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domingo, janeiro 05, 2025

A receita irlandesa na Grécia (parte IV)

Mateus 7:16-20



terça-feira, agosto 18, 2015

Quantas barbaridades deste tipo?

A vida mostrou-me muito cedo como quem está longe pode ver melhor do quem está perto. No final de 1974 a minha mãe, na então Metrópole, avisava por telefone os seus pais e irmãos para que preparassem quanto antes o regresso de Angola. Não o fizeram, ela era uma exagerada que não estava a ver bem a coisa, que tudo se iria resolver pelo melhor. Foi o que se viu.
Essa experiência passada pôs-me a pensar depois de ler "How olive oil explains Greece’s problems". É fácil pensar na Grécia como um festival destes horrores económicos auto-infligidos:
"First, they couldn't find anyone in Greece to make a bottle -- they had to have the bottle made in Italy. They had difficulty getting loans to pay for the bottles, and then they were hit with the taxes. Due to Greece's economic issues, the government asked businesses to estimate and pay the taxes they would owe in 2016 ahead of time -- in 2015."
 Quantas barbaridades deste tipo, de parasita estúpido, continuam a praticar-se no nosso país e tomamos como normais, ou como fazendo parte do que é normal no nosso mundo?
Quantas destas instituições extractivas continuam a proliferar na nossa sociedade mas tomamos como algo natural?

sábado, março 22, 2014

É mais fácil dizer que a culpa é dos alemães

"a team from the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development identified last year, as part of an 11-month investigation commissioned by the Greek government. In its report the OECD made 329 recommendations for rules that should be changed to open up competition and give a much-needed boost to the economy.
Quantifying the cost of these restrictions is a difficult task, but in 66 cases, the international experts did figure out a way to do so. Eliminating them would lead to a positive effect on the Greek economy of 5.2 billion euros, or just over $7 billion, they calculated.
In many European nations, a similar patchwork of rules limit competition, protect existing monopolies or otherwise restrict businesses for sometimes archaic reasons. [Moi ici: Realmente, aquela lista de constrangimentos absurdos... parece-me ter reconhecido alguns que se praticam por cá]
Even by European standards, Greece stands out as having especially tangled regulation and glaring inefficiencies.
But changing that state of affairs is controversial. Many argue that tradition is more than just a question of economics, but a way of life. ... On March 10, the Panhellenic Pharmacists’ Union began a two-day strike to protest the plan to allow supermarkets to sell aspirin and some other drugs, holding up placards in central Athens reading “health is a human right.” Among their arguments: consumers may unwittingly overdose if drugs become easier to purchase.

A Grécia era a Terra Prometida das corporações, sindicatos, estadinho e crony capitalismo

Trechos retirados de "Why regulation — on yogurt and more — is blocking Greece’s recovery"