quinta-feira, setembro 13, 2018

"too much bread?" (parte II)

Parte I.

"If “the essence of strategy is choosing what not to do,” as Michael Porter famously said in a seminal HBR article, then the essence of execution is truly not doing it. That sounds simple, but it’s surprisingly hard for organizations to kill existing initiatives, even when they don’t align with new strategies. Instead, leaders keep layering on initiatives, which can lead to severe overload at levels below the executive team.
Sometimes leaders are unaware of all the initiatives under way and their impact on the organization. In other cases organizational politics conspires to let initiatives continue long after they should have run their course. Either way, overload can result in costly productivity and quality problems and employee burnout."
Há dias escrevia aqui:
"E para deixar tudo claro, não faz mal nenhum explicitar o que não é o nosso negócio"
Agora encontro:
"Establishing overall priorities without deciding what to cut.
Leadership teams often engage in prioritization exercises that define and communicate where people should focus their energy. However, they undermine those efforts if they don’t also do the hard work of explicitly deciding what trade-offs to make and what has to stop."
Trechos retirados de "Too Many Projects"

Tudo a conjugar-se para asneira da grossa

“Clausewitz describes the effects of friction in terms of two gaps. One gap, caused by our trying to act on an unpredictable external environment of which we are always somewhat ignorant, is between “desired outcomes and actual outcomes (as in the example of the simple journey of the overoptimistic traveler). Another gap, caused by internal friction, is the gap between the plans and the actions of an organization. It comes from the problem of information access, transfer, and processing in which many independent agents are involved (as in his example of a battalion being made up of many individuals, any one of whom could make the plan go awry).
The problem of strategy implementation is often reduced to one issue: the gap between plans and actions. How do we get an organization actually to carry out what has been agreed? However, because of the nature of the environment, even if the organization executes the plan, there is no guarantee that the actual outcomes will match the desired ones; that is, the ones the plan was intended to achieve. The two gaps interact to exacerbate each other. In both cases there is uncertainty between inputs and outputs. The problem of achieving an organization’s goals is not merely one of getting it to act, but of getting it to act in such a way that what is actually achieved is what was wanted in the first place. We have to link the internal and external aspects of friction and overcome them both at the same time. There is a third gap, the one between the two, which we must also overcome
So these two gaps collapse together, leaving three in all: the gaps between plans, actions, and the outcomes they achieve.
In the case of all three elements – plans, actions, and outcomes – there is a difference between the actual and the ideal. The ultimate evidence for this is that the actual outcomes differ from the desired ones. That means that the actions actually taken were different from those we should have taken. This in turn may have been because we planned the wrong actions (as in the case of the traveler) or because although we planned the right actions, people did not actually do what we intended (as in the case of the confused battalion). Or it may have been because of both. The causes of those shortfalls are different in each case.
And even if we make good plans based on the best information available at the time and people do exactly what we plan, the effects of our actions may not be the ones we wanted because the environment is nonlinear and hence is fundamentally unpredictable. As time passes the situation will change, chance events will occur, other agents such as customers or competitors will take actions of their own, and we will find that what we do is only one factor among several which create a new situation. Even if the situation is stable, some of the effects of our actions will be unintended. Reality will change...
So in making strategy happen, far from simply addressing the narrowly defined implementation gap between plans and action, we have to overcome three. Those responsible for giving direction face the specific problem of creating robust plans, and those responsible for taking action face the specific problem of achieving results in markets that can react unpredictably.
These real uncertainties produce general psychological uncertainty. We do not like uncertainty. It makes us feel uncomfortable, so we try to eliminate it.
[Moi ici: Isto gera uma tendência para mais informação, mais detalhe, mais controlo, mais procedimentos, mais...] show a consistent drive toward more detail in information, instructions, and control, on the part of both individuals and the organization as a whole. This response is not only a natural reaction for us as individuals, it is what the processes and structures of most organizations are set up to facilitate."
Tudo a conjugar-se para asneira da grossa, para microgestão, para big data...

