segunda-feira, abril 13, 2020

É empresário e está à espera do plano destas duas senhoras?

Demasiada gente está na posição de esperar.

Abdicam da sua autonomia e esperam que um papá os salve.

Perderam muito do pouco controlo que tinham sobre a sua vida e entregaram-no a outros que estão perdidos, mas não o revelam. Acham que quem não está perdido tem medo da livre circulação de informação?

Como empresário também se sente perdido? Já pensou em retomar a actividade da sua empresa?
Há dias citei:
"Lean thinking starts with acting: solving immediate problems to better understand the deeper issues. It differs radically from the mainstream approach.
Lean thinking starts with find, in the real world, by identifying immediate problems right now, moves to face as we grasp which problems are easy to solve and which aren’t, what our deeper challenges are, then to frame these challenges in a way others will understand intuitively both (a) the problem we’re trying to solve and (b) the generic form of the solution we’re looking for, and then form the specific solutions through repeated try-and-see efforts with the people themselves until we, all together, build a new (often unforeseen) way of doing things
Effectively, the idea is that to learn anything, we first have to change something and then carefully check the results to evaluate the impact.
"Don’t look with your eyes. Look with your feet. Don’t think with you head. Think with your hands.
Por isso, recomendo a leitura sobre o papel de um mapa. Até de um mapa errado:
"The moral of the story is that when you are lost, any old map will do. The story demonstrates very clearly that it is what people do when they are uncertain that is important, rather than what they plan. By analogy, strategic plans function a lot like maps in which the crucial factor is not the map (or strategy) but the fact that you have something which will get you started on a path to the future. Once people begin to act (enactment), they generate tangible outcomes (cues) in some context (social) and that helps them discover (retrospect) what is occurring (ongoing), what needs to be explained (plausibility) and what should be done next (identity enhancement)."
"The plan (or map) will not of itself actually tell them the route to take: the job of the leader in this situation is one of instilling some confidence in people to start them moving in some general direction, and to be sure that they look closely at cues created by their action, so that they learn where they are and where they want to be. When there is uncertainty or, more properly, equivocality in the environment, intelligent choices may be difficult; such situations put a premium on the robustness of the adaptive procedures rather than of the "map", the strategy or the organization."
Qual é o seu mapa? Tem um plano? Está à espera que estas duas lho apresentem?
Pense outra vez!

Quando um avião se despenha na floresta amazónica, longe da civilização, os sobreviventes costumam dividir-se em 3 grupos:

  • os que dizem aos outros que têm de ficar todos junto à espera, porque o avião vai levantar voo sozinho, por magia;
  • os que dizem aos outros que têm de ficar todos junto à espera, porque certamente alguém há-de aparecer à procura deles para os socorrer;
  • e aqueles que resolvem meter os pés ao caminho e ir em busca da salvação.
Confesso que acho interessante ver os dois primeiros grupos a agir no Twitter. Esperam que o papá, que um cavaleiro de armadura ou aquelas duas senhoras da foto os salvem... E quando alguém menciona a terceira hipótese é logo apelidado de energúmeno.

Eu faço parte e convido-o a fazer parte do terceiro grupo:
  • perceba o contexto em que está mergulhada a sua empresa;
  • estabeleça prioridades para o regresso à actividade (segurança dos trabalhadores primeiro - algo muito concreto, não é BS de ter um plano de segurança, é levar a coisa a sério. Protecção dos clientes em segundo. É claro que os clientes querem qualidade e prazos, mas se virem a sua empresa como um vector de infecção... no way)
  • determine os riscos da sua empresa (fornecedores, operações, logística, clientes)
  • prepare as infra-estrutras de comunicação e estabeleça canais de comunicação e alinhamento
  • mude os postos de trabalho com a colaboração e as ideias de quem neles trabalha (equipamentos de protecção individual, rotinas de limpeza e desinfecção, distanciamento social, horários, medição de temperatura, ...). Se os seus trabalhadores não estiverem seguros conte com absentismo, conflitos, medo, defeitos
  • trabalhe com fornecedores, pode ser obrigado a encontrar outros
  • trabalhe com a logística pode ter de arranjar novas alternativas
  • trabalhe com clientes... será que ainda tem clientes? Será que tem de ir à procura de novos clientes, em novas geografias, com novos modelos de negócio?
Não vai conseguir ter um plano perfeito à partida? Who cares. Já estará a caminho. E fará um plano muito mais adequado à sua realidade do que um qualquer outro com a chancela daquelas duas lá de cima. E como diz um empresário amigo, prepare-se para aprender depressa e aperfeiçoar o plano com o que vai aprendendo.

