terça-feira, julho 26, 2011

Again, repit with me: Value is a feeling, not a calculation

Uma vez mais Greg Satell nails it com "4 Things to Know About Brand Value":
"brands are conceptual. They allow us to dream, to think of things other than logistics and pricing and firing people. Reflecting on brands help us escape from the drudgery of work." (Moi ici: As marcas fogem à matematização... mas não as marcas ôcas, porque se tornaram ôcas, porque se radioclubeportuguisaram, e já só são um nome, uma carcaça exterior. Sim as marcas que continuam a queimar as pestasnas a arranjar formas de surpreender os potenciais clientes)
"1. A Brand is a Promise
Usually when people think about brands they think about logos and marketing slogans, but a brand is much more than that.  ... brand value is the value of promises made and kept." (Moi ici: Actualmente ando com outra ideia na cabeça. E quando compramos um artigo que saiu melhor do que a encomenda? E quando compramos um artigo e, com o começo do uso, o valor que lhe atribuímos continua a crescer? O potencial de valor que o fabricante podia capturar ainda mais... e, como já escrevi aqui no blogue e comentava com um empresário esta semana, é tão comum os empresários portugueses subestimarem-se... não apostam na comunicação, no marketing e, depois, são como Figos que morrem a jogar no Pastilhas para sempre... ou pior, jogam no Pastilhas e outros é que capturam o valor)
"2. Brands Have Tangible Value
There is a reason that companies spend billions of dollars every year to make promises and go to such great lengths to keep them:  Money.  Cold hard cash.  Moolah and lots of it!"
"4. Emotions Build Brands
While brands are financial entities, they are built through emotions. As I wrote in an earlier post, emotions are like a little yellow highlighter in our brains. They’re powerful because they bypass the rational center in our forebrains and go straight to embedding themselves in our brain’s synaptic pathways.
From an evolutionary perspective, emotions helped us remember what was important. When we saw a rustle in the bushes and our best friend got eaten by a lion, it was important to be able to remember the incident without repetition (a luxury man eating lions are unlikely to grant).

That’s why as much as we would like to think otherwise, decision making tends to be driven by emotions rather than rationality. Great brands are built through emotional associations."
E como é que isso acontece na sua empresa? É deixado ao acaso ou é desenhado?

Não é armadilhar, é criar harmonia, é construir uma sinfonia...

