sexta-feira, junho 17, 2011

Engaging emergence

Volta e meia escrevo aqui no blogue sobre "abraçar a mudança". Por exemplo:
Assim, foi com interesse que descobri o livro "Engaging Emergence -Turning Upheaval into Opportunity" de Peggy Holman.
"Change begins with disruption. Whether caused by something small—a broken promise—or large—a hurricane sweeping across a city—disturbance interrupts the status quo.
Disruption, disturbance, tension, upheaval, dissonance, chaos. These conditions stress us. They often challenge our ability to work together toward common goals. Some disruptions, like upheaval and chaos, are more extreme, but they all stimulate change. And though we usually relate to such situations negatively, one key shift to engaging emergence is developing a positive relationship with these sorts of stressors. In fact, disrupting compassionately is a particularly effective approach.
Most of us avoid tension and disturbances. We attempt to plan them away, control them, or destroy them. Perhaps we hold in our anger because we don’t want to cause a fuss. We feel a little more isolated as a result, but order is maintained. We learn to walk around these isolation zones, sometimes forgetting they exist. Yet they typically worsen with time. Alienation, rigidity, greed, intolerance, and inaction or violence grow. Such characteristics are present in many of our current crises.
What if tensions inspired curiosity? What if we knew how to express our anger, fear, or grief so that it contributed to something better?"

O que a autora faz é convidar a encarar a mudança como um convite para uma aventura positiva:
"Diversity and dissonance as resources, with problems inviting exploration."
"Welcome and use disturbance in a creative dance with order."
"Focus on the mysterious from a foundation of what we understand." 
"Pay attention to the dance between the mainstream and the margins."
"Follow the energy, using the plan as useful information."
Isto é material perigoso na nossa sociedade que protege e venera os incumbentes.

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