quinta-feira, setembro 11, 2014

Curiosidade do dia

Foi bom tê-las por cá.
Lembrem-se que estarei sempre à espera que regressem para anunciar a Primavera.
Já tenho saudades vossas, façam uma boa viagem.

Sempre associei a partida das andorinhas ao abaixamento da temperatura. Este ano surgiu-me uma nova teoria, elas vão embora por causa da redução do número de horas de sol, independentemente da temperatura.

Coisas que deveriam dar que pensar

Parem por um instante. Pensem na quantidade de especialistas, académicos, políticos, consultores, gurus, ... que nos últimos anos afirmam a pés juntos que o Apocalipse vem aí.
Recordem, por exemplo, esta cena "Indústria nacional "vai sofrer muito com a valorização do euro"" de 29 de Abril de 2011.
Depois disto o que é que tem acontecido às nossas exportações para fora da zona euro?
Depois disto o que é que tem acontecido ao emprego nos sectores mais abertos à concorrência internacional?
Ouviram alguma retratação?

Um primeiro passo

Finalmente uma medida correcta deste senhor, "Governo vai permitir produção de electricidade para autoconsumo".
Uma medida na linha do que Rifkin prevê e, que acabará com o poder das utilities, a democratização da produção eléctrica.

Um exemplo das consequências do ROA

"72% of all new products don’t meet their revenue targets. And a quarter of companies, according to the same survey, confess that not one of their new offerings met its profitability goals.
what’s causing this high failure rate
[when a product fails] it’s not a technology problem or a pure R&D problem — it is really around marketing, customer segments, and of course pricing.
Your survey also details how hard some companies are finding it to raise prices. For instance, you found that only a third of all planned price increases actually get implemented, and for every 5% price increase attempted, only about 1.9% is achieved. Why are companies having such a hard time raising prices?
One of the odder findings in your survey is that 58% of companies say they are currently in a price war – but 89% of those blame their competitors, not themselves, for starting it. Why does pricing feel so out of executives’ hands?
[Moi ici: ROA - Return of attention. O tempo que se investe numa coisa não pode ser usado para outra] For many years, CEOs and executives have focused on improving the bottom line through cost cutting, finding efficiencies in operations and the supply chain. Companies have gotten better and better at that. Pricing is also a highly impactful driver of revenue, but companies probably spent the least amount of time on it. Often it’s the most misunderstood driver in a corporate boardroom. It’s not something that gets a lot of attention in business school, relatively speaking. However, it is also one of the easiest things to change and companies tend to be more reactionary [than strategic] about it."
Trechos retirados de "The Silent Killer of New Products: Lazy Pricing"

Recordar "Aumentar preços"

Matar a galinha dos ovos de ouro - em directo

"Through the 1970s, Gucci ... stood with Hermès and Chanel in a high-cost, high-willingness-to-pay position, its brand resonating with elegance, wealth, and success."
Em 1984 a Gucci já não passava de uma pálida sombra do que fora como força de marca. Porquê?
Porque luxo está associado a autenticidade e escassez. No entanto, a partir de 1975 a marca Gucci começou a ser aplicada a:
"the Gucci name proliferated like some kind of illness-inducing bacteria. Unbridled licensing plastered the name, along with the red-and-green logo, on sneakers, packs of playing cards, whiskey—in fact, on a total of 22,000 different products."
Ontem o JdN trazia esta história "“Chairman” da Ferrari abandona cargo depois de desacordos com CEO da Fiat". Contudo, a BloombergBusinessWeek  conta melhor a história em "Ferrari's Old Guard Fights Back Against Fiat's Marchionne":
"Marchionne wants to the put the Ferrari brand to work as he pushes to expand Fiat Chrysler’s lineup of high-end cars. Di Montezemelo, who has run Ferrari for 23 years and began his career as an assistant to founder Enzo Ferrari, wants to maintain the company as an autonomous unit within Fiat and safeguard its exclusivity by limiting sales to about 7,000 cars a year.
Marchionne, who wants to develop new markets for Ferrari, said earlier this year that he could envision boosting annual sales to 10,000. That number is minuscule compared to the 4.4 million cars sold by Fiat Chrysler last year. But the profit margins are enormous: Ferrari accounted for 12 percent of Fiat’s operating profit. And with sticker prices ranging from about $200,000 to more than $400,000, Ferrari wants buyers to feel they are members of an exclusive club—owners of “a desirable object par excellence,” as di Montezemelo has put it. His fear is that Fiat Chrysler will over-expose the brand."
Já adivinho a bastardização da marca Ferrari, dentro de uns anos pode estar ao nível da Audi ou da BMW.