Ao identificar os intervenientes num potencial mercado que queremos criar, temos de pensar na proposta de valor para os clientes directos, os distribuidores na figura...
também temos de pensar numa proposta de valor para os compradores (clientes dos clientes), numa proposta de valor para os utilizadores e outra, ainda, para os influenciadores.
Ou seja, temos de criar um alinhamento, uma sinfonia de propostas de valor que crie um mercado em que todos tenham algo a ganhar. A esse conjunto de propostas de valor podemos chamar de... proposta de mercado para criar uma nova configuração do mercado.
Pois é essa a proposta de Storbacka e Nenonen em "Scripting markets: From value propositions to market propositions" publicado por Industrial Marketing Management Volume 40, Issue 2, February 2011, Pages 255-266. Um excelente artigo:
"markets are socially constructed, subjective realities that can be altered by different actors in the market.
economic action is embedded in networks of social relationships and that markets are socially constructed
This paper builds on the foundational propositions of the S-D logic and takes as its starting point the following assumptions: (1) markets consist of networks of market actors, (2) markets are social constructions co-created by market actors, and (3) markets are resource integrators aiming at the co-creation of value.
organizations “produce” the environments to which they respond, through their actions and selective attention, Brooks (1995) claim that “enacted markets” are outcomes of prior transactions between actors. Thus, the market is defined by the already established relationships and this “structure” form mental barriers against other perceptions of the market. (Moi ici: Esta a maior barreira que se pode enfrentar. A barreira criada pelo nosso próprio cérebro.)
Market practices are defined as the interactions between market actors within a market configuration
markets cannot be seen as given constructions where actors compete for positions. The focal actor can, hence, make subjective market definitions and attempt to influence other to share this definition (create a “shared social construction”), i.e. the actor engages in market making.
Scripting markets – making market propositions
Market scripting can be defined as the conscious activities conducted by a market actor in order to alter the current market configuration in its favour. Central to market scripting is the subjective motive of the focal actor to align the mental models and business models of other market actors so that they reinforce the mental and business models of the scripting actor, and increase marketness. (Moi ici: Aqui entra a capacidade de calçar os sapatos do outro... algo de muito pouco português. É preciso ir para além do momento da troca entre cliente e fornecedor e visualizar a vida do cliente, e visualizar as experiências  que se podem influenciar nessa vida... é preciso pensar em Brandenburger e Nalebuff e nas relações ganhar-ganhar que se podem criar. Como criar um mercado em que todos os actores estão em sintonia com a nossa empresa?)
The concept of market scripting asks for an enlargement of the idea proposed by Vargo and Lusch (2004), re-phrased as “the enterprise cannot deliver value, but only offer value propositions” in Vargo and Lusch (2008). As value is increasingly co-created in networks, in market practices participated by several actors, the argument could be that “the firm offers market propositions”, signifying that successful firms need to offer their view on how the market should be configured and engage actors in collective sensemaking activities aimed at creating a shared market view. (Moi ici: Isto é poesia... pura poesia)
We define market propositions as resource integration promises: the scripting actor promises to enhance value creation for participating actors by creating a market configuration that makes increased density of resources and capabilities, and value co-creation possible.
A key objective of configurations is to create harmony, consonance, or fit between configurative elements. Elements of a configuration interact if the value of one element depends on the presence of the other element; reinforce each other if the value of each element is increased by the presence of the other element; and are independent if the value of an element is independent of the presence of another element.
Several different market configurations may be effective, as long as the elements reinforce each other in order to achieve a high degree of configurational fit, achieved when the resource and capability density maximizes the network’s aggregated value creation.
markets develop and change by influencing market configurations
firms are increasingly engaged in complex market configurations where the alignment of market views becomes central for success. Firms, hence, need to offer market propositions: offer their view on how the market should be configured and engage actors in activities aimed at creating a shared market view. Market propositions are in essence resource integration promises: the focal actor promises to enhance value creation for participating actors by creating a market configuration that makes increased density of resources and capabilities, and value co-creation possible. (Moi ici: Isto é jogar o jogo num novo nível... and I love this game)
We labelled the practice of making market propositions market scripting, and defined it as the scripting actor’s activities aimed a altering an extant market configuration: to align the mental models and business models of other market actors so that they reinforce the mental and business models of the scripting actor, and increase marketness. Market scripting mechanisms are based on the performativity of all the configurative elements."
É mesmo isto!!!
Claro que nem todos os clientes, ou intervenientes a jusante poderão fazer parte do jogo, só os que estiverem preparados para alinhar porque vão ganhar.

Inovação e Mongo de braço dado

Ontem falei ao telefone com alguém que vai achar este artigo uma alma gémea do projecto de projecto que a move neste momento:
"Quirky: The Solution to the Innovator's Dilemma"

Amor à terra

Ontem estive em Guimarães.
Em qualquer café da região de Guimarães há uma presença constante:

Têm mesmo de mudar de vida

Em 1983, aquando da intervenção do FMI, foram pedidos sacrifícios aos portugueses e às empresas.
Com a adesão à, então, CEE e com a globalização...
Em 2011, com a intervenção do FMI, já só estão a ser pedidos sacrifícios aos portugueses.
Mas o caminho está traçado:
"Estrangeiros vão-se embora e levam o dinheiro na mala"
"Emigração anual 1850-2008"

Temos o que construímos

Enquanto por cá a sanha nunca mais abranda:
"Os apanhadores de cogumelos silvestres que se dedicam à sua comercialização vão ser, a breve prazo, obrigados a ter uma carta de apanhador."
Na Índia:
"The flowering of these industrial bases can be traced to the early 1990s. That is when a financial crisis forced Indian policy makers to slough off socialist policies known as the “licenses raj,” which tightly regulated industrial production and kept foreign competition out. The changes let businesses set up factories based on market demand and allowed foreigners to invest in India, exposing domestic companies to greater competition."
Temos o que construímos.
Trecho retirado de "Manufactured Goods Lead Surge in Indian Exports"

segunda-feira, julho 25, 2011

It's the relationship, stupid

Este fim-de-semana o Aranha ligou-me para contar uma sucessão de experiências positivas que tem tido com funcionários da Worten, que o têm ajudado a fazer compras através de autêntica consultoria de compra.
Contei-lhe como não tenho tido a mesma sorte. Nem com a Worten, nem com a Staples (parece-me um caso perdido. Não basta a simpatia dos funcionários se a empresa falha nos seus processos), nem com o El Corte Inglés (sim, para meu espanto, até no El Corte Inglés de Gaia um potencial cliente pode estar minutos na zona das canetas, a precisar de ajuda e ninguém aparece)
Esta manhã bem cedo, antes de ir para Guimarães, onde estou, li mais um trecho do livro "Total Relationship Marketing" de Evert Gummesson. E, sinceramente, fiquei com dúvidas sobre o que li, porque para mim parece-me claro como água a resposta à questão que o autor coloca (talvez seja porque é feita na página 47 de um livro com mais de 350 páginas). Ora vejamos:
A major question is wether it is possible to create a relationship if you have thousands or even millions of customers as can be the case, particularly in B2C/C2B. The B2B companies can also have numerous customers but often they have a limited number of key customers to whom they establish a close personal relationship.

