sábado, dezembro 09, 2017

13 anos depois ...

"A dyadic perspective may be too limited to comprehend contemporary value cocreation phenomena though, especially those that take place in service systems
firms are increasingly engaged  in  complex  market  configurations  where  the  alignment  of  market  views  becomes  central  for  success. Firms  therefore  need  to  offer their  view  on  how  the  market  should  be  configured,  and  engage  actors  in activities aimed at creating a shared market view.” In practice, even service systems with only three firms (e.g., manufacturer, dealer, and user) can prove highly complex as market configurations.
Triads  of  independent  firms  that  connect  through  network  ties,  either  directly  or  indirectly,  for  the  purpose of doing business represent complex market configurations. Their network ties can be structural, economic, or social in character. A case in point is the Illinois-based company Caterpillar, a global leader in earth-moving products. To realize its value propositions, the company needs to foster network ties with users of its equipment but also with dealers that sell and service that equipment. Caterpillar operates through  an  extensive  network  of  independent  dealers  in  over  180  countries  and  refers  to  those  dealers  as  “a critical  competitive  differentiator”  and  “the  foundation”  of  its  worldwide  success.  However,  Caterpillar  also believes its dealers may be missing out on US$9–18 billion annually in easy-to-capture revenue, such that they need to enhance their service operations to boost their share of the global service market. Despite the integration of  diagnostic  technologies  into  Caterpillar  machines,  dealers  have  not  capitalized  on  these  assets  sufficiently
we  consider  the development of a triadic value proposition and analyze how the discontinuous effects of a new-to-the-industry service  initiative  might  change  relationships  among  actors  in  the  business  triad."
13 anos depois destas minhas experiências:

Trechos retirados de "Triadic Value Propositions" de Kowalkowski, Kindström, e Carlborg, publicado por Service Science 8(3), pp. 282–299, 2016.

sexta-feira, dezembro 08, 2017

Uma lição

Um texto que devia ser lido por todos aqueles que andam seduzidos pelo eficientismo e só conhecem o modelo canceroso de crescimento, "Degression of Economic Value".

Só valida aquela frase de 2008:
"If the customer doesn't care about the price, then the retailer shouldn't care about the cost," E quem o faz começa a matar a galinha dos ovos de ouro.

Provocação para PME certificadas

Há dias, nesta minha outra vida, colocaram-me uma questão sobre a actualização dos riscos e oportunidades. Entretanto, numa auditoria recente, extra-auditoria pediram-me uma opinião sobre o mesmo tema.

A verdade é que há uns tempos que ando a repensar seriamente no tema. A norma ISO 9001:2015 é muito vaga sobre o tema e, portanto, temos toda a liberdade para testar diferentes formatos e ver o que funciona com cada empresa.

Assim, pode ser interessante fazer um levantamento inicial dos riscos e oportunidades que sirva de ponto de partida. E depois?

Uma abordagem possível pode passar pelo que se segue, até para evitar o by-pass da gestão ao sistema de gestão da qualidade:
Há luz do contexto externo (cláusula 4.1 da ISO 9001:2015) e da percepção de quem são as partes interessadas relevantes e de quais os seus requisitos relevantes (cláusula 4.2 da ISO 9001:2015), gerência e responsável comercial formalizam um orçamento de vendas para o ano seguinte.

Um orçamento de vendas define:

  • Objectivos de facturação para o ano seguinte; 
  • Objectivos de facturação por segmentos, margens, 
  • Requisitos e exigências que o orçamento vai impor, testar, exigir, colocar sobre stress (custos, prazos, capacidades, perfis, ...)
Segue-se a revisão anual extraordinária do sistema. Um momento Janus: um balanço do ano que finda e uma discussão sobre as exigências para o ano seguinte. É a resposta à cláusula 9.3 da ISO 9001:2015, mas pode também servir de actualização da cláusula 4.1 relativa aos factores internos

A equipa de gestão fica ciente dos desafios que ajudarão a vencer no próximo ano e do stress a que irão estar submetidos se o orçamento de vendas se concretizar.

Depois da revisão anual extraordinária do sistema, no recato do seu sector, com a sua equipa, cada chefia deve mergulhar nos desafios do próximo ano e determinar riscos e oportunidades. O que os pode levar a contribuir ou não para o que orçamento de vendas requer?