Desigualdade, heterogeneidade e produtividade

Um artigo interessante sobre o aumento da desigualdade entre assalariados nos Estados Unidos. As conclusões estarão em linha com outros estudos feitos para o Reino Unido, Alemanha, Suécia e Brasil.
"In this article, we study the contribution of firms and the role of worker composition between firms in the rise in earnings inequality in the United States using a longitudinal data set covering workers and firms for the entire U.S. labor market from 1978 to 2013. Our data set has several key advantages for studying firms and inequality: it is the only U.S. data set covering 100% of workers and firms for the entire period of the rise in inequality,...Our first main result is that the rise in the dispersion between firms in firm average annual earnings accounts for the majority of the increase in total earnings inequality.
First, the rise in earnings inequality between workers over the past three decades is strongly associated with their employers. Two-thirds of the increase in the variance of log earnings from 1981 to 2013 can be accounted for by a rise in the dispersion of average earnings between firms and one-third by a rise in the differences in earnings between workers within firms..Second, examining the sources of the increase in between firm inequality, we find that it has been driven about equally by increased employee sorting (i.e., high-wage workers are increasingly found at high-wage firms) and segregation (i.e., highly paid employees are increasingly clustering in high-wage firms with other high-paid workers, while low-paid employees are clustering in other firms).Third, the distribution of firm fixed effects themselves accounts for essentially none of the rise in inequality. Instead, about two-thirds of the rise in inequality is accounted for by rising variance in individual fixed effects, potentially due to rising returns to skill.Fourth, the rise in within-firm inequality is concentrated in large firms with 1,000+ employees (and even more so in mega firms). This is driven by a fall in the earnings premium in large firms for median- and lower-paid employees and by rising earnings for the top 10% of employees."
Nunca esquecer o quanto os políticos, académicos e paineleiros (a minha famosa tríade) desconhecem esta realidade da heterogeneidade crescente entre empresas, mesmo dentro do mesmo sector. Recordar: "A distribuição de produtividades está a aumentar"

"Firming up inequality" de Jae Song, David Price, Fatih Guvenen, Nicholas Bloom e Till von Wachter, publicado por The Quarterly Journal of Economics - Vol. 134 2019 issue 1

domingo, abril 12, 2020

Eu tenho muito mais dúvidas do que certezas (parte IV)

Parte I, parte II e parte III.

Ao ler "Universities brace for huge losses as foreign students drop out" pensei: outra vítima silenciosa deste evento pandémico. Tal como o turismo, ou o negócio do desporto de massas, quando a quarentena acabar não voltarão ao que eram.