With numerous customers, isn’t mass marketing through advertising and supermarket distribution the only possibility? In mass marketing, the customer is anonymous. The contact through ‘mass communication’ is indirect, impersonal and one-way. In fact, it is deceptive to call it communication, which should be a two-way street. At best it is information, at worst it is barely noise.
In the rationalistic mode of the Western industrialized world, the cost of keeping personal relationships is too high, especially if the value proposition includes a low price or is exposed to fierce price competition. Therefore, relationships are made mechanical, which is possible by means of large-scale mass marketing, supermarkets and self-service.
Personal relationships are substituted for packages which carry product and price information, and the consumers themselves fill carts and bags with goods.”
Ao ler este trecho a minha mente fervilhava de exemplos com a resposta como o da Tavar's. No acto de compra, no momento em que faço a troca do serviço por dinheiro, contacto com alguém que pode fazer a diferença. Quando procuro ajuda na loja, quando sou saudado ao entrar na loja, há um humano que pode fazer magia comigo e criar uma relação... há alguém que pode (lembram-se?) fazer batota.
Ao meter-se gente sem formação sobre como atender os clientes e sobre os produtos, gente a ganhar pouco... cria-se uma espiral negativa que não deixa as relações desenvolverem-se.
Há bocado, recebo um e-mail do Aranha a sublinhar este postal de Seth Godin "No such thing as business ethics". Escreve ele e sublinha ele:
"Nem de propósito, a bater naquela reflexão sobre se são os empregados da worten ou as políticas worten que me têm passado uma excelente imagem…"

"I worry that we absolve ourselves of responsibility when we talk about business ethics and corporate social responsibility. Corporations are collections of people, and we ought to insist that those people (that would be us) do the right thing. Business is too powerful for us to leave our humanity at the door of the office. It's not business, it's personal."
Aproveito para recordar as palavras de Gandhi sobre nós sermos no mundo, a mudança que queremos ver nele, ao ler as últimas palavras de Seth "Every single day he leads by example, building a career and a company based on taking personal responsibility, not on blaming the heartless, profit-focused system."

Para reflexão

"Psychologists Explain Why Most Creative Executives Are Arrogant Jerks"
"Addictive Personality? You Might be a Leader"

The Value Net (parte III)

Continuado daqui.
"Changing the game is hard. There are many potential traps.
The first mental trap is to think that you have to accept the game you find yourself in. Just realising that you can change the game is crucial. There's more work to be done, but it's far more rewarding to be a game maker than a game taker. (Moi ici: A grande libertação é descobrir que o mercado onde uma empresa compete não é uma condenação eterna mas uma situação que pode ser alterada. Quando se toma consciência dessa realidade, abre-se um horizonte novo... descobre-se a possibilidade de construir o seu próprio futuro)
The next trap is to think that changing the game must come at the expense of others. Such thinking can lead to an embattled mind-set that causes you to miss win-win opportunities. (Moi ici: Nunca é demais recordar as palavras de Hermann Simon "Lear to compete peacefully: Peaceful competitors built an entire market strategy around preserving or increasing profit. They refuse to see themselves locked in a zero-sum competition for market share, which fosters a "kill or be killed" mentality. They would rather be different than be the ultimate "winner." Trecho retirado de "Manage for Profit. Not for Market Share")
Another trap is to believe that you have to find something to do that others can’t. When you do come up with a way to change the game, accept that your actions might well be imitated. Being unique is not a prerequisite for success... (Moi ici: Recordar Steve Blank "Why Pioneers Have Arrows In Their Backs")
The fourth trap is failling to see the whole game. What you don't see, you can't change.
The fifth trap is failing to think methodically about changing the game. "