Excerto de: Bungay, Stephen. “The Art of Action: Leadership that Closes the Gaps between Plans, Actions and Results”

quarta-feira, setembro 12, 2018

Para reflexão

Quando a fantochada de 2 + 2 = 22 é levada avante começam os jogos:
"Exposing negative statistics about immigration sparked angry accusations of bigotry"
"sometimes values such as academic freedom and free speech come into conflict with other values to which Penn State was committed
E tudo isto se transforma num sketch dos Monty Python.

Exportações YTD - 7 meses de 2018

Continuado daqui.
Um panorama completamente diferente. Os que só olham para os números vão dizer que a situação melhorou. Alguém como eu, com outra perspectiva, olha para a evolução do Parcial I e percebe que há algo a mudar numa direcção negativa.

terça-feira, setembro 11, 2018


Quando andava na 1ª classe já tínhamos aquela indefinição de saber se éramos 9 ou 10 milhões de portugueses a viver neste rectângulo. Agora, temos a previsão de lá para 2050 poderemos rondar os 7,5 milhões. Ou seja, um mercado doméstico a encolher.

Ou seja, as empresas que trabalham para o mercado interno vão ter de trabalhar cada vez mais só para não encolherem, ou para encolherem menos que o mercado.

Não é só o número de potenciais clientes que mudam, são também as suas expectativas, os seus sonhos, as suas necessidades. Por exemplo:
"The American population – the number of consumers – is growing less than 1% per annually. No product manager, no business manager, no CEO is going to be satisfied with revenue growth of less than 1% per year.
“Less population will require fewer stores and less expansion, meaning that existing stores must become more productive,” Sway advises. “This sets up a perfect storm considering the increase in competition from online shopping.”
the number of adult Americans in the middle-class, defined as people living in households that have incomes from two-thirds to double the national median, has fallen from 61% in 1971 to 50% in 2015. And their share of the nation’s aggregate income has declined precipitously, from 62% in 1970 to 43% in 2014.
These middle-class households simply have less money to spend on necessities, let alone discretionary purchases.
While the middle-class sinks lower, the fortunes of those at the top of the income pyramid are rising. They are taking an inordinate amount of the nation’s income, rising from 29% in 1970 to 49% in 2014, and accumulating a greater share of wealth, more than seven-times that of middle-class households in 2013,
One in five Americans live in a household with more than one generation – a record 60.6 million people, according to Sway, including about 40% of Millennials (18-to-34) who live with their parents or other family members, the largest percentage since 1940.
“ There are now more households with dogs than there are with children, 43 million vs. 33 million .”
“When Millennials do start having children, the numbers aren’t expected to surge as much as with prior generations,” Sway says. “Businesses depending on kids would be well advised to keep an eye on this birth population slowdown.”
By 2020 the Labor Department predicts that women’s labor force participation will be lower than in 1990.
“Since women account for about 80% of all consumer-purchasing decisions, reducing their presence and power in the economy may not bode well for retailers,” Sway says.
Further Asians are going to be the biggest in-bound ethnic group. “Asians are now on target to surpass Hispanics as the largest foreign-born group in American by 2055.” Today they make up less than 6% of the U.S. population."
Trechos retirados de "9 Demographic Trends Shaping Retail's Future"

Sem fugir do hollowing nada feito

Ler "O elevado preço das promoções" e recordar os marcadores "hollowing" e "radio clube".

