Assim, enquanto caminhava e ia ouvindo, ao longe, o motor dos tractores e o canto do cuco, ia lendo o último livro de Vargo e Lusch, "Service-Dominant Logic: Prenises, Perspectives, Possibilities". Ao ler as linhas que se seguem... não pude deixar de sorrir, não pude deixar de recordar tanta incompreensão, tanto fanatismo pelo eficientismo... como é que o que se segue é tão difícil de entender e de quebrar o modelo mental dominante?
"goods could be produced "separate" from the consumer and thus standardized and controlled for greater manufacturing efficiency. Their ability to be standardized (homogenized) also contributed to production efficiency through economies of scale. Anything that deviated from these ideal characteristics decreased production efficiency and was regarded as a problem to be overcome. Not surprisingly, organizations in the "services" business tried to make their offerings more tangible and homogeneous and to produce as many of them as possible to create superior efficiency.
S-D logic shifts the focus from the production of outputs to the cocreation of benefits with and for the customer - that is, from efficiency to effectiveness. [Moi ici: Recordar o que aqui temos escrito, desde o tempo em que havia dinossauros, sobre o tema nos marcadores eficiência, eficácia e eficientismo] When viewed from the perspective of customer value creation, the supposedly negative qualities of services become the realities, if not the ideals or benefits, to be sought. Value is itself intangible and often a function of intangible aspects of the value proposition (e.g., brand, meaning, comfort-in-use). It is idiosyncratic and always involves some degree of customer interaction, within a dynamic context, and thus is inseparable, heterogeneous, and perishable. None of this shift in perspective should suggest that efficiency is not important. A hallmark of S-D logic is service-for-service exchange, rather than the creation and distribution of value, and the actor-to-actor (A2A) perspective argues that the value-creation process must work for the firm as well, often from the acquisition of surplus service (e.g., money) to efficient operations. But efficiency without effectiveness is inherently inefficient: Without effectiveness, there is no basis for service-for-service exchange, and, as such, the efficiency issue is meaningless. The "service" in S-D logic buttresses and emphasizes benefit and, thus, the superordinate nature of effectiveness with a constraint of relative efficiency ."