Fricção e Originação de Valor

"There is a long tradition in strategy of linking superior performance to the existence of imperfect competition and competitive frictions play a central role in both the industry-level and resource-level of analysis. In particular, Mahoney (2001) argues that the resource-based view is fundamentally about the set of frictions that enable the capture of sustainable rents. Without any frictions, perfectly competitive product and factor markets assure that all rents are dissipated.
As perfect competition arises when all buyers are always able to play all suppliers off against one another, the introduction of such frictions serves to moderate the level of rivalry in the market.
Markets with low frictions are those where little or no information has to be acquired for transactions and negotiations to take place. Everyone knows who is selling and what is to be sold. For example, commodity markets show very little frictions. Markets with high frictions are those where it is costly to ascertain the quality of what is to be sold to buyers and suppliers need to spend time to search for each other. (Moi ici: Julgo que esta descrição está incompleta. A fricção, a imperfeição do mercado não surge só por causa da falta de informação. Quando uma empresa se diferencia, pelo seu serviço, pelo seu produto, pela sua flexibilidade, pela relação que desenvolveu com os clientes, está a tornar o mercado imperfeito, está a introduzir fricção) Matching between supply and demand is hence imperfect. Markets for new innovative products could be characterized by high frictions as buyers need to understand if the new product fits their needs and suppliers need to understand who constitutes their demand. Professional services could also be characterized as high frictions as there are both high switching costs and services can be difficult to evaluate.
Obviously, as markets evolve over time, the level of frictions can change. The definition of standards, the establishment of reputations and the maturation of technologies can contribute to reduce frictions. (Moi ici: Os autores só abordam a fricção na relação entre fornecedores e clientes. Acho muito mais interessante a fricção que um fornecedor cria na relação entre os clientes-alvo e outros fornecedores ao se diferenciar) The increased availability of information through the internet for products can be seen as lowering frictions; more generally advances in information and communications technologies can be seen as allowing buyers to work with a larger and more dispersed set of suppliers."
Até porque está de acordo com a definição de fricção dada pelos autores do artigo:
"A central aim of this paper is to introduce frictions into value-based analysis. We define frictions as impediments to the free form negotiations among all players that are assumed in the received value-based approach. The key implication of the presence of frictions is to break the assumption that all buyers are able to negotiate with all sellers. As perfect competition arises when all buyers are always able to play all suppliers off against one another, the introduction of frictions serves to moderate the level of rivalry."
Pensemos nas empresas grandes, plenas de capacidade financeira... e como não são capazes de ser eternas... 
"A leader with high value creation and a follower with low value creation emerge due to the conjunction of two factors. The first factor, which is due to the underlying cooperative game theoretic model, is that free form negotiation allows buyers to make suppliers compete harshly against each other. Solely on the basis of free form negotiation this would be a winner-take all market, with room for only one supplier, as two identical suppliers would both earn zero profits. The second factor, which we introduced in this paper, is the friction parameter which shields the weaker supplier from the brunt of competition from the stronger one. Because of frictions, which prevent some buyers from negotiating with both suppliers at the same time, there is a niche available in the market for a weaker supplier and which justifies this supplier’s investment in some capabilities."
Trechos retirados de "Value Creation and Value Capture with Frictions" de Olivier Chatain e Peter Zemsky.

Ainda há quem levante a voz contra a impressão de bentos

Felizmente ainda há vozes no mainstream que estão contra a impressão de bentos:
"Um dos grandes factores de diferenciação desta crise é que não temos política monetária. Até que ponto é que isto pode afectar a economia real?
Claro que afecta e afecta para o bem e para o mal. Tem vantagens e tem inconvenientes. O inconveniente é uma inflexibilidade; a vantagem é evitarmos a tentação de fingir que resolvemos o problema porque é preciso perceber que a possibilidade de desvalorização é uma maneira excelente de aldrabar os trabalhadores. De fingir que se ajustou e as empresas conseguem de repente ter sucesso, ganham competitividade sem fazer nenhuma reforma. Isso é o pior veneno que pode acontecer.
Um país que tem possibilidade de desvalorização e que actua perante essa ameaça com uma desvalorização vai ter um alívio imediato mas não faz nenhuma reestruturação, não resolve nenhum problema. E daí a uns tempos esse alívio, que fez com que a economia tivesse crescido, volta ao normal e o que é que é preciso fazer? Outra desvalorização. (Moi ici: Exactamente os argumentos que avançamos aqui em "Paralelismos (Parte II)" e aqui "Ainda a propósito de quelques moutons noirs")