Citações sobre a Gucci retiradas de "The Strategist" de Cynthia A. Montgomery

"On Experiences as Economic Offerings" (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.
Terminei a leitura da tese "On Experiences as Economic Offerings" de Susanne H. G. Poulsson e, recomendo o seu estudo a quem quiser desenvolver o marketing de serviços, sobretudo em sectores não transaccionáveis. Por exemplo, promover um parque de campismo, um ginásio, um evento desportivo ou musical, uma feira ou uma festa religiosa.

quarta-feira, setembro 10, 2014

Curiosidade do dia

Sei que a foto ficou desfocada com a ampliação. No entanto, não podia deixar passar este exemplo de simbiose, com uma Bubulcus ibis (garça-boieira) encavalitada no dorso de uma vaca prestando serviço de limpeza de insectos.
Bioria em Salreu.

Acerca da produtividade

Escrito para pessoas, julgo que o mesmo se aplica às empresas:
"So what is it about productive people that separates them from the bumbling, distracted masses? A lot of it has to do with self-awareness and recognition of one’s own behavior.
As we know, recognizing your productivity patterns is one key step toward becoming more efficient. We may not be able to add hours to the day, but we can make the hours we do have count more by taking better advantage of when we’re at peak productive performance."
Quando é que a empresa tem níveis de desempenho superiores? Com que gente? Com que produtos? Com que encomendas? Com que clientes?
Encontramos algum padrão que possa ser usado para aumentar esse nível de desempenho?
Trecho retirado de "A Secret Ingredient in the Recipe for Productivity?"

Acerca do caminho para Mongo (parte VI)

Parte I, parte II, parte IIIparte IV e parte V.
Este artigo "Good Eggs Raises $21 Million From Index Ventures To Deliver The Farmer’s Market To Your Door" é bom para ilustrar o capítulo seguinte do relatório da Deloitte que andamos a rever aqui. O último capítulo era muito claro acerca de Mongo e da consequente fragmentação que vai ocorrer em muitos sectores.
E como é que os produtores fragmentados e tribos de clientes podem comunicar entre si, para co-produzir, co-criar, trocar?
Através de plataformas!!!
"Organic food delivery startup Good Eggs wants to change the way people eat, making it easier for customers to buy organic foods produced by independent farmers and vendors nearby.
It offers up a marketplace to enable customers to buy from nearby farms and vendors, but then handles all the logistics associated with packaging up their orders and handling delivery.
For vendors, the platform provides a way for farms to find new customers, creating new demand for their goods. Rather than going through the hassle of packing up a truck and taking it to a farmer’s market, where a vendor never knows what they will sell, Good Eggs tells them exactly what customers want."

Uma especialização modelo aqui abordado.

