quinta-feira, outubro 03, 2019

Os que fogem da Sildávia

Ao ler o capítulo "Customers, Not Hostages" no livro “Seeing Around Corners” de Rita McGrath:
"customers will tolerate negative features as long as they do not feel they have viable alternatives. Once something comes along that allows them to capture the benefits they seek but eliminates the “tolerable” feature, that attribute becomes a “dissatisfier” and eventually an “enrager.”[Moi ici: Comecei a pensar nos jovens que enquanto estudam e estão em casa dos pais vivem por cá, mas quando agarram um canudo, ou querem começar a trabalhar para ganhar dinheiro, percebem que não são prisioneiros deste estado e "Bazam!" para melhores locais]
When an inflection point opens up the possibility to escape the negative, customers often depart, transferring their resources and relationship to a more accommodating provider. In other words, customers “escape” the incumbent and start doing business with the new provider.
When you identify a barrier to achieving a job to be done, you have identified a vital point at which an inflection might change the arena.
Remember, a useful way to think about potential customers is to consider the jobs they are trying to get done in their own lives and how a shift in constraints can have an effect on how those jobs get done. A powerful source of inspiration with respect to the next inflection point is to consider what gets in the way of customers achieving their goals. This means that paying attention to the situations potential customers are in, what they are trying to achieve, and what outcomes they seek is key."
"Pastores que se escondem no meio do rebanho" encaminham-nos para a Sildávia.

"Em vez de prometer aos eleitores o que eles querem ouvir, em vez de lhes perguntarem o que é que querem, explicar aos eleitores o que é que eles devem querer." (Recomendo isto a partir do minuto 12.20)

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