quarta-feira, setembro 05, 2018

"we travel to have experiences"

Simplesmente extraordinário, "Falconry and fire-swallowing: How Airbnb's "Experiences" are transforming the platform".

Ainda ontem escrevia num postal:
"O importante, para subir na escala de valor, é deixar de vender o que se produz e passar a focar no resultado que se obtém com o que se produz"
Entretanto, à tarde, a caminho de Bragança, encontrei o artigo acima:
"Ten years ago, Airbnb disrupted the hotel industry and changed how people travel. Now, it's selling what you do on vacation as much as where you sleep. There are thousands of "Experiences" around the world to book on Airbnb — everything from walking with wolves to aerial yoga and even, as CBS News' Jamie Yuccas found out, flying in a vintage airplane." 

"Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky launched the "Experiences" feature two years ago. He says it's now growing 10 times faster than the company's core home rental business.
"Three out of four millennials, young people, said they'd rather buy an experience than a physical good. And so I think the experience economy is this huge wave," Chesky said. "We want the experience to be so good that you do them even if you live in the city."
"We don't travel to sleep in a house or a hotel, we travel to have experiences.""

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