sábado, outubro 05, 2019

Cuidado com os subsídios

Por um lado este texto, "Research: When Losing Out on a Big Opportunity Helps Your Career", de onde sublinho:
"We examined more than 1000 early-career scientists in the U.S. who had narrowly won or just missed winning a key grant, and found that, in the longer run, the near-miss researchers ended up producing higher-impact work, on average, than their narrow-win peers."
Neste outro texto, super-interessante, "The IT revolution and southern Europe's two lost decades", de onde sublinho:
"Since the middle of the 1990s productivity growth in southern Europe has been much lower than in other developed countries.
Some papers argue that the large capital inflows that southern Europe received during the first decade of the euro have mostly been captured by low-productivity firms, depressing aggregate productivity through a composition effect. Others claim that inefficient management practices have kept southern European firms from taking full advantage of the IT revolution
many salient long-run features of southern European economies can be explained by a single factor: inefficient management.
We have also analysed southern Europe's policy interventions. Subsidising IT adoption actually lowers southern productivity even further. Likewise, subsidising education has negative effects, as it is effectively becomes a transfer to the north through high-skilled migration. These surprising results are due to the fact that, in our model, low IT adoption and low education are a symptom, rather than the cause, of low productivity growth in southern Europe."

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