sábado, maio 18, 2019

Mongo e magia (parte IV)

Parte I , parte II e parte III.

Há anos que falo da tríade e do seu foco no eficientismo, os encalhados.

“In theory, you can’t be too logical, but in practice, you can. Yet we never seem to believe that it is possible for logical solutions to fail. After all, if it makes sense, how can it possibly be wrong?
Highly educated people don’t merely use logic; it is part of their identity. When I told one economist that you can often increase the sales of a product by increasing its price, the reaction was one not of curiosity but of anger.
This book is not an attack on the many healthy uses of logic or reason, but it is an attack on a dangerous kind of logical overreach, which demands that every solution should have a convincing rationale before it can even be considered or attempted.
We could never have evolved to be rational – it makes you weak.
A rational leader suggests changing course to avoid a storm. An irrational one can change the weather.
If you are wholly predictable, people learn to hack you."
Por que é que tantos académicos e comentadores previram o fim das PMEs? (recordar aqui e aqui, por exemplo) Porque o enquadramento lógico, o seu modelo ambiental, impedi-os de ver, ou de suspeitar que existiam alternativas. Quem as descobriu? Os livres de modelos mentais castradores (recordar aqui), os ignorantes e a sua vantagem (recordar aqui).
“Evolution, too, is a haphazard process that discovers what can survive in a world where some things are predictable but others aren’t. It works because each gene reaps the rewards and costs from its lucky or unlucky mistakes, but it doesn’t care a damn about reasons. It isn’t necessary for anything to make sense: if it works it survives and proliferates; if it doesn’t, it diminishes and dies. It doesn’t need to know why it works – it just needs to work.”
Trecho retirado de "Alchemy: Or, the Art and Science of Conceiving Effective Ideas That Logical People Will Hate" de Rory Sutherland.

"meaning cannot simply be discovered"

"People often need to act and make decisions in situations in which causality is poorly understood, where there is considerable uncertainty and people hold different beliefs and have personal biases. However, people very reluctantly acknowledge that they face ambiguity at work. Problems in organizations tend to get labeled as lack of information. It feels more professional to try to solve a knowledge management problem that is called lack of information than a problem that is called confusion.
The challenge is that managers often treat the existence of multiple views as a symptom of a weakness rather that as an accurate and needed barometer of uncertainty.
The reality is not an objective set of arrangements outside us, but is continually constructed in daily interaction.
Because any information can mean a variety of things, meaning cannot simply be discovered. Information does not help. We have to talk!...
situations are progressively clarified in iterative interaction. Our reality is an ongoing accomplishment that takes form when people together make sense of the situations in which they find themselves"
Trechos retirados de "Confusion and ambiguity"

sexta-feira, maio 17, 2019

Uma evolução interessante

Uma evolução interessante, uma aprendizagem mais rápida que a dos produtores de leite:

Mongo e magia (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.

"It’s true that logic is usually the best way to succeed in an argument, but if you want to succeed in life it is not necessarily all that useful; entrepreneurs are disproportionately valuable precisely because they are not confined to doing only those things that make sense to a committee.
When you demand logic, you pay a hidden price: you destroy magic. And the modern world, oversupplied as it is with economists, technocrats, managers, analysts, spreadsheet-tweakers and algorithm designers, is becoming a more and more difficult place to practise magic – or even to experiment with it.
The human mind does not run on logic any more than a horse runs on petrol....
if we allow the world to be run by logical people, we will only discover logical things. But in real life, most things aren’t logical – they are psycho-logical.
Similarly, if you expose every one of the world’s problems to ostensibly logical solutions, those that can easily be solved by logic will rapidly disappear, and all that will be left are the ones that are logic-proof – those where, for whatever reason, the logical answer does not work.
More data leads to better decisions. Except when it doesn’t.
The need to rely on data can also blind you to important facts that lie outside your model."

Trecho retirado de "Alchemy: Or, the Art and Science of Conceiving Effective Ideas That Logical People Will Hate" de Rory Sutherland.

quinta-feira, maio 16, 2019

Curiosidade do dia

Da próxima vez que ouvir falar em convergência com a zona euro recorde dois gráficos:
Este, retirado de "EU economies have converged since last elections".