Por fim, uma kick-off meeting para o ano seguinte, onde o compromisso formal de cada sector sobre como vai contribuir para o cumprimento do orçamento de vendas, e tendo em conta a orientação estratégica, os requisitos das partes interessadas relevantes, e os riscos e oportunidades, é validado e divulgado.

A ideia de fazer de cada ano um espécie de projecto, algo único e irrepetível, em vez de uma continuação da rotina de sempre, é capaz de ser útil para mudar mentalidades em muitas empresas.

Portugal competitivo (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.

Se nos deixarmos de tretas e facilitismos, se arrepiarmos caminho do fragilismo... fazemos milagres:
"O rótulo “Made in Portugal” é sinónimo de procura e de negócio
Na feira de decoração de interiores e design, no parque de exposições de Paris-Nord Villepinte, há mais de 70 marcas lusas,
“Não só aqui, como na feira de Nova Iorque, andam à procura dos produtos portugueses por terem qualidade e também a questão da matéria-prima. Nota-se uma crescente procura de produtos portugueses
Acho que o design português agora reinventou-se. O produto português tem-se notado que tem mais qualidade e o 'made in Portugal' tem mais relevo”
Na única fábrica de lápis de Portugal, a origem do fabrico é fator de prestígio e a estratégia de internacionalização passa por exportar os próprios produtos históricos, os produtos concebidos pela sub-marca Art Graph e os produtos personalizados por encomenda.
“Nós produzimos material personalizado para alguns dos mais importantes museus do mundo e as pessoas que os comercializam dizem que isto é produzido em Portugal na Viarco. Significa que aquela carga de levar Portugal às costas (...) deixou de ser um problema e passou efetivamente a fazer parte da nossa estratégia fundamental e da criação da nossa própria identidade”"
Recordar 2015 e 2014.

quinta-feira, dezembro 07, 2017

Portugal competitivo (parte II)

Parte I.

A chegar ao final desta semana de trabalho, recordo aquele trecho:
- I've seen things, you people would't believe ...
Impressionado a sério com a qualidade e o luxo do que vi ser feito em empresas portuguesas. A minha bitola foi colocada a um novo nível.

Numa dessas empresas, que estava a auditar, aconteceu uma cena que me encheu de orgulho. Ao auditar a formação verifiquei que faziam uma avaliação da satisfação das pessoas com a formação em que tinham participado.

Imaginem o que encontrei no relatório da formação de 2016... entre mais de 50 acções de formação a que foi salientada como a mais satisfatória foi...

... "Workshop Balanced Scorecard"

Imaginem quem foi o animador dessas sessões hands-on?

Não é por serem grandes que as empresas exportam! (parte II)

Parte I.
"The good news with unfair advantages is that you don't need one from the outset. When you are just starting out, embrace obscurity to build something valuable without calling out too much competitor attention. Identify an unfair advantage story and if one is not readily apparent, it is always better to leave the unfair advantage box blank than stuffing a weak unfair advantage as a placeholder.
The bad news with unfair advantages is that once you get some traction, your unfair advantage will get tested -- by your competitors and copycats."

Trecho retirado de "What is an Unfair Advantage?"

"only 54%"

"Since the mid-2000s, organizational change management and transformation have become permanent features of the business landscape. Vast new markets and labor pools have opened up, innovative technologies have put once-powerful business models on the chopping block, and capital flows and investor demand have become less predictable. To meet these challenges, firms have become more sophisticated in the best practices for organizational change management. They are far more sensitive to and more keenly aware of the role that culture plays. They’ve also had to get much better on their follow-through.
the success rate of major change initiatives is only 54 percent. This is far too low. The costs are high when change efforts go wrong—not only financially but in confusion, lost opportunity, wasted resources, and diminished morale. When employees who have endured real upheaval and put in significant extra hours for an initiative that was announced with great fanfare see it simply fizzle out, cynicism sets in."
Agora imaginem o quanto o mundo muda e muda a uma velocidade mais forte, o quanto essas mudanças requerem novas estratégias, o quanto essas estratégias são apenas hipóteses que têm de ser testadas e afinadas ou revistas, o quanto a execução de uma estratégia assenta na implementação e integração de projectos de mudança em processos... projectos de mudança?