Tornar a competição imperfeita, alterando as regras

Para um antigo atleta federado e antigo aficionado das provas de atletismo internacional, para alguém que ainda viu Dick Fosbury competir e, lida com os desafios competitivos das PMEs no dia-a-dia, este artigo "The Innovator’s Question: What Would Fosbury Do?" está muito bem esgalhado:
"Fosbury’s breakthrough took his sport to a new level. He did it not by working harder or developing bigger muscles than his competitors, but by recognizing that a convention of his sport was not a rule.
The same pattern is present in breakthrough innovations in business. Dramatic progress in both macro and micro environments happens when players break rules that aren’t actually rules – in other words, when they rethink assumptions. [Moi ici: Aquele momento especial em que o rato consegue tirar o labirinto que está dentro de si]
“In most real life situations the pieces are not given, we just assume they are there. We assume certain perceptions, certain concepts and certain boundaries.
We who’ve gotten far by playing by the rules or even writing our own as entrepreneurs have an easy time carving our assumptions about our businesses into stone. We become increasingly entrenched in “this is what matters” and “that’s the way it’s done” the longer we invest.
Fosbury recognized that there was no rule in his sport other than “clear the bar” and “jump off of one foot.” He could run from any angle, jump from either foot, twist and flail and land however he wanted. But his peers assumed that the direct approach was the “right” approach, and therefore only made incremental improvement."
Quantas regras, que só existem na nossa cabeça, nos impedem de ir mais além, nos impedem de abordar o desafio do mercado de uma forma diferente e, mais vantajosa para a nossa organização?

Como David ajoelhado, naquele momento em que percebeu que a espada, elmo e armadura de Saúl de nada lhe valeriam, e começou a escolher os seixos do rio, porque já se tinha libertado das regras de combate que ainda aprisionavam os outros.

E os grandes ficarão cada vez mais grandes... Oh, wait!!!

"Under Armour prosigue con su ascenso en el podio del negocio de la moda deportiva. La compañía estadounidense ha arrebatado a Adidas el segundo puesto del ránking de marcas de moda deportiva en Estados Unidos por volumen de negocio."
Trecho retirado de "Under Armour le ‘roba’ a Adidas la plata del negocio de la moda deportiva en EEUU"

terça-feira, setembro 09, 2014

Curiosidade do dia

Acabo de ouvir na rádio Sérgio Monteiro:
"O secretário de Estado das Infraestruturas, Sérgio Monteiro, afirmou hoje que as perturbações que afetaram a TAP em junho e julho estão sanadas, considerando que a companhia aprendeu com os erros deste verão, que não se podem repetir.
"Pareceu-nos uma boa atitude: aprender com os erros que podem existir do ponto de vista do planeamento operacional e fazer tudo para que no próximo ano exista uma resposta diferente da que existiu este ano", considerou Sérgio Monteiro, no final de uma reunião com o presidente da companhia, Fernando Pinto."
Aprender com os erros, isso é sempre bom.
Aprender com os erros começa por se perceberem as causas que geraram a falha, depois, desenvolver as acções que eliminem as causas.
O que é que as PMEs preguiçosas fazem quando os erros ocorrem? Em vez de actuarem sobre as causas, actuam sobre os sintomas. Por exemplo, aumentam o controlo da qualidade, e deixam o sistema continuar a gerar os erros.
O que é que Sérgio Monteiro disse na rádio que a TAP vai fazer?
Melhorar o planeamento?
Não, manter pelo menos dois aviões de reserva para fazer face aos erros...
Quanto custa manter dois aviões de reserva por dia?
E isto é aprender com os erros?

Mt 11, 25

Ao longo dos anos, aqui no blogue, temos apresentado uma versão da competitividade que não segue, necessariamente, a cartilha seguida por tanta gente conhecida neste país. Gente como: Ferraz da Costa; Vítor Bento; João Duque; Daniel Amaral; João Ferreira do Amaral; Teixeira dos Santos; ...
Como é que essa cartilha explica o crescimento das exportações portuguesas e do emprego nos sectores mais sujeitos à concorrência internacional nos últimos 4 anos?
Entretanto, neste relatório "The Shifting Economics of Global Manufacturing" da BCG, sinto-o todo permeado e contaminado até ao tutano por essa mesma cartilha em que o preço, ou custo, é a única variável relevante para conquistar clientes.
Por isso, sorri com gosto, ao encontrar esta figura:
"Several leading manufacturing export economies didn't fit into our four categories because shifts in their cost structures didn't follow one of the distinct patterns. (See Exhibit 9.) ..."


