"A lot of brands don’t make it because in the process of trying to get many things right, they don’t get anything right.Um conselho para quem arranca com o seu negócio!!!
A great brand is a privilege, and it’s a privilege best earned through an item, not through a collection. Designers and merchants and founders think about collections. Consumers think about items. Designers and merchants and founders think about one-stop shops. That kind of thinking may lead you to a no-stop shop.
Consumers don’t need many things from your brand —they just need one thing from your brand. You may want them to need everything from your brand, but guess what: consumers don’t care what you want. Your job is to care about what they want, not what you want them to want. The difference between the two is the distance between a customer-centric company and an ego-centric company.
If you’re not careful, the mentality of you wanting them to buy everything from you could lead to them buying nothing from you.
As we gradually evolve from a wholesale-driven world to a vertical retail-driven world, as e-commerce proliferates and it becomes increasingly easier to get the best price on the best product, as the app store gets even more full, my belief is it becomes even more important to be focused on singular product-driven excellence from launch.
“Money runs out faster than opportunities.” Make one thing great. Get one thing right."
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