quarta-feira, julho 15, 2015

Workshop - RBT (ISO 9001:2015) (Parte V)

Parte I, parte II, parte III e parte IV.

Quanto mais mergulho na versão DIS da ISO 9001 (BTW, parece que as diferenças para a FDIS são muito poucas), mais me convenço que seguiram uma percepção que registei no livro "Gestão Ambiental - Sintonizar Ambiente e Estratégia para o Negócio".
Em Março de 2013 neste postal escrevi, e justifiquei, acerca da maior inteligência da ISO 14001 face à ISO 9001.
No livro, usamos este esquema para ilustrar a modelação de um sistema de gestão concentrado em produzir resultados esperados.
Basta substituir "Levantamento Ambiental" por "Levantamento de Riscos e Oportunidades".
Ontem voltei a lembrar-me deste modelo ao ler o texto da ISO/DIS 9001:2014 sobre a comunicação:
Recordei logo o que escrevi no livro. Primeiro sobre a comunicação interna:
Depois, sobre a comunicação externa:
E por fim, tendo em conta as alíneas a) a d) do texto da ISO/DIS 9001:2014, esta tabela:

Valor do investimento: 80€ (mais IVA)
Local: Porto

Inscrições: código RBT01 para o e-mail metanoia@metanoia.pt

BTW, engraçado, a editora nunca me pagou um cêntimo por este livro... coisas de quem anda à chuva.

terça-feira, julho 14, 2015

Curiosidade do dia

"A questão não está no perdão da dívida (que é óbvio que não poderá ser paga, como já aconteceu com os anteriores perdões e descontos), mas sim na neutralização dos factores que geraram e continuam a gerar a dívida. A questão não está no que querem os eleitores gregos, mas sim no que é o campo de possibilidades numa área monetária comum, em que todos os eleitorados são partes interessadas."

Trecho retirado de "Uma esquina na História"

O efeito BES

"Mais 21 mil empresas criadas no 1.º semestre"
"Mais de 21 mil empresas criadas até junho"
"Na primeira metade do ano foram criadas 21.094 empresas em Portugal, o que representa um crescimento de 11,9% face ao primeiro semestre de 2014 e de 6,8% face ao mesmo período de 2013, foi hoje divulgado."
Impressionante como, apesar das insolvências estarem a estagnar/cair (conforme as fontes), continua esta depuração:
"Os serviços dependentes da procura interna e das importações concentram a maioria das insolvências, embora reduzindo o número de empresas insolventes face ao mesmo período de 2014."

Estratégia e marketing

Moi, o "porteiro do marketing" em muitas PME, tinha de sorrir ao ler isto e a concordar:
"A dangerous canyon often arises between business model strategy and marketing. Separate roles, meetings, deliverables, timetables, personalities and consultancies exist on each side of the divide. When business strategy and marketing execution move forward independently – as they often do – spin, distrust, poor customer experiences and commoditization result.
you know a company by its actions and customer experiences, not by the story it tells in its marketing communications. The actions and experiences create what Montague calls your company’s Metastory: the observed truth in the minds of customers, prospects, employees and other stakeholders. Your Metastory is what your company wants to become, if it is not already."

Trechos retirados de "Are your business model strategy and marketing communications aligned?"

Porque não somos plankton (parte V)

Parte I, parte II, parte III e parte IV.
E continua a venda de activos da P&G, "Procter & Gamble Agrees To Sell 43 Beauty Brands For $12.5 Billion"

Tantos políticos prisioneiros do argumento "Groundhog Day"

Outro recorte retirado de "Strategy as a Wicked Problem":
"Companies design planning systems to work based on feedback; they compare results with plans and take corrective actions. Though it’s a powerful source of learning, feedback has limited relevance in a wicked context. Feedback allows enterprises to refine fundamentally sound strategies; wicked problems require executives to come up with novel ones. Feedback helps people learn from the past; wicked problems arise from unanticipated, uncertain, and unclear futures. Feedback helps people learn in contexts such as the movie Groundhog Day, where the protagonist (Phil Connors) encounters the same set of circumstances every day, which enables him to perfect his responses over time. Wicked problems arise in circumstances such as those in the TV series Quantum Leap, where the protagonist (Sam Beckett) finds himself in an unfamiliar time and place in each episode. Comprehending the challenge he faces is itself the initial problem..To develop a feed-forward orientation as a complement to the feedback practices they currently use, corporations must learn to envision the future. In this variation of scenario planning, enterprises should describe the set of external and internal circumstances that they would like to see in the next 10, 20, or 50 years. This will open executives’ minds to the range and unpredictability of possibilities that the future may bring. Enterprises must then pursue strategies that will increase the likelihood of those circumstances’ becoming reality."
Recordar "Parte VII – Zapatero e os outros."
Tanta gente na política que ainda continua com o mindset do tempo da vida fácil...