E este outro:
Retirado de "PIB português sobe acima da média europeia, mas há 13 países a crescer mais".

A vida é um eterno retorno

Volta e meia recordo aqui no blogue uma canção dos anos 60 com o refrão "turn, turn, turn". Por exemplo,  Tudo tem o seu tempo, tudo muda.

Podemos contar o tempo como algo linear, mas a vida é um eterno retorno. O que é verdade hoje, amanhã é mentira e, depois, volta a ser verdade.

A economia é uma continuação da biologia. Na economia vemos empresas fecharem ou evoluírem quando o contexto muda, tendo de alterar proposta de valor e estratégia. Na biologia é o mesmo "Extinct bird resurrected as evolution starts over again".

Mongo e magia (parte II)

Parte I.
“There is a simple premise to this book: that while the modern world often turns its back on this kind of illogic, it is at times uniquely powerful. Alongside the inarguably valuable products of science and logic, there are also hundreds of seemingly irrational solutions to human problems just waiting to be discovered, if only we dare to abandon standard-issue, naïve logic in the search for answers.
Engineering doesn’t allow for magic. Psychology does.
In our addiction to naïve logic, we have created a magic-free world of neat economic models, business case studies and narrow technological ideas, which together give us a wonderfully reassuring sense of mastery over a complex world. Often these models are useful, but sometimes they are inaccurate or misleading. And occasionally they are highly dangerous.
We should never forget that our need for logic and certainty brings costs as well as benefits. The need to appear scientific in our methodology may prevent us from considering other, less logical and more magical solutions, which can be cheap, fast-acting and effective. The mythical ‘butterfly effect’ does exist, but we don’t spend enough time butterfly hunting.”
Para quem conhece este blogue e consegue recordar o conceito de tríade, um marcador que nasceu em Outubro de 2011 e que foi referido pela primeira vez no texto:
"Podemos começar a listar os académicos, paineleiros e políticos portugueses (a tríade) que não conhecem alternativa ao preço mais baixo e aos salários baixos)"
Para quem conhece este blogue e consegue recordar o conceito de Muggles, gente que não conhece a magia, "Temer o pior sempre que os Muggles se metem". Marcador nascido em Julho de 2011.

Trecho retirado de "Alchemy: Or, the Art and Science of Conceiving Effective Ideas That Logical People Will Hate" de Rory Sutherland.

quarta-feira, maio 15, 2019

Curiosidade do dia

"E quando, aos 30 anos, deixam de ter a maminha da mamã, habituaram-se de tal maneira à maminha, que são já um caso perdido para o liberalismo. Agora, querem a maminha do Estado.
Portugal é uma sociedade híper-protegida onde as pessoas se fazem à vida muito tarde, se é que alguma vez se fazem. São, literalmente, pessoas muito mimadas quando comparadas com as gentes do norte da Europa, onde o liberalismo nasceu (o liberalismo é a doutrina política que emergiu do protestantismo calvinista).
É muito difícil fazer uma sociedade liberal com esta matéria-prima. Mas não se perde nada em tentar."
Trecho retirado de "a maminha da mamã"

"acha que uma PME consegue?"

Nem as empresas com dinheiro e protecção governamental se safam quando não estão focadas, quando escolheram ser tudo para todos e estar em todo o lado.

Isto a propósito de "Air France plans to cut almost 500 jobs on ‘fierce’ competition":
"Air France blamed increased competition from high speed rail and low-cost airlines as it announced 500 job cuts and said it would downsize its short haul operations.
The airline said on Monday it would implement 465 voluntary redundancies over the next year. It also announced plans to cut its domestic network capacity by 15 per cent by 2021.
The move comes as the carrier, part of the Air France-KLM group, looks to deal with “extremely fierce competition” in the sector."
Se empresas com dinheiro e consultores pagos a peso de ouro não conseguem, acha que uma PME consegue?

Quem são os clientes-alvo? Qual a proposta de valor?

Perguntas e inquéritos (Parte II)

Parte I.

