terça-feira, maio 31, 2016

Caem na esparrela e não percebem

Se aparecesse uma afirmação de Belmiro de Azevedo ou de Américo Amorim a defender que a produtividade podia aumentar 300 milhões se os trabalhadores se empenhassem mais o que escreveriam os comentadores do DN?
Até "espumavam"!
No entanto, a coisa é dita por um estudo (aura de ciência, logo recuamos a pré-Heisenberg e associamos ciência a Lei, a Certeza!
"se todos os profissionais portugueses fossem felizes a produtividade seria superior em 300 milhões de euros." 
Pois eu digo: TRETA!
Volto ao Evangelho do Valor e à equação:

O artigo "Produtividade sobe 300 milhões com mais felicidade" está ao nível do modelo mental da Sonae, o modelo mental do século XX. Como se aumenta a produtividade? Reduzindo o denominador! Ou com trabalhadores mais felizes ou mais controlados, ou mais rápidos, ou menos malandros!
Eu digo: TRETA!
O aumento da produtividade que este país precisa não é conseguido olhando para o denominador, (isso é "peaners")é conseguido abraçando o desafio de aumentar o valor, concentrando a atenção no numerador.

segunda-feira, maio 30, 2016

Curiosidade do dia

O mundo muda os fragilistas têm horror à mudança, à adaptação. Em vez de abraçar a mudança e aproveitá-la como uma oportunidade, resistem-lhe e tratam-na vomo uma ameaça.

Pricing power (parte II)

Parte I.
"The respondents in the Global Pricing Study 2014 made it acutely obvious that selling conditions for just about any product have gotten worse over the last two years. Downward pressure on prices is at very high levels. When asked whether they have experienced increasing price pressures in the last two years, 83% of the respondents said “yes”.
Where do these pressures come from? Based on our study and our own day-to-day work with clients, we would say the source is aboute venly split between the customers and the competitors. In the B2B world, procurement continues to become more professionalized, meaning more and more companies bring to bear skill and expertise in an effort to drive down prices or achieve the most favorable price-value relationship. In both the B2B and B2C worlds, the enormous transparency created by the internet lets people compare prices almost instantly with ease."
Quando li estes trechos, baixei o tablet, continuei a caminhar e a pensar na reacção típica em Portugal perante este cenário: pedir ajuda ao papá-Estado; fazer manifestações, cortar estradas, provocar tumultos, apelar à compaixão pelos coitadinhos.

Qual a alternativa?
"This begs one urgent question: what is the way out? Prayer is definitely not the answer. Innovation is the right answer, and the respondents in our study know it."
A inovação é a alternativa!
Fugir da commoditização, fugir do granel, arranjar uma identidade.
"companies have recognized that launching new products is by far their best option to escape these pressures and re-establish their pricing power.
When asked how they planned to fight or survive amid those pressures, a large majority of respondents (77%) said they planned to introduce new, innovative, or differentiated products. These are their means to change the basis of competition."
Recordar o exemplo da empresa que não conseguia vender sapatos a 20€ mas que os vende agora a 230€.

Um conselho que ignoramos muitas vezes

Um conselho que ignoramos muitas vezes "A Self-Improvement Secret: Work on Strengths":
"But why give so much attention to improving our weaknesses? Why not build on our strengths?
New research by psychologists Andreas Steimer and André Mata sheds light on these questions. The team found that people believe that they can change their weaknesses more than their strengths.
Neglecting strengths might also have negative consequences. People may believe that their weaknesses will be lost over time, but that their strengths are there to stay. Because of this, we might not be very motivated to work on our strengths.
If we choose to think about our ability to develop our strengths, we might seek out different opportunities for self-growth that capitalize on our strengths. One way to improve yourself is to sharpen a skill you already have."