É um make-up?
É isso mesmo. Desvalorização é dizer isto: eu agora dou-te o mesmo dinheiro mas esse dinheiro não vale o que valia. Para quem recebe é uma aldrabice. É só isso não é mais nada. A desvalorização não resolve nada. Simplesmente mascara, finge que estamos a pagar. É uma maneira tradicionalmente utilizada pelos Governos para resolver esse problema."
Depois, César das Neves dá uma resposta lapidar que é tão rara neste país de mentalidade socialista sempre a correr atrás da protecção pedo-mafiosa do papá-Estado.
"Como é que as empresas podem ganhar competitividade neste momento?
A única maneira segura de ganhar competitividade é ter olho para o negócio; é encontrar novas perspectivas, é mudar as tecnologias, é fazer cortes.
E há uma enorme quantidade de empresas que fazem muita coisa e são muito boas. (...) As empresas que existem estão neste momento estranguladas por uma enorme quantidade de medidas públicas mas são resistentes porque conseguiram aguentar coisas que nunca ninguém conseguiu. Se o Estado tirar as mãos um bocadinho do pescoço das empresas, só um bocadinho, podemos começar a ter crescimento económico muito significativo."
É comparar esta mentalidade, infelizmente minoritária em Portugal, com a mentalidade que ocupa imperialmente a mente dos media, dos políticos, da academia e das empresas do regime:
"Mais de 700 transportadoras fecharam este ano":
"Carlos Barroso recordou que, depois da paralisação dos transportadores rodoviários, ocorrida em Março, «chegou a ser publicado um conjunto de medidas de apoio ao sector, no sentido de poder ajudar as empresas e salvaguardar postos de trabalho, mas o sector continua exatamente igual»."
E ninguém se interroga se não existirá capacidade instalada a mais? E ninguém se interroga se não há estratégias alternativas?

Limitados, só conhecem um extremo

"The core values of RM are found in its emphasis on collaboration and the creation of mutual value . It includes viewing suppliers, customers and others as partners who co-create rather than opposite parties.
RM should be more of win – win than win – lose , more of a plus sum game than a zero sum game.
In a plus sum game, the parties increase value for each other; in a zero sum game, what one gains is the loss of another. A constructive attitude is expected by all those involved and all should find the relationship meaningful. If these conditions are fulfilled, the relationships may become sustaining. For a supplier, it is important to retain existing customers, a fact which is increasingly being stressed. Extending the duration of the relationship becomes a major marketing goal. Too much emphasis has been put on the acquisition of new customers and too little on caring for existing customers. RM/CRM encourage customer retention and discourage customer defection well aware of the fact that attraction marketing – getting new customers – must also be persued. Although collabor ation is the core property of RM, my RM concept holds that both competition and collabor ation are essential in a functioning market economy.
RM is often presented as the opposite to transaction marketing , the one-shot deal. In transaction marketing, the fact that a customer has bought once does not forecast the probability for repurchase, not even if a series of purchases have been made.
In RM, loyalty – especially customer loyalty – is emphasized. In the ‘ loyalty ladder ’ , the lowest rung is the contact with a prospect who hopefully turns into a customer and a first purchase. Recurrent customers are clients ; those who have come back and a longterm relationship is in the making. In the next stages the client becomes a supporter and finally an advocate for the supplier.
In order to conceptually incorporate transaction marketing in RM, it can be seen as the zero point of the RM scale.
The scope of the relationships can then be enhanced until a customer and a supplier are practically the same organization. The zero relationship of RM has a price component within which the lowest price connects the buyer and the seller.
Micro-economic theory advocates that price be the sole determinant of a purchase. This limitation makes the theory a blind guide to marketing management, as it only represents one extreme point on the relationship scale. (Moi ici: Ou seja, os nossos políticos e académicos só falam e concebem a economia nesse extremo da escala em que o preço é tudo... enfim, que mais dizer) The zero relationship also has a convenience component which implies that the customer often buys where it is simplest and most convenient on a certain occasion. On such occasions price is almost immaterial." (Moi ici: Como o combustível à venda na auto-estrada)
Trechos retirados de "Total Relationship Marketing" de Evert Gummesson.

Oportunidades de negócio

"Raspberries, Tea and Capers Fight Metabolic Syndrome" ainda vamos ver a recolha das grainhas no pós-vindimas para a produção do resveratrol tornar-se num negócio interessante.
Será que já existem estudos nas universidades?

