O velho tema da "caridadezinha" aqui no blogue. Recordo:
- de 2021 - Lerolero
- de 2008 - Vamos brincar à caridadezinha
"Economists never cite one of the most significant statistics about the U.S. economy. According to data released last week by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, only about 12% of Americans score at the highest levels on internationally administered academic tests, while 34% score at the lowest levels - nearly three low scorers for every high scorer. Germany's figures are nearly even: 18% score at the highest levels and 20% at the lowest. Put another way, Germany's ratio of high to low scorers is almost three times America's. Scandinavia's is five times; Japan's, seven.These enormous differences have profound economic implications....Yet America excels relative to Europe despite these enormous differences. While Europe has created 14 companies worth more than $10 billion in the past 50 years, with about $400 billion of market value in total, Americans have created nearly 250 such companies, worth $30 trillion. That success has driven up America's middle-class incomes. The median disposable U.S. household income, according to the OECD, is now 25% greater than the median German household and 60% greater than the median household in Italy....The belief that taxing success more heavily will scarcely slow inevitable progress ignores the importance of being first to market and founding successful companies in America rather than the rest of the world, the enormous difference in the training and expected payoffs for successful risk-taking that it creates for America's talented workers, and the motivational effect higher expected payoffs for successful risk-taking have on our talented workers."