Sugiro um olhar para este trecho:
"Urge recalibrar as expectativas dos clientes, com benefícios para todos, através de medidas como as seguintes:
  • Reduzir a frequência das promoções, idealmente através da sua calendarização, tornando-as previsíveis para os clientes;
  • Aumentar a seletividade, reduzindo as categorias abrangidas e direcionando as promoções ao nível da loja ou mesmo do cliente individual (utilizando informação detalhada e competências de analytics);
  • Reduzir a dimensão e ritmo de redução nas promoções, mas ajustando também os preços iniciais."
Há muitos anos, ainda na primeira metade da década de 90, o mundo da Qualidade começou a falar no modelo de Kano:
Aquilo que num momento é atraente e faz a delícia de um cliente, passado algum tempo passa a ser trivial, expectável e básico. Com o tempo, aquilo que gerava satisfação, aquilo que era crítico, passou a ser algo que nunca gerará satisfação, só insatisfação se as coisas correrem mal e indiferença se as coisas correrem bem - recordar o meu velho exemplo da EDP - A ausência de insatisfação não gera satisfação!

Voltemos ao trecho citado acima. Alguma das medidas passa por melhorar, diferenciar a oferta?

Portanto, por muito que tentem implementar as medidas acima haverá sempre um concorrente disposto a ganhar menos e a manter ou reforçar a promoção. Num país de incumbentes com a rédea solta, ou seja, sem a protecção da UE, os incumbentes pediriam uma ajudinha às elites que estabeleceriam barreiras à entrada e facilitariam um conluio de preços. Só há uma alternativa viável para fugir ao mundo das promoções: investir na diferenciação da oferta. Ou seja, fugir do hollowing.

Como não recordar os protestos da Centromarca?

segunda-feira, setembro 10, 2018

Não são parafusos, são pessoas

Um tema que os professores Guedes Miranda e Vitorino me deram a conhecer quando andava no 10º e 11º anos de escolaridade: o indeterminismo. A incapacidade de ter à priori toda a informação, mas mesmo que a tivéssemos teríamos de viver com o facto da mesma acção não gerar os mesmos efeitos ao longo do tempo. Einstein, da velha guarda, dizia que Deus não joga aos dados.
“War is an environment, he argued, in which getting simple things to happen is very difficult and getting difficult things to happen is impossible.
The gap is described as the difference between what we know and what we can do, as the gulf between planning and execution
It is important here to understand the nature of Clausewitz’s disagreement with von Bülow, and others of the school of scientific generalship. They too recognized that chance and uncertainty played a role in war. The difference was that they believed these factors could be eliminated by a more scientific approach to planning. Certainty of outcomes could be achieved by anyone who could gather and correctly process data about topological and geographical distances, march tables, supply needs, and the geometrical relationship between armies and their bases. They believed that in many cases this would render fighting unnecessary.
Clausewitz disagreed on two counts. First, he believed that friction was as inherent to war as it is to mechanical engineering and could therefore never be eliminated but only mitigated. Secondly, he believed that studying march tables and the like was not a fruitful means of mitigation. In fact, he came to think that friction had to be worked with. It actually provided opportunities, and could be used by a general just as much as it could be used by an engineer. The first thing was to recognize its existence. The second thing was to understand its nature. That was and remains more difficult.
The very business of getting an organization made up of individuals, no matter how disciplined, to pursue a collective goal produces friction just as surely as applying the brakes of a car. Because of the role of chance, actual outcomes are inherently unpredictable.
There is a gap between the actions we planned and the actions actually taken.
no one should develop a strategy without taking into account the effects of organizational friction. Yet we continue to be surprised and frustrated when it manifests itself. We tend to think everything has gone wrong when in fact everything has gone normally. The existence of friction is why armies need officers and businesses need managers. Anticipating and dealing with it form the core of managerial work. Recognizing that is liberating in itself.
Not only is an army not a “well-oiled machine,” the machine generates resistance of its own, because the parts it is made of are human. Although Clausewitz’s metaphors are all taken from mechanics rather than biology, he clearly sees where the metaphor itself begins to break down. He is reaching toward the idea of the organization as an organism. While the scientific school sought to eliminate human factors to make the organization as machine-like as possible, Clausewitz sought to exploit them.”
Clausewitz não via o factor humano como um defeito.