Sabem que sou muito crítico acerca do que se faz sobre a medição da satisfação dos clientes. Por exemplo:

Por isso, neste artigo, "What Must You Ask? Comparing Two Customer Survey Approaches", apreciei sobremaneira a liberdade das perguntas abertas:

"Understanding context of satisfaction – Word cloud based on responses to question, “What one word best describes this company?” [Moi ici: Até que ponto o que os clientes pensam da empresa está em sintonia com a mensagem que a empresa procura passar?]

Understanding context of satisfaction – What improvements would you make?" [Moi ici: Uma das frases mais comum naquela lista de artigos lá em cima é "não existem empresas perfeitas"]

Como escrevo aqui:
"Não existem empresas perfeitas. Por isso, de cada vez que um inquérito de satisfação dos clientes conclui que somos bons... perdeu-se uma oportunidade de melhoria e reforçou-se o conformismo com o status-quo."
Agora, relacionar isto com a parte I.

terça-feira, maio 14, 2019

Perguntas e inquéritos (Parte I)

Há dias, ao terminar a leitura do livro "Choose" de Ryan Levesque fixei a SMIQ:
“The ASK Method starts with the desire to better understand your market at a deep emotional level so you can ultimately better sell and better serve your market. Knowing your market at this deep emotional level requires asking the right questions in the right way to understand what your most ideal potential customers want. Not what they think they want, not what they say they want, but what they really want. And most importantly, what they really want to buy.
People don’t know what they want. But they do know one thing, and that’s this: They do know what they don’t want. And therein lies the first clue to figuring out what to ask. The right questions are somewhat counterintuitive.
what we call the SMIQ, which stands for Single Most Important Question, because as the name implies, this is your single most important question
When it comes to X, what’s your single biggest challenge, frustration, or question you’ve been struggling with? (Please be as detailed and specific as possible.)
Now, the reason for asking this question in this specific way, is because, as we now know, while people don’t know what they want, they do know what they don’t want.
When you ask people this question, whether through a survey link created in a survey software like bucket.io designed for this very process, or through a simple Facebook post, you want the response format of this question to be open-ended—that is, they can write their response in their own words, as opposed to selecting one of several multiple choice options. The reason for keeping this question open-ended is that it’s all about discovering who the “hyper-responsive” potential customers are in your market—the people most motivated and interested and likely to spend money to solve the problem that you’re intending to solve. It’s about uncovering what natural language patterns these hyper-responsives use, so you can echo that language back in your marketing and messaging. It’s about identifying what makes the hyper-responsive people in your market different from everyone else so you can focus 100 percent of your effort on targeting and serving similar customers.
One of the ways in which you can identify hyper-responsives is, in part, by looking at the length of their response to your SMIQ. All things being equal, the person who gives a longer, more detailed, more passionate response to the question “What’s your single biggest frustration?” is more likely to spend money on a product that solves that frustration than the person who gives you a short one- or two-word answer.”
Julgo que a técnica proposta faz todo o sentido.


