sexta-feira, outubro 11, 2019
III - Interested Parties: Any Connection to your QMS?
The third video on our series about doing more than just complying with ISO 9001:2015.
Now, about interested parties and what can be their use in developing an aligned quality management system.
I do not say that organizations that want to be certified need to act like in this video. What I say is that organizations that look for business results should consider following an approach around what I propose.
In a world that is running away from the XXth century paradigm, based on just Quality-Cost-Delivery, and into what I metaphorically call Mongo, the planet Mongo from Flash Gordon's adventures, the number of segment of customers is exploding and the need to chose whom to serve and align the business in doing it is becoming more and more critical.
Organizations cannot expect to serve everyone, organizations cannot expect that a simple dyadic relation between customer and supplier will be enough. We are entering in a world of ecosystems.
Now, about interested parties and what can be their use in developing an aligned quality management system.
I do not say that organizations that want to be certified need to act like in this video. What I say is that organizations that look for business results should consider following an approach around what I propose.
In a world that is running away from the XXth century paradigm, based on just Quality-Cost-Delivery, and into what I metaphorically call Mongo, the planet Mongo from Flash Gordon's adventures, the number of segment of customers is exploding and the need to chose whom to serve and align the business in doing it is becoming more and more critical.
Organizations cannot expect to serve everyone, organizations cannot expect that a simple dyadic relation between customer and supplier will be enough. We are entering in a world of ecosystems.
quinta-feira, outubro 10, 2019
Criação de nichos (parte I)
Para um crente e praticante da concorrência imperfeita que se sente, qual João Baptista, como uma voz que clama no deserto, é um bálsamo encontrar:
Trechos retirados de "Niche Construction: The Process of Opportunity Creation in the Environment" de Pavel Luksha, Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 2: 269–283 (2008)
"The theory of opportunity creation sets a new framework for the analysis of entrepreneurial strategic action. Opportunities are seen as a product of competitive imperfection in the industry or the market. The origin of this imperfection, in the creation theory, is in the transformation of entrepreneurial beliefs into social constructs that guide actions of entrepreneurs and other constituents in the industry or market.As organizações não estão condenadas a uma postura passiva, elas podem iniciar a mudança do contexto relevante em que operam. Sim, mesmo uma PME o pode iniciar.
opportunities may also be created when entrepreneurs set to induce governed changes to their environment. By taking the proactive position in constructing their niches, entrepreneurs or organizations can choose or modify the relevant threats and possibilities.
For a long time, the theory of biological evolution has been dominated by approaches that stressed adaptation and selection as the main drivers of evolutionary processes. These approaches emphasized the unidirectional causal power of the environment—that forces evolving entities to climb fitness landscape peaks as they evolve—and implied that disruptions to the fitness landscape were exogenous. Yet, in recent years, it has been recognized that evolving entities, too, can play a remarkable role in modifying fitness landscapes, as they change their habitats.
the idea of niche construction may provide useful insights for the dynamics of organizational and entrepreneurial strategies. In particular, it may help to recognize how competitive imperfections can emerge within industries and markets, as a process governed by the focal organization or entrepreneur.
that particular organizational strategies can alter the conditions of an organizational environment. To do so, organizations may develop specific capabilities related to the task of modification and manipulation of their environments. In particular, for political environments, organizations develop dynamic capabilities that allow them to alter between these reactive and proactive strategies depending on the pace and complexity of organizational environments.
These three approaches (coevolutionary, cognitive, and political action theories) are not mutually exclusive."
Trechos retirados de "Niche Construction: The Process of Opportunity Creation in the Environment" de Pavel Luksha, Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 2: 269–283 (2008)
Acerca da atitude
Em menos de 24 horas um conjunto interessante de pensamentos que podem ser facilmente relacionados:
Resultados em vez de ...
Calçar os sapatos do outro ...
Seth Godin em "Projects vs tasks":
Resultados em vez de ...
No one wants “research”, or even “insight” They want...— Alan Klement (@alanklement) October 9, 2019
Increase adoption
Decrease churn
Justify decisions
Better collaboration
“Cover my ass”
New product opportunities
Improve sales
Advertising that generates demand
Reduce costs
THATs what your selling
Calçar os sapatos do outro ...
