Enquanto por cá um ministério dos negócios estrangeiros pode pensar em apoiar as empresas a exportarem, na Holanda o mesmo ministério cria documentos para ajudar as empresas de países de mão de obra barata a saberem como chegar aos compradores holandeses que depois revenderão para o resto da Europa.
Reparem no primeiro conselho:
"Buyers expect you to choose a specific market and strategy.Uma mensagem em linha com a mensagem deste blogue. Formular uma estratégia e aplicá-la de forma obececada. E não tentar ser tudo para todos. E ter em conta o ADN.
The pace and complexity of today’s markets have increasingly forced players up and down the supply chain to make deliberate choices, narrowing down their market to sometimes no more than a single segment, niche or product. Suppliers suggesting they can deliver ‘almost anything’ will not be taken seriously by European buyers. A clear and honest perception of one’s company and its strengths and limitations as well as one’s market is seen as an indispensable ingredient of success.
Considerations for action Perhaps the most crucial decision you can make as an exporter seeking access to European markets is to define a specific market and strategy to the sharpest of your ability. Invest in your strategy and have the courage to say no to what is not in line with it.
Make sure your choice is firmly grounded in market research and a thorough analysis of your organisation, products, strengths and limitations.
Be aware of the fact that accessing EU or USA markets means you will face the toughest requirements – both legislative and non-legislative – in the world. Make sure this fits your strategy."