A mecânica newtoniana não serve para a economia

"Goods-dominant logic views units of output as the central components of exchange. It developed from both a combination of Smith’s (1776) normative work on how to create national wealth through the “production” and export of surplus tangible commodities and the economic philosophers’ desire to make economics a true science at a time when Newtonian Mechanics served as the model for the mastery of nature. Accordingly, modern economic thought embraced objects (matter or goods) as having innate properties (utility) and relationships to other objects, measured in terms of price mechanisms and valuein-exchange. This economic theory became formalized in the mathematics of calculus and differential equations, and economic science became a foundation for financially engineering and optimizing the economy and the firm."
Como se a mecânica newtoniana alguma vez pudesse ser aplicável às relações humanas que sustentam a economia.
Trecho retirado de "Competing through service: Insights from service-dominant logic" de Robert F. Lusch, Stephen L. Vargo e Matthew O’Brien, publicado por Journal of Retailing 83 (1, 2007) 5–18

domingo, julho 24, 2011

O maior espectáculo Europeu terminou

Resposta às questões daqui.
Sim, foi o ano de Cadel Evans.
5, e podiam ter sido 6... 5 vitórias para o tipo nascido na ilha de Man com o bónus da camisola verde.
Não, Baby Schleck ficou-se pelo 2º lugar. Tem de se contentar com a vitória do ano passado.
Cancellara desiludiu. Thor Hushov iludiu-se com a camisola amarela e desfocou-se do seu alvo natural que é a verde. Contador... no steak.
Aproveito para tirar o chapéu à garra de Thomas Voeckler.
Já sinto o Síndrome de Abstinência...


Na passada sexta-feira, enquanto fazia este trajecto de bicicleta, ouvia na Antena 1 o programa "Consistório" (O conteúdo em mp3 está aqui)
Oiço este programa com alguma regularidade para me divertir com a opinião de gente que vive num ecossistema bem longe das empresas reais e das pessoas reais de carne e osso. Nem sempre, como desta vez, consigo aturar até ao fim as barbaridades que oiço e mudo de canal.
Enquanto ouvia, aí pelo km 6, só dizia para comigo "Esta gente daqui a umas semanas estará a desdizer-se!"
Os representantes do status-quo estavam todos muito contentes, quase diria excitados, com os resultados do último Conselho Europeu (embora não chegassem ao limite do que ouvi na TSF, "A austeridade vai acabar" sic)
O primeiro, aí pelo km 5, foi Luís atirem dinheiro para cima dos problemas Delgado: "As decisões do Conselho Europeu foram um sucesso..."
Eu só me interrogava ao ouvi-los:
Mas o que é que mudou? Vão poder pagar a uma taxa de juro menor ao longo de mais anos sim. E depois? Será que Portugal e Grécia vão ter superavit? Se não está previsto superavit, o endividamento vai continuar. Portanto... treta.
Começm agora a surgir as primeiras rachas:

The Value Net (parte II)

