Isto é quase poético!!!
"The key principle to remember in executing change is that anything that is not consistent with the strategy will deter the success of your strategy.
Everything.This includes your organizational structure, your measures, the processes you reengineer, measures and incentives, the types of people hired, job goals, how you lead.
In fact,
every organization with a new competitive strategy will face a moment of truth in which it needs to decide whether it was really serious about the competitive strategy or not (Daí o sentido da citação que abre o capítulo II do nosso livro: "Em verdade vos declaro que, se tiverdes fé e não hesitardes, não só fareis o que foi feito a esta figueira, mas ainda se disserdes a esta montanha: levanta-te daí e atira-te ao mar, isso se fará") . These moments of truth arise from a fundamental principle of markets: to gain leadership in one market segment requires you to not secure leadership in a segment with conflicting requirements for the organization.
Whatever the moment of truth, they are tests of whether the organization has the resolve to execute strategy. You can be sure individuals in your organization will be looking at these tests to understand the real message about what’s important or not important. Therefore, when you face and resolve your moment of truth,
communicate it broadly throughout the organization as to why you arrived at the decision and took the steps the strategy suggested.
Alignment answers the following questions:
• How do we create the differentiation in fact?
~ What are the key processes that build the core competency and create the organization’s differentiation?
~ What processes must I get "right" to meet minimum customer requirements to be considered?
~ What process goals should we establish to achieve our key strategic goals?
• How should we organize to manage and run the company on a daily basis to insure key processes achieve what we need them to achieve?
• Do we need a marketing department?
• How will we achieve our sales and margin goals?
• What must we change in our key processes and other operational activity to support the sales-marketing plan and achieve process goals?
• What partners do we need?
• How will we measure success?
• What must the leadership team accomplish working as a team to enhance the capacity of the organization to succeed?
• Is our competitive strategy still aligned with the evolving market place and competitor dynamics?
Este texto pode ser encontrado
aqui, a não perder, também, na página 187, esta preciosidade:
How Do We Create the Differentiation in Fact?The outcomes of any system are a perfect reflection of what the system was designed to accomplish. Beyond this, the first step to change is to acknowledge that you are accountable for any of the results you don’t like."..."The creation of differentiation (or the maintenance of differentiation) is accomplished by designing and operating key processes that are at the heart of differentiation. This is true whether the differentiation is in a product or service or the business model. And, if you lack the distinction you desire, you look first and foremost at how your processes are working.
There are a number of steps to creating "process-based" differentiation:
• Identify the key processes that create the differentiation, what I’ll refer to as strategic processes
• Redesign or improve key processes to eliminate problems, create competitive advantage and secure differentiation
• Create a culture of continuous improvement in processes
• Deploy limited resources to redesign and improve processes that are at the heart of competitive victories and that promise financial payback
• Create measures that will help you better understand how the organization is doing and better align individual and group activities to desired outcomes
• Keep the leadership team focused on the unique role of leadership so that the operational agenda does not crowd out critical organizational change work