Ontem, encontrei este texto, "Chapter 1: The problem of ‘freezing’ an economy in a pandemic":
"We put the economy in the freezer under the clear expectation that we will at some stage take it back out again.
Our argument is straightforward. Governments cannot freeze an economy, thaw it out a few months later and expect it to come back to life. Economies do not hibernate for the winter like a sleepy but otherwise unharmed and intact bear.
As much as economists might like to think that they have knowledge and experience in kickstarting economies, we are less sanguine.
This is an economy: a constantly, inevitably evolving, shifting pattern of relationships. We each know our part of it – our consumer desires, our business and employment relationships – but cannot, as Fredrich Hayek most powerfully said, truly know much more than that. We cannot understand all the diverse inputs that make up our cereal and our pencils and our pins, let alone how our local florist relies on its bank (and our florists bank relies on it). Even if we could know that impossibly large amount of information, that knowledge would not remain up to date for long. Ultimately every part of the economy is reliant, in some small and impossible to determine way, on every other part – networked through relationships of sustainable specialisation and trade, creating an complex overlapping pattern of economic activity. And now we are trying to freeze that pattern in place.
A lot of the current economic policy advice being offered to governments about the cost of shutting down and then restarting the economy is almost entirely focused on the direct economic cost of the freeze as the opportunity cost of the time offline. This is invariably estimated as the quantum of GDP lost, or some factorisation of that such as jobs lost, businesses closed, capital liquidated, or public subsidy required. There is no cost attributed to the restart that is not identical with the stimulus model of replacing missing spending, whether in consumption, investment or net exports. This is mainstream economic thinking and it largely ignores the entrepreneurial costs of economic discovery and adaptation to changed circumstances. It is our view that this is actually the more critical consideration, even if it does not loom as large as a direct money cost measured in terms of spending.
1. Economic patterns are resistant to freezing. An economy is an extremely complex pattern, and most of that complexity lies in its connective structure. Small changes in inputs or contractual linkages, as disruptions to parts of a complex system, can ramify through an interconnected network causing significant unpredictable changes in outputs. The globalised world brings us remarkable prosperity through specialisation and trade but those patterns, being so highly refined, are easy to break. Modern economies, and especially global supply chains, are therefore more fragile, and less robust, than is often appreciated. It is not possible to fix these patterns in place. But a frozen economy – where entire teams are furloughed with little to do until the crisis passes – will suffer the erosion of connections and relationships brought by time.
2. Our economic relationships and preferences will change during the freeze. A frozen economy will thaw into a changed world. In the interim period, even as little as three to six months, a significant number of parametric and environmental conditions will have changed. Most obviously, people will come back wanting different things (maybe fewer holidays on cruise ships), having new priorities (increased appreciation for health), possessing new skills (such as cooking, or with new digital competences), revaluing assets (perhaps wanting a larger house, or a bolthole in the country), and perhaps rethinking their jobs or family situation (e.g. divorces are predicted to spike). So the demand side of the economy will be different. But so too will the supply side, as many firms will close down, and many capital goods and assets will be liquidated. And also new business plans will be developed, and old plans abandoned, and all of these intermeshed plans will need to be recoordinated. Also the regulatory and legislative environment will change, and perhaps even the physical environment, owing to the reduced levels of production and natural resource use. And tragically, there will be a shifted demographic profile. A frozen economy will thaw into a changed world, and will need to adapt to that. Because of these changes there will also be new opportunities to discover entrepreneurial opportunities that were not present when the economy was frozen.
3. Both the freezing and thawing will invariably be uneven. Going into the freezer, there is a presumption that unessential parts will be frozen while essential parts of the economy remain unfrozen. But in most cases those have been political not market decisions about what constitutes essential.
Furthermore, upon unfreezing some parts will already be dead, whether staying frozen to collect welfare, or because the component factors have reassembled into new forms.
Taking all of these problems together, an unfrozen economy will emerge in a massively disequilibrium state. There will be disequilibrium trading, where some prices are wrong yet it will be unclear which ones. This will produce chaos across all markets. It will occur in commodity markets, asset markets, financial markets, labour markets. All of them. And at a higher level there will also therefore be disequilibrium entrepreneurship, as entrepreneurs and businesses try to see opportunities and make decisions to enter or exit markets, but all based on disequilibrium prices.
The unfreezing problem is a rapid adaptation problemWhen we take the economy out of the freezer and thaw it out, it will need to rapidly take on a new form. When the economy is unfrozen and seeks to reanimate, it will need to quickly recover its connections, or make new ones. For this to happen quickly and efficiently, institutional barriers and constraints will need to be as loose and relaxed as possible. It will need to adapt quickly.[Moi ici: Uma desvantagem terrível para a economia portuguesa que nunca deixou de ser salazarista e aspira a ser nacionalizada]  This will require a period of both disequilibrium trading and re-contracting. Entrepreneurs will need to rediscover the patterns of prices, contracts and other relationships to better coordinate resources in the post-COVID-19 world."
E aqui leio e choro pelo meu país, socialista-salazarista até ao tutano, adepto de conferências de imprensa onde em vez de se transmitir informação, faz-se uma feira de vaidades toda cheia de Excelentíssima Senhora Doutora, Excelentísimo Senhor Doutor. Um país onde ter lucro é pecado, um país onde só se pode fazer o que está na lei, o que não está na lei é proibido. Um país sempre à espera de ordens. Um país do "fiquem em casa crianças, nós os adultos, que sabemos o que é o melhor para todos, vamos resolver isto". Um país habituado a ser pedinte internacional sem vergonha, e que quer acreditar que quando o capital se transforma em dívida não é preciso fazer sacrifícios para a pagar:
"If regulations don’t make sense in a crisis, do they make sense afterwards? Today we are presented the opportunity to rebuild the institutions and organisations of our modern economy. If we do this right, through a process of entrepreneurial discovery and bottom-up solutions, then we will emerge with a political-economic system that acts as an engine for prosperity, and one that is more resilient and robust to future shocks. In this book we tackle those questions and fill some of the current void of ideas and thinking about economic and political recovery. We develop a framework and principles for an institutional re-build, presenting a path to recovery based on the ideas of private governance, permissionless innovation and entrepreneurial dynamism." 

sábado, abril 11, 2020

Eu tenho muito mais dúvidas do que certezas (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.

