quinta-feira, outubro 10, 2019

Criação de nichos (parte I)

Para um crente e praticante da concorrência imperfeita que se sente, qual João Baptista, como uma voz que clama no deserto, é um bálsamo encontrar:
"The theory of opportunity creation sets a new framework for the analysis of entrepreneurial strategic action. Opportunities are seen as a product of competitive imperfection in the industry or the market. The origin of this imperfection, in the creation theory, is in the transformation of entrepreneurial beliefs into social constructs that guide actions of entrepreneurs and other constituents in the industry or market.
opportunities may also be created when entrepreneurs set to induce governed changes to their environment. By taking the proactive position in constructing their niches, entrepreneurs or organizations can choose or modify the relevant threats and possibilities.
For a long time, the theory of biological evolution has been dominated by approaches that stressed adaptation and selection as the main drivers of evolutionary processes. These approaches emphasized the unidirectional causal power of the environment—that forces evolving entities to climb fitness landscape peaks as they evolve—and implied that disruptions to the fitness landscape were  exogenous. Yet, in recent years, it has been recognized that evolving entities, too, can play a remarkable role in modifying fitness landscapes, as they change their habitats.
the idea of niche construction may provide useful insights for the dynamics of organizational and entrepreneurial strategies. In particular, it may help to recognize how competitive imperfections can emerge within industries and markets, as a process governed by the focal organization or entrepreneur.
that particular organizational strategies can alter the conditions of an organizational environment. To do so, organizations may develop specific capabilities related to the task of modification and manipulation of their environments. In particular, for political environments, organizations develop dynamic capabilities that allow them to alter between these reactive and proactive strategies depending on the pace and complexity of organizational environments.
These three approaches (coevolutionary, cognitive, and political action theories) are not mutually exclusive."
As organizações não estão condenadas a uma postura passiva, elas podem iniciar a mudança do contexto relevante em que operam. Sim, mesmo uma PME o pode iniciar.

Trechos retirados de "Niche Construction: The Process of Opportunity Creation in the Environment" de Pavel Luksha, Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 2: 269–283 (2008)

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