segunda-feira, julho 13, 2015

Curiosidade do dia

Tribos, tribos, tribos e .... neste caso também os conservadores empedernidos.
"Brick and mortar record stores have been hurting for over a decade now, as the music industry is forced to witness the sales of CDs drop year after year. While vinyl has certainly found a way to thrive in the past few years, it hasn’t been enough for many businesses, as there are still stores that close up shop all the time. So, as streaming platforms become the go-to way to consume music and the world begins to move into the post-iTunes era, why is one company expanding their record store business and opening new locations?
HMV is one of the biggest names in music in the world, even if the brand has never quite made it in the US (it shuttered the few stores that existed a decade ago). Just recently, the company has announced plans to expand its store count and to move into a new territory: the Middle East. HMV has apparently reached a deal with a Qatari conglomerate to open at least fifteen stores in the next few years in the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, and of course Qatar. It also looks like deals may be in the works for the brand to eventually open in nearby nations in northern Africa like Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco."
Trechos retirados de "Why Is This Chain Of Record Stores Opening New Locations In 2015?"

Sem noção?

"As exportações portuguesas da indústria de vestuário e confeção mostram um crescimento homólogo até maio de 2015, de 1,4%, com um valor de 1,186 mil milhões de euros. Já as importações, neste mesmo período, cifram-se em 740 milhões de euros.
Estes são os mais recentes dados lançados pela ANIVEC – Associação Nacional das Indústrias de Vestuário e Confecção, que sublinha ainda que o sector do vestuário, confeção e moda apresenta um mercado volúvel e de rápida renovação, com a sazonalidade e os curtos ciclos de vida dos produtos a criarem desafios acrescidos para a manutenção da vantagem competitiva."
Será que não têm noção de que é a sazonalidade e os ciclos de vida cada vez mais curtos que reforçam a vantagem competitiva do sector em Portugal?

Recordar "Hoje, o que diria Ricardo?"

Trecho retirado de "Exportações De Vestuário E Confeção Até Maio Atingem 1,186 Mil Mihões"

Cadê o efeito BES?

"“No segundo trimestre de 2014, a economia portuguesa terá crescido 0,7% em cadeia e 1,7% em termos homólogos, em ligeira aceleração face ao trimestre anterior (0,4% e 1,5%, respetivamente)”, segundo as estimativas do núcleo de estudos de conjuntura da economia portuguesa (NECEP) da Universidade Católica.
O gabinete de estudos da Católica estima, também, que no segundo trimestre do ano, a taxa de desemprego terá descido para 12,8%.
Quanto ao crescimento médio da economia nacional durante 2015, o NECEP decidiu fazer uma revisão em baixa das previsões, para 2,1%."

Trecho retirado de "Crescimento no segundo trimestre terá acelerado, estima a Universidade Católica"

Workshop - RBT (ISO 9001:2015) (Parte IV)

Parte I, parte II e parte III.

Sobre a principal alteração introduzida pela versão de 2015 na ISO 9001, a abordagem baseada no risco (RBT).
Um dia dedicado a testar a aplicação do RBT e como pode ser usado para desenvolver de raiz um SGQ, ou ser incorporado num SGQ já existente.
Valor do investimento: 80€ (mais IVA)
Local: Porto

Inscrições: código RBT01 para o e-mail metanoia@metanoia.pt

"You just avoided a PITA client"

Recordar o "dinheiro deixado em cima da mesa" em "Para acabar com o deixar dinheiro em cima da mesa - parte IIa" e "Para os que que deixam dinheiro em cima da mesa, porque se subestimam"
"Buyers can smell fear and anxiety a mile away, and most will take advantage. Successful salespeople avoid this problem by having enough confidence - in themselves and their products - to stand firm.
If price is the only decision point for a client, red flags should be waving so furiously that you turn around and run the other way as quickly as possible. This person will become a PITA—a “pain in the ass” client who considers you a commodity. You will be nickeland-dimed, squeezed on everything, and expected to deliver additional services at no charge.
Even when talking to great clients, many reps in business to business sales underestimate their own value. At a recent sales conference, one marketing agency suggested that up to 95 percent of salespeople compromise on price before their customers even bring it up.
So when someone pushes you on price, stand your ground. If you don’t get the deal, consider yourself lucky. You just avoided a PITA client."
Trechos retirados de "Business to Business Sales Reps Shouldn’t Cave on Price"

