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quinta-feira, dezembro 07, 2017

Não é por serem grandes que as empresas exportam! (parte II)

Parte I.
"The good news with unfair advantages is that you don't need one from the outset. When you are just starting out, embrace obscurity to build something valuable without calling out too much competitor attention. Identify an unfair advantage story and if one is not readily apparent, it is always better to leave the unfair advantage box blank than stuffing a weak unfair advantage as a placeholder.
The bad news with unfair advantages is that once you get some traction, your unfair advantage will get tested -- by your competitors and copycats."

Trecho retirado de "What is an Unfair Advantage?"

quarta-feira, dezembro 30, 2015

Uma prenda

Era capaz de jurar que já tinha chamado a atenção para este texto "How to Achieve Breakthrough by Embracing Constraints":
"When most people get hit with a constraint of limited resources like this one, they either fall victim to the constraint and revise their ambition downwards, or they confront the constraint head-on and look for ways to brute-force it.
Instead, they chose to do something very different.
They found a way for achieving their goal of keeping their existing routes with three planes instead of four planes. They did this, not by brute-forcing, but embracing their constraint. Here’s how.
Instead of focusing on the obvious resource limitation, they turned their attention elsewhere.
Rather than viewing these constraints as limitations, Southwest Airlines turned them into a differentiated positioning statement:
The word "constraint" evokes a negative feeling in most people.
From a systems perspective, however, constraints are gifts. Every system always has one and correctly identifying that single constraint holds the key to practicing "right action, right time". The biggest results come from just a few key actions. The challenge, of course, is identifying where to focus and more importantly what not to do.
When faced with a constraint, there is a third way: To embrace the constraint AND still achieve your goal. You do this by asking a key the following key propelling question:
How do I achieve "the goal" without acquiring more of the limiting resource (constraint)?
This mind shift is the first step towards breaking constraints."

Como não recordar isto!

sábado, janeiro 24, 2015

"Time is our scarcest resource"

Aproveito para recomendar este interessante vídeo de Ash Maurya sobre a construção de um modelo de negócio usando o Lean Canvas.

Um pormenor que vai sendo cada vez mais violado, à medida que o empreendedorismo vai-se tornando num modo de vida, num pet project dos políticos e, num sifão de dinheiro, não de investidores mas de dinheiros públicos, aparece no vídeo aos 59 segundos:
"Time is our scarcest resource"
Por alguma razão a toda poderosa Procter & Gamble tem cortado na investigação interna e apostado em comprar investigação desenvolvida fora, muitas vezes por indivíduos. Departamentos ricos e anafados não sentem a pressão para entregar resultados. Essa pressão, não só entrega resultados como melhora a qualidade do que se entrega.
Mas vejam o vídeo todo, vale a pena.