"Large corporations with small boards (around nine to 10 directors) outperformed their peers on shareholder return by 8.5 percentage points, while firms with large boards (13 to 14) underperformed peers by 10.85 percentage points,"
Trecho retirado de "Maybe Your First Layoffs Should Be Board Members"

Ecossistema, B2B e SDL

Esta tabela ajuda a perceber o léxico usado na SDL:
E também relacionável com a temática dos ecossistemas da procura:
"S-D logic moves the orientation of marketing from a ‘market to’ philosophy where customers are promoted to, targeted, and captured, to a ‘market with’ philosophy where the customer and supply chain partners are collaborators in the entire marketing process.
S-D logic also recognizes that customers as well as suppliers are resource integrators, consistent with the concept of cocreation of value. S-D logic not only brings the customer into the process of co-creation of value, but organization's partners throughout the value network as well. Consequently, S-D logic recognizes that each entity should collaborate with other entities and integrate resources with them.
If we want to completely carry out the program of S-D logic and translate it into B2B offering strategies, we must re-establish the balance to the customer's advantage: co-creation is carried out, in a many-to-many approach, between a supplier and his network in interaction with a customer and his network. From an S-D logic viewpoint, it's not only therefore about making an offering to the customer but also to some of the actors in his network thereby co-creating value with them and for them.
The cocreation of value with the customer network actors has been particularly identified as being the missing link in current B2B offering strategy approaches in terms of solutions."
Fica esta tabela final com informação relevante:

Trechos retirados de "Marketing solutions in accordance with the S-D logic: Co-creating value with customer network actors" publicado no Industrial Marketing Management em 2008.

Acerca do caminho para Mongo (parte V)

Parte I, parte II, parte III e parte IV.
A pressão sobre as empresas e os indivíduos e o abaixamento das barreiras e a democratização da produção e comercialização, criam o caldo perfeito para o que se segue "Fragmentation: Staying niche, nimble, and small is the new goal for many". Por isso, é que durante as caminhadas de Agosto, enquanto lia o relatório pela primeira vez, não me cansava de brincar a dizer que estes tipos me tinham copiado o blogue:
"The erosion of barriers to forming and pursuing a business venture will lead to increasing fragmentation in certain parts of the economy.
As barriers fall, many small yet viable players will emerge, with increasing influence on the economy
This proliferation of individual and small business ventures addressing highly differentiated industry and consumer needs will drive significant fragmentation in certain parts of the business landscape. Fragmentation (within a domain) is defined by the following characteristics:
• Each player within the domain has a small, addressable market and is focused on a specific niche
• Collectively, players address a diverse spectrum of customer and market needs
• Both players and niches are proliferating within the domain
• No single player has enough market share to influence the direction of the domain
long term
• A relatively modest level of investment is sufficient to enter and sustain position
• “Diseconomies of scale” are in play—it is more challenging for large players to stay in business
Fragmentation is likely to be most pronounced in the design, development, and
production of new products and services for specific markets.
As consumer demand for uniqueness or other specialized attributes causes product
fragmentation, another type of fragmentation will occur in the retail space, as retailers cater to specific consumer preferences with a targeted set of niche products.
They will increasingly offer targeted experiences to niche customer segments
the number of small investors could grow with the emergence of a different type of angel investor—one who, now that it is easier for individual investors to connect with individual makers, artists, or entrepreneurs, values his or her connection to a specific product or mission more than tenfold returns.
Fragmentation will be a permanent feature of the business landscape
Today’s consumers expect offerings that exactly fit their needs and lifestyle requirements. The good news is that digital technologies allow niche products to reach consumers. The bad news is that, given the fragmentation of the consumer base, it is harder to get an offering adopted by the mass market, earn market share, and generate large returns. Indeed, the whole idea of the “mass market” may become less relevant as niche market proliferate. Revenue opportunities may be limited to capturing a relevant niche segment instead of an entire market.
Increased competition and disruption are shortening product life cycles, reducing the total return for each product.
a decrease in consumer loyalty. Consumers are increasingly willing to switch between brands to find products that best address their needs.
Niche players that scale will have difficulty retaining creative talent, given the
increasing ability of talent to pursue other ventures.
As an organization scales, it often becomes focused on efficiency, tightly scripting processes and governance models and thus limiting workers’ autonomy and creativity.
fragmentation will be a sustained and even desirable outcome in the new business landscape."