I have this theory...people that design hotel rooms don't travel. People that design kitchens don't cook. People that design classrooms don't teach. People that design living rooms don't spend time in them...and you get the idea.— Rita Gunther McGrath (@rgmcgrath) October 10, 2019
Seth Godin em "Projects vs tasks":
"Your job might be a series of tasks. Tasks are work where money is traded for time and effort. You put in a fixed amount of time, expending effort along the way, and you get paid. In the end, tasks are completed and it’s up to the boss to weave those tasks together into something useful.Como se argumentava numa reunião ontem: o importante é a atitude.
The alternative is projects.
The way a project gets done is up to you. Your goal is to create an extraordinary outcome, not to perform the tasks. The work done is simply a means to an end. If you can figure out how to do less work or different work and still create project magic, that’s exactly what you should do."
quarta-feira, outubro 09, 2019
- Anything goes!
Ontem ao fim do dia, durante uma caminhada, li "Position, Leverage and Opportunity: A Typology of Strategic Logics Linking Resources with Competitive Advantage" de Christopher B. Binghama e Kathleen M. Eisenhar, publicado por Manage. Decis. Econ. 29: 241–256 (2008)
Enquanto lia o artigo só me vinha uma frase à mente:
- Anything goes!
Cada empresa é um caso, cada contexto é único. Perante uma realidade concreta, parte-se sempre, ou quase sempre, daquilo que se tem à mão. Umas vezes faz sentido desenhar uma estratégia a partir de um certo posicionamento, outras vezes fará mais sentido trabalhar alguns factores que se crêem diferenciadores, outras vezes será trabalhar a partir de uma oportunidade. Não existe uma receita única.
E achar que os recursos são fundamentais de per se... é esquecer a realidade aumentada.
Enquanto lia o artigo só me vinha uma frase à mente:
- Anything goes!
Cada empresa é um caso, cada contexto é único. Perante uma realidade concreta, parte-se sempre, ou quase sempre, daquilo que se tem à mão. Umas vezes faz sentido desenhar uma estratégia a partir de um certo posicionamento, outras vezes fará mais sentido trabalhar alguns factores que se crêem diferenciadores, outras vezes será trabalhar a partir de uma oportunidade. Não existe uma receita única.
E achar que os recursos são fundamentais de per se... é esquecer a realidade aumentada.
Quase que dói fisicamente (parte II)
Na sequência da parte I.
"KPIs don’t simply monitor enterprise success; they proactively drive it. This shift creates innovative opportunities for ambitious leadership.Trechos retirados de "Smart Strategies Require Smarter KPIs"
your KPIs are your strategy; your strategy is your KPIs. For top-tier transformers, KPIs explicitly shape the strategic leadership dialogue and debate."
terça-feira, outubro 08, 2019
Quase que dói fisicamente
Quase que dói fisicamente ler este texto, ao pensar que em muitas empresas não se trabalha com indicadores, não se faz "batota" para aprender, não se pensa em explicitar "o que não fazer".
"enterprise strategy is defined by the key performance indicators (KPIs) leaders choose to optimize. These KPIs can be customer centric or cost driven, process specific or investor oriented. These are the measures organizations use to create value, accountability, and competitive advantage. Bluntly: Leadership teams that can’t clearly identify and justify their strategic KPI portfolios have no strategy.Trechos retirados de "Strategy For and With AI"
Whatever the specific strategy, virtually all organizations create corresponding measures to characterize and communicate desirable strategic outcomes. Those metrics — be they KPIs, objectives and key results (OKRs), or a Balanced Scorecard — are how organizations hold humans and algorithms accountable.
“The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.” Once those guardrails are established, identifying and minimizing unwelcome consequences becomes as important as promoting the outcomes you want. The essential takeaway here is that prioritizing KPIs — ranking them according to what matters most and what the organization must learn the best — is essential to enterprise strategy. In an always-on big data world, your system of measurement is your strategy.
Determining the optimal “metrics mix” for key enterprise stakeholders becomes an executive imperative.
This optimization imperative, our research suggests, demands a rigorous rethinking of the metrics chosen to define desirable (and undesirable) strategic outcomes.
To be clear, optimization in this context does not mean maximization. On the contrary, it means computationally learning to advance toward desired strategic outcomes through carefully calculated and calibrated KPI trade-offs. Understanding trade-offs among and between competing — and complementary — KPIs is essential. Simply optimizing individual KPIs by priority or rank ignores their inherent interdependence. For any KPI portfolio, identifying and calculating how best to weight and balance individual KPIs becomes the strategic optimization challenge."
