terça-feira, junho 27, 2017

Fiquei com curiosidade ...

Ao ler "Inovafil apresenta Nidyarn" fiquei a pensar sobretudo nas implicações deste trecho:
"«A estratégia é não sermos só moda, é passarmos também a ser desporto e técnicos»"
Despedi-me do meu primeiro emprego, trabalho que adorava pois tinha a melhor tarefa do mundo, engenheiro de produto, porque estava mergulhado no mundo técnico (fornecer a VW, super racional) e fui transferido do dia para a noite para o mundo da moda (o mundo do toque, do brilho, da subjectividade).

Fiquei com curiosidade em saber o que é que a Inovafil vai fazer a nível a nível do lado direito do canvas de Osterwalder:
A proposta de valor vai ser diferente porque o job to be done vai ser diferente. Os clientes-alvo procuram e valorizam coisas diferentes, têm mindsets diferentes, estão em ecossistemas diferentes, têm ritmos diferentes, vão a feiras diferentes, estão susceptíveis a coisas diferentes, visitam prateleiras diferentes.

Que alterações vão fazer a nível comercial?

Vão ter pessoas diferentes a fazer o desenvolvimento para cada área do negócio ou vão ter uma só?

"People want a story behind what they buy"

A propósito de "Yoplait Learns to Manufacture Authenticity to Go With Its Yogurt" saliento:
"“For consumers today, food isn’t just about sustenance, it’s about an experience,” said Darren Seifer, a food analyst at the NPD Group, a market research company. “People want a story behind what they buy. That’s why craft beers and small organics are doing so well. They’re selling authenticity. The big companies want that.”
But the most powerful story, according to current and former Yoplait executives who described their research, was that consumers simply thought Chobani was cool. It was easier to believe it was authentic and healthy because it had an exotic name, a founder who embodied rags-to-riches success and lots of buzz.
Executives needed to study the science of manufacturing genuineness.
So they began passing among themselves studies showing that people get a neurological rush when they buy something they believe is authentic, like clothing made by hand instead of a machine. But to make authenticity seem genuine, the research indicated, products needed some kind of story."

A mecânica newtoniana não serve para a economia (parte II)

Para reflexão, recomendo a leitura de "The Seattle Minimum Wage Study":
"This paper not only makes numerous valuable contributions to the economics literature, but should give serious pause to minimum wage advocates. Of course, that’s not what’s happening, to the extent that the mayor of Seattle commissioned *another* study, by an advocacy group at Berkeley whose previous work on the minimum wage is so consistently one-sided that you can set your watch by it, that unsurprisingly finds no effect. They deliberately timed its release for several days before this paper came out, and I find that whole affair abhorrent. Seattle politicians are so unwilling to accept reality that they’ll undermine their own researchers and waste taxpayer dollars on what is barely a cut above propaganda.
I don’t envy the backlash this team is going to face for daring to present results that will be seen as heresy. I know that so many people just desperately want to believe that the minimum wage is a free lunch. It’s not. These job losses will only get worse as the minimum wage climbs higher, and this team is working on linking to demographic data to examine who the losers from this policy are. I fully expect that these losses are borne most heavily by low-income and minority households."
Recordo este postal "Para reflexão" sobre como actuam as empresas que defendem o aumento do salário mínimo.

Pessoalmente sou contra a existência de salário mínimo porque a economia é muito heterogénea. Um salário mínimo de 600€ é aceitável em Lisboa e se calhar mortífero em Pinhel.

Ainda acerca destes estudos quero deixar um reparo: "A mecânica newtoniana não serve para a economia"
A economia é situacional. Aquilo que funciona hoje, aquilo que se conclui hoje, deixa de funcionar amanhã, deixa de se concluir amanhã. Tudo depende do momento.

Comparar este momento actual "Juntar as peças" com este outro momento de 2009 "Acham isto normal? Ou a inconsistência estratégica! Ou jogar bilhador como um amador!"

BTW, já depois de escrito este texto encontrei isto "A Higher Minimum Wage Is Not Doing The Bad Things Critics Said It Would Do"

segunda-feira, junho 26, 2017

Curiosidade do dia


Originação de valor vs valor acrescentado

"What Is Value Creation and How Is It Different?Take a look at this table to better understand the differences between value, added value and created value. Give yourself and your company a quick evaluation – what value are you delivering and which type of value could you increase?"

Trecho e imagem retirada de "What Is Value Creation? Is It Just another Name for Added Value?"

Para reflexão

Imagem retirada de "White Space Revisited: Creating Value through Process"


Encontrei este esquema nos slides de uma multinacional. O clássico PDCA.