Acerca do Valor

Ao ler "The strategy map: guide to aligning intangible assets" de Kaplan e Norton e publicado na Strategy & Leadership, 2004, Vol. 32 Iss: 5 pp. 10 - 17.
Fiquei a matutar nestes trechos:
"Creating value from intangible assets follows four principles
(1) Value creation is indirect - improvements in intangible assets affect financial outcomes through chains of cause-and-effect relationships.
(2) Value is contextual - the value of an intangible asset depends on its alignment with the strategy. For example, training employees in TQM and six sigma techniques has greater value for organizations following a low total cost strategy than for one following a product leadership and innovation strategy.
(3) Value is potential - intangible assets, like employees trained in statistical quality control and root cause analysis, have potential value but not market value. Internal processes such as design, production, delivery, and customer service are required to transform the potential value of intangible assets into tangible value. If the internal processes are not directed at the customer value proposition or financial improvements, then the potential value of employee capabilities, and intangible assets in general, will not be realized.
(4) Assets are bundled - the value from intangible assets arises when they are combined effectively with other assets, both tangible and intangible. ... Maximum value is created when all the organization's intangible assets are aligned with each other, with the organization's tangible assets, and with the strategy." 
Há aqui material que a service dominant logic agarraria anos depois. Por exemplo, recordar daqui:
"to adopt the view of not what resources are, but rather what they become. [Moi ici: O mesmo que escrever "Value is potential"] This is the essential nature of resources, and so we define them as anything, tangible or intangible, internal or external, operand or operant, that the actor can draw on for increased viability."
Relacionar "Value is contextual" com:

  • "Transactions are replaced by interactions because contextual value creation cannot take place without interaction;" (aqui
  • "Value is highly contextual." (aqui)
Interessante como Kaplan e Norton andavam à frente de muita gente que já então escrevia sobre valor.

domingo, maio 29, 2016

Curiosidade do dia

Durante esta manhã fiz uma caminhada e deparei com este cenário:
Como passo por este sítio regularmente posso assegurar que a descarga ocorreu esta semana.
Entretanto, outras coisas de que culparemos facilmente Passos como uma espécie de bode expiatório do regime e da sua incapacidade para se adaptar à nova realidade demográfica:
(Recomendo a leitura do artigo embora estranhe a não referência à destruição dos rendimentos da poupança)
Já agora "Age survey underlines pressures on Japan" e "Segurança Social está muito perto de pagar três milhões de pensões"

Mais um exemplo da economia das experiências

Mais um exemplo da economia das experiências:
"She was also an actor playing a part, one of several whose paths we’d cross over the course of a two-day immersive theater experience in the Bay Area called The Headlands Gamble. As “detectives” employed by an agency referred to only as The Firm, my boyfriend and I had signed on to help “investigate” a crime, but at the start of the weekend we really had no idea where we would be going or what we would be doing—only that it would involve a caper that would take us around Marin County, San Francisco’s quirky neighbor to the north.
With a $2,450 price tag, this would not be an ordinary weekend away—an entire production, including actors and support staff, would create a fantasy world around us in the real world (think David Fincher’s The Game, with less danger and more wine). As the marquee debut from First Person Travel, a startup-style agency founded by creators Satya Bhabha and Gabe Smedresman, the experience blends game design with a longform interactive storyline.
 "Our greatest resource is the environment we're in. We get incredibly high production values for free, just by virtue of being there."
“Living a movie that heightens the world around you with the narrative, and where you have an impact on how things play out.”"
Não custa nada imaginar algo do mesmo género no vale do Douro, no montado alentejano, na baixa do Porto ou na Viarco em São João da Madeira.

Trechos retirados de "Become the Star of Your Own Live-Action Thriller for a Weekend"

Um ponto de vista interessante

Um ponto de vista interessante:
"Although M&As are a tempting strategy for fast growth—and psychologically gratifying for CEOs—most of them are extremely expensive mistakes.
Companies tend to look at acquisitions as a way of obtaining value for themselves—access to a new market or capability, for example.
Look for ways to give value to the acquired company rather than take it - by being a smarter provider of capital, offering better managerial oversight, transferring a skill, or sharing a resource. These approaches have been behind the handful of deals that have succeeded."
Trechos retirados de "M&A: The One Thing You Need to Get Right"