Excerto de: Bungay, Stephen. “The Art of Action: Leadership that Closes the Gaps between Plans, Actions and Results”

domingo, setembro 09, 2018

Em vez de abstracções, em vez de masturbações ...

No postal anterior, o primeiro passo é:
"Decide What Really Matters"
Este é o papel da gestão de topo, este é o papel de quem tem o comando. Estratégia ao mais alto nível é a expressão desta intenção, desta vontade, deste imperativo, desta escolha.
"Being strategic means consistently making those core directional choices that will best move you toward your hoped-for future.
This is, I think, a deceptively simple sentence. It implies that you know where you’re starting from, you’re clear on where you want to go, and you have the means and the will to make consistently good and powerful choices about how to get there. You can use this capability that I call being strategic to guide you through this wild time of ours."
Em vez de abstracções, em vez de masturbações, começar com o concreto:

  • em que é que somos bons?
  • em que é que fazemos a diferença?
  • o que nos dá pica?
  • o que nos faz ganhar dinheiro?
  • o que nos afasta da guerra dos descontos por causa da concorrência ter baixado o preço deles?
  • o que nos faz crescer intelectualmente?
  • o que nos dá orgulho?
Este é o nosso negócio. 

E para deixar tudo claro, não faz mal nenhum explicitar o que não é o nosso negócio:
  • porque não nos dá margem;
  • porque é um lago de tubarões;
  • porque é uma corrida para o fundo;
  • porque teríamos de competir com quem tem outra estrutura de custos;
  • porque não teríamos tempo de qualidade para os clientes que interessam;
  • porque é aborrecido;
  • porque ficaríamos estagnados;
  • ...

"No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy"

Bom senso, simplicidade - coisas que normalmente estão em défice:
“1 Decide What Really Matters .
You cannot create perfect plans, so do not attempt to do so. Do not plan beyond the circumstances you can foresee. Instead, use the knowledge which is accessible to you to work out the outcomes you really want the organization to achieve. Formulate your strategy as an intent rather than a plan.
2 Get the Message Across.
Having worked out what matters most now, pass the message on to others and give them responsibility for carrying out their part in the plan. Keep it simple. Don’t tell people what to do and how to do it. Instead, be as clear as you can about your intentions. Say what you want people to achieve and, above all, tell them why. Then ask them to tell you what they are going to do as a result.
3 Give People Space and Support.
Do not try to predict the effects your actions will have, because you can’t. Instead, encourage people to adapt their actions to realize the overall intention as they observe what is actually happening. Give them boundaries which are broad enough to take decisions for themselves and act on them.”
Recordar von Molkte:
"no plan of operations extends with any certainty beyond the first contact with the main hostile force
No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy."

Excerto de: Bungay, Stephen. “The Art of Action: Leadership that Closes the Gaps between Plans, Actions and Results”.

sábado, setembro 08, 2018

"Unfortunately, these reactions do not solve the problem"

"“We can measure the results until the outcomes we want are achieved. We can make plans, take actions, and achieve outcomes in a linear sequence with some reliability. If we are assiduous enough, pay attention to detail, and exercise rigorous control, the sequence will be seamless.
In an unpredictable environment, this approach quickly falters. [Moi ici: Imaginem ter um Estado-Maior numa sala, longe das operações no terreno, a dar ordens aos bombeiros sobre quando devem actuar e como. E comparar com o blitkrieg] The longer and more rigorously we persist with it, the more quickly and completely things will break down. The environment we are in creates gaps between plans, actions, and outcomes:

