"In value-based selling, the focus is on active identification of customer problems and the creation of mutually valuable solutions to those problems. Hence, value oriented salespeople strive to actively indentify and craft offerings that have substantial potential to impact customer profits. The interviews indicate that quantification efforts are a major aspect of crafting the value proposition. Salespeople can base their customer value quantification efforts on different methods such as customer specific value calculations, value studies, simulations, return-on-investment studies, lifecycle calculations, and knowledge about the value created for reference customers. Quantification efforts aim to build evidence for the offering’s monetary implications in the customer application for value-in-use.Recentemente num projecto, ao listarmos o que é que os actores de um ecossistema da procura procuravam e valorizavam, um dos tópicos foi "durabilidade".
An effective value proposition cannot be crafted by the seller alone but requires at least some mutuality and participation from the customer based on dialogue, customer specific data, and other customer inputs. Overall, this reflects service thinking where crafting value propositions is based on the idea of “co-creation” of value rather than predefined “delivery” of value.
Even if salespeople cannot precisely quantify the value of their offerings, our interviews underline the importance of making the size of the value opportunity visible to the customer.
In sum, we define crafting the value proposition as the degree to which a salesperson builds up quantified evidence about the size of the market offering’s value opportunity in terms of its impact on the customer’s business."
"O nosso produto tem uma durabilidade superior à da concorrência."Disse-lhes que o meu filho mais novo aos oito anos já dizia: publicidade!
Vou falar-lhes de "builds up quantified evidence about the size of the market offering’s value opportunity in terms of its impact on the customer’s business". Que estudos suportam a afirmação acerca da durabilidade superior? Que argumentos suportados tecnicamente? Que números suportados em experiências?
Trechos retirados de "It's almost like taking the sales out of selling— Conceptualizing value-based selling in business markets", publicado por Industrial Marketing Management · January 2012