Demografia, moda e o futuro do retalho
Usar o Japão como o canário amarelo que vai à frente, que tem de fazer o papel de pioneiro e experimentar. "Look don't buy: Japan reinvents the department store":
"One of Japan's big department store operators is reinventing its business model by converting prime real estate in its stores into showrooms where customers look but don't buy.
That is only half of the rethink. While Marui Group's shoppers are invited in to have their measurements taken, to test digital equipment or to trade anime collectibles, they are also hit up about applying for credit cards.
[Moi ici: O impacte da demografia] According to a family income and expenditure survey by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, consumer spending on fashion has declined 40% over the past 20 years.
Most of Japan's department stores have come to depend on foreign tourists to make up for sales being lost to internet shopping sites, or for sales that are evaporating altogether as Japan's birthrate declines and its population grays."
segunda-feira, outubro 07, 2019
"making the management of actor engagement a strategic priority"
Os arquitectos de paisagens competitivas, os engenheiros de ecossistemas serão uma função cada vez mais importante.
"Recently the discourse has developed along four trajectories. First, building on the idea of generic actors, research is increasingly focusing on actor engagement rather than customer engagement. Second, ideas related to collective or multi-actor engagement in networks illustrates how actors are connected and how these connections drive engagement behaviours. Third, informed by the realization that value creation happens in a systemic context, literature is making attempts to be liberated from a dyadic view, thus recognizing how institutional contexts influence actor engagement.Trechos retirados de "Actor engagement, value creation and market innovation" de Kaj Storbacka, publicado por Industrial Marketing Management 80 (2019) 4–10.
Building on this we also argue that, to be free from the restriction of dyadic thinking, engagement needs to be de-coupled from the exchange of property rights. The paper then proceeds by explicating the role of actor engagement as a driver of value creation, which suggests an elevation of actor engagement as a managerial priority.
the previously strict roles of producer vs. consumer, or seller vs. buyer are fleeting, as actors can have different roles. An actor-to-actor perspective effectively renders clearly specified and static actor roles useless. All actors have comparable processes of engagement and what is needed is a generic view of actor engagement.
“actors need to be viewed not only as humans, but also as machines/technologies, or collections of humans and machines/technologies, including organizations”
need to also understand collective engagement of multiple (individual) actors. The argument is that focusing only on engagement by individual actors may lead to ignorance about aspects that arise from the inherent social embeddedness of actors, i.e., actor engagement by one actor affects resource integration processes between the focal actor and other actors in the service ecosystem.
However, all actor engagement happens in an institutional context, in which all actions are governed by various competing institutional arrangements. These arrangements are “interrelated sets of institutions that together constitute a relatively coherent assemblage that facilitates coordination of activity”
we posit that the dramatic shifts that we see in the operating environment are elevating the role of actor engagement, making the management of actor engagement a strategic priority.
it is not the attributes of resources that make them valuable, but the linkages between them.
means that firm size is less important and firms' ability to collaborate more important, and that firms require a systemic view to be able to grasp opportunities for actor engagement with the aim to orchestrate resources in the market system for multiactor value creation.
Value creation is related to resource integration, which resonates with Normann (2001), who argues that greater density of resources corresponds to more value. Density expresses the degree to which resources are accessible for integration in a specific actor, time, situation and space combination.
Density relates not only to physical resources but also to the density of various forms of socio- cultural resources such as meanings, designs and/or symbols. Consequently, resource density can be improved both by exchange-based and non-exchange-based resource contributions.
the ‘economics of connections’, i.e., increased returns through amplified density of interactions between business, people and things. As the density of connections grows, it increases the density of available resources and, thus, make increased returns possible.
we suggest that without actor engagement (i.e., resource contributions), no resource integration happens, and no value can be created. From a managerial point of view, this indicates that it is not the connections that increase the returns for a focal actor - it is the ability to mobilize actors in the market system to engage in resource contributions that, combined with other resources, improve resource density and value creation. This creates a clear link between actor engagement and increased returns – firm that have such abilities may enjoy ‘economies of actor engagement’. As we describe later in this paper, this suggests that firms should focus on a new set of capabilities: actor engagement management. To build these capabilities firms can likely build on existing processes and practices developed in connections to the management of customer relationships, supplier relationships and stakeholder relationships.
Recent research in strategic management and entrepreneurship suggests that markets should not be viewed as a given and deterministic context, exogenous to the firm. Firms are increasingly conceptualized as active creators of market opportunities, suggesting that markets are not precursors, but rather outcomes of strategy. Firms that have engagement management capabilities can engage in market-shaping activities to generate market innovations that improve the value creation of the market.