  •  The gap between plans and outcomes concerns knowledge: It is the difference between what we would like to know and what we actually know. It means that we cannot create perfect plans.
  •  The gap between plans and actions concerns alignment: It is the difference between what we would like people to do “and what they actually do. It means that even if we encourage them to switch off their brains, we cannot know enough about them to program them perfectly.
  •  The gap between actions and outcomes concerns effects: It is the difference between what we hope our actions will achieve and what they actually achieve. We can never fully predict how the environment will react to what we do. It means that we cannot know in advance exactly what outcomes the actions of our organization are going to create.
Although it is not common to talk about these three gaps, it is common enough to confront them. It is also common enough to react in ways that make intuitive sense. Faced with a lack of knowledge, it seems logical to seek more detailed information. Faced with a problem of alignment, it feels natural to issue more detailed instructions. And faced with disappointment in the effects being achieved, it is quite understandable to impose more detailed controls. Unfortunately, these reactions do not solve the problem. In fact, they make it worse.”

Excerto de: Bungay, Stephen. “The Art of Action: Leadership that Closes the Gaps between Plans, Actions and Results”. iBooks. 

Riscos e impactes

Um artigo interessante sobre diferentes alternativas para incorporar a análise de risco no desenvolvimento de um sistema de gestão ambiental em "Environmental Management System Risks and Opportunities: A Case Study in Pertamina Geothermal Energy Area Kamojang".

E para um visual como eu, o uso de esquemas é muito bom. Pessoalmente uso algo deste género:

Não sigo a abordagem que se segue, mas concordo que é bem possível alguém optar por ela:
Ou seja, considerar que os impactes ambientais significativos são o mesmo que os riscos e oportunidades prioritários.

Não consigo deixar de pensar que há muito a melhorar nesta norma ISO 14001:2015.

sexta-feira, setembro 07, 2018

"The problem is getting the right things done"

Acabei de ler até à última página  “The Art of Action: Leadership that Closes the Gaps between Plans, Actions and Results”de Stephen Bungay. 

Valeu a pena!

O livro começa com uma introdução sobre o blitzkrieg, tema que já abordei aqui há anos (2010 e 2009) e que os relatos do recente incêndio de Monchique avivaram.

O livro começa com o discurso estratégico de um CEO. Depois, alguém coloca a pergunta:
"“what do you want me to do?
she had had the courage to ask the risky question that everyone wanted answered.
The reply was measured, but evinced frustration of its own. As I said, the CEO observed, we do not have all the answers. But surely you don’t expect me to tell all of you what to do? This is not a command-and-control organization. You are big boys and girls. I am not running this company, we all are. We have a strategy, we have long-term objectives, we all have budgets. We are running a business and we have a direction. It is for each of us to decide what we have to do in our own area and to get on with it.
Answering that simple question “What do you want me to do?” is quite a problem.
Generating activity is not a problem; in fact it is easy. The fact that it is easy makes the real problem harder to solve. The problem is getting the right things done – the things that matter, the things that will have an impact, the things a company is trying to achieve to ensure success. A high volume of activity often disguises a lack of effective action. We can mistake quantity for quality and then add to it, which merely makes things worse.”

Activismo e cronyismo

A market economy is never static. Products that are cutting-edge today will soon become commodified and easy to make. Industries that are on the technological frontier will become mainstream and, later, relics of the past. What is a good job today will inevitably become a bad job in the future. This dynamic was first recognized by Karl Marx, who thought that it was evidence of the inherent instability of the capitalist system. Eighty years later, however, the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter pointed out that instead of being a flaw, this process of “creative destruction” is capitalism’s greatest strength and its engine of growth.
The Princeton economist Alan Blinder recently noted that in the 1950s, companies making television sets were at the heart of America’s high-tech sector and generating tens of thousands of high-paying jobs. After a while TV sets became just another easy-to-make commodity, and today no TV set is made in America. The computer manufacturing industry picked up where the TV industry left off, and for a while it was responsible for 400,000 high-paying jobs. We saw earlier that most of these jobs have now moved elsewhere. But this is not a sign of failure. Indeed, it is a sign of success. To remain prosperous, a society needs to keep climbing the innovation ladder. As Schumpeter argued, it is the dynamic that has been ensuring our prosperity since the beginning of the industrial revolution.
The crucial question for America’s future is therefore whether our innovation clusters can adapt and reinvent themselves to maintain their edge. Clusters, unlike diamonds, are not forever. At some point the industry that supports them matures, stops bringing prosperity, and turns into a liability. The forces of attraction provide an important advantage, but once-mighty clusters have collapsed in spectacular ways.”
Recordo Nassim Taleb: "Stressors are information", são sinais para calibrarmos a quantidade relativa de exploration versus exploitation. Perante os stressors há os que os agarram e, como os ratos do livro "Quem mexeu no meu queijo", interagem com a nova realidade. E há os que, como o Pigarro do mesmo livro, resistem à mudança e solicitam o apoio e a protecção dos governos, gerando toda uma série de doenças por causa do veneno do activismo.