Porque o caldo está a aquecer, porque a quarentena vai-se prolongar, o que vamos encontrar depois da mesma será cada vez mais diferente do que tínhamos no ponto de partida. Daí que a mensagem da parte II:
"for at least the next couple months every organisation in the world is a startup"
Vai-se reforçando na minha mente.
"In a crisis, we likely won’t have immediate answers, and we therefore need to employ good questions. The most natural questions in a crisis tend to be passive, for example, “What will happen to us?” However, the possibility of shaping events to our advantage only arises if we ask active questions, such as “How can we create new options?” [Moi ici: É fundamental adoptar esta postura activa. Não estar à espera que nos digam o que fazer, como carneiros, mas assumirmos o destino, quer quanto ao retomar das operações, quer quanto ao futuro]
Creativity involves reaching beyond precedents and known alternatives to ask questions that prompt the exploration of fresh ideas and approaches. Some good questions to ask in the Covid-19 crisis might include, for example:
  • Which needs or products are taking center stage?
  • What customer needs exist for which there is no current solution?
  • What are we not doing for our customers?
  • If we were starting over now, what company and offering would we build?
  • Why are today’s loyal customers still doing business with us?"
Este trecho foi retirado de "We Need Imagination Now More Than Ever".

Recomendo a leitura dos comentários na parte II.

O caldo está a aquecer

"it’s likely that we will see changes in consumer spending and behaviors similar to those that resulted from the Great Depression of the 1930s and the Great Recession of the late 2000s.
This point is one that is made every time there is a major recession: The bigger the economic decline, the greater the acceleration of what economist Joseph Schumpeter called creative destruction. This is the cycle where a recession causes declining industries and marginally successful business models to disappear faster than they would have if the national economy had continued to grow.
The disruptions from coronavirus are on track to continue for months. For many people who have been furloughed or laid off, this will mean not regaining their jobs. Many businesses that have temporarily closed will experience business model failure. The high levels of financial debt in the economy, especially in the business community, will ensure that marginally viable business models will be destroyed even quicker than would have happened otherwise."

"For retailers, COVID-19 is an urgent threat, in addition to other already existing impacts forcing retailers to radically restructure their business and operating models to quickly adapt to change. The combination of impacts from several factors — including social, economic, environmental, technological, political, legal and ethical —​ have placed pressure on retailers to transform business models. COVID-19 is now compounding these impacts and exposing already weak spots among all segments and sizes of retailers."

"All of them then imagine a phase two, which relaxes — but does not end — social distancing while implementing testing and surveillance on a mass scale. This is where you must begin imagining the almost unimaginable.
The CAP and Harvard plans both foresee a digital pandemic surveillance state in which virtually every American downloads an app to their phone that geotracks their movements, so if they come into contact with anyone who later is found to have Covid-19, they can be alerted and a period of social quarantine can begin. Similarly, people would scan QR codes when boarding mass transit or entering other high-risk public areas. And GPS tracking could be used to enforce quarantine on those who test positive with the disease, as is being done in Taiwan.
To state the obvious: The technological and political obstacles are massive."

sexta-feira, abril 10, 2020

Sexta-Feira Santa

The Rules of the Passion Economy (parte VII)

Parte I, parte IIparte IIIparte IVparte V e parte VI.

The core thing you are selling is the real value you can bring to a customer who craves your offering.
The way you deliver it is secondary. Too often people focus on that secondary aspect. They’re in the bakery business, or they are a supermarket supplier. Don’t be locked into the secondary value-capture end of your business. Focus, instead, on the core value you create and be quite experimental and creative about how to capture that value.
Change your value capture constantly. Change your value creation slowly.
Value capture is just a tool, and you should use whichever tool is quickest and easiest. Value creation, though, is the core of your business. Treasure it, tend it, change it only quite slowly and deliberately."

quinta-feira, abril 09, 2020

Começar pela acção

Mais alguns trechos particularmente úteis para reflexão neste tempo de quarentena (aka tsunami económico):
"Unlike mainstream approaches, Lean thinking accepts that we do not know the shape and form of the solution beforehand. Thinking is about defining what the outcome should look like. Although this kind of thinking is rarely easy, it helps in avoiding the typical frame blindness of solving the wrong problem because you’re fixated on a specific result and/or method.
The aim of Lean thinking is to grapple with the situation until one can scope out how to make the world a better place by moving forward in an improvement direction. The basic assumption is that the world will never be fully known or understood, and we respect that it retains some of its mystery even as some improvement dimensions become clearer.
The more that we learn through kaizen at the workplace, the more we see that we don’t know how to do what we need to do. That’s why we need to commit to a learning curve rather than an action plan. This is another radical departure from mainstream thinking in that it’s less about fixing the immediate problem. The question is: how do we create the conditions for learning?Here again, Lean thinking differs fundamentally from the mainstream “get it done” action plan. You can make people execute an order, but you can’t force them to learn.”