Managerially this means that to identify opportunities for marketshaping, focal market-shaping actors need abilities to comprehend a larger system of actors, to understand how new resource linkages can be created within this system, to recognize the institutional arrangements that govern all actors, and to mobilize actors for exchange-based and non-exchange-based resource contributions – thus making actor engagement central to market-shaping.
research is progressively seeing markets as networks, systems, or ecosystems...
Market systems do not obey simple laws of cause and effect, and they have no center and no central control mechanism. They do, however, evolve from a combination of deliberately designed influence, and random emergence resulting from combinations of various actors' engagement patterns. This indicates a need to understand how market change happens in a balance between deliberate design efforts (and related engagement) by various market actors, and spontaneous emergent developments occurring because of the amalgamation of all actors' engagement.
Understanding markets as systems that do not obey simple laws of cause and effect and that have no center and no central control mechanism, and which consist of generic actors that, governed by institutional arrangements, both contribute resources and create value by integrating their resources with the resources of other market actors, questions many of the traditionally dyadic and linear models of management. Instead of assumptions of control of resources and processes, management increasingly need to ‘let go’ and find new ways to manage the engagement of various intra- and inter-organizational actors."
Um mundo diferente
Um mundo diferente do Normalistão e de Magnitogrado/Levittown.
"According to the sixth annual “Freelancing in America” survey, released on October 3 by the Freelancers Union (which has 450,000 members) and Upwork, a digital platform for freelancers and their employers, for every freelancer who sees their work situation as temporary, there’s another who sees it as a long-term career path.Trechos retirados de "35% of the U.S. workforce is now freelancing—10 million more than 5 years ago"
As more people opt for full-time freelance—28% did this year, as opposed to the 17% who did in 2014—it’s worth looking at their share of the U.S. economy. Freelance income currently makes up almost 5% of the country’s GDP, or close to $1 trillion. That’s a greater share than those of industries like construction and transportation.
In the U.S. this year, 57 million people worked as freelancers, up from around 53 million in 2014, the first year this study was conducted. That’s about 35% of the U.S workforce.
This year, 60% of freelancers started working that way by choice as opposed to by necessity (say, due to an unexpected layoff). The number of people who see freelancing as a long-term career option jumped from 18.5 million to 28.5 million between 2014 and 2019."
domingo, outubro 06, 2019
Ver para lá do que se conhece (parte IV)
Parte I, parte II e parte III.
Por que me interesso por este tema aqui no blogue pelo menos desde 2011?
Em torno de 2011 trabalhei com uma empresa que operava no sector da mobilidade, e não só, para pessoas com deficiência.
Por que nutro a paixão pelos exoesqueletos há tanto tempo? Porque recordo as cenas finais do Alien I ou II em que Ripley combate o xenomorfo vestindo um exoesqueleto usado para operar num armazém. Vi aquela cena e nunca mais a esqueci:
Ontem, durante uma caminhada matinal de 7 km continuei a leitura de “Seeing Around Corners” de Rita McGrath e sublinhei este ponto:
Empresas tão preocupadas em ganharem quota de mercado umas às outras, empresas tão absolutamente concentradas no que fazem que não vêem o contexto a mudar nem vêm o mundo pelos olhos de quem devem servir. A atenção da gestão de topo é gasta em aquisições, é pulverizada a seguir e a marcar a concorrência, qual Dastardly,
em vez de tornar o seu negócio actual obsoleto.
Como não esquecer os 8 anos de inércia...
Por que me interesso por este tema aqui no blogue pelo menos desde 2011?
Em torno de 2011 trabalhei com uma empresa que operava no sector da mobilidade, e não só, para pessoas com deficiência.
Por que nutro a paixão pelos exoesqueletos há tanto tempo? Porque recordo as cenas finais do Alien I ou II em que Ripley combate o xenomorfo vestindo um exoesqueleto usado para operar num armazém. Vi aquela cena e nunca mais a esqueci:
Ontem, durante uma caminhada matinal de 7 km continuei a leitura de “Seeing Around Corners” de Rita McGrath e sublinhei este ponto:
"What Must Be True? Creating a Plan to Learn FastPor causa do tal trabalho desenvolvido em 2011 acompanhei de longe ao longo dos anos as movimentações entre as empresas grandes do sector das cadeiras de rodas... a imagem que me vem à mente agora mesmo é esta:
The techniques described here are not about making predictions and being right. They are about generating possibilities and opening your mind to what might happen, so that as evidence gets stronger, you are ready to take action. For any future state, there are many variables that can lead to one outcome or another. What is valuable in complex systems is to be able to keep multiple possible futures in mind so that if and when they unfold, the landscape is more recognizable.
