“The bourgeoisie worked primarily in order to invest, and it was not so much a standard of consumption as a standard of accumulation that the bourgeoisie struggled for and tried to defend against governments that took the short-run view. With the decline of the driving power supplied by the family motive, the businessman’s time horizon shrinks, roughly, to his life expectation. And he might now be less willing than he was to fulfill that function of earning, saving and investing even if he saw no reason to fear that the results would but swell his tax bills. He drifts into an anti-saving frame of mind and accepts with an increasing readiness anti-saving theories that are indicative of a short-run philosophy.”
Trecho retirado de "Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy" de Joseph Schumpeter
Lembrei-me deste trecho ao ler "De onde virá o dinheiro?" no jornal i:
"Será através de dinheiro emprestado que se vai redinamizar a economia. Isto significa que o dinheiro que desapareceu (ou que existia apenas virtualmente) está a ser substituído por mais dinheiro emprestado - algum dele também virtual. "