segunda-feira, abril 06, 2020

The Rules of the Passion Economy (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.

Ainda do capítulo 2 “The Rules of the Passion Economy", retirado de "The Passion Economy: The New Rules for Thriving in the Twenty-First Century".
Price should drive costs, not the other way around. [Moi ici: Recordo este postal sobre o vocabulário do valor] It took me a long time to understand the significance. We are wired to think that price is connected to cost.
Value is a conversation. [Moi ici: Recordo este postal sobre a interacção e o valor da fricção positiva. Recordo o postal de ontem]
You shouldn’t charge market prices. Market prices are based on the idea that whatever it is you are selling is a commodity that is no better and no worse than what everyone else is selling. Your products and, especially, your services should be unique—so special to your customers that there is no obvious reference point.
You should spend time with your clients, pointing out how you are saving them money in other ways, helping them make more money, or making their lives considerably more enjoyable. The price you charge should be the opposite of a fixed amount on a price tag. It should come from frequent discussions with your client.
Passion pricing is a service. The very process of discussing pricing can often be a central part of the service you are providing. When talking with a client about how much value your product or service delivers—how much more money the client makes, how much cost they eliminate—you are helping that client better understand her own business and needs. [Moi ici: Recordo este postal sobre o Total Value Ownership e este sobre o Cost of Ownership]
Pricing low is not a strategy. One of the most common errors people make is finding out what the competition is charging and then pricing their own goods or services a bit lower. This is not a strategy; it is the abdication of strategy to the competition. It avoids asking the crucial Passion Economy question: What is the value I am creating that is beyond that of similar businesses or services, and who am I creating it for?"

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