Como não recordar logo o exemplo do leite ou do vinho na Madeira? Entretanto, na semana passada vi várias reportagens em que uns coitadinhos pediam apoios porque o aquecimento global lhes queimou uvas e fruta. Admitamos que efectivamente há um aquecimento global em curso, antropogénico ou não. Então, o melhor é estes coitadinhos mudarem de culturas ASAP.

Outro exemplo da economia deficiente. Nos EUA, "Harvard Business School professor: Half of American colleges will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years". Por cá, tudo será feito para atrasar a mudança, torrando dinheiro impostado/roubado aos contribuintes para manter o status-quo.

BTW: Os romanos tinham vinhas nos Alpes, sinal de que o clima era mais quente que o dos últimos séculos. Imaginem os produtores de vinho suíço a receberem apoios desde há 2000 anos. Que renda!

Excerto de: Enrico Moretti. “The New Geography of Jobs”

quinta-feira, setembro 06, 2018

O FMI já não vem!

"Dois adultos de boa-fé olham para a mesma realidade e chegam à mesma conclusão."
Palavras do então candidato presidencial Cavaco Silva (recordar Janeiro de 2010 ou Junho de 2009).

Ontem encontrei:
Entretanto, ontem de manhã enquanto aguardava boleia li esta pérola:
“everything depends on people. Metrics give us information. Interpreting the information can impart understanding. Taking the right action requires wisdom. Only people can have that.”[Moi ici: E é impressionante o quanto os modelos mentais são críticos]

Excerto de: Bungay, Stephen. “The Art of Action: Leadership that Closes the Gaps between Plans, Actions and Results”.

Socialismo com esteróides

A propósito de "Chic by Choice em tribunal. Credores reclamam mais de 72 mil euros em dívidas":
"O assunto está a ser tratado fiscalmente, financeiramente e juridicamente, para encerrar a empresa. É esse o desfecho, que para nós é normal, por isso é que é capital de risco”, disse Rita Marques, que lidera a gestora de capital de risco do Estado desde maio de 2018."
Cito e sublinho as palavras de um comentador do artigo:
"O que é extraordinário é o contribuinte perder umas centenas de milhar porque temos a Portugal Ventures, uma capital de risco sem risco, uma vez que o risco é só do contribuinte. Como bem diz a gestora de capital de "risco" é esse o desfecho normal, para o contribuinte. Capital de risco, mas público, é o socialismo com esteróides"
E recordo:

"Dinheiro público é entregue a umas sociedades para o distribuírem por projectos de alto-risco financeiro e elevada taxa de mortalidade.
Estranha definição, estranho conceito este de business angel com dinheiro do Estado de futura impostagem aos saxões do costume.
Uma verdadeira alquimia da estupidez.
Imaginem o moral hazzard potencial."

quarta-feira, setembro 05, 2018

Fazer a mudança acontecer

“Drawing on his observations [Austrian psychologist Konrad Lorenz] about what is needed to make people change, we might modify them for an organization as the following:
  1. What is said is not yet heard.
  2. What is heard is not yet understood.
  3. What is understood is not yet believed.
  4. What is believed is not yet advocated.
  5. What is advocated is not yet acted on.
  6. What is acted on is not yet completed.
There is an understandable tendency for leaders of organizations to concentrate on the first step – demanding enough in itself – and assume that once that has been achieved, their work is done. In fact, it has just begun.”