segunda-feira, setembro 08, 2014

Curiosidade do dia

Lembrem-se que estes caramelos, "O euro não é sustentável. Se as elites dirigentes não perceberem isso serão cilindradas", e outros como eles, um dia vão conseguir o que pretendem.
De um dia para o outro o seu dinheiro e as suas poupanças vão perder 30 a 50% do seu valor.
E você, ainda deposita o seu dinheiro num banco em Portugal?

ADENDA das 18:51

Saindo do euro, com a perda de valor da nova moeda, ocorrerá um fenómeno de hiperinflação (basta imaginar o aumento do preço da gasolina, por exemplo).
O que é que os caramelos propõem:

"Redução do IRS compensa inflaçãoA proposta dos autores é que, quando se começarem a fazer sentir os efeitos da inflação, que normalmente acontece poucos meses depois, "deve haver uma compensação através do IRS".
"Especialmente nos escalões mais baixos de modo a compensar essa perda de salário real", defende Ferreira do Amaral."
Pois, 52,8% dos que declaram IRS não pagam o imposto porque recebem muito pouco e o governo, para compensar cobraria menos. Isto é tão LOL!!!

"It never ends"

Quando uma empresa usa o low-cost como estratégia para competir no mercado internacional, está sempre sujeita a que:
"“What I do worry about every year is the future of the factory,” [Moi ici: Diz o director de uma fábrica na Indonésia] he tells her. “I worry that someone somewhere else, somewhere cheaper, will start to make furniture, and that will be that for us.”
It never ends."
Dá a necessidade de sair fora deste filme e optar por outra estratégia

Trecho retirado de "The Human Toll of Offshoring"

Acerca do caminho para Mongo (parte IV)

Parte I, parte II e parte III.
O segundo capítulo do relatório "The hero’s journey through the landscape of the future", intitula-se "Pressures on individuals".
As medidas de curto prazo para aumentar a eficiência das empresas (ver parte III) levaram a:
"have eliminated many of the benefits of working for a large organization and undermined the financial and emotional security of many workers. ...Workers no longer have the historical safety nets they once did, such as life-long employment and pension plans....No one - not even top talent - is safe.Without the benefits of stability and security once associated with employment by a large, established company, many individuals will find themselves pursuing alternative career paths, not always by choice."
No entanto, esta pressão sobre as empresas e os indivíduos, e  "Eroding barriers: Lowered barriers to entry, commercialization, and learning" (terceiro capítulo) cria oportunidades novas.
"The somewhat surprising effect has been to tap into workers’ latent desire for autonomy. In the past, workers sacrificed autonomy for the security and compensation associated with working for a large enterprise.
Many are driven by a desire for autonomy, flexibility, or alignment with personal values. Talented, high-performing workers are taking their increased negotiating power to pursue independent ventures or to work at companies where work is more tailored to individual priorities, values, and interests.
In parallel, individuals are also beginning to move away from seeking status and meaning through consumption ... many are seeking status and meaning through the ability to create or participate.
The good news is that the same technological and political forces causing increased pressures and challenging traditional structures and practices have also created the tools and opportunities for participation, commercialization, and learning.
Times have changed. Today the barriers between the inventor and the market are diminishing, and individuals can own the full lifecycle of their products. Individuals are also finding that as barriers erode they have the ability to participate in numerous communities, unlimited by geography, where they can build knowledge, develop skills, and find collaborators.
The means of production are becoming more accessible to individuals and smaller companies.
Tools and physical infrastructure are becoming increasingly accessible. Liberalization in certain areas of public policy is reducing some of the regulatory barriers that have hindered the creation of new businesses.
it is becoming easier for individuals to independently experiment with and prototype ideas, leading to breakthroughs in physical product design and even medicine. As technology continues to become better and cheaper, more individuals will be able to create small but sustainable economic entities. Even for technologies that have not become affordable, the emerging “sharing economy” is helping to make them accessible.
The confluence of cheap and accessible technology, shareable tools and infrastructure, and supportive public policy has made it more attractive for individuals to leave large organizations and create their own fragmented businesses.
With the path to market entry more accessible, technology has again been instrumental to lowering barriers to commercialization, largely through online platforms that connect individuals and organizations to the resources they seek."
Parece uma repetição de conceitos e sintomas que ao longo dos anos temos aqui relatado no blogue sobre o advento de Mongo.

