segunda-feira, julho 13, 2015

"You just avoided a PITA client"

Recordar o "dinheiro deixado em cima da mesa" em "Para acabar com o deixar dinheiro em cima da mesa - parte IIa" e "Para os que que deixam dinheiro em cima da mesa, porque se subestimam"
"Buyers can smell fear and anxiety a mile away, and most will take advantage. Successful salespeople avoid this problem by having enough confidence - in themselves and their products - to stand firm.
If price is the only decision point for a client, red flags should be waving so furiously that you turn around and run the other way as quickly as possible. This person will become a PITA—a “pain in the ass” client who considers you a commodity. You will be nickeland-dimed, squeezed on everything, and expected to deliver additional services at no charge.
Even when talking to great clients, many reps in business to business sales underestimate their own value. At a recent sales conference, one marketing agency suggested that up to 95 percent of salespeople compromise on price before their customers even bring it up.
So when someone pushes you on price, stand your ground. If you don’t get the deal, consider yourself lucky. You just avoided a PITA client."
Trechos retirados de "Business to Business Sales Reps Shouldn’t Cave on Price"

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