't do yesterday to augment your performance. It's this part that requires imagination, creative and repetitive training, and a willingness to step beyond your comfort zone and explore the unknown (and have fun while you're at it)."
"To figure out where AI might fit, economists need careful studies of its use in today's workplace. Toner-Rodgers's paper does just that. His work examines the randomized introduction of an AI tool to 1,018 scientists at a materials-science research lab....What Toner-Rodgers found was striking: After the tool was implemented, researchers discovered 44% more materials, their patent filings rose by 39% and there was a 17% increase in new product prototypes.Toner-Rodgers was a bit surprised himself. He had thought at best it would have just kept up with the scientists on novel discoveries. "You could have come up with a bunch of lame materials that are not actually helpful," he said....One last thing Toner-Rodgers found about the lab's Al tool: The scientists didn't like it all that much, with 82% reporting reduced satisfaction with their work.The scientists felt that it took away the part of their jobs-dreaming up new compounds-they enjoyed most. One scientist remarked, "I couldn't help feeling that much of my education is now worthless.""
O que dizer às PMEs?
"Não fiquem para trás! A inteligência artificial (IA) já está a transformar os negócios, aumentando a produtividade e abrindo cada vez mais novas possibilidades. As empresas que adoptam a IA agora vão superar os seus concorrentes, tornando-se mais eficientes, escaláveis e inovadoras. Não devem esperar que a sua concorrência tome a dianteira – devem começar a explorar como a IA pode potenciar as suas operações e reinventar a sua forma de criar valor.
As oportunidades multiplicam-se à medida que vão sendo aproveitadas.
Depois, virá o melhorar o conhecimento sobre os clientes-alvo, tornar as empresas mais eficazes.
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