Escreve Adrian Slywotzky em Profit Patterns:
As an industry matures, growing customer heterogeneity and increasing customer sophistication change the fundamental nature of the market. (
Moi ici: Please, rewind and read again) Early in an industry’s evolution, most customers are well served by a standard product. As these customers become more familiar with the product and apply it to different needs, their requirements begin to move in many different directions.
Suppliers may then begin to modify the product to better serve different customer groups. (
Moi ici: Infelizmente a reacção instintiva é reduzir custos... por exemplo, não há alternativa para a compra de PCs que não os básicos vendidos pelas empresas de preço - Worten, Vobis, Radio Popular, Olmar, Staples, FNAC, El Corte Inglés, ... será que não há segmentos e micro-segmentos interessantes?)
One outcome of good segmentation is a larger market.
Customers will pay more for a product or service that is well suited to their needs. In this environment, the company that segments best, that delivers a message that best addresses customers’ needs wins. (
Moi ici: O que me faz espécie é perceber que existem sectores onde o granel está instalado anos e anos a fio, ou seja, há anos que os tubarões competem entre si, residualmente algumas rémoras vão ficando pelo caminho, a consolidação é mínima e, em vez de dar o salto na criação de valor, continuam todos no mar infestado de concorrentes que competem pelo preço com produtos básicos... o orgulho do volume impede a concentração no lucro)
We are now witnessing the emergence of a new customer pattern –
microsegmentation. As suppliers identify even more characteristics that distinguish the preferences and needs of different customer groups, customers move from being served in segments to being served in microsegments – segments that may be as small as a single customer. This opportunity is triggered by the increasing variability in the customer base and by changes in technology that support higly targeted marketing, offer development, communication, and service.
Awareness (
Moi ici: Fundamental manter a cabeça levantada, e atenta, para perceber o fluxo onde se está inserido, para fazer batota e tirar partido dele) of a microsegmentation pattern allows managers to anticipate, search for, and take advantage of emerging microsegments. By focusing resources and innovation on the most profitable microsegments within their industry, suppliers can create significant value growth for their companies.
Three important market conditions must exist before the microsegmentation pattern can succeed. First,
there must be an increase in customer heterogeneity. Second,
customer sophistication must escalate; as customers’ expectations for greater functionality or personalization of a product or service increase, they will demand more offerings and more choices. When these two conditions are present, a third market condition –
technological change through systems infrastructure – will allow a company to service multiple segments efficiently."
Como frequentador quase diário de uma loja Pingo Doce assisto a um fenómeno inverso e às vezes interrogo-me se não terão ido longe demais. Compreendo que, se a sociedade como um todo está a empobrecer, e as marcas são preguiçosas e estão a falir na mente dos consumidores, seja natural uma migração para menos variedade.
Mas os dias não são todos iguais, no dia em que as pessoas quiserem festejar, no dia em que as pessoas quiserem fazer algo de diferente onde vão encontrar o que procuram?