"Your country is falling apart. Unemployment and inflation are sky high. World war is on the horizon, and there are riots in the streets. But never fear: An election is coming up! The incumbent will be thrown out for his failed policies. And the challengers will surely have the bright new ideas the country needs to turn itself around.Recomendo a leitura completa de "The Idea Trap"
Or will they? Perhaps amidst all this the confusion, the people will hand the reins of power over to irresponsible demagogues, and conditions will go from bad to worse. This worry is hardly far-fetched. When do the "crazies" start to get a serious political hearing? Only after a country is already going down the drain.
If we look around the world, there is a lot of circumstantial evidence that bad performance is not self-correcting.
A society can get stuck in an "idea trap," where bad ideas lead to bad policy, bad policy leads to bad growth, and bad growth cements bad ideas.
Once you fall into this trap, all it often takes is common sense to get out. But when people are desperate, common sense gets even less common than usual."
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