Intel, for instance, has employed science fiction writers, futurists, and students to produce creative works about aspects of the future, with the purpose not of making predictions, but of opening people’s minds to emerging possibilities. Seeing around corners is about broadening the range of possibilities you consider paying attention to. Your ability to look into the future is only as well developed as the set of possibilities you are prepared to entertain."
Empresas tão preocupadas em ganharem quota de mercado umas às outras, empresas tão absolutamente concentradas no que fazem que não vêem o contexto a mudar nem vêm o mundo pelos olhos de quem devem servir. A atenção da gestão de topo é gasta em aquisições, é pulverizada a seguir e a marcar a concorrência, qual Dastardly,
em vez de tornar o seu negócio actual obsoleto.
Como não esquecer os 8 anos de inércia...
Que outro job to be done?
A propósito desta tendência, "Tradicionais feiras de calçado têm cada vez menos visitantes", talvez esteja relacionada com esta outra "This chart shows why the holidays are becoming less important to retailers":
Talvez as feiras possam ainda fazer sentido no futuro, mas numa outra função, satisfazendo um outro job to be done.
"The firm called out "the ongoing trend of holiday shopping becoming less important to key retailers." It said the holiday season accounted for almost 24% of all retailers' sales in the late 1990s, but is closer to 21% today."Quanto mais Mongo avança, mais fácil e curto é o espaço de tempo do desenho à montra, mais o número efectivo de épocas por ano aumenta, e deixa de fazer sentido esperar tanto por mostrar uma criação aos potenciais interessados. Com a internet qualquer criador pode mostrar o que quiser e quando quiser a quem interessa, se esta estiver interessada. Depois, como também cai o número de peças a produzir por modelo, deixa de fazer sentido reservar tanto tempo para satisfazer eventuais encomendas.
Talvez as feiras possam ainda fazer sentido no futuro, mas numa outra função, satisfazendo um outro job to be done.
sábado, outubro 05, 2019
Ver para lá do que se conhece (parte III) ou manifestações em 3, 2, 1 ...
Em Novembro passado na parte I escrevi:
Ontem à noite para meu espanto... they got there:
Trecho retirado de "Tetraplégico caminha e mexe os braços com exoesqueleto controlado pela mente"
Recordar: Cuidado com a absolutização do que a nossa empresa produz (parte I e parte II) e, sobretudo, "Um exemplo de miopia na vida real".
Se isto fosse em Portugal teríamos o começo de manifestações de fabricantes de cadeiras de rodas em 3, 2, 1 ... a pedir para que estes exoesqueletos sejam proíbidos porque lhes roubam vendas e são postos de trabalho que se perdem.
"A propósito de "Implante no cérebro permitiu usar 'tablets' com o pensamento", se é possível com um tablet é possível com um exoesqueleto. E se é possível com um exoesqueleto... não há limites."Um tema que me atrai desde há largos anos (recordo este postal de 2011, por exemplo). Na parte II dei conta do começo da democratização dos exoesqueletos.
Ontem à noite para meu espanto... they got there:
"Um homem paraplégico conseguiu caminhar e fazer movimentos com os braços usando um exoesqueleto controlado pela própria mente. Um pequeno passo, que abre gigantes perspetivas para o futuro das pessoas presas a uma cama."
Trecho retirado de "Tetraplégico caminha e mexe os braços com exoesqueleto controlado pela mente"
Recordar: Cuidado com a absolutização do que a nossa empresa produz (parte I e parte II) e, sobretudo, "Um exemplo de miopia na vida real".
Se isto fosse em Portugal teríamos o começo de manifestações de fabricantes de cadeiras de rodas em 3, 2, 1 ... a pedir para que estes exoesqueletos sejam proíbidos porque lhes roubam vendas e são postos de trabalho que se perdem.
Cuidado com os subsídios
Por um lado este texto, "Research: When Losing Out on a Big Opportunity Helps Your Career", de onde sublinho:
"We examined more than 1000 early-career scientists in the U.S. who had narrowly won or just missed winning a key grant, and found that, in the longer run, the near-miss researchers ended up producing higher-impact work, on average, than their narrow-win peers."Neste outro texto, super-interessante, "The IT revolution and southern Europe's two lost decades", de onde sublinho:
"Since the middle of the 1990s productivity growth in southern Europe has been much lower than in other developed countries.