Olhei para aquela caixa "Improvements" no lugar do "Act" e pensei logo o quanto prefiro antes o CAPD:
Check - Avaliar o desempenho
Act - Decidir o que melhorar
Plan - Planear o que experimentar
Do - Realizar a experiência

Mas melhor ainda a proposta de Shoji Shiba, relacionar o SDCA com o PDCA:

Standard - Ter um padrão de operação
Do - Actuar de acordo com o standard
Check - Avaliar o desempenho
Act - Decidir o que melhorar
Plan - Planear o que experimentar
Do - Realizar a experiência
Check - Avaliar o desempenho
Act - Actualizar o standard

Faz muito mais sentido.

Juntar as peças

Há umas pessoas que defendiam défices mais elevados ao mesmo tempo que defendiam níveis de dívida mais baixos sem perceberem a contradição. Lembro-me do grande Ortega y Gasset falar dos que lançam ideias sem a capacidade de idear, quando deparo com textos escritos por quem não tem capacidade de reflectir nas incoerências que transmite.

Ontem passei-me quando confrontei o título deste artigo, "Falta mão de obra ao líder das exportações nacionais", com uma boa parte do seu conteúdo:
"o setor metalúrgico assume-se como o grande setor da economia portuguesa. Entre os maiores problemas está a falta de mão-de-obra qualificada.
Por falar em estabilidade, o que pensa o presidente dos metalúrgicos sobre a subida do salário mínimo?
Terá reflexos na indústria? Aníbal Campos sublinha que “as pequenas e médias empresas são afetadas pela subida do salário mínimo, mas há também empresas estrangeiras que estão em Portugal e que vão ser afetadas”. Sobretudo se a comparação for feita “com o que se passa na antiga cortina de ferro que tem salários muito mais baixos”. Ainda assim o presidente da principal associação do setor refere que está “à vontade” porque para além da sua empresa Silampos “não praticar salários mínimos”, também na AIMMAP, desde que está à frente da associação, “o salário do setor sempre foi superior ao mínimo nacional”. Uma regalia que, adianta, é dada “em troca de outras condições, como são a flexibilidade e o banco de horas”.
Andamos sempre à frente do salário mínimo, mas esta subida é considerável não podemos ir à frente”. E deixa o alerta: “Se não houver bom senso isto vai ter consequências para a economia”."
E segue-se um trecho extenso sobre a falta de mão-de-obra no sector:
"“O setor não tem número de formandos necessários e isto é uma tragédia e com a taxa de desemprego a baixar, este é um problema que se vai agudizar”, sublinha." 
E a jornalista não juntou as peças?

Como é que é a curva da oferta e da procura?

Se o sector está a bombar, se a procura por mão-de-obra está a crescer e se a oferta de mão-de-obra é insuficiente... o que manda é o mercado, de nada adianta estar preocupado com o salário mínimo.

domingo, junho 25, 2017

Ecossistemas em economia

Há mais de 10 anos, em "Subir na escala de valor" usei aqui no blogue pela primeira vez a palavra ecossistema aplicada a uma empresa e às partes interessadas com que interage.
Desde então já a usei o marcador "ecossistema" quase 200 vezes.

Ultimamente comecei a encontrar textos interessantes sobre a vantagem de pensar na maximização do valor criado a nível de ecossistema:

Esta semana, parece que a palavra ecossistema está a pegar:

Como criar valor?

Há pouco tempo eliminei do meu arquivo um artigo sobre o que se pode fazer com o Big Data relativamente à publicidade. Essa era a minha grande crítica ao artigo, quando se escreve sobre Big Data, escreve-se quase sempre como refere este título "Use Big Data to Create Value for Customers, Not Just Target Them".

Há tempos numa empresa dei comigo a ouvir alguém a sugerir como usar o Big Data para criar valor para um cliente, para o ajudar a ganhar dinheiro, para o ajudar na sua relação com os seus clientes:
"in the rush to uncover and target the next transaction, many industries are quickly coming up against a disquieting reality: Winning the next transaction eventually yields only short term tactical advantage, and it overlooks one big and inevitable outcome. When every competitor becomes equally good at predicting each customer’s next purchase, marketers will inevitably compete away their profits from that marginal transaction. This unwinnable short-term arms race ultimately leads to an equalization of competitors in the medium to long term. There is no sustainable competitive advantage in chasing the next buy.
To build lasting advantage, marketing programs that leverage big data need to turn to more strategic questions about longer term customer stickiness, loyalty, and relationships. The questions that need to be asked of big data are not just what will trigger the next purchase, but what will get this customer to remain loyal; not just what price the customer is willing pay for the next transaction, but what will be the customer’s life-time value; and not just what will get customers to switch in from a competitor, but what will prevent them from switching out when a competitor offers a better price.
The answers to these more strategic questions reside in using big data differently. Rather than only asking how we can use data to better target customers, we need to ask how big data creates value for customers. That is, we need to shift from asking what big data can do for us, to what it can do for customers.
Every company should ask three questions to examine how its big data can create customer value:
What types of information will help my customers reduce their costs or risks?
What type of information is currently widely dispersed, but would yield new insight if aggregated?
Is there diversity and variance among my customers such that they will benefit from aggregating others’ data with theirs?"
Um desafio que muitas mais empresas deviam assumir de forma deliberada: como criar valor?