Isto é um bailado

Há dias em "Reflexões" a propósito das preocupações de Luís Onofre com o futuro do mercado do calçado de luxo, sugeri:
"Talvez seja de equacionar os ritmos de criação e de produção, talvez faça sentido acelerar a criação/produção e ter mais épocas."
Agora descubro "Satisfying the Fetish for Italian Shoes":
"But the major players operate the way they have for decades, ... “They haven’t leveraged technology or analytics, and they haven’t leveraged a modern supply chain.”
spent a year developing relationships with small, family-run Italian cobblers—many of whom had been abandoned by long-established luxe brands in favor of cheaper, Asian manufacturers. Styles are introduced each week and retired after three months. In contrast, heritage brands such as Prada, Jimmy Choo, and Manolo Blahnik release four to five collections a year.
the company’s staff can go from sketch to sale in 60 to 90 days. M.Gemi can quickly recalibrate production to match customer demand. Within three hours of going live with its line of summer espadrilles in April, it knew the slip-on style was a hit but the lace-up version was a dud. So it revved up production of one and dialed back the other."
A evolução é um bailado, é uma co-evolução, se o contexto muda, se o ecossistema muda, a empresa tem de mudar e criar as condições para a próxima mudança do contexto.

"Younger consumers are increasingly turning to the web to discover brands that deliver high-end quality at more affordable prices. A 2015 report from McKinsey projects e-commerce will account for 18 percent to 25 percent of luxury sales by 2025, up from 6 percent now."

Pricing power (parte I)

Comecei a ler "Profitable Innovation" um e-book de Georg Tacke, David Vidal e Jan Haemer.
Recordam as manifestações dos produtores de leite ou dos suinicultores?
Recordam o que escrevemos aqui no blogue há muitos anos sobre subir preços, aplicar pensamento estratégico e diferenciação?
"Our Global Pricing Study, which included detailed responses from 1,600 respondents in 40 countries and across all major industries, revealed four key insights:
1. Market conditions are oppressive and are forcing companies to seek new profit opportunities [Moi ici: Quantos sectores por esse mundo fora esperam que o papá-Estado lhes resolva o problema de falta de competitividade?]
2. Innovation is the only way to escape these pressures [Moi ici: É a lição que podemos aprender com o sector das PME transaccionáveis]
3. Most new products fail to meet profit targets, putting companies’ profits and survival at risk
4. The “best” companies launch profitable innovations and thrive despite these oppressive market conditions, because they integrate marketing into the innovation process right from the beginning."
Se as empresas não inovam e não trabalham a sua relação com o ecossistema da procura como podem aspirar a ter "pricing power"?
"“If you’ve got the power to raise prices without losing business to a competitor, you’ve got a very good business. And if you have to have a prayer session before raising the price by 10 percent, then you’ve got a terrible business.”"
E voltando ao e-book:
"How are companies performing against Mr. Buffett’s criterion today? Apparently they are praying more than they would like to. The Global Pricing Study 2014 revealed that pricing power has plunged since 2012 to its lowest level in the last 5 years. This is not for a lack of desire. It turns out that companies want to raise prices, but the majority struggle. On average, companies in the study achieved just 37% of the price increase they aimed for, ... Put another way, for every 5% of price increase companies try to implement, they are netting only 1.9%. This is likewise the lowest level we have ever measured in our studies."
Recordando "Qual o cenário da sua empresa?" é interessante como os políticos da oposição e da situação, como o mainstream mediático, como os comentadores da tríade, a começar pelos académicos, todos se concentram no desafio do controlo dos custos... quantos alguma vez se pronunciaram sobre o aumento do pricing power?
Pois, sou só um vulgar anónimo da província mas tenho as mãos na massa e conheço o Evangelho do Valor.

sábado, maio 28, 2016

Curiosidade do dia

"The Music Industry's Collapse Is A Beautiful Thing"