Some papers argue that the large capital inflows that southern Europe received during the first decade of the euro have mostly been captured by low-productivity firms, depressing aggregate productivity through a composition effect. Others claim that inefficient management practices have kept southern European firms from taking full advantage of the IT revolution
many salient long-run features of southern European economies can be explained by a single factor: inefficient management.
We have also analysed southern Europe's policy interventions. Subsidising IT adoption actually lowers southern productivity even further. Likewise, subsidising education has negative effects, as it is effectively becomes a transfer to the north through high-skilled migration. These surprising results are due to the fact that, in our model, low IT adoption and low education are a symptom, rather than the cause, of low productivity growth in southern Europe."
sexta-feira, outubro 04, 2019
Esperemos que o próximo governo tenha maioria absoluta
O texto que se segue foi integralmente escrito em 28 de Novembro de 2018. Antes disto, "Para reflexão séria - recordar a fragilização", disto "Another Way EVs Will Cost Us" e disto ""Portugal parece uma ilha de estabilidade, mas há uma sensação incómoda". Bloomberg diz que legislativas são teste à economia". É saudável que quem gera fragilidades com políticas fragilistas, depois fique para limpar a borrada.
"O socialista diz que lhe custa “a crer que no espaço de três a quatro meses a empresa possa passar de uma situação estável para uma rutura quase total”."Ler este trecho em "BE questiona Governo sobre despedimentos na fábrica DURA Automotive da Guarda", depois de no mesmo dia ter lido:
Depois de no último mês ter publicado tweets como:
Tudo se começa a conjugar para um 2020 interessante.
Tudo se começa a conjugar para um 2020 interessante.
“There’s a sense that this economic cycle is long in the tooth,” an economist said after the news of GM’s cutbacks.— Real Time Economics (@WSJecon) November 27, 2018
Esperemos que o próximo governo tenha maioria absoluta, 2020 vai necessitar de austeridade a sério e será importante ter uma maioria a suportar um governo que vai ter de subir impostos, que vai ter de cortar regalias na função pública.
A paisagem pode ser modificada pelas empresas
Demasiadas vezes olhamos para a paisagem competitiva como uma constante do desafio.
Na verdade, a paisagem competitiva não é um dado constante. Ela está sempre a mudar. Ainda ontem a notícia sobre a taxa de 25% que os EUA vão aplicar sobre as importações de queijo e fruta, representa uma alteração da paisagem imposta por agentes muito poderosos.
O que esquecemos muitas vezes é que as próprias empresa podem agir, elas próprias, para alterar a paisagem competitiva onde actuam.
Na verdade, a paisagem competitiva não é um dado constante. Ela está sempre a mudar. Ainda ontem a notícia sobre a taxa de 25% que os EUA vão aplicar sobre as importações de queijo e fruta, representa uma alteração da paisagem imposta por agentes muito poderosos.
O que esquecemos muitas vezes é que as próprias empresa podem agir, elas próprias, para alterar a paisagem competitiva onde actuam.
"For purposes of understanding shaping in strategy, the idea that organisms can alter their selection environments and those of their descendants has obvious appeal.Trechos retirados de "Searching, Shaping, and the Quest for Superior Performance" de Giovanni Gavetti, Constance E. Helfat e Luigi Marengo, publico por Strategy Science, Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2017, Pages ii, 141-209
In biology, organisms shape elements of the selection environment that affect survival. But in strategy, firms generally have a different proximate goal—they seek profits—and they take action directed toward this goal. Thus, for firms, the relevant selection criteria are those that determine profits and payoffs to specific courses of action.We can think of the selection criteria for profit-seeking firms as encoded in the payoff structure that maps particular firm actions or decisions or attributes (e.g., activities, resources, and capabilities) to the payoffs that ensue. In this sense, shaping the selection environment in strategy means shaping the payoff structure for all firms operating in that environment. In NK terms, firms generate or modify the “fitness function,” which lies behind the topology of the fitness landscape that all firms climb in search of profit opportunities. Similarly, in the context of strategic interactions, shaping the business context means that a firm or firms playing a competitive game endogenously generate or modify the payoff structure for all firms in the game, such as by altering the payoffs to particular moves or the types of moves available.