JTBD vs cliente vs produto

Algo que julgo que já aqui se abordou no blogue numa perspectiva próxima: Em vez de identificar os clientes-alvo, identificar o job to be done.
"What’s wrong with product managers? The word “product” gives away the problem. The product manager role is anchored in the product–which in our opinion contributes to a myopic view of the market. Since a primary function of the company is innovation, this key role should have a broader orientation than just the company’s products (see our prior article on this). This role should take on a market perspective that fosters new thinking, discovery and development that extends well beyond today’s products. To revolutionize this important role, we believe it should be anchored on the customer’s “job-to-be-done”, not the product.
A company that is focused on the customer’s job-to-be-done instead of the company’s products is much more likely to take a broader view of the market. This would include an expanded view of the competition and potential opportunities for growth.
A traditional product manager has a solid understanding of the products they create and sell. Job Managers, on the other hand, have an intimate knowledge of their customer’s job-to-be-done and the metrics that customers use to measure success when getting the job done."

Trechos retirados de "Product Managers Are Obsolete; Focus on the Job-to-be-Done"

Objectivos e a lavagem das mãos

Gosto destas relações, "Reset your brain by washing your hands":
"Researchers at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management conducted four experiments that showed that when participants cleansed their hands with a wipe, they viewed the previous goals they made as less important. However, they tended to view the goals they made AFTER cleansing as more important.
That’s because cleansing actually helps people psychologically separate themselves from previous ideas and goals, Dong explained."

sábado, junho 24, 2017

Curiosidade do dia

"Nações menos infantis não descansariam até varrer os demagogos que celebram glórias imaginárias e fintam as desgraças autênticas. Portugal, não. Portugal respeita os mortos, leia-se espera que os vivos não perturbem a “estabilidade”. Portugal observa prioridades, leia-se deixa arrefecer o assunto. Portugal não cede à baixa política, leia-se permite a impunidade geral. Portugal está unido, leia-se criou-se um ambiente hostil a questões desagradáveis. Portugal, repete-se, é uma nação muito forte, leia-se um recreio de oportunistas, desnorteados ao primeiro assomo da realidade."

Trecho retirado de "Morrer entre brutos é triste"

Para reflexão

Um texto dedicado a muita gente, "Austerity is dead. Long live austerity":
"Britain can choose to raise spending, but that will mean higher taxes.
The British public is tired of austerity. So even supporters of the government have concluded from the unexpected success of Jeremy Corbyn’s new old Labour, which promised much higher spending and fiscal deficits than the Conservatives in last week’s general election But is it safe to give the public what it wants? Brexit is likely to bring economic disappointment. To add fiscal destabilisation to the mix would seem highly unwise.
The UK will remain an open trading economy dependent on the confidence of strangers, as investors and workers. It would be idiotic to jeopardise its reputation for sound management further in return for a brief high of larger fiscal deficits and debt. Yet this does not rule out different choices over revenue and spending. That is perfectly legitimate.
It makes sense to run a still smaller deficit when debt is high and the economy is close to full employment. The aim would be to insure against any shocks that lie ahead, by reducing the debt ratio.
Furthermore, note that taxes will probably have to rise to mitigate the effects on public services of an ageing population.
What is needed is honesty: the country can choose to raise spending. But, if it wants to run a sound fiscal policy, this will mean substantially higher taxes. Labour has broken the taboo on the latter. But it has dishonestly suggested that a substantial increase in spending can be financed solely at the expense of the rich and corrupt. Yet even taxes on corporations do not fall solely, or even mainly, on the rich.
So should austerity be over? If we mean that it is safe to leave the fiscal deficit where it is, the answer is no. If we mean that it is possible to avoid lowering the share of public spending in GDP any further, the answer is yes. The argument that the UK has chronically underfunded public services is respectable. But higher spending means higher taxes. That additional taxation also needs to be well targeted and designed. The extra money raised needs to be well spent, too. Otherwise, the effort would be a huge waste. That would be quite senseless."
 Recordar "Agora é que vão começar as decisões políticas"

Quando poupar é pecado

Ler "The Fallacy of Cost Savings":
"The direct way to reduce costs is not very often the best choice when what you cut costs of things that are strategic, and where reducing costs actually takes money out of the outcomes you are trying to improve.
By spending more on one line, you can drive down costs on other lines. For this to be true, you must be able to justify the delta between your price and the price your prospective client is paying now—and you have to convince them that price and cost are different, and that lowering the price often has the opposite effect of what they’re trying to accomplish."
Muitas PME mudaram, deixaram de seguir a via do preço mais baixo mas nem todas prepararam os seus comerciais para a necessidade de vender de outra forma.

