Tenho escrito aqui resumos dos capítulos de "Creative Destruction - How to Start an Economic Renaissance" de Phil Mullan onde fica clara a importância de acelerar o dinamismo económico na Europa. Algo que passa por reestruturações fortes e duras. Entretanto:
"Coste estimates that, for a large enterprise, doing a significant restructuring in the US costs a company roughly two to four months of pay per worker. In France, that cost averages around 24 months of pay. In Germany, 30 months. In total, Coste and Coatanlem estimate restructuring costs are approximately ten times greater in Western Europe than in the United States…
Consider a simple example. Two large companies are considering whether to pursue a high risk innovation. The probability of success is estimated at one in five. Upon success they obtain profits of $100 million, and the investment costs $15 million.
One of the companies is in California, where if the innovation fails the restructuring costs $1 million. The other company is in Germany, where restructuring is 10x more expensive, it costs $10 million (a conservative estimate).
The expected value of this investment in California is a profit of $5 million. In Germany the expected value is a loss of $3 million."
Subitamente lembrei-me do tamanho das empresas em França e em Itália.
Trechos retirados de "Why are no trillion dollar companies being created in Europe?"
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