1. Shaping can have major direct effects on the performance of a shaper and its position on the business landscape, i.e., its competitive advantage.
2. As a corollary, shaping can also have direct implications for the competitive advantage of competitors. In addition to improving the focal firm’s position, shaping can directly undermine other firms’ positions on the landscape by affecting the bases of their competitive advantage.
3. Highly malleable business landscapes may hide subtle dangers for shapers because high malleability leads to more frequent shaping. Although firms may be individually rational when shaping the business context in an effort to improve their performance, their independent actions may collectively lead to overshaping and long-run instability in performance for all firms.
4. Overshaping is not independent of the number of firms of the shaping type in the population. Unless shaping involves joint action by a group of firms (a case that the model does not contemplate), ceteris paribus the fewer the number of shapers, the greater the benefits from shaping activity.
5. The sustainability of competitive advantage is likely to be highest in situations of moderate to high complexity (K) combined with a low to moderate number of dimensions available for shaping (E). Under these conditions, any advantage obtained through shaping is less likely to be undermined by shaping on the part of other firms and is more likely to be sustained due to complexity."
biologia e economia,
business landscape,
fitness landscape,
paisagem competitiva enrugada,
rugged landscapes,
quinta-feira, outubro 03, 2019
Os que fogem da Sildávia
Ao ler o capítulo "Customers, Not Hostages" no livro “Seeing Around Corners” de Rita McGrath:
"customers will tolerate negative features as long as they do not feel they have viable alternatives. Once something comes along that allows them to capture the benefits they seek but eliminates the “tolerable” feature, that attribute becomes a “dissatisfier” and eventually an “enrager.”[Moi ici: Comecei a pensar nos jovens que enquanto estudam e estão em casa dos pais vivem por cá, mas quando agarram um canudo, ou querem começar a trabalhar para ganhar dinheiro, percebem que não são prisioneiros deste estado e "Bazam!" para melhores locais]"Pastores que se escondem no meio do rebanho" encaminham-nos para a Sildávia.
When an inflection point opens up the possibility to escape the negative, customers often depart, transferring their resources and relationship to a more accommodating provider. In other words, customers “escape” the incumbent and start doing business with the new provider.
When you identify a barrier to achieving a job to be done, you have identified a vital point at which an inflection might change the arena.
Remember, a useful way to think about potential customers is to consider the jobs they are trying to get done in their own lives and how a shift in constraints can have an effect on how those jobs get done. A powerful source of inspiration with respect to the next inflection point is to consider what gets in the way of customers achieving their goals. This means that paying attention to the situations potential customers are in, what they are trying to achieve, and what outcomes they seek is key."
"Em vez de prometer aos eleitores o que eles querem ouvir, em vez de lhes perguntarem o que é que querem, explicar aos eleitores o que é que eles devem querer." (Recomendo isto a partir do minuto 12.20)
"If you don’t know the difference between the right and wrong customers ..."
"Myth #1 – The customer is always right – Nope. There are plenty of customers that are wrong. Wrong about a conversation, wrong about your product, and just plain wrong for your business. If you don’t know the difference between the right and wrong customers, you are wasting money trying to acquire customers that actually cost more than they are worth. What’s worse, you are likely demoralizing many people in the company. Nip that problem in the bud now!"Do you know the difference between the right and wrong customers?
Trecho retirado de "Debunking Customer Service Myths"
quarta-feira, outubro 02, 2019
Aprender uma nova linguagem
Quando realizo estes webinars uma das perguntas sacramentais que recebo tem a ver com o como convencer a gestão de topo a participar no sistema de gestão da qualidade.
Costumo recordar uma comunicação num congresso da American Society for Quality em que o apresentador apresentava um slide dividido a meio. Na metade esquerda do slide ele listava uma série de acrónimos relacionados com a qualidade. Coisas como SPC, FMEA, QFD, PDCA, ... a metade direita estava em branco.
O apresentador disse qualquer coisa como, esta é a vossa linguagem, esta é a linguagem que vocês entendem. Acham que a vossa gestão de topo conhece esta linguagem?
Depois, o apresentador avançava para um novo slide. Um slide em que a metade direita aparecia preenchida. Preenchida com acrónimos relacionados com a área financeira. Coisas como ROI, EBITDA, NPV, CUT, ...
Entao, o apresentador perguntava: conhecem algum desses acrónimos? Conhecem mais do que aqueles que desconhecem? Esta é a linguagem da gestão de topo, esta é a linguagem que eles entendem.