Recordam a Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores? Recordam os autores que pouco ou nada vendem e fazem de Antral da "cultura"? Recordam as taxas e taxinhas sobre as memórias? Recordar o que Tom Peters diz aqui e o que recomendo a Luís Onofre aqui. O que faz quem abraça a mudança?
"I don’t care about any of that, to be honest. What’s really cool is that I think the days of the record company are numbered. That’s not a bad thing. I think they’ve screwed artists really badly for decades. They still are. Now it’s all swinging toward label services, which is a much better thing for the artist. The thing is, as an artist, I would much rather have the fan standing right there. They give me their money. Here’s my album. We have a little chat. Fantastic. A nice, close interaction. We’re talking to each other and there’s nobody in between. I think the music industry has been plagued by people getting in between artists and fans.
We’re getting into a situation now where this much closer connection between fan and artist is not only achievable but desirable. And everybody wins. Fans are getting what they want. They’re getting closer access to the bands they like. The Internet is enabling things like Pledge Music, where you can interact and you can actually see the album being made and be a part of the whole process. They’re seeing things that they never would have seen before. At the end of it, they’re getting an album and they have a much greater understanding of what it took to make it. Special versions, limited editions. Really beautiful quality packages, which nobody would have really bothered with as much before.
You look at a 12-pound album, and six pounds of that went to the shop. Of the six that went to the record company, the artist ended up getting about 40 pence. We’d get the least of it than anyone! Fans hate us because they think we’re all rich and overpaid with supermodels hanging off of us on every street corner and driving around in Ferraris. And fucking record stores are killing it, making an absolute fortune. So, it started with them. The big record chains began to struggle and disappear. Aw! [Laughs] … That was such a good moment. I didn’t feel guilty at all. They ruined so many great little labels that could have done some really great things. And probably took down half the artists that struggled with them.
The business model of lots of different parts of the music business—management, agents, record companies, label services—they’re changing all the time. And they need to, because everything that was there before does not work anymore. In my opinion, any band that signs to a record label is making a mistake. I’ve been through some collaborations recently with some bands that signed to labels and they’re like "Fuck." You look at the deals they’re getting. You're never going to make anything. And because of that, you won’t be able to afford to make more music. It’s going to hit your music, your income. You won’t be able to sustain what you’re doing."
Recomendo vivamente a leitura de "Gary Numan Thinks The Music Industry's Collapse Is A Beautiful Thing".

Meter código nisso é bem mais difícil

"The Internet of Things Will Change Your Company, Not Just Your Products" um texto que me veio alertar para as muitas barreiras que existirão na transição para um Mongo carregado de código.
Nunca pensei que fosse o mundo de facilidades prometido aqui "Armas para a revolução industrial chegam daqui a três meses" e resolúvel com grupos de trabalho comandados por multinacionais, quando Mongo é insurgente e avesso à velha ordem.

Voltando ao texto inicial:
"Successful IoT plays require more than simply adding connectivity to a product and charging for service — something many companies don’t immediately understand. Building an IoT offering requires design thinking from the get-go. Specifically, it requires reimagining the business you are in, empathizing with your target customers and their challenges, and creatively determining how to most effectively solve their problems.
When product-based companies add services and connectivity, operational requirements increase. The resulting challenges may include new contract-manufacturing relationships, which can be a complicated and disorienting process for the uninitiated.
The addition of third-party services and shared customer ownership can introduce tiers of customer-support challenges. Inventory requirements, warranties, and returns may change. In addition, companies may suddenly find themselves having to comply with unfamiliar laws and regulations, including those related to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, the U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and customer “Personally Identifiable Information” (confidential data such as names, addresses, contact information).
[Moi ici: O meu lado cínico leva-me a pensar que as multinacionais vão sobretudo concentrar-se em proteger-se dos davids] Since new companies built from the ground up as IoT businesses lack the departmental baggage of older firms trying to make the transition into the IoT world, the former’s learning curve is often shorter. However, the immaturity of the IoT industry means that the practices and capabilities that suffice today will not tomorrow. An ability to evolve — and to do so quickly — is a prerequisite for success."
BTW, em "Tom Peters Wants You to Read" encontrei este trecho delicioso relevante, também, para esta conversa:
"Peters also recommends Marc Levinson’s The Box, about the invention of the shipping container. “The idea of containerizing freight was irrelevant until you completely redesigned ports, dealt with the longshoremen, etc.,” he said. “The reinvention of the context is what made all the difference.”

Algo me diz que o autor ...

A propósito de "How the story of the decline of shoe manufacturing jobs shows today’s trade warriors are stuck in the past".
Algo me diz que o autor não percebe o que mudou no mundo do calçado.
Algo me diz que o autor não conhece as lições da renovação do calçado que ocorreu em Portugal.
Algo me diz que o autor continua prisioneiro do modelo mental do século XX que apenas conhece a produção em massa.
Algo me diz que o autor não percebe a diferença entre fabricar sapatilhas para todo o mundo, com materiais sintéticos e apostando na funcionalidade e fabricar calçado de pele ou não, apostando no design, na moda, na diferenciação.
Como se conversava há dias no hangout NPE a aposta na automatização é uma moda claramente sobrevalorizada logo agora que o mundo caminha a passos largos para Mongo e para as suas tribos.

É tão bom!