Para reflexão

Um caso que merece reflexão neste mundo de conglomerados e corporações:
"While a company dealing with a wicked problem has to experiment with many strategies, it must stay true to a sense of purpose. Mission statements are the foundations of strategy, but in a fast-changing world, companies change their “concept of business,” “scope of activities,” or “statement of purpose” more often than they used to. A company’s identity, which serves as a touchstone against which it can evaluate its choices, is often a more enduring statement of strategic intent.
An organization’s identity, like that of an individual, comprises the following:
  • Values. What is fundamentally important to the company?
  • Competencies. What does the company do better than others do?
  • Aspirations. How does the company envision and measure success?
An identity provides executives with direction and focuses attention on opportunities and threats. For instance, in August 2007, Campbell Soup decided it would sell off the Godiva business. The company didn’t base the decision on financial performance; Godiva is a superpremium chocolate brand and a profitable business. Trouble is, Campbell’s values, competencies, and aspirations focus on nutrition and simplicity - and Godiva chocolates don’t fit in with that self-image. “Although the premium chocolate category is experiencing strong growth and Godiva is well-positioned for the future, the premium chocolate business does not fit with Campbell’s focus on simple meals,” explained Douglas R. Conant, Campbell Soup’s CEO, while announcing the decision. In December 2007, the company reached an agreement to sell Godiva to Yildiz Holding, which owns the Turkish company Ülker Group, for $850 million. By relying on its identity, rather than on financial projections, Campbell made the decision to sell Godiva quickly and painlessly."
Qual a identidade da sua PME?

Trechos retirados de "Strategy as a Wicked Problem"

domingo, julho 12, 2015

Curiosidade do dia

Há exactamente uma semana Estarreja apareceu nos noticiários televisivos da noite por causa do aparatoso incêndio em vários pontos em torno de uma zona industrial.
Hoje de manhã, aproveitei o céu nublado para fazer uma caminhada por lá. E parei diante deste símbolo:
No ar ainda se sente o cheiro a queimado e, no chão, preto e cinza, salientam-se já uns tufos de erva fresca de cor verde-benetton.
Sou um fã de usar a biologia como uma metáfora da economia... aliás, a economia é a continuação da biologia.
Depois da desgraça, depois da recessão, depois da depressão, os recursos que restam são reaproveitados para novos projectos, novas tentativas, novos sonhos.
Sem necessidade de planeamento central.

Acerca da Grécia

"The First Rule of Strategy 
The general principle for sequential-move games is that each player should figure out the other players’ future responses and use them in calculating his own best current move. This idea is so important that it is worth codifying into a basic rule of strategic behavior:
RULE 1: Look forward and reason backward. 
Anticipate where your initial decisions will ultimately lead and use this information to calculate your best choice."

Trecho retirado de "The art of strategy : a game theorist's guide to success in business & life" de Avinash K. Dixit e Barry J. Nalebuff.

Outra abordagem

A propósito de "Foodie Friday: Top Trend–Pet the Horse…Pass the Pizza!":
"“The real advantage of the pizza farms, notes Consumerist, is that it provides typically small farms with additional income.
‘They’re selling an experience by letting people come to their farm, and I think there are a lot of people out there hungry for this experience.'”
As agritourism continues to grow – so do new opportunities to showcase and sample freshly harvested and prepared farm-fresh foods.
Children will chase chickens and pet horses while the adults share conversations and sip on beverages while waiting for “farm-fresh” pizzas to emerge from large wood-burning ovens. This trend is sweeping the heartland of America, and shows no signs of slowing any time soon."
Recordar "A verdade que não nos é contada, acerca do leite"

É claro que Portugal não é o estado de Nova York, quer em nível de vida, quer em gostos, quer em mindset. No entanto, quantas explorações agrícolas podiam beneficiar desta abordagem?

Em vez de continuar a espiral absurda da quantidade, para competir com os gigantes franceses ou servir a distribuição, seguir uma outra via. O objectivo de uma exploração agrícola não é o de alimentar todo o mundo.