Continuado daqui.
"Designing the Value Net for your business is the first step toward changing the game. The second step is identifying all the elements of the game. According to game theory, there are five: players; added values, rules, tactics and scope - PARTS for short. These five elements fully describe all interactions, both freewheeling and rule-based. To change the game, you have to change one or more of these elements."
"Players come first. As we saw in the Value Net, the players are customers, suppliers, substitutors, and complementors. None of the players are fixed. Sometimes it's smart to change who is playing the game. That includes yourself. (Moi ici: Recordar "Subir na escala de valor"; "Como é o ecossistema da sua organização?" e "Trazer os não-clientes para a equação da criação de valor")
Qual o ecossistema da sua empresa? Quem intervém?
Quais são as oportunidades de cooperação e de competição nas relações que se podem estabelecer e desenvolver com clientes, fornecedores, concorrentes, complementadores? O que é que os muggles não conseguem ver? Quais as hipóteses de tornar o mercado menos perfeito?
É possível, faz sentido, mudar alguns jogadores? É possível trazer novos intervenientes para o jogo?
Quem tem a ganhar ou a perder com a sua entrada em jogo? 
Recordar "Não é armadilhar, é educar" e "Não é armadilhar, é arte"
"Added values is what each player brings to the game. There are ways to make yourself a more valuable player- in other words, to raise your added value. And there are ways to lower the added values of other players. ... Just as you shouldn't accept the players of a game as fixed, you shouldn't take away what they bring to the game as fixed, either. You can change the players' added values."
Qual é o seu valor acrescentado? O que é que a sua empresa traz para o jogo?
Como é que esse valor acrescentado pode ser aumentado? 
Qual é o valor acrescentado que os outros intervenientes trazem para o ecossistema? É possível ganhar com a limitação do seu (deles) valor acrescentado?
"Rules give structure to the game. In business, there is no universal set of rules;  a rule might arise from law, custom, practicality, or contracts. In addition to using existing rules to their advantage, players may be able to revise them or come up with new ones. ... Rules determine how the game is played by limiting the possible reactions to any action. To analyze the effect of a rule, you have to look forward and reason backward"
Que regras ajudam a sua empresa? E que regras a prejudicam?
Que novas regras gostava que existissem para beneficiar a sua empresa? Que contratos, por exemplo, gostava de poder assinar com clientes e fornecedores?
A sua empresa tem poder para impor essas regras? Alguém pode ajudar a que isso aconteça? E alguém pode contrariar essa vontade?
"Tactics are moves used to shape the way players perceive the game and hence how they play. Sometimes, tactics are designed to reduce misperceptions; at other times, they are designed to create or maintain uncertainty. ... We've changed the players, their added values, and the rules. Is there anything left to change? Yes - perceptions there is no guarantee that everyone agrees on who the players are, what their added values are, and what the rules are. Nor are the implications of every move and countermove likely to be clear. Business is mired in uncertainty. Tactics influence the way players perceive the uncertainty and thus mold their behavior. Some tactics work by reducing misperceptions - in other words, by lifting the fog. Others work by creating or maintaining uncertainty - by thickneing the fog." (Moi ici: Escrevo este fog e... não posso deixar de o associar a estas frictions em "Value Creation and Value Capture with Frictions")
Como é que os outros intervenientes vêem o jogo? Como é que essas percepções afectam o jogar o jogo?
Que percepções faz sentido manter? Que percepções pretende mudar?
Pretende que o jogo seja mais transparente ou mais opaco?
"Scope describes the boundaries of the game. It's possible for players to expand or shrink those boundaries. ... After players, added values, rules, and tactical possibilities, there is nothing left to change within the existing boundaries of the game. But no game is an island. Games are linked across space and over time. A game in one place can affect games elsewhere, and a game today can affect games tomorrow. You can change the scope of a game. You can expand it by creating linkages to other games, or you can shrink it by severing linkages. Either approach may work to your benefit."
Qual o âmbito do jogo actual? Faz sentido alterá-lo? 
Faz sentido ligá-lo a outros jogos?
Faz sentido alterar as ligações a outros jogos?
Ao olhar para tudo isto não posso deixar de pensar no business model canvas de Osterwalder...
Questões adaptadas daqui.

A diferenciação dentro da diferenciação

"Porter states that sustaining competitive advantage involves dealing with competitive forces within a sector of industry to become distinct from competitors.
The competitive forces determine the rules of the game in doing business within a sector of industry. According to Porter, organizations act wisely if they obey these strategic rules. This implies that within Porter’s strategic reality it is not wise if organizations try to change the strategic rules, for that leads to a stuck-in-the-middle position within the sector of industry. The only two ways of becoming distinct are by adopting a ‘cost leadership’ strategy or a ‘strategy of differentiation’. Because Porter beliefs the strategic rules within a sector of industry are objective, all competitors will observe the same strategic rules and choose a strategy to become distinct accordingly. Paradoxically, this will result in the situation that strategy no longer concerns doing things differently, but by doing things the same as your competitors do. (Moi ici: O autor não está a ver bem a coisa... falta-lhe o ró) After all, if all organizations adopt either a strategy of ‘cost leadership’ or ‘differentiation’, ironically, the only way to become distinct from your competitors is to enact a ‘stuck-in-the-middle’ strategy that, according to Porter, should be avoided at all expense."
O autor não está a ver o filme todo. A estratégia pode ser de diferenciação, e o que é que isso significa? Uns clientes gostam do amarelo, outros do azul, outros do verde, outros do preto, ... a estratégia genérica é diferenciação mas cada grupo homogéneo de clientes-alvo procura e valoriza experiências diferentes. Assim, organizar-se para servir os clientes que gostam do amarelo não é igual a organizar-se para servir os que gostam do verde. "Stuck-in-the-middle" é tentar servir em simultâneo os clientes que gostam do amarelo, e os clientes que gostam do verde, e os clientes que gostam do preto, e ... porque, como referi em "Go Mongo: "We will find a place (To settle) Where there's so much space" e em "O que não fazer é tão importante como o que fazer" o que descobri em "Positioning on a Multi-Attribute Landscape" de Ron Adner, Felipe A. Csaszar e Peter B. Zemsky, publicado em Março de 2010 obriga a fazer opções, impõe trade-offs.