Como dizia o Hannibal:

PME com sistema de gestão da qualidade a fazer a transição da versão de 2008 da ISO 9001 para a versão de 2015. A propósito da cláusula 4.1 Compreender a organização e o seu contexto foram identificadas 3 prioridades de actuação.
Empresa tem resistido a formalizar as acções que resultaram da análise.
No entanto, esta semana, ao visitar a empresa realizei que 2 dessas prioridades já estão a avançar na prática.
É claro que eu, como consultor, queria mais evidências das actividades entretanto realizadas, mas ao mesmo tempo sei o quanto aquilo que já está a ser feito representa para o negócio, dadas as novidades introduzidas. Por exemplo, uma empresa que nunca realizou actividade comercial de forma proactiva começar a fazê-lo proactivamente a dois níveis de gestão ... é tão bom!

sexta-feira, maio 27, 2016

Curiosidade do dia

"O actual executivo prometeu o fim da austeridade e o regresso das regalias, sem nunca dizer bem onde estão os recursos para isso. É preciso encontrar capital para erguer a banca, investimento para dinamizar o crescimento, cortes para equilibrar o orçamento. Mais cedo ou mais tarde retórica e promessas vão embater nas leis da aritmética, e o tempo se encarregará de despertar os portugueses para a triste carência nacional.
A dívida é o que é, e as únicas alternativas razoáveis são produzir mais e consumir menos, a chamada austeridade, ou vender património. Sugestões de revolta ou reestruturação dos créditos, aliviando pontualmente a situação, acabam em geral muito caras. Perante o desfalque, os mercados fecham-se, ostracizando o país caloteiro e impedindo o acesso a novo capital; que é precisamente o que mais falta ao país endividado.
A crise será ultrapassada quando aceitarmos viver com o que temos, ignorarmos exigências irrealistas de interesses e grupos instalados e nos dedicarmos a lidar com os desafios do desenvolvimento na nova economia globalizada."
Trechos retirados de "Estádios de angústia"

Cuidado com o sucesso (parte II)

"Assuming a good strategy, short-term success is a function of alignment; that is, to execute the strategy, managers work hard at getting the right people, ensuring that the organization is structured the right way, that they are measuring and rewarding the right things, and that they are developing a culture that promotes behaviors to accomplish their key success factors. This is not an easy task, but when it is successful, the alignment drives the execution of the strategy and the firm succeeds and begins to grow. Over time, as the organization gets larger, managers learn what tweaks to make to tighten the alignment; better metrics are developed; lessons learned are reflected in new procedures and processes; structures are refined; better control and coordination is achieved; and the skills needed to make the machine run become abundant. All of these changes increase the performance of the organization. Unfortunately, this tighter alignment also increases the chance of structural inertia. The people who have diligently worked to develop the structures, systems, processes, and metrics associated with success are loath to change them, especially for uncertain opportunities offering lower-margin business.
Separate from size and structural inertia, as a successful organization lives longer, it also develops norms that set expectations about those behaviors associated with success. People learn that certain behaviors are rewarded, both formally and informally, in terms of status and recognition, and other behaviors are frowned on or punished. People who comply with these norms are promoted, and new employees are selected based on their ability to fit with corporate expectations. This social control system or cultural alignment helps execute the strategy and contributes to the success of the firm. Unfortunately, it also leads to cultural inertia and makes change more difficult.
So we have a paradox: the alignment of the formal control system (structure and metrics—or organizational hardware) and of the social control system (norms, values, and behavior—or organizational software) is critical to the successful execution of the strategy. But these also foster the organizational inertia that can make it difficult to change, even in the face of clear threats. Thus, in the short term, managers work hard to align the organization with the strategy. As long as  the external environment remains relatively stable, this is the key to organizational success and survival."
Várias linhas de pensamento:

  • a troika e os consultores. Quando o mundo muda mesmo, é preciso a colaboração de alguém de fora do sistema para ajudar a perceber a ratoeira mental de que se é prisioneiro;
  • as PME portuguesas do transaccionável, do tempo em que éramos a china da Europa antes de haver China, tiveram de chocar contra a parede da realidade e, depois, elas, ou a massa cinzenta que sobrou delas, teve de testar, fuçar, explorar (exploration) e criar novas hipóteses, novos seres vivos, novas empresas;
  • e os políticos que não aprendem?