"Sometimes the best way to create a profitable and sustainable business is to shrink"

Um excelente artigo, com grandes ensinamentos:
"During the 1990s Tommy Hilfiger became one of fashion’s hottest brands. I got involved in 1996, when I became a partner in a start-up company that signed the license to sell Hilfiger products in Europe. During that period the U.S. business really took off: From 1997 to 2000 the company’s overall sales more than doubled, and it was a stock market success as well. But that came at a price. The brand was too hot, too hyped, and grew too fast. In the United States its products drifted away from its core values, and when demand fell and they began to sell at a discount, the company’s designers started creating stuff that felt like discount clothing—a vicious cycle. By the early 2000s Hilfiger’s U.S. sales were falling every year.
One challenge of executing a turnaround in this situation is that when you’re a public company, the expectation is that you’ll grow every quarter. Sometimes the best way to create a profitable and sustainable business is to shrink, [Moi ici: Uma grande verdade que muitos evitam, muitas vezes pela vergonha de encolher a empresa] but it can be difficult to do that in the glare of the public markets.
When a brand becomes too big and too visible, giant logos and apparent ubiquity can start working against it. By 2000 the brand had peaked in the U.S., and the company began to face market resistance.
In the fashion industry, weak demand leads to discounting. If the discounting goes on too long, it can become structural, which means it gets factored into the design process. Let me give you an example. For years Tommy Hilfiger’s designers had been creating shirts that would sell for $79 but would offer the look and quality of shirts that might sell for $89. But when the market started to turn against the brand, retailers had to mark down those shirts to $49 in order to sell them. To be profitable at $49, you need to make very large compromises on materials, styling, and quality. They began designing into the discount environment, and the brand eroded further.
In the European division, which I was running, we chose not to sell the lower-quality product. To succeed in Europe, we needed a $99 shirt that looked as if it cost $150. By 2001 we’d taken steps to reduce our reliance on the brand’s U.S. operations. We created our own design center and supply chain. From 2000 to 2006, while Hilfiger’s U.S. sales fell every year, European sales grew by roughly 50% every year.
The strategy to scale back the U.S. business in the short term laid the groundwork for the brand’s turnaround in the market in less than four years."

Trechos retirados de "Tommy Hilfiger’s Chairman on Going Private to Spark a Turnaround"

sábado, julho 11, 2015

Curiosidade do dia

No primeiro trimestre deste ano os empresários do sector bem diziam que a coisa estava um bocado mais fraca que no ano passado. Excepção para as empresas mais low-cost que estavam carregadas de trabalho.
Volto a recordar um precioso tweet de Nassin Taleb em Agosto passado:
"Economists fail to get w/ GDP growth that anything that grows without an "S" curve (slowing down phase) blows up."
Segundo os dados do INE, publicados na passada sexta-feira, as exportações de calçado português, entre Janeiro e Maio, tiveram uma quebra homóloga de 0,54%.
Sinal de que é preciso continuar o bom trabalho.
BTW, as exportações de calçado para fora da UE cresceram 4,8% no mesmo período.

Não é novidade nenhuma

"“The main source of the productivity slowdown is not so much a slowing of innovation by the most globally advanced firms, but rather a slowing of the pace at which innovations spread out throughout the economy - a breakdown of the diffusion machine,” the OECD said.
But why are innovations not spreading as quickly as before? One key reason appears to be that the process of “creative destruction” identified by Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter as essential to capitalism’s dynamism appears to have lost some of its ferocity. In the OECD’s words, “market selection is weak.”
One reason for that is government policy, which the OECD said favors incumbents across a whole range of areas, from regulations designed to protect the environment, to taxation. As a result, older firms that suffer from low productivity growth endure, often “trapping” workers in jobs for which they are over qualified.
“High rates of skill mismatch often coincide with the presence of many small and old firms,” the OECD said. “These firms are often unproductive and tend to be harmful for aggregate productivity to the extent that they absorb valuable resources, thereby constraining the growth of more innovative firms.”
Trechos retirados de "OECD: Broken “Diffusion Machine” Is Slowing Productivity"

O fim do século XX

Uma imagem metafórica do que é o fim do século XX:
O fim dos monólitos, o fim do domínio das empresas grandes, a explosão de variedade.

Imagem retirada de "Opening Windows"

O que é isto senão Mongo?

