Usei a argumentação que apresentei em "Do concreto para o abstracto e não o contrário" e complementei com a "effectuation" que aprecio cada vez mais (aqui e aqui também).
Entretanto, ontem descobri este texto "The future of business is service-led strategy":
"service-led strategy — a total inversion of the traditional organisation-focused approach to strategy. The latter is still practiced by most established organisations, and is, I’d argue, one of the central reasons for their failure to adapt effectively to business in the digital age.Trabalho com PME e uso a mesma abordagem:
Conceptually, the shift is a very simple one. Traditionally, a business would define its strategy at an organisational level, before developing products and services to execute on that strategy. Services would only be explored and progressed if they fit the plan. Ideas for new services would only be considered if they fit one of the pre-defined strategic pillars. We’ve all seen that diagram.
This is an organisation-led strategy. It has been the mainstay of strategic thinking and the foundation of management consulting for decades. Essentially, it’s all about starting with a plan for the organisation and working out (or down) until you reach customers.
The service-led model simply reverses this: customer-facing products and services are the focus for strategic development. The role of the organisation is to support those services effectively, with its shape and structure built and adapted to suit."
- A empresa está a ter resultados positivos e sente que precisa de alinhamento, foco, coerência?
- A empresa está a ter resultados negativos e precisa de dar a volta?
PS - No final, já depois de terminada a sessão a participante disse-me que a sua área de estudo era a administração pública. Só aí percebi o porquê da admiração. Numa organização da administração pública faz todo o sentido começar por perguntar e clarificar: qual é a nossa missão?
E quem define a resposta é a tutela e, muitas vezes está escrita preto no branco no documento legal que a criou.