Trechos retirados de "Lead and disrupt : how to solve the innovator’s dilemma" de Charles A. O’Reilly III e Michael L. Tushman

Plataformas em todo o lado

Via @CelioRod cheguei a "Hunting for the Insurance Industry’s Own Airbnb". Mais exemplo do momentum que está a ser criado pela plataformas e que varrerá o mundo transformando-o e eliminando a herança do século XX.
Quando eu era muito miúdo na aldeia do meu pai havia o "Acordo das vacas". Os homens faziam entre eles uma espécie de seguro para que se uma das suas vacas morresse os outros contribuíam com uma parte para que não perdesse tudo. Imaginem, sem intervenção do Estadinho!!!
Por isso, depois do trabalho sujo feito por plataformas suportadas por poderosos business-angels, o trabalho de combater o status-quo incumbente, ficará aberta a porta para as plataformas cooperativas.
Voltando ao texto:
"The principle behind many of these startups is the same: peer-to-peer insurance in which groups of customers pool premiums. Claims are initially paid from this pooled money, and traditional reinsurers act as a backstop if payouts exceed the pooled amount. Any money left in the pot at the end of the year is returned to customers in the form of cash back or discounts. Customers are incentivized not to make frivolous claims, while the companies get nothing from denying claims. Ideally, everyone wins.
The Berlin startup currently offers home, private liability and legal expenses insurance in Germany. But the company has bigger goals. “We have an international ambition and a model that can be applied in any market. Our first expansion target for 2016 will be Australia,” says co-founder Tim Kunde.
It's entirely possible that, once consumers understand the concept, the appetite for this kind of “peer-to-peer insurance” could eventually be as large as Kunde envisions. “So far, more than 80 percent of users received some of their insurance fees back. In the property insurance line, the average cash back was 33 percent of the paid insurance fees,” says Kunde. From the customer's perspective, what’s not to like?"
Já oiço as seguradoras de braço dado com a Antral a gritar contra esta inovação.

Bilhete de identidade de processo

Ontem, aproveitei o feriado para dar uma vista de olhos a "Management stratégique et management de la qualité" de Francis Roesslinger e Dominique Siegel.
Que desconsolo! Um tema tão interessante e tão maltratado. Enfim, uma procissão de lugares-comuns.
A única coisa que aproveitei foi esta espécie de bilhete de identidade para um processo:
Interessantes estas novidades que nunca usei no meu documento:
1 - Esta referência explícita às restrições de um processo;
2 - Esta referência aos riscos de um processo;
3 - Esta referência à classificação de crítico ou de contexto.

Outro exemplo do Evangelho do Valor

Ainda esta semana escrevemos "Um exemplo do Evangelho do Valor" para ontem voltar a encontrar outro exemplo.
Antes de mais, recordar os gráficos de Marn e Rosiello, e os de Dolan e Simon:
O primeiro sobre o impacte do aumento do preço.
E este segundo sobre o efeito assimétrico da subida/descida dos preços nas quantidades a perder/ganhar para manter o mesmo lucro.
"A Ervideira, produtor vitivinícola do Alentejo, acaba de divulgar os seus resultados referentes aos primeiros quatro meses deste ano.
Neste período, a empresa registou a venda de cerca de 150 mil garrafas nos primeiros quatro meses de 2016, o que representa uma descida de 20,8% quando comparado com igual período de 2015, porém obteve uma faturação de cerca de 620 mil euros, o que representa um aumento de cerca de 8% quando comparado o primeiro quadrimestre de 2015. Isto é justificado pela subida média do valor unitário de 32%, provocado pelo crescimento nas vendas dos vinhos topos de gama."
Dois exemplos em dois dias, sintoma de que a mensagem estará a passar ""Não nos interessa exportar mais volume, interessa-nos exportar mais valor"" e, já agora "Para fazer crescer a auto-estima".
Façam as contas e imaginem o quanto a empresa poupa em horas de engarrafamento, garrafas, mão-de-obra, energia, paletes, espaço de armazenamento e transporte, para facturar mais 8%... a tríade passa-se com estas estórias.
Qual o lado negativo? Mais vinho espanhol a granel será importado para servir os consumidores portugueses, indisponíveis para pagar mais por vinho. Paciência, eu faria o mesmo no lugar dos engarrafadores.
Trecho retirado de "Ervideira consolida vendas em categoria premium"