Via  cheguei a este artigo "Salesforce cofounder explains where big old tech companies like Microsoft often go wrong" cim uma mensagem tão querida deste blogue:
"Salesforce is expected to surpass $6 billion in revenue this year, making it the fastest enterprise software company to ever do so. Now it’s worth over $45 billion..It took almost 16 years for Salesforce to get to this point, but its cofounder Parker Harris believes there’s one key reason to its massive growth in a relatively short period of time: focus..Unlike some of its bigger rivals like Oracle and SAP, who are virtually in every area of enterprise software, Salesforce has kept its business focused on the customer relationship management (CRM) space, largely comprised of sales, marketing, and service automation....Many people have said we just need to add more products. Look at Oracle, look at SAP. Add ERP and inventory or compensation. Add all this stuff,” Harris told IDG. “What we realized is we’re the customer company. We’re the front office solution and our customers would be really upset if we just added a whole bunch of stuff and lost focus.”"
Foco, foco, foco!
Em vez de querer ser tudo para todos, em vez de uma oferta alargada, just-in-case"; foco, foco, foco!!!
Interessante como o tema está presente numa série de outros artigos publicados recentemente.
Por exemplo, "In Technology, Small Fish (Almost Always) Eat Big Fish" (este artigo merece outro postal futuro, sobre outra vertente) pode ler-se:
"Eventually, and inevitably, these “small” entrants eat their way up the food chain into the market, capturing a larger and larger share, until the behemoths of the sector are forced to retreat back into a narrowing market niche.
One sterling example is in the CRM (customer relationship management) space. For as long as anyone could remember, the market was owned by Siebel. It was big, offering an incredibly complex solution that had to be installed for customers on their servers, licensed in bulk, with tons of training and customer service attached. Sounds unwieldy, but it was the norm, and everyone needed it.
Then along came a company called Salesforce.com, offering just one capability of the many Siebel already provided. Only they offered it differently — instead of having to buy hundreds of licenses, customer companies could pay per employee using Salesforce.com, and use it in their web browsers hassle free. They became the automatic choice for the many young companies that couldn’t afford to do anything but start small with SaaS.
Even so, the larger incumbents like Siebel comforted themselves that enterprise customers would never entrust their precious data and prospect lists to an offsite cloudbased system. Today, Salesforce.com completely dominates the CRM market and has an enormous ecosystem around it. Siebel, having had their lunch eaten right in front of them, became acquisition bait for Oracle.
Salesforce.com’s ascent highlights the momentum of all cloud solutions, led by small, specialized companies purveying simple, easy-to-understand benefits for consumers and enterprises alike. Think Dropbox and Box, respectively. They are now what people think of when they hear the term “cloud,” not the large, vertically integrated storage solutions of yesteryear.
[Moi ici: Recordando o exemplo de ontem sobre as peúgas, sobre a decomoditização] Your rallying objective should be to build something truly great for the low end of the marketplace, solving an important problem with a simple, low-friction product in a segment of the market that's underserved by the incumbents. Once you've achieved excellent market traction in this arena, you can nibble your way upward until you're competitive with the heavyweights of your industry."
Ainda um outro artigo sobre o poder do foco "The Increasing Fragmentation of SaaS":
"According to ChiefMarTec, in 2015 there are 1875 marketing technology companies, up from 947 last year. If the number of marketing software companies is any indication, there is a huge expansion in the number of SaaS companies in almost every segment including sales tools, engineering productivity, finance, and human resources.
This fragmentation trend has been happening for quite some time. In the old model of software procurement, companies would call one of the large software monoliths (Oracle, SAP, IBM, etc) and negotiate an enterprisewide license for a software suite to serve the majority of their departments. These suite offerings promised simplified negotiation and procurement, a single integrated platform with free data interchange across departments, and one point of support. But, this promise was never fulfilled. For example, according to a recent study by Panorama Consulting Solutions, the average
ERP implementation requires 16 months to deploy and 20% of them are considered failures.
The alternative, which is the fragmented market of today, enables teams to purchase best-of-breed point solutions, try them, and quickly cycle through all the different offerings until they find the best one for their needs. This change in purchasing behavior is happening broadly across SaaS.
These department specific software stacks serve their customers much better than a single suite ever could, because each team in each company can select precisely the products that offer the features that meet their specific needs. and if requirements should change, it’s as simple as canceling a subscription, and starting with another product."
O que é isto senão Mongo? Diversidade, focalização, especialização, decomoditização...
BTW, em sectores completamente diferentes, recordar:

A lição da biologia:

Especialização, diferenciação, nichos...