Trecho inicial extraído de "Developing strategic self-descriptions of SMEs" de Jan-Peter Vos, publicado por Technovation 25 (2005) 989–999.

sábado, julho 23, 2011

Um conselho

"Licenciados voltam à universidade"
Uma forma de sacar dinheiro aos incautos.
Licenciados com 7/8 anos de experiência profissional voltam à universidade para tirar um mestrado e... descobrem que vão ter de voltar a ter cadeiras que já tiveram durante a licenciatura. E pior, continuam a ser os mesmos professores sem experiência profissional a debitar aulas para profissionais, como se debitassem para os alunos sem experiência de vida, sem profissão e que continuam a depender dos pais.
Um flop!
Um conselho: se estiver interessado num mestrado, procure saber quem são os professores e qual o seu percurso profissional extra-académico.

The Value Net (parte I)

Estou a tentar lembrar-me mas já não consigo recordar qual a fonte que ontem me fez chegar a "The Right Game: Use Game Theory to Shape Strategy" de Adam Brandenburger e Barry Nalebuff, publicado em Julho de 2005 pela HBR.
Interessante como um artigo escrito há 16 anos descreveu tão bem, não só o meu percurso, mas também o de muitos autores que nos últimos 10 anos se têm dedicado ao fenómeno da originação de valor.
Ainda há dias em "Os mercados como configurações (parte IV)" reflectia sobre isto:
"Unlike war and sports, business is not about winning and losing. Nor is it about how well you play the game. Companies can succeed spectacularly without requiring others to fail. And they can fail miserably no matter how well they play if they make the mistake of playing the wrong game.
The essence of business success lies in making sure you’re playing the right game. How do you know if it’s the right game? What can you do about it if it’s the wrong game?
For rule-based games, game theory offers the principle, To every action, there is a reaction. But, unlike Newton’s third law of motion, the reaction is not programmed to be equal and opposite.
For freewheeling games, game theory offers the principle, You cannot take away from the game more than you bring to it. In business, what does a particular player bring to the game? To find the answer, look at the value created when everyone is in the game, and then pluck that player out and see how much value the remaining players can create. The difference is the removed player’s “added value.” In unstructured interactions, you cannot take away more than your added value.
Underlying both principles is a shift in perspective. Many people view games egocentrically—that is, they focus on their own position. The primary insight of game theory is the importance of focusing on others—namely, allocentrism. To look forward and reason backward, you have to put yourself in the shoes—even in the heads—of other players. To assess your added value, you have to ask not what other players can bring to you but what you can bring to other players." (Moi ici: Perfeito!!! Na linha do que escrevi em "Não é armadilhar, é educar!" sobre as empresas que tiram os olhos do chão)
Segue-se uma frase que merece ser lida, re-lida e re-lida:
"Successful business strategy is about actively shaping the game you play, not just playing the game you find." (Moi ici: "Os mercados como configurações (parte IV)" resumido como poesia numa única frase)
"You can't see all the ramifications of the program without adopting an allocentric perspective." (Moi ici: Quem são os intervenientes no jogo? E voltamos ao esquema de ontem:
Quem participa? O que é que cada um procura e valoriza? Como criar uma sintonia, um alinhamento na cadeia da procura?)
"Looking for win-win strategies has several advantages. First, because the approach is relatively unexplored, there is greater potential for finding new opportunities. Second, because others are not being forced to give up ground, they may offer less resistance to win-win moves, making them easier to implement. Third, because win-win movez don't force other players to retaliate, the new game is more sustainable. And finally, imitation of a win-win move is beneficial, not harmful.
To encourage thinking about both cooperative and competitive ways to change the game, we suggest the term coopetition. It means looking for win-win as well as win-lose opportunities.
The game of business is all about value: creating it and capturing it. Who are the participants in this enterprise? To describe them, we introduce the Value Net - a schematic map designed to represent all the players in the game and the interdependencies among them.
The Value Net describes the various roles of the players.

The Value Net reveals two fundamental symmetries in the game of business: the first between customers and suppliers and the second between substitutors and complementors. Understanding those symmetries can help managers come up with new strategies.
Managers understand intuitively that along the vertical dimension of the Value Net, there is a mixture of cooperation and competition. It's cooperation when suppliers, companies, and customers come together to create value in the first place. It's competition when the times comes for them to divide the pie.
Along the horizontal dimension, however, managers tend to see only half the picture . Substitutors are seen only as enemies. Complementors, if viewed at all, are seen only as friends. Such a perspective overlooks another simmetry. There can be a cooperative element to interactions with substitutors.
Designing the Value Net for your business is the first step toward changing the game. The second step is identifying all the elements of the game. According to game theory, there are five: players; added values, rules, tactics and scope - PARTS for short. These five elements fully describe all interactions, both freewheeling and rule-based. To change the game, you have to change one or more of thse elements."