Trechos retirados de "The Lean Strategy" de Michael Ballé, Daniel Jones, Jacques Chaize, e Orest Fiume.

The Rules of the Passion Economy (parte VI)

Parte I, parte IIparte IIIparte IV e parte V.

"RULE #6: TECHNOLOGY SHOULD ALWAYS SUPPORT YOUR BUSINESS, NOT DRIVE IT....Do what technology and large industry cannot do—not the same thing, only slower. To succeed in the Passion Economy, one should not condemn large-scale business and technology or dismiss them as inferior. Instead, the successful passion-based business owner recognizes the tremendous power of larger firms and their tools of automation and avoids competing directly. [Moi ici: Algo que escrevo aqui no blogue há milhares de anos. Enquanto os grandes automatizam... Mongo é demasiado complexo para automatização eficientista] If your core customer cannot easily distinguish your products or services from those of a larger competitor, you need to shift and offer something else.
...Technology-driven scale creates the space for businesses built on value and passion. Businesses built on great scale, by necessity, cannot richly engage narrow audiences. [Moi ici: Como não recordar a metáfora do plancton] Sure, they can use computer programs to create personalized recommendations or to let customers design their own style of shoe or shirt. But that is not the same as personally guiding a customer to some option he could never have imagined himself, offering a service, rooted in passion, that satisfies needs the customer doesn’t know he has.
Technology tends toward bigness, so stay small. A central feature of this economy is that technology-driven innovation scales to unimaginable size. Create Facebook or Twitter or a new cell phone and, soon enough, everyone on earth has access to them. Unless you happen to have billions of dollars and a genius for cutting-edge technological innovation, don’t ever bother going big. There is safety in smallness. If you richly serve a small niche in a way that is hard to scale, no big company will ever think to go through the expense of identifying so small a market and serving your customers’ rather particular needs.”

Acerca do uso dos gráficos de queijo

A propósito desta foto e do uso deste tipo de gráfico:

quarta-feira, abril 08, 2020

The Rules of the Passion Economy (parte V)

Parte I, parte IIparte III e parte IV.
Whatever you’re selling, you’re selling a story, and it better be a true one. Value is not a physical thing: a lump of metal and plastic and glass. It is also not a period: the hours of effort that a professional puts in to achieve some task. Value is a subjective measurement of how some product or service makes a person’s life better. It is a story, and like all good stories, it has characters and a plot and a feeling of completion, and maybe a bit of drama. This can be true for even the most prosaic of purchases.
Always tell the truth. Forget morality for a moment; forget a desire to be a truthful person. Even if all you care about is profit at any cost, you still should never lie. The value-creation process requires an investment of effort and capital that generally pays off only over time.
You can and must tell your story, especially if you’re bad at telling stories. A truthful brand, built on passion and real value, tells a story even if the person who created it is shy and generally lousy at storytelling."

Covid-19 - Direcção e iteração colaborativa

Quando comecei a trabalhar a ISO 14001, nos anos 90 do século passado, fiquei fascinado com a sua diferença face à ISO 9001.

Ao trabalhar com a ISO 9001 facilmente ficávamos prisioneiros da quantidade de procedimentos obrigatórios que tinhamos de criar. Por isso, os resultados no terreno demoravam a aparecer. Primeiro tinhamos de arquitectar e construir o sistema, traduzi-lo em procedimentos e só depois começar a implementação. A implementação, porque o consultor era tótó, ou porque a gestão de topo só estava interessada na bandeira, ou porque a empresa estava sobrecarregada de trabalho, mais parecia um calvário. O objectivo da implementação era chegar a algo que pudesse ser certificado e uma bandeira atribuída. Uma vez obtida a certificação, a empresa dizia-nos adeus, e raramente havia oportunidade mergulhar na melhoria do sistema.