O fim de um ciclo (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.
"Many investors lose sleep over "black swans" -- hard-to-predict events that cause chaos, like terror attacks or the bursting of the dot-com bubble.
Now authorities in China are being urged to watch for "gray rhinos" -- obvious dangers that are often ignored anyway."(daqui)
Nunca é se, é quando. Quando é que a maré muda. A maré muda sempre.
"As exportações da indústria têxtil e do vestuário começam a tremer e fecharam o primeiro trimestre do ano a cair 0,9%, pressionadas pelo segmento do vestuário (-2%) e pelo desempenho negativo dos 4 maiores clientes da fileira: Espanha, França, Alemanha e Reino Unido, anunciou esta sexta-feira a ATP - AssociaçãoTêxtil e Vestuário de Portugal.
Depois de bater três recordes consecutivos na exportação, para fechar 2018 nos 5,3 mil milhões de euros (+2%), o sector entrou em 2019 já de forma cautelosa.
No seu conjunto, a fileira exportou 1,35 mil milhões de euros, menos 12 milhões de euros do que no ano anterior, e terminou o trimestre com um saldo positivo de 241 milhões de euros na balança comercial, o que se traduz numa taxa de cobertura de 122%.
Com uma quota de 29,7% nas exportações da fileira têxtil, Espanha continua, assim, a estar sob o "efeito Inditex", o grupo que reúne marcas como a Zara, Pull&Bear, Bershka ou Massimo Dutti, é o maior cliente das têxteis do Vale do Ave e tem estado a desviar compras que fazia habitualmente no país, especialmente as encomendas de valor mais baixo, para outros destinos, designadamente a Turquia e Marrocos."
E quando se escreve:
"No entanto, o esforço das empresas para diversificarem clientes e encontrarem alternativas à quebra de Espanha está a ter resultados positivos em dois destinos do top 10 do ranking das exportações do sector, com os Estados Unidos a protagonizarem a maior subida (+14,8% ou 11 milhões de euros)" 
Há que ter cuidado, os Estados Unidos são um mercado de preço:
"É que o mercado dos EUA "é um dos mais sensíveis em relação ao preço, mesmo em produtos de valor acrescentado" 
Tempo para parar para pensar, tempo para reflectir no que cortar, tempo para reflectir no que focar, tempo para lançar novas sementes, tempo para testar novos caminhos.

É claro que há gente a sofrer com esta evolução, por isso, peço desculpa por recordar esta ironia: Boas notícias, Portugal a ser abandonado pelo negócio do preço (1)

segunda-feira, maio 13, 2019

Mongo é a resposta

Pena que o papa Francisco não conheça Mongo. Mongo é a resposta aos seus desejos:
"O objetivo é criar um modelo económico "diferente, que permita às pessoas viver e não matar, incluir e não excluir, humanizar e não desumanizar, cuidar da Criação e não depredar", num evento que gere "um pacto" para mudar a economia atual."(1)
Mongo é a fuga ao vómito industrial e a ascensão do trabalhador-artista.

A inevitabilidade de Mongo a emergir, também neste texto, "Changing the German growth model will not be easy":
"What gave German industry another lease of life was how globalisation increased demand for German machinery and how it led to integrated global supply chains. I admit I did not see the supply-chain effect when I predicted the demise of the German economic model over a decade ago.
New trends may intrude that would extend the lifespan of the growth model further. But Mr Macron is ultimately right. It is going to end — “perhaps”, as he wisely added."
(1) - Trecho retirado de "Papa aos jovens: novo modelo económico deve “incluir e não excluir, humanizar e não desumanizar”"

Mongo e a magia

Ao folhear o livro apanhei com esta lista memorável:
“Rory’s Rules of Alchemy
The opposite of a good idea can also be a good idea. [Moi ici: Como não relacionar com o teste do algodão de uma estratégia - "and it's not stupid"]
Don’t design for average.  [Moi ici: Como não relacionar com "Justin Bieber e o preço da diferença" - na semana passada usei esta estória de 2010 duas ou três vezes ]
It doesn’t pay to be logical if everyone else is being logical. [Moi ici: Como não relacionar com a segunda lei da teoria dos jogos "Rational choice, chosing a dominant strategy, can lead to outcomes that suck"]
The nature of our attention affects the nature of our experience.
A flower is simply a weed with an advertising budget.
The problem with logic is that it kills off magic.  [Moi ici: Como não recordar a tríade e a sua incapacidade de ver o poder da magia... chamo-lhes de Muggles]
A good guess which stands up to observation is still science. So is a lucky accident. [Moi ici: Como não recordar "A vantagem dos ignorantes"]
Test counterintuitive things only because no one else will.
Solving problems using rationality is like playing golf with only one club.
Dare to be trivial.
If there were a logical answer, we would have found it.”
Trecho retirado de "Alchemy: Or, the Art and Science of Conceiving Effective Ideas That Logical People Will Hate" de Rory Sutherland.