Acerca dos ecossistemas

Quem acompanhar este blogue sabe o quanto aprecio e uso o conceito de ecossistema da procura, um conceito que descobri no trabalho prático do terreno em Agosto de 2004 com resultados impressionantes.
Um conceito que pode resultar na capacidade de mudar um mercado, mudar um sector, mudar as regras de concorrência em favor de quem não tendo mais dinheiro tem algo mais e, pode orquestrar uma relação simbiótica entre vários participantes.
Acredito que falham completamente quando tentam explicar porque é que os ecossistemas estão na moda. No entanto, sublinhei uma série de notas desta brochura "The new age of ecosystems" que fazem sentido:
"an ecosystem reflects much more than a network, and it differs fundamentally from a market.
the focus of innovative organizations is likely to shift in the near future from organization-centricity to one that is ecosystem-centric. An ecosystem can be thought of as a complex web of interdependent enterprises and relationships that creates and allocates business value.

Ecosystems comprise entities that operate out of orchestrated, mutual shared-interest
A set of individuals or organizations who formally or informally operate together to produce something of greater value for the mutual benefit of the ecosystem as a whole
In a business context, an ecosystem is a complex web of interdependent enterprises and relationships aimed at creating and allocating business value. There is something mutual and multiplicative about business ecosystems — the whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts.
Ecosystems comprise entities that operate out of mutual self-interest. They are made of sets of individuals who formally or informally operate together to produce something of greater value for the mutual benefit of the organization and the ecosystem as a whole. Ecosystems exist because participants can deliver more value within the ecosystem acting together
Mutuality reflects an enhanced level of coordination with formally or informally shared ideals, standards, or goals.
Orchestration [Moi ici: Curioso usarem este termo, o mesmo que escolhi há uma série de anos, para designar o trabalho de quem desenha, ou toma consciência do ecossistema e começa a multiplicar o seu efeito fazendo batotarefers to the coordination, arrangement and management of complex environments. In the context of an ecosystem, orchestration refers to the formal or informal coordination of interactions or collaborations among participants within the ecosystem. Orchestration may be informal, through cultural mores and imperatives, or it may be formal through explicit rules or the presence of an actual orchestrator — an explicit entity that facilitates orchestration processes.
By their nature and sustained existence, ecosystems can produce more value as a whole than the sum of the individual participants acting independently.
To create value, organizations need to identify opportunities, develop competencies and leverage synergies. In identifying opportunities, organizations must understand how value is created in the ecosystem. They will need to identify and exploit pockets of potential value creation. And they must maintain flexibility in the role they adopt within the ecosystem, as well as the type of interactions they have with other ecosystem participants.
Orchestration reflects the extent of an organization’s influence over others within an ecosystem, the formality of ecosystem interactions and the degree of enforceability and compliance."