Entretanto, na minha cabeça remoía um artigo de 1992 na HBR - "Successful Change Programs Begin with Results"

Ao trabalhar com a ISO 14001 descobria a possibilidade de desenhar um sistema de gestão virado para atingir resultados. Um sistema de gestão como um portfolio de projectos:

Acabei por publicar um livro onde explicava a metodologia. (BTW, um projecto interessante que nunca foi pago pela editora)

No ano passado descobri mais uma norma ambiental, confesso que não a conhecia, a ISO 14005:2019 - Environmental management systems — Guidelines for a flexible approach to phased implementation.

Esta norma apoia a implementação faseada de sistemas de gestão ambiental. O que é que isto quer dizer? Em vez de começar por montar um sistema de gestão ambiental completo, com todos os ésses e érres, começar por um desafio concreto, um desafio específico. Por exemplo, melhorar a eficiência energética, ou reduzir a produção de resíduos perigosos.

Por que escrevo sobre isto agora? Porque o meu parceiro das conversas oxigenadoras pôs-me a ler este livro, "The Lean Strategy" de Michael Ballé, Daniel Jones, Jacques Chaize, e Orest Fiume.
"Lean thinking starts with acting: solving immediate problems to better understand the deeper issues. It differs radically from the mainstream approach.
Lean thinking starts with find, in the real world, by identifying immediate problems right now, moves to face as we grasp which problems are easy to solve and which aren’t, what our deeper challenges are, then to frame these challenges in a way others will understand intuitively both (a) the problem we’re trying to solve and (b) the generic form of the solution we’re looking for, and then form the specific solutions through repeated try-and-see efforts with the people themselves until we, all together, build a new (often unforeseen) way of doing things
Effectively, the idea is that to learn anything, we first have to change something and then carefully check the results to evaluate the impact.
"Don’t look with your eyes. Look with your feet. Don’t think with you head. Think with your hands.
The point is that running experiments and experiencing consequences is an ongoing process. It is more to accelerate the learning cycle—to learn and respond, then grasp with the current situation, then adjust again—than it is to establish large-scale goals and compare our progress to them on an occasional basis rather than as a constant state. Companies must use meaningful metrics to understand meaningful actions."
Entretanto, ontem ao folher um livro, "Managing Crises: Responses to Large-Scale Emergencies" de Arnold Howitt e Herman B. Leonard. Encontrei estes trechos:
"[Moi ici: As emergências podem ser de dois tipos, as de rotina e as de crise. As de rotina são aquelas para as quais as organizações se preparam e testam. São aquelas para as quais existem planos de resposta. Já a pandemia em curso é uma emergência de crise... não há plano, não houve preparação prévia] This is not a routine emergency. There are no scripts or templates—guides, check-lists, and norms that dictate the set of things that need to be done, their order, the way they are organized, and so on. An authority-driven command and control hierarchy is a good organizational form for producing the efficient execution of known and practiced routine actions.
This is a Crisis Emergency. This emergency has significant elements of novelty that organizations were not prepared for. The presence of significant novelty as the defining feature of crisis emergencies creates an array of distinctive challenges, requiring significantly different approaches, techniques, and processes by those engaged in them. Novelty comes in many forms and from many different sources.
During a crisis, leaders must relinquish the belief that a top-down response will engender stability. In routine emergencies, the typical company can rely on its command-and-control structure to manage operations well by carrying out a scripted response. But in crises characterized by uncertainty, leaders face problems that are unfamiliar and poorly understood. A small group of executives at an organization’s highest level cannot collect information or make decisions quickly enough to respond effectively. Leaders can better mobilize their organizations by setting clear priorities for the response and empowering others to discover and implement solutions that serve those priorities. To promote rapid problem solving and execution under high-stress, chaotic conditions, leaders can organize a network of teams." 
E ao chegar aqui ... recuo ao Natal de 2007 e a Boyd e à blitzkrieg (parte I e parte II):
"Give lower-level commanders wide freedom, within an overall mind-time-space scheme, to shape/direct their own activities so that they can exploit faster tempo/rhythm at tactical levels yet be in harmony with the larger pattern/slower rhythm associated with the more general aim and larger effort at the strategic level."
Como diz o meu parceiro das conversas oxigenadoras: uma pena as empresas não estarem a aproveitar esta crise para encontrarem uma plataforma de comunicação real com os seus trabalhadores... sim, o primeiro ciclo de Senge:

terça-feira, abril 07, 2020

Eu tenho muito mais dúvidas do que certezas (parte II)

Parte I.

Não podia estar mais de acordo com este tweet, particularmente para as empresas que fecharam durante o período de quarentena.

