terça-feira, julho 03, 2012

E a sua?

"Some [executivos, gestores, gerentes, ...] find it extremely difficult to identify why their companies exist. Accustomed to describing their businesses by the industries they’re in or the products they make, they can’t articulate the specific needs their businesses fill, or the unique points that distinguish them from competitors on anything beyond a superficial level. Nor have they spent much time thinking concretely about where they want their companies to be in ten years and the forces, internal and external, that will get them there.
If leaders aren’t clear about this, imagine the confusion in their businesses three or four levels lower. Yet, people throughout a business - in marketing, production, service, as well as near the top of the organization - must make decisions every day that could and should be based on some shared sense of what the company is trying to be and do. If they disagree about that, or simply don’t understand it, how can they make consistent decisions that move the company forward? Similarly, how can leaders expect customers, providers of capital, or other stakeholders to understand what is really important about their companies if they themselves can’t identify it? This is truly basic - there is no way a business can thrive until these questions are answered."
E na sua empresa?
Qual a sua razão de ser? Por que existe?
Não, a sua empresa não produz produtos nem presta serviços, isso são instrumentos. Que experiências produz na vida dos seus clientes?
A minha, ajuda PMEs a fazerem batota, a aproveitarem e abusarem da concorrência imperfeita. E a sua?
Não está na altura de reflectir sobre esse porquê?

Trecho retirado de "The Strategist - Be the Leader Your Business Needs" de  Cynthia A. Montgomery.

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