domingo, maio 12, 2019

Quem lida com o extremo da cadeia, tem um trunfo

De "5 Ways to Know Your Customer Better Than Your Competitors Do" sublinho:
"Step 1: Spend Time Talking to the End UserMost businesses classify themselves as business-to-business (b2b) operations, meaning they don’t sell to the end users of their product. Yet these businesses would benefit from interacting personally with the end users.
Take YouTube. ...
While the YouTube team knows it is critical to be well-connected to the needs of the “business” customers who pay them, they also spend time directly with their end users, attending events like the annual VidCon conference.
Step 2: Spend More Time with the Customer Than Your CompetitionWhen it comes to understanding your customers, spending quality time with them is important—but spending “quantity time” matters even more. Decision makers who spend enough time seeing the day-to-day lives and challenges of their customers have a level of understanding that staged drop-ins cannot provide. In addition, they get the “credit” that comes from being the supplier that is willing to walk in its customers’ shoes.
Step 3: Watch Consumers Buy Your Product Before consumers can use your products, they usually have to purchase them. There are many insights that can be gained from watching consumers as they attempt to do this.
Step 4: Watch Consumers Use Your ProductObserving consumers as they use your product or receive your service is the perfect chance to understand which features create value, which ones are never used, and which ones actually get in the way.
Step Five: Engage End Users as Product Designers Finally, consider putting your customers to work. Stop seeing them as research subjects and instead begin to see them as partners in product development.
A Word of WarningToday, businesses have more data than ever. While this is in many ways a great thing, it also creates a dangerous temptation to spend hours and hours analyzing spreadsheets, and runs the risk of confusing quantification for true understanding.
Big consumer firms are experiencing the dangerous downside of being insulated from the consumer."
Uma provocação para todos os que esquecem os "end users".

Recordar "Alinhamento":
"The value proposition of the overall supply chain is the same as that of the company that is facing the end customer."
Quem estuda, quem interage com o end-user tem um trunfo importante!


Não é se, mas quando!

Quando a próxima recessão chegar como vai estar preparada a sua empresa?
"For most small business, cash reserves are a critical tool for meeting liquidity needs. Cash reserves provide a readily available means to pay employees and suppliers in normal times and are an important buffer to draw upon during adverse times. This is particularly true for small businesses with limited access to credit and other sources of liquidity. In other words, cash reserves are a key measure of the vitality and security of a small business."(1)

"The question for these executives, then, isn’t whether to prepare, it’s how to prepare.
What did the resilient companies do differently?[Moi ici: Durante a última recessão]
They weren’t protected from the market because they had better products or services. In fact, most of the resilient companies lost nearly as much revenue as industry peers during the recession; the outliers were from a few sectors that didn’t experience the downturn as strongly.
But by the time the recession had reached its lowest point in 2009, the resilients had increased their EBITDA by 10%, on average, while industry peers had lost nearly 15%. The resilients seem to have accomplished this by reducing operating costs earlier in the recession cycle, and more deeply. By the first quarter of 2008, the resilients had already cut operating costs 1% compared with the year before, even as their sector year-on-year costs were growing by a similar amount. The resilients maintained and expanded their cost lead as the recession moved toward its trough, improving their earnings advantage in seven out of the eight quarters during 2008 and 2009.
Their willingness to move early made the resilient companies far more likely to successfully weather economic shock. As the effects of the downturn became more and more apparent, resilient companies focused on building more flexibility into their investment-planning and operations in addition to pursuing continued earnings expansion. By the time the economy was in full-on recession, the resilients had reduced their debt by more than $1 for every $1 of total capital on their balance sheet.
Even as the debate about “when” continues among economic forecasters, companies should begin to prepare themselves for the next recession. To assure some measure of resiliency, they should start now to assess the degree of exposure they have to slowdown, identify initiatives that can help to mitigate the exposure, and establish a “nerve center” to monitor progress on those initiatives."
Cuidado com as previsões que ouve ou lê. Quantas pessoas em 15 de Setembro de 2007 ousavam escrever este marcador "desde que ouvi o ministro pinho dizer que a crise financeira não afectará a economia...,"

