Numa outra encarnação estudarei filosofia, sem dúvida:
"If one thinks in terms of Rationalist Teleology then what happens now is an action chosen now to fulfill some selected goal for the future. Action is about filling the gap between what is desired for the future and what now exists. The movement of time is from the future to the living present. The meaning is located in the future, in the gesture made now as it points to the future.
The experience of meaning is occurring in a micro-present and it accounts for the fact that we can experience presentness.
What is happening here is truly paradoxical for the future is changing the past just as the past is changing the future. In terms of meaning
the future changes the past and the past changes the future, and meaning lies not at a single point in the present but in this circular process of the present in which there is the potential for transformation as well as repetition.
Transformative Teleology in which movement is toward an unknown form; that is, to a form that is in the process of being formed, to a form that is itself evolving. Truly novel change is possible and self-organization is a paradoxical process of repetition and potential transformation. It is emergence of identity in a transformative, self-organizing process and the paradoxical experience of identity in transformation. Here teleology is not contained in the process since the teleological is itself being formed. In other words, identity, or organization, is evolving in unknowable ways, being created as it goes along. Here, the parts form and are formed by a whole that is under perpetual construction."

O que fazem os gestores ou os líderes quando querem que uma organização atinja determinados resultados no futuro?
Por que é tantas vezes esses resultados não são atingidos?
Há dias ouvi algures uma pergunta que ficou cá dentro a ecoar:
"Por que é que a selecção natural permitiu que chegássemos a um cérebro que consegue ao mesmo tempo, perante um desafio, dizer-nos "faz isso" e "não faças isso"?"
Desconfio que parte da resposta passa pela incapacidade da razão em apreender toda a realidade que nos rodeia. A razão é importante mas... é insuficiente para lidar com todos os desafios da vida, como, por exemplo, os deste
Trechos retirados de "Complexity and Management - Fad or radical challenge to systems thinking?" de Ralph D. Stacey, Douglas Griffin e Patricia Shaw.
Uma das questões iniciais que os autores colocam no início do livro é uma que me assalta uma e outra vez ao longo de cada ano:
"Why do managers think that they ought to be able to design control systems and act in accordance with procedures so as to be in control of what happens to their organization? Just as important, why do they keep finding that they are not nearly as much “in control” as they believe they should be? Even more important, what then are they actually doing to “get things done, anyway”? Then, why do they repeat the same search for improved procedures and systems every year, ignoring the failure to find them in any previous year? Why do they continue, each year, not to ask how they “got things done, anyway”?"
Nas empresas com sistemas de gestão da qualidade, a revisão pela gestão acaba por ser uma oportunidade perdida... picam-se todos os itens da checklist da cláusula 5.6.2 da ISO 9001 e, relativamente às conclusões há, muitas vezes, medo de escrever a verdade, não vá isso, depois, ser usado como evidência pela equipa auditora da entidade certificadora, para levantar problemas acerca do sistema.
Assim, corre-se o risco de ficar preso a rituais cada vez mais esvaziados de sentido e que se repetem por que tem de ser, por que está no calendário, sem questionar os fundamentos do que se continua a fazer.