54% nos Estados Unidos! E por cá?

Trechos retirados de "10 Principles of Leading Change Management"

quarta-feira, dezembro 06, 2017

Não é por serem grandes que as empresas exportam!

A propósito de “Pequena dimensão de algumas empresas ainda dificulta ganhos de escala” julgo que há alguma confusão em algumas cabeças.

Não é por serem grandes que as empresas exportam! É por exportarem que as empresas crescem!

Empresas que exportam e ganham dinheiro têm credibilidade na banca para financiarem projectos de crescimento.

Empresas que querem crescer para depois exportar, são empresas que não têm um modelo validado pelo mercado, são um risco para os bancos e não têm uma especialização que as diferencie.

Empresas que querem exportar só com base na escala são empresas que estão no campeonato do preço puro e duro e duvido que o consigam fazer de forma sustentável. Empresas pequenas que começam a exportar, começam a fazê-lo porque têm uma qualquer vantagem que não passa só pelo volume, e será o abuso, a batota em torno dessa vantagem que dará os alicerces para um crescimento não canceroso.

Dores de crescimento

E quando uma empresa abandona as inseguranças, deixa de titubear e assume a execução duma estratégia.

E quando essa estratégia tem um sucesso para lá do que era previsto ...

A revolução que isso representa ... as dores do crescimento, as insatisfações que vão ser geradas nos antigos clientes, a sensação de estar sempre a correr atrás do prejuízo.

Aumentar a capacidade de produção em 20% e mesmo assim ser insuficiente para o aumento da procura.

O que é que a empresa deveria ter feito de diferente para acompanhar melhor o sucesso da estratégia? Como poderá evitar que situações semelhantes se repitam no futuro?
Qual o plano para meter as coisas em modo controlado?

Portugal competitivo

Nas últimas 3 semanas tenho vivido a experiência de visitar e trabalhar com várias PME portuguesas que estão a ter um 2017 muito, muito bom.

Empresas exportadoras que rejeitam encomendas e que crescem a dois dígitos.

Muito bom!!!

Por onde andam aqueles que diziam que as PME portuguesas não podiam competir por causa do euro?

terça-feira, dezembro 05, 2017

"Strategies are time-bound"

"In retrospect, it seems inevitable. Nokia was so immersed in executing its strategy that it lost sight of its purpose."
Há dias li esta frase e não me sai da cabeça.
"Nokia is far from alone. In fact, history is filled with similar stories. The pepper trade, for example, was disrupted not by a better spice but by refrigeration. It hardly mattered anymore if your pepper supply chain was the best designed and most efficiently run, if your customer base was elite, or if the quality of your pepper was second to none. Your purpose — preserving food — had been co-opted. All the strengths you had worked so hard to build no longer mattered. Today, broadcast and cable television, print journalism, taxi cabs, and (over the longer term) oil and gas are among the industries facing formidable challengers determined to co-opt their purpose.
To safeguard your company at the level of purpose, you must make strategy the servant rather than the master. Strategies are time-bound and target specific results. Your purpose, in contrast, is what makes you durably relevant to the world. Strategy is but one of several important means to operationalize your purpose. Intrinsic human connection to your purpose is even more important."
E este outro sublinhado também é poderoso:
"All the strengths you had worked so hard to build no longer mattered." 
Trechos retirados de "The Best Companies Know How to Balance Strategy and Purpose"

"you need to build relationships"

"Sales and selling shouldn't be competitive or manipulative.
Selling is usually competitive, though. Some people love and thrive on the competition. Competition is wrong when the competition is with your client, the industry, or your colleagues. Competition against your best self, well, is needed.
You do not need to overcome objections; you need to solve problems.
You do not need to attack the market; you need to build relationships.[Moi ici: Outra vez as relações]
You do not need to capture deals; you need to create solutions together."
Trecho retirado de "The No. 1 Rule in Sales Is to Forget What You've Been Taught About Sales"

Acerca de Mongo

O que aqui dizemos ao longo de anos e mais anos anda em torno disto, "Why You Should Keep Making Stuff By Hand", eficácia em vez de eficiência, arte em vez de vómito.