Do lado dos compradores (no B2B) é aquilo que há anos classifico como: o pecado de poupar:
"don’t go after potential cost savings that might reduce a product’s attractiveness (Moi ici: Pois, a minha guerra contra o eficientismo puro e duro... quando identificamos as actividades críticas de uma empresa em que o negócio não é o preço mais baixo e digo "Poupar nestas actividades é pecado!") "(Novembro de 2012)

Sem rede

A vida real é assim: sem rede.

Só nos media portugueses ainda se toleram os académicos e outros cheios de certezas e de fórmulas infalíveis
"How do you know you’re on the right strategic path? And are you making changes as you go?
Oh, goodness, have I made changes! It’s important to have deeply held beliefs about the vision. But then you have to look at the results.
What’s positive is that the plan is proceeding as we believe it should, with the growth of large new businesses that are adjacent to our core franchises. IBM will grow again. But we need to grow in the right ways. We’re moving into areas that have value and shedding ones that don’t. We could have higher growth rates, but we made a bold decision to divest commoditizing businesses before they commoditize further. The new areas are higher margin, but we have to invest in them and then scale them up.
It doesn’t matter if you’re an insider so long as you don’t try to protect the past. Then you have the freedom to reinvent yourself for the long term.
What’s the hardest thing about trying to take this transformation through to the other side?
You have to have passion. And you have to have clarity. But I think the most difficult thing is perseverance. This is a large, highly profitable company that continues to do mission-critical work serving clients around the world—and at the same time reinventing itself. As the familiar metaphor has it, that’s like changing the wheels while you’re driving. And we’re doing it all in the public eye. Above all, we need to stay focused on our clients and keep moving forward. I think the team has done a super job at this."
Trechos retirados de  "don’t try to protect the past"

Para lá da eficiência (parte II)

Parte I.
"“At one point, one of my sons was deeply into scheduling and efficiency. One day he had a very tight schedule, which included down-to-the-minute time allocations for every activity, including picking up some books, washing his car, and "dropping" Carol, his girlfriend, among other things.
Everything went according to schedule until it came to Carol. They had been dating for a long period of time, and he had finally come to the conclusion that a continued relationship would not work out. So, congruent with his efficiency model, he had scheduled a ten- to fifteen-minute telephone call to tell her.
But the news was very traumatic to her. One-and-a-half hours later, he was still deeply involved in a very intense conversation with her. Even then, the one visit was not enough. The situation was a very frustrating experience for them both.
Again, you simply can't think efficiency with people. You think effectiveness with people and efficiency with things. I've tried to be "efficient" with a disagreeing or disagreeable person ”
“and it simply doesn't work. I've tried to give ten minutes of "quality time" to a child or an employee to solve a problem, only to discover such "efficiency" creates new problems and seldom resolves the deepest concern."

Excerto de: Stephen R2. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Powerful Lessons in Personal Change.” iBooks.

sexta-feira, junho 23, 2017

Curiosidade do dia

"Nos critérios de classificação, a pontuação será atribuída e majorada em função de os investimentos se realizarem em espaços “maioritariamente inseridos em zonas de intervenção florestal”, terem um “certificado de gestão florestal”, usarem “plantas melhoradas de Eucalyptus globulus”, de não estarem em zonas de Rede Natura 2000, se inserirem em “zonas críticas” ou nos tais “concelhos de primeira prioridade” – precisamente as zonas do país com maior susceptibilidade à ocorrência de incêndios florestais.
“São elegíveis as áreas ocupadas pela espécie Eucalyptus globulus em que esta representa no mínimo 75% dos exemplares arbóreos existentes e encontra-se em subprodução”, lê-se ainda no documento."

E vêm os técnicos para a TV falarem de evitar a monocultura e zonas barreira e ...

"Governo está a financiar renovação do eucaliptal em zonas como a de Pedrógão"

Para reflexão

Ontem o Filipe Garcia publicou um gráfico que contribui e muito para a compreensão das alterações em curso na Europa e que tenho acompanhado em:

Agora comparem os salários portugueses com os daquela facha dos Cárpatos até ao Báltico:

Calçado: estratégias competitivas

Tabela interessante retirada de "A inovação e competitividade na cadeia de valor da moda: parte II" que mostra como diferentes empresas do sector do calçado recorrendo a diferentes estratégias e vantagens competitivas têm resultados diferentes (facturação por trabalhador).