terça-feira, julho 26, 2011

Again, repit with me: Value is a feeling, not a calculation

Uma vez mais Greg Satell nails it com "4 Things to Know About Brand Value":
"brands are conceptual. They allow us to dream, to think of things other than logistics and pricing and firing people. Reflecting on brands help us escape from the drudgery of work." (Moi ici: As marcas fogem à matematização... mas não as marcas ôcas, porque se tornaram ôcas, porque se radioclubeportuguisaram, e já só são um nome, uma carcaça exterior. Sim as marcas que continuam a queimar as pestasnas a arranjar formas de surpreender os potenciais clientes)
"1. A Brand is a Promise
Usually when people think about brands they think about logos and marketing slogans, but a brand is much more than that.  ... brand value is the value of promises made and kept." (Moi ici: Actualmente ando com outra ideia na cabeça. E quando compramos um artigo que saiu melhor do que a encomenda? E quando compramos um artigo e, com o começo do uso, o valor que lhe atribuímos continua a crescer? O potencial de valor que o fabricante podia capturar ainda mais... e, como já escrevi aqui no blogue e comentava com um empresário esta semana, é tão comum os empresários portugueses subestimarem-se... não apostam na comunicação, no marketing e, depois, são como Figos que morrem a jogar no Pastilhas para sempre... ou pior, jogam no Pastilhas e outros é que capturam o valor)
"2. Brands Have Tangible Value
There is a reason that companies spend billions of dollars every year to make promises and go to such great lengths to keep them:  Money.  Cold hard cash.  Moolah and lots of it!"
"4. Emotions Build Brands
While brands are financial entities, they are built through emotions. As I wrote in an earlier post, emotions are like a little yellow highlighter in our brains. They’re powerful because they bypass the rational center in our forebrains and go straight to embedding themselves in our brain’s synaptic pathways.
From an evolutionary perspective, emotions helped us remember what was important. When we saw a rustle in the bushes and our best friend got eaten by a lion, it was important to be able to remember the incident without repetition (a luxury man eating lions are unlikely to grant).

That’s why as much as we would like to think otherwise, decision making tends to be driven by emotions rather than rationality. Great brands are built through emotional associations."
E como é que isso acontece na sua empresa? É deixado ao acaso ou é desenhado?

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