segunda-feira, dezembro 04, 2017

Actuar em Mongo

Relacionar "Cuidado com a eficiência" e a citação:
"There are a lot of things that aren’t convenient. There are many possible ways to be more efficient with your limited time and energy. But much of the time, efficiency is the wrong factor to use to decide. Human relationships are inefficient. They require care and feeding. They require effort. That means that the inefficient is more effective in producing the outcome you need, making it the truly efficient choice—and making what you believe to be efficient to be the least inefficient choice because it doesn’t generate a preference to work with you."
Com "Make relationships, not things":
"All relationships are based on trust.
Make relationships, not things
The decision to create a relationship instead of a thing has real consequences for what you make, who you ask to make it, and how it gets done."
E com "Cuidado com as melhores práticas":
"Businesses are still organised in the same way they were in Victorian times when we were building factories that churned out consistent objects. We’re now in a world where we sell concepts, content, ideas and thoughts"
Eficácia, relação, interacção. Temas recorrentes neste blogue e fundamentais para perceber como é que as empresas devem actuar em Mongo.

Imaginem a flexibilidade necessária

Imaginem a flexibilidade necessária
"Treat strategy as evergreen. The best companies see strategy less as a plan and more as a direction and agenda of decisions. In effect, a company’s strategy is the sum of decisions it effectively makes and executes over time. This mindset focuses leadership on making near-term decisions with the longer-term destination in mind, but it doesn’t presume that there is only one path from here to there.
Think of strategy as a portfolio of options, not bonds. The traditional plan-then-do model treats the value of any strategy like a bond. Management forecasts the future coupon payments (or cash flows) associated with various strategies and then selects the one that has the highest discounted value. When volatility is high, however, strategic decisions should be treated more like call options. Leadership decides whether the small up-front investment is worth making as a call on potential profits. As long as the option appears “in the money,” management can continue to invest; the moment the strategy becomes “out of the money,” leadership can stop investing, cut its losses, and move on.
Create response mechanisms. In a world where the best laid plans can go awry, companies that react quickly and effectively come out on top. Rigorous contingency planning is as important as disciplined action planning. It requires that you identify the most important known unknowns associated with your company’s strategy, specify concrete steps to adjust course if you see an unplanned change in the external environment, and put in place mechanisms to continuously monitor market and competitive conditions.
Most companies do not take advantage of their opportunities to test and learn. They go for a big bang — and risk a big bust — when a series of smaller, more productive bangs would generate better results.
Great performance requires great strategy and great execution, but poor execution is often used as an excuse for flawed strategy. Today’s leaders need a new approach to strategy development. They can no longer define a plan over many years and then just do. Success requires identifying the next few steps along a broadly defined strategic path and then learning and refining as you go. This approach makes execution easier and increases the odds of delivering great results."
Trechos retirados de "5 Ways the Best Companies Close the Strategy-Execution Gap"

Fugir do granel

Eu gosto é destas cenas!

Sistematizar, organizar, fugir do granel.

Atribuir responsabilidades e autoridades e começar a melhorar.

domingo, dezembro 03, 2017

Execution is the act of ...

"The common perception is that strategy is done at the top of the org chart, and execution is done below. It is exactly the opposite – let me explain why.
Usually when businesspeople talk about “strategy” and “execution,” the former is the act of making choices and the latter the act of obeying them. My quibble with this characterization is that the things that happen in the activity called “strategy” and the activity called “execution” are identical: people are making choices about what to do and what not to do.
No matter where you are in the organization, the choices are the same: they are all where to play/how to win strategy choices.
And that is why I describe leadership in this layered choice cascade as follows:
Make only the set of choices you are more capable of making than anyone else.
Explain the choice that has been made and the reasoning behind it.
Explicitly identify the next downstream choice.
Assist in making the downstream choice, as needed.
Commit to revisit and modify the choice based on downstream feedback.

