quarta-feira, julho 15, 2009

As empresas oportunistas...

Quando ocorrem crises, momentos de ruptura como os que vivemos, as empresas oportunistas procuram aproveitar as... oportunidades que surgem.
No mundo do B2B, como é que as empresas portuguesas podem aproveitar o momento?
"Under current economic conditions it is a foregone conclusion that the cost structure of your business is changing. The cost of risk has increased, and currency exchange rates have become extraordinarily volatile" (BTW, no Público hoje "A administração norte-americana apelou ao Governo chinês para que deixe a moeda chinesa valorizar-se mais e abra os seus mercados como forma de ajudar a economia mundial a sair da crise")
"Most companies should step back and think about what would be a better global footprint for manufacturing facilities and the supply chains to and from those facilities. One of the major shifts already happening is to bring manufacturing closer to markets to tighten the links between manufacturing and marketind and reduce the delays that a more spread-out footprint often entails." (Basta recordar a proximidade, tema em voga há um ano neste blogue e, os fretes marítimos e o passo de caracol que incompatibiliza Ásia com moda)
"Ever-closer synchronization is the key. There is much you can do right away to tighten the links between suppliers, your own company's operations, and your customers to allow you all to react faster to changes in the external environment." (Não vendam produtos, isso é o básico, aí temos muita concorrência, vendam flexibilidade, vendam rapidez, vendam segurança, vendam risco diminuído, vendam know-how, vendam... tudo menos o produto, o produto é a base)
"The essenve of your job now is to achieve the greater flexibility needed to survive the slump and give you an advantage when conditions improve" (Will they ever improve back to what it was? I don't think so!)
"One of your main goals is to minimize the cash used in inventories, both incoming and outgoing." (Encomendas pequenas, produzidas e entregues rapidamente! Contentores cheios? Cartas de crédito não aceites? Dinheiro empatado n meses?)
"Doubtless you remember well the summer of 2008, when commodity prices were soaring, shortages were widespread, and hoarding was common. The downturn reversed those price trends and brought with it tremendous volatility in currency values, but you can be sure the climb will resume when global demand recovers. Is your supply chain designed to deal efficiently with high oil ande gasoline prices?"
Trechos extraídos do livro de Ram Charan "Leadership in the Era of Economic Uncertainty".

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