Em Portugal falamos de providências cautelares, falamos em líderes associativos que querem impedir a mudança em nome da defesa do comércio tradicional... nunca se fala no que é melhor para o cliente.
"David and his team have deep expertise in
They also know what pet nutrition might help with hip problems and other issues. You can tell that this is their passion. David knew more about the dog food we were feeding our dog than I knew, and I was reading the label – he knew well beyond the label. Most importantly, he suggested a specific protocol to follow to determine the source of the skin/coat issues our dog has been experiencing.
David cited research that shows that more specialty pet stores have closed in a six month period than closed in the prior five years. Interestingly, there have also been more created than ever before. The key might lie in expertise...
While the Internet and logistics companies have made it easy to ship a product virtually anywhere – sometimes same day, there is something missing. The information and expertise that you might need as a consumer is that much more valuable.
David actually has an opportunity to morph his business to serve a community that is worldwide. And, he could make a fortune without ever stocking dog food – though his local customers won’t let that happen. On his website, it leads with “Pet Nutrition Experts.”
You’d likely be willing to pay a fee to subscribe to an information service that shows you a process to diagnose, treat, and ultimately solve the issue for your family pet.
If you or someone you know runs a local brick-and-mortar store, consider these steps to grow your business:
- Identify what you deliver that is a true commodity. [Moi ici: E ter esta frieza?] Recognize that over the coming years, that business is likely to decline.
- Evaluate where you deliver the greatest value to your customers. How can you offer that beyond your existing market?
- Attract a crowd by answering the key questions on your website that your ideal customers would be asking
Morphing your business will not happen overnight. If you feel that Amazon and other retailers are messing up your sandbox, you are right. But, here’s the thing… you can either complain about it, or you can position yourself to provide value to the online community they are building that needs the expertise that you offer. Your value is no longer about delivering the commodity item. Rather, your value lies in the expertise and service the customer can’t get elsewhere."
- Build a business model that is a modest subscription service to help those facing those challenges. You might offer three different levels to appeal to different types of buyers.