Strategy is the act of making choices about “where to play” and “how to win” across the various levels and parts of the organization. Execution is the act of parsing out responsibility for those choices, making sure people actually choose (instead of waffling around in indecision).
This reverses the normal implied responsibilities. While the traditional definitions hold that strategy is done at the top and execution is done below, in this alternative, more useful definition, strategy choices are made throughout the organization and the responsibility for execution lies at the top."
Trechos retirados de "CEOs Should Stop Thinking that Execution is Somebody Else’s Job; It Is Theirs"

Quando o mundo muda há quem dê a volta (parte III)

Parte I e parte II. 
"“The idea that everybody needs to be terrified of Amazon is completely wrong,” says Brian Spaly, who cofounded two e-commerce-centric startups, Bonobos (menswear) and Trunk Club (a wardrobe-in-a-box service), which sold to Walmart and Nordstrom, respectively, for nine-figure sums. “Everybody needs to figure out what makes them special and use those weapons to compete.”
When consumers can get seemingly anything and everything online, what can Target offer that Amazon can’t?
In other words, Target had strayed from what made it “Tar-zhay.” Two decades ago, the company had distinguished itself from other big-box retailers by teaming up with celebrated architect and designer Michael Graves to craft a collection of mass-market housewares, partnering with high-end fashion designers like Isaac Mizrahi for custom fashion lines, and nurturing emerging brands such as Method through forward-thinking curation. “There would be no retail if it weren’t for merchandising, so why isn’t anyone talking about it anymore?” wonders Rachel Shechtman, founder of Story, the novel Manhattan concept store, which reinvents itself regularly (and collaborated with Target in 2014). “Merch assortments designed by spreadsheets and algorithms” is what’s killing department stores, she says.
good experiential design is about solving customer problems.

Trechos retirados de "The Future Of Retail In The Age Of Amazon"

Cuidado com a eficiência

Ontem em "Análise do contexto ao vivo e a cores (parte II)" referi:
"E fico a pensar no dilema do filho de Stephen Covey, e penso em gente mais preocupada em fazer um visto numa checklist de conformidade com a norma do que em reflectir pelo menos uma vez por semestre sobre o ambiente onde a organização está inserida. E isto é demasiado importante ..."
Entretanto, hoje li "The Inefficient is Really Efficient":
"It’s easier to send an email than make a phone call.
It’s easier to schedule a phone call than it is to show up. It might take two hours to reach your client, and the meeting is only going to last 20 minutes. A phone call may be more convenient for you, giving you back an hour and half of your day. The question, however, is what is the impact of your presence during this conversation?
There are a lot of things that aren’t convenient. There are many possible ways to be more efficient with your limited time and energy. But much of the time, efficiency is the wrong factor to use to decide. Human relationships are inefficient. They require care and feeding. They require effort. That means that the inefficient is more effective in producing the outcome you need, making it the truly efficient choice—and making what you believe to be efficient to be the least inefficient choice because it doesn’t generate a preference to work with you."[Moi ici: Excelente trecho!!!]
Recordo a estória do filho de Covey em "A crença louca na eficiência, quando se lida com gente"

Quantas vezes a paranóia do eficientismo prejudicou a actividade da sua empresa? Ontem estive numa reunião em que descrevi a minha adesão a um projecto assim:

- Vim pelos produtos e mantenho-me pela relação. E, "Human relationships are inefficient".

Quantas vezes já chamei aqui a atenção para a importância da eficácia face à eficiência.

sábado, dezembro 02, 2017

Momentos positivos

"When brothers Chip and Dan Heath, a professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business and a senior fellow at Duke University’s CASE Center, respectively, asked executives how they invest their resources, the executives estimated that, on average, their companies spend 80 percent of their resources trying to improve the experiences of their unhappiest customers. Yet, report the Heaths, in 2016, when Forrester Research tabulated its annual U.S. Customer Experience Index and modeled the financial results in 16 industries, it discovered that “there’s nine times more to gain by elevating positive customers than by eliminating negative ones.”
“positive defining moments” can produce extraordinary effects in both individuals and organizations.
The authors define a defining moment as “a short experience that is both memorable and meaningful.”
the positive ones are composed of one or more of four crucial elements: elevation (they rise above the ordinary), insight (they rewire our perceptions), pride (they capture us at our best, reflecting achievements or courageous acts), and connection (they are shared and, in being shared, they bind us together). The more of the four elements that are present in a defining moment, the more powerful it is"
Trechos retirados de "Creating Defining Moments for Your Customers"