Vivemos aqueles minutos em que a água da praia recua, expondo áreas e profundidades sempre submersas. Depois virá o tsunami económico.

Por cá, com um hipocondríaco na presidência, o regresso ao trabalho que ainda existirá, será atrasado o mais possível, prolongando e aprofundando o caos económico.

Há dias citei:
"El coronavirus actúa como acelerador de cambios que ya estaban en marcha..."
Em Fevereiro e Março passados, ao reflectir sobre o futuro do calçado em Portugal escrevi uma série de nove postais intitulados - Quantas empresas?

No nono postal escrevi:
"As empresas de calçado devem manter e tirar o máximo partido da actividade que conseguem ter através do modelo de negócio actual. Paralelamente, devem criar uma empresa, ainda que virtual, dedicada a desenvolver o negócio do futuro. E para desenvolver o negócio do futuro essa empresa tem de se comportar como uma startup: sem clientes, sem negócios, apenas com hipóteses de produtos e de clientes."
Muito provavelmente, para muitas empresas, isto já não será apenas uma opção, terá de ser a realidade.

The Rules of the Passion Economy (parte IV)

Parte I, parte II e parte III.
Value pricing requires selling to the right people. Saying good-bye is the hardest part. When switching to the Passion Economy approach, it is counterintuitive, yet essential, to stop working with many of your existing customers. If you haven’t applied the rules of the Passion Economy before, it is highly unlikely that most of your customers truly recognize your full value and are paying you the appropriate amount for it.
Don’t say good-bye too quickly. You can never have too narrow a niche, but you can rush to your niche too quickly. ... It will take time to find enough members of that group and persuade them that you and only you are right for the job. It can be tempting to wake up one day, realize that your customers aren’t the right fit, and tell them all to go away. But unless you have amassed a sizable war chest of excess cash, it is best to transition slowly and deliberately.
Some firms create a new name and, for a while, essentially operate as two companies—a legacy firm for existing customers and a new one that works only with the targeted niche.
The best customers, eventually, are the ones who seek you out. When you have identified the proper niche and served clients in that niche well, you will eventually develop a reputation among your target customer base such that new clients reach out to you before you need to pursue them. The narrower your niche, the more likely you are to receive inbound interest rather than having to pursue an aggressive sales strategy.”

segunda-feira, abril 06, 2020

Eu tenho muito mais dúvidas do que certezas

Foi muito mais do que uma interrupção de fornecimentos. E o "mais tarde ou mais cedo" é fundamental.
  • Quanto capital foi destruído?
  • Como se comportará a procura dos consumidores? Desemprego vai durar quanto tempo nos mercados dos clientes? Como se comportarão face ao e-commerce? O seu padrão de consumo não sofrerá alterações?
  • Como chegar aos clientes? Viagens ao estrangeiro e feiras vão ser muito restritas? 
  • Quantos clientes vão fechar? Quantos clientes vão encomendar quantidades mais pequenas a preços mais baixos?
  • Que percentagem de lojas vai reabrir? Quanto tempo demorarão os consumidores ao voltar aos espaços fechados dos centros comerciais?
  • Quantos fornecedores e subcontratados voltarão a abrir portas? 
  • Como será o regresso ao "novo normal"? Quarentena levantada? Quarentena aliviada? Escolas abrem? Quem fica com os pequenos para que os pais possam ir trabalhar? E as pessoas com imunidade reduzida, pela idade ou historial clínico, poderão regressar ao trabalho? Que garantias darão as empresas aos trabalhadores de que a sua segurança será prioritária?
  • Que carga austeritária cairá sobre as empresas e consumidores nos países de produção e de consumo?
Eu tenho muito mais dúvidas do que certezas.

The Rules of the Passion Economy (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.

Ainda do capítulo 2 “The Rules of the Passion Economy", retirado de "The Passion Economy: The New Rules for Thriving in the Twenty-First Century".
Price should drive costs, not the other way around. [Moi ici: Recordo este postal sobre o vocabulário do valor] It took me a long time to understand the significance. We are wired to think that price is connected to cost.
Value is a conversation. [Moi ici: Recordo este postal sobre a interacção e o valor da fricção positiva. Recordo o postal de ontem]
You shouldn’t charge market prices. Market prices are based on the idea that whatever it is you are selling is a commodity that is no better and no worse than what everyone else is selling. Your products and, especially, your services should be unique—so special to your customers that there is no obvious reference point.
You should spend time with your clients, pointing out how you are saving them money in other ways, helping them make more money, or making their lives considerably more enjoyable. The price you charge should be the opposite of a fixed amount on a price tag. It should come from frequent discussions with your client.
Passion pricing is a service. The very process of discussing pricing can often be a central part of the service you are providing. When talking with a client about how much value your product or service delivers—how much more money the client makes, how much cost they eliminate—you are helping that client better understand her own business and needs. [Moi ici: Recordo este postal sobre o Total Value Ownership e este sobre o Cost of Ownership]
Pricing low is not a strategy. One of the most common errors people make is finding out what the competition is charging and then pricing their own goods or services a bit lower. This is not a strategy; it is the abdication of strategy to the competition. It avoids asking the crucial Passion Economy question: What is the value I am creating that is beyond that of similar businesses or services, and who am I creating it for?"

