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quinta-feira, outubro 12, 2017

"Focus on Problems, Not Ideas"

"1. Don’t Get Trapped in Your P&L
For any business to succeed over the long term, it must earn a return that exceeds its cost of capital. That’s why good managers put so much focus on measuring and managing return on investment (ROI) as a basic operational practice. It is through continuously making incremental progress in lowering costs and increasing revenues that firms achieve competitive advantage in their industry.
Yet every enterprise is essentially a square-peg business waiting for a round-hole world. Unexpected changes in technology, customer preferences, and regulation can disrupt even the best-run operation. When that happens, traditional practices will only lead to getting better and better at things people care about less and less.
2. Focus on Problems, Not Ideas
Another common misconception about innovation is that it is about ideas. It’s not. The truth is nobody cares about what ideas you have. They care about what problems you can solve.
While brainstorming about ideas can be helpful in an operational context, because problems are front and center, for innovation identifying a meaningful problem is half the job."

Trechos retirados de "4 Ways Leaders Can Get More from Their Company’s Innovation Efforts"

quinta-feira, junho 26, 2014

Porque as estratégias não são eternas (parte II)

"Strategy has always required us to make hard choices in an uncertain context and managers have shown a disturbing tendency to seize on any pretext to avoid making those choices.
“the natural reaction is to make the challenge less daunting by turning it into a problem that can be solved with tried and tested tools”
we must continue to define “where to play and how to win,” but on a radically compressed time frame.  That doesn’t make strategy easier, it makes it exponentially harder."
Mais uma achega aquela ideia da perspectiva externa referida em "Porque as estratégias não são eternas"
Trechos retirados de "The Only Viable Strategy Is Adaptation"

domingo, dezembro 18, 2011

Que o mesmo Gestalt cresça, transborde, multiplique, infecte

Pela primeira vez, Portugal exportou mais calçado para Itália do que importou. A balança comercial do sector está também quase a atingir uma relação idêntica com Espanha. 
O que precisamos é que pessoas que operam na APICCAPS, e no ecossistema em que esta se move, sejam "raptadas" e contaminem outros sectores económicos com o mesmo Gestalt, com o mesmo pensamento competitivo assente na criação de valor, não na redução de custos, com o mesmo locus de controlo no interior.
Assim como no passado usei as reflexões de Klein, também Greg Satell o faz no mesmo sentido em "Why I believe":