Se cada um só conhece a sua própria linguagem, como é que se vão entender, como é que vão dialogar? Como é que quem trabalha na área da qualidade pode dialogar com a gestão de topo?
Quem trabalha na área da qualidade tem de perceber que tem de aprender a falar a linguagem da gestão de topo, ponto. Sem o fazer a empresa sairá prejudicada.
Lembrei-me disto tudo por causa deste texto de Seth Godin "If you want to change minds…":
Costumo recordar uma comunicação num congresso da American Society for Quality em que o apresentador apresentava um slide dividido a meio. Na metade esquerda do slide ele listava uma série de acrónimos relacionados com a qualidade. Coisas como SPC, FMEA, QFD, PDCA, ... a metade direita estava em branco.
O apresentador disse qualquer coisa como, esta é a vossa linguagem, esta é a linguagem que vocês entendem. Acham que a vossa gestão de topo conhece esta linguagem?
Depois, o apresentador avançava para um novo slide. Um slide em que a metade direita aparecia preenchida. Preenchida com acrónimos relacionados com a área financeira. Coisas como ROI, EBITDA, NPV, CUT, ...
Entao, o apresentador perguntava: conhecem algum desses acrónimos? Conhecem mais do que aqueles que desconhecem? Esta é a linguagem da gestão de topo, esta é a linguagem que eles entendem.
Se cada um só conhece a sua própria linguagem, como é que se vão entender, como é que vão dialogar? Como é que quem trabalha na área da qualidade pode dialogar com a gestão de topo?
Quem trabalha na área da qualidade tem de perceber que tem de aprender a falar a linguagem da gestão de topo, ponto. Sem o fazer a empresa sairá prejudicada.
Lembrei-me disto tudo por causa deste texto de Seth Godin "If you want to change minds…":
Other people don’t believe what you believe, and they don’t see what you see."
Para reflexão séria - recordar a fragilização
"demand is being sapped by a mix of both cyclical and longer-lasting structural factors such as the demise of diesel and the shift to electrical vehicles. Trump’s trade wars and Brexit aren’t helping.Ainda ontem comentava ao almoço que no último ano a quantidade moldes encomendados a Portugal pela indústria automóvel caiu drasticamente. Ligar os trechos acima com o peso das exportações automóveis na economia portuguesa... recordar a fragilização (Domingo passado, Junho passado e Dezembro passado)
Germany’s industrial sector contributes more than one-fifth of GDP and is usually a huge asset. Right now this export engine is pulling the economy down. Signs of distress are everywhere. German manufacturing activity is at a decade low, according to IHS Markit’s purchasing manager’s index. The Ifo Institute estimates that more than 5% of manufacturing companies have cut working hours and about 12% expect to do so during the next three months. German machinery orders declined 9% in the first six months of the year, according to the VDMA association, which represents the country’s engineers. In chemicals and pharmaceuticals, domestic production fell 6.5% in the first half of the year, while domestic car output has fallen 12% this year. Auto exports have dropped 14%.
The chemicals giant BASF is cutting 6,000 jobs and has warned on profits.
Meanwhile, the German carmakers BMW AG and Daimler AG have issued profit warnings
Their suppliers are the ones really hurting though. At least three — Eisenmann, Weber Automotive and a subsidiary of Avir Guss — have filed for insolvency in recent weeks and investors are betting the pain will spread more widely.
The list of manufacturing heartache goes on. Debt-laden wiring and cable company Leoni AG is among the Germany’s most shorted stocks.
The company that best illustrates this slow-burn crisis is Continental AG. Last week the tire and car parts titan announced a massive restructuring, which it said would affect 20,000 jobs over the next decade, or some 8% of the workforce. [Moi ici: Recordar a Michelin na Alemanha] Explaining its decision, the manufacturer warned of an “emerging crisis in the automotive industry.” Demand is weak and technological requirements are shifting fast. In future it will need more software engineers but fewer people building components for gasoline and diesel engines.
However, unlike in 2009 when a domestic car scrappage scheme boosted demand, Germany can’t easily buy itself out of trouble this time. Tens of thousands of well-paid industrial jobs face obsolescence because of the demise of the combustion engine. Electric vehicle drivetrains have far fewer parts and the process is less labor intensive.
Germany’s economic power was built on the back of its excellent gasoline and diesel cars. Their inevitable demise puts the country’s position as the “engine of Europe” under threat."
Trechos retirados de "An Industrial Crisis Is Brewing in Germany"
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