domingo, abril 05, 2020

"weeks where decades happen"

Um pequeno extracto da longa lista que descreve o corte epistemológico que separa o Mundo 1.0 do Mundo 2.0:

Lista mais completa em "World 2.0 — “There are decades where nothing happens, and weeks where decades happen”".

Gosto particularmente destes:
  • "Assume zero government competence" e pensar mas mentes que pensam assim: 
  • Institutions are Ghost ships
  • Trust people

Beyond product versus service

A few days ago I was asked if ISO had definitions for what a product is and what a service is.
I researched ISO 9000: 2015 and found:

  • Product - output of an organization that can be produced without any transaction taking place between the organization and the customer
  • Service - output of an organization with at least one activity necessarily performed between the organization and the customer
It is at these times that you can see how slow a giant organization that works on the basis of consensus is.

ISO 9001 was created in the 1980s when everyone believed there was only one way to compete, based on price, based on efficiency, betting on perfect competition. I remember this feeling of discomfort with a message that does not suit small and medium-sized companies in a small country open to the international market. In March 2008 I wrote "The danger of crystallization" to express this decoupling between the ISO quality movement and the real world.

Who, like me, was trained in the 1980s and saw Japanese industrial superiority, was educated to choose variability as the great enemy. That is why my company started to be called Redsigma (reduce sigma, reduce standard deviation, reduce variability). However, somewhere along the way, I had my moment on the Road to Damascus and realized that the biggest concern should not be with variability, but with increasing variety. Only through variety can the suckiness of sameness be beat.

In 2011 I read Dave Gray and kept his phrase "Everything is Service!" and also "In the same way, a product can be considered as a physical manifestation of a service or set of services: a service avatar."

Those who are still competing with the mental frame of the 1980s seek to automate everything, seek to standardize everything, seek to increase efficiency at all costs, seek to reduce variability. Therefore, they bet on products that can be produced without interaction with the customer. For them, interacting with customers is a friction to be removed.

Those who believe that there is an alternative to pure and hard competition based on efficiency, value variety, value interaction with customers that promote personalization, create tailor made products, bet on co-development, bet on co-production, value co-creation.

So, what is the point of those definitions above? I see big machines being developed and delivered as a service to a specific customers.

sábado, abril 04, 2020

Curiosidade do dia

Tanta falta de noção...

Como é que os salários portugueses podem ser suportados a produzir o que se importava da China?

Enfim... é esta gente que toma decisões que afectam a criação de riqueza em Portugal.

The Rules of the Passion Economy (parte II)

Parte I.

Ainda do capítulo 2 “The Rules of the Passion Economy", retirado de "The Passion Economy: The New Rules for Thriving in the Twenty-First Century".

A segunda regra parece tirada de tantos postais escritos neste blogue desde 2006: 
you should be careful not to produce value — create a thing that people want—at scale. [Moi ici: Recordar os "sábios" da Junqueira. BTW, da próxima vez que ouvirem Vítor Bento na TV lembrem-se do que ele disse e da suckiness dos gigantes] Creating value at a large volume is something only huge companies can do profitably. ... Your value should be created slowly and carefully. Absorbing the significance of this point can be hard. Only focusing your attention on those things that reach a relatively small and strongly opinionated customer base, things that are hard to do, will be worth your while. [Moi ici: Recordar as tribos assimétricas de Taleb]
in the current economy, you want to do the opposite of what in the past has usually been considered good business sense. The moment one of your products or services takes off and becomes widely copied, you should begin abandoning it and looking for the next thing.
The more stuff you make or the more clients you take on, the harder it is to maintain excellence and to adapt your products and services in a way that both you and your customers want. Leave scale for the mass market. The Passion Economy is about quality and the conversation you have with your clients." [Moi ici: Recordar a co-criação