quarta-feira, fevereiro 24, 2010

Acerca da medição da satisfação dos clientes

É um bocado perigoso medir, avaliar a satisfação dos clientes, sem primeiro definir quem são os clientes-alvo.
Se uma empresa, ao avaliar a satisfação dos clientes, misturar na mesma população clientes-alvo e clientes não-alvo é capaz de chegar a conclusões... irrelevantes no mínimo, perigosas e esquizofrénicas como mais provável.
A ISO 9001 fala em clientes-alvo?
OK, feito este preâmbulo consideremos um artigo no International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management Volume 56, Número 5/6 de 2007, a partir da página 500 pode ler-se o artigo "Measurement and analysis of customer satisfaction: company practices in Spain and Portugal" de Arturo Fernández-González e J. Carlos Prado Prado.
"The empirical study was conducted on a random sample of 305 ISO 9000 companies. Data were gathered by personally interviewing those responsible for quality management at the companies.
Findings – Certified companies in the Euro-region Galicia-North Portugal have a high awareness of the need to measure and analyze the satisfaction of their customers and a predisposition towards it but, when it comes to putting said practice into action, they fall into certain methodological deficiencies that lead to their usefulness being only moderate."
"By way of a global conclusion, it may be said that the certified companies in the Euro-region Galicia-North Portugal have a high awareness of the need to measure and analyze the satisfaction of their customers and a predisposition towards it but, when it comes to putting said practice into action, they fall into certain methodological deficiencies that lead to their usefulness being only moderate. One of these deficiencies is the excessive tendency to use written surveys, a majority of companies (56.9 per cent) doing away with other methods, such as internal indicators or reports from the commercial department, which can provide particularly interesting supplementary information of a quantitative or qualitative nature.
In our opinion, the usefulness that the companies obtain from the practice of measuring and analyzing customer satisfaction (valued at 3.76 on the Likert scale of 1-5), could be greater if companies employed a combination of methods to evaluate customer satisfaction (without relying so heavily on written surveys alone), and improved the methodology to reduce the errors mentioned. To do so, it is especially necessary for the company managers to make an effort to improve their know-how in these techniques through adequate training actions or by the assessment that can be provided by other bodies, such as consultants, universities, business colleges, etc."
Para quem simplesmente repete gestos, como um actor em pleno palco, o objectivo é realizar algo a que se pode chamar avaliação da satisfação dos clientes. Para quem se interroga quanto ao real valor conseguido com a operação... há que pôr em causa o uso indiscriminado de inquéritos.
Por exemplo, quando uma empresa de obras públicas envia um inquérito de avaliação da satisfação dos clientes para uma Câmara Municipal envia-o para quem? Para o Presidente? Para os serviços responsáveis pela obra? Para o fiscal da obra? Para quem assinou o contrato? Para quem elaborou o caderno de encargos? Para quem?
Talvez tenhamos de começar por perguntar: o que queremos deste exercício?

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