Excerto de “The Art of Action: Leadership that Closes the Gaps between Plans, Actions and Results” de Stephen Bungay.

"we travel to have experiences"

Simplesmente extraordinário, "Falconry and fire-swallowing: How Airbnb's "Experiences" are transforming the platform".

Ainda ontem escrevia num postal:
"O importante, para subir na escala de valor, é deixar de vender o que se produz e passar a focar no resultado que se obtém com o que se produz"
Entretanto, à tarde, a caminho de Bragança, encontrei o artigo acima:
"Ten years ago, Airbnb disrupted the hotel industry and changed how people travel. Now, it's selling what you do on vacation as much as where you sleep. There are thousands of "Experiences" around the world to book on Airbnb — everything from walking with wolves to aerial yoga and even, as CBS News' Jamie Yuccas found out, flying in a vintage airplane." 

"Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky launched the "Experiences" feature two years ago. He says it's now growing 10 times faster than the company's core home rental business.
"Three out of four millennials, young people, said they'd rather buy an experience than a physical good. And so I think the experience economy is this huge wave," Chesky said. "We want the experience to be so good that you do them even if you live in the city."
"We don't travel to sleep in a house or a hotel, we travel to have experiences.""

terça-feira, setembro 04, 2018

Satisfação e preço

Mais um excelente texto de Seth Godin:
"If you want to create satisfaction, the two elements are:
Make useful promises
Keep them
Price is unrelated, except for one thing: Charge enough that you can afford to actually keep your promise. The thrill of a low price disappears quickly, but the pain of a broken promise lasts a very long time."
Trecho retirado de "Price and satisfaction"

Produzir e vender

Um discurso interessante em «Estamos a tornar-nos numa empresa de serviços»:
"O que estamos a perceber também é que, neste momento, com o paradigma da mudança do comprador e das compras online, as empresas como a nossa começam a ter que trabalhar da fábrica para a prateleira. Não é para o armazém.
No fundo, em vez de sermos uma indústria, estamos a tornar-nos numa empresa de serviços. [Moi ici: O importante, para subir na escala de valor, é deixar de vender o que se produz e passar a focar no resultado que se obtém com o que se produz]
Que consequências daí advêm?
Mais recursos e muita mais logística, porque estamos a virar o nosso posicionamento para o serviço ao cliente.
Trata-se de um novo modelo de negócio?
Costumo dizer que precisamos de três a quatro anos para entender onde é que isto vai parar. Parece-me que isto é o início… Foi uma crise, foi um crescimento, porque os clientes, com stocks enormes, vieram a Portugal procurar-nos como um refúgio para diminuir aos seus stocks e agora é um novo ciclo em que temos que ser logística e serviço. [Moi ici: A evolução que temos relatado aqui desde 2007/2008. Primeiro a proximidade pura e dura, agora os serviços associados]
Em Portugal, e isto já foi dito várias vezes, a nossa maior dificuldade não é produzir, é vender. [Moi ici: Recordar "Produzir é o mais fácil"] E temos que criar uma cultura nas empresas de conseguir vender o melhor possível em mercados muito diversificados, para não estarmos dependentes de um mercado. E para isso temos de ter um leque muito grande de clientes. Por isso é que dizemos que, a cada ano, o nosso objetivo é ter 15 clientes novos."

segunda-feira, setembro 03, 2018

Para reflexão

Portanto, ao pagar 600 euros de salário, o trabalhador, para fazer sentido manter o posto de trabalho, tem de gerar um retorno que compense, pelo menos os 742,50 euros.

Agora imaginem o emprego numa loja numa vila do interior... também por isto o emprego no interior é cada vez mais emprego público.