(1) - Cash is King: Flows, Balances, and Buffer Days
(2) - What Companies Should Do to Prepare for a Recession

sábado, maio 11, 2019

Curiosidade do dia

"O país descobriu agora pela reação do PS - o PSD e CDS já sabiam por experiência própria - que a austeridade é o nosso caminho coletivo para os próximos anos. Infelizmente esta vai ser só para alguns: para os que não têm força reivindicativa como os contribuintes [Moi ici: contribuintes líquidos, os saxões do costume] (comprovando a lei da Olson), porque são muitos. Os pequenos grupos de interesse - armadilhados ou não com substâncias explosivas, o sindicalismo estatal e o capitalismo de Estado e compadrio - sobrevivem sempre à falta de coragem governativa reformista.
o socialismo é e sempre será um beco sem saída. O património real e o rendimento anual duma nação são as limitações da vida coletiva e individual.
O socialismo assume temporariamente para manter o poder que é preciso devolver rendimentos (isto é a vida e a liberdade ao cidadão, comprovando as tesas liberais sobre o Estado por portas travessas), ainda que não os tenha. Por isso, o socialismo é sempre mais original e criativo com mais um imposto, umas taxas ou um emprestimozinho apresentado sempre na comunicação social como tendo a melhor taxa de juro (parecendo que o Governo ganha sempre e os credores perdem...).
A evolução na continuidade será sempre um erro político neste país com um povo e uma história nobres: mas sabemos que só a adversidade nos obriga a mudar, ou um Governo que não se negue a construir um Estado inteligente para o séc. XXI. Este Estado constitucional tornou-se bafiento e geracionalmente irresponsável."

Trecho retirado de "A negação do poder e do Estado"

Risk management

J&J model to deal with risk management:
"Risk can be viewed as the combination of the probability of an event and the impact of its consequences. Events with a negative impact represent risks that can prevent value creation or erode existing value. In order to deliver value to our stakeholders we must understand the types of risks faced by our organization and address them appropriately.
Generally, risks to the Company’s success can be grouped into four categories: (1) Strategic, (2) Operational, (3) Compliance and (4) Financial & Reporting. Specific examples of each type of risk are included in the table below.
Our J&J Enterprise Risk Management Framework is made up of six process components
Objectives are set by the Executive Committee in alignment with our strategic framework and are cascaded throughout the organization.
Trechos retirados daqui.

"your single most important decision as an entrepreneur"

Remember that this is your single most important decision as an entrepreneur: Who are you going to serve? What market are you going to enter? It’s worth spending time here. In the end, your future business will be all the better for it because you took the time to scrutinize your ideas from every angle and eliminate the ones that won’t lead to a viable market choice. Be committed to the tightest, strongest business idea possible. If you do this, you’re setting yourself up to be that much more likely to succeed.
choosing your market isn’t like choosing what froyo flavor you want in your cup. This decision creates many more ripples in your life, and knowing that tends to drum up some profound emotions at both ends of the spectrum. In the entrepreneurial world, we don’t like to talk about this much because it feels like inviting or admitting weakness, but the reality is that entrepreneurship is emotional. I don’t want to be one who downplays your emotions as you come to this big decision.”
Trechos retirados de “Choose” de Ryan Levesque.

sexta-feira, maio 10, 2019

Curiosidade do dia

Pena que o Mário Cortes se tenha escondido.
"O controlo das contas públicas previsto pelo Governo até 2023 vai continuar a depender do aumento das receitas com impostos e contribuições, diz o Conselho das Finanças Públicas, que antecipa uma subida destas receitas acima do aumento previsto para as despesas rígidas do Estado. A receita adicional vai permitir pagar o aumento de 9,4 mil milhões de euros nas despesas com pessoal e prestações sociais" (1)
"“Se, por ora, é possível acomodar, em previsão, estes aumentos nominais em resultado do crescimento superior previsto para o PIB nominal, não é garantido que essa capacidade acomodatícia se mantenha no futuro próximo“, avisa."(2)
Os saxões, aka contribuintes líquidos, que paguem.

Não sentem as bandarilhas no lombo?

(1) - Impostos e contribuições pagam aumento de mais de 9 mil milhões da despesa com pessoal, diz o CFP
(2) - CFP avisa que Centeno pode ter subavaliado fatura com pessoal até 2023