Comecei a ler "Profitable Innovation" um e-book de Georg Tacke, David Vidal e Jan Haemer.
Recordam as manifestações dos produtores de leite ou dos suinicultores?
Recordam o que escrevemos aqui no blogue há muitos anos sobre subir preços, aplicar pensamento estratégico e diferenciação?
"Our Global Pricing Study, which included detailed responses from 1,600 respondents in 40 countries and across all major industries, revealed four key insights:
1. Market conditions are oppressive and are forcing companies to seek new profit opportunities [Moi ici: Quantos sectores por esse mundo fora esperam que o papá-Estado lhes resolva o problema de falta de competitividade?]
2. Innovation is the only way to escape these pressures [Moi ici: É a lição que podemos aprender com o sector das PME transaccionáveis]
3. Most new products fail to meet profit targets, putting companies’ profits and survival at risk
4. The “best” companies launch profitable innovations and thrive despite these oppressive market conditions, because they integrate marketing into the innovation process right from the beginning."
Se as empresas não inovam e não trabalham a sua relação com o ecossistema da procura como podem aspirar a ter "
pricing power"?
"“If you’ve got the power to raise prices without losing business to a competitor, you’ve got a very good business. And if you have to have a prayer session before raising the price by 10 percent, then you’ve got a terrible business.”"
E voltando ao e-book:
"How are companies performing against Mr. Buffett’s criterion today? Apparently they are praying more than they would like to. The Global Pricing Study 2014 revealed that pricing power has plunged since 2012 to its lowest level in the last 5 years. This is not for a lack of desire. It turns out that companies want to raise prices, but the majority struggle. On average, companies in the study achieved just 37% of the price increase they aimed for, ... Put another way, for every 5% of price increase companies try to implement, they are netting only 1.9%. This is likewise the lowest level we have ever measured in our studies."
Recordando "
Qual o cenário da sua empresa?" é interessante como os políticos da oposição e da situação, como o mainstream mediático, como os comentadores da tríade, a começar pelos académicos, todos se concentram no desafio do controlo dos custos... quantos alguma vez se pronunciaram sobre o aumento do pricing power?
Pois, sou só um vulgar anónimo da província mas tenho as mãos na massa e conheço o
Evangelho do Valor.