quarta-feira, maio 05, 2010
A predação de Pandora
Para reflexão
A chefe do Governo alemão defendeu também que uma das lições a tirar da crise grega é a necessidade de rever o pacto que liga os países da zona euro.
"Deve ser reformado de tal maneira que não possa ser violado", frisou, salientando a "responsabilidade particular" da Alemanha neste processo.") (Moi ici: Cadê a França? Desapareceu do mapa!!!!!!!!! Eclipsou-se com uma pinta! E este é o semestre da Espanha à frente da UE!!!! Cadê!!! Então e o Tratado de Lisboa?!?!)
Ciência ou Arte?
terça-feira, maio 04, 2010
Para reflexão
A espiral parece que já não pára...
"Schaeuble quer processo de falência para Estados que não ponha em risco zona Euro"
Pois... o software
Diferentes negócios, diferentes indicadores (parte II)
(Simon’s, 1977, wheels-within-wheels metaphor).
A treatment can result in the resolution of the client’s problem, but can also initiate a new and perhaps a different sequence of activities. The process is not only iterative, but also potentially interruptable at all stages, either when the symptoms are found to be a false alarm, when there is no known solution, or when the problem needs to be referred to a specialist."
Para reflexão
segunda-feira, maio 03, 2010
Diferentes negócios diferentes indicadores (parte I)
Há dias recorri a esta imagem do livro "Creating & Delivering Your Value proposition" de Cindy Barnes, Helen Blake e David Pinder para salientar o quão diferem as abordagens do preço e do valor.
Não é a caridade
“"Consumimos mais produtos alimentares do que os que produzimos, pelo que temos de importar grande parte deles. Somos altamente deficitários", afirmou, argumentando que é necessário alterar esta situação.
A agricultura é um "sector fundamental para o desenvolvimento da Europa e do país. Deve continuar a garantir a função primária de produção de alimentos para a nossa população", frisou.”
Tendo em conta o artigo, depreendo que o ministro da Agricultura quer substituir as importações agrícolas por produção interna.
A produção agrícola interna não consegue competir de igual para igual com as importações. Portugal não pode competir no negócio do preço com as produções agrícolas de commodities que nos entram porta-a-dentro, não temos extensão de solo. Só torrando dinheiro dos contribuintes em apoios e subsídios.
Em vez de tentar competir no terreno que dá vantagem à concorrência, melhor seria fomentar o aumento da produção do que podemos produzir e exportar com vantagem competitiva, por causa do clima. Contudo esta mudança de paradigma tem uma grande dificuldade pela frente...
Dificuldade desta abordagem, as produções internas, que perdem na competição com as importações, correspondem às produções tradicionais que têm lobbys poderosos junto do ministério da Agricultura.
Hoje descubro que o Presidente da Republica tem outra solução para a agricultura portuguesa... a caridade "PR pede a grandes superfícies que paguem melhor os produtos nacionais".
Segundo o Presidente "o mundo rural português «tem que ser ajudado», para evitar o abandono de «boas partes do território nacional»."
IMHO, o abandono só será revertido no dia em que a agricultura for percebida como um negócio lucrativo. E em Portugal, isso só será possível se produzirmos, não o que importamos mas o que conseguimos exportar com vantagem competitiva porque somos diferentes, com um clima diferente.
domingo, maio 02, 2010
Tão amador a jogar bilhar...
sábado, maio 01, 2010
Dá que pensar...
Malditas agências de rating
Be still indebted to somebody or other, that there may be somebody always to pray for you, that the giver of all good things may grant unto you a blessed, long, and prosperous life; fearing, if fortune should deal crossly with you, that it might be his chance to come short of being paid by you, he will always speak good of you in every company, ever and anon purchase new creditors unto you; to the end, that through their means you may make a shift by borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, and with other folk’s earth fill up his ditch.
You can hardly imagine how glad I am, when every morning I perceive myself environed and surrounded with brigades of creditors—humble, fawning, and full of their reverences. And whilst I remark that, as I look more favourably upon and give a cheerfuller countenance to one than to another, the fellow thereupon buildeth a conceit that he shall be the first despatched and the foremost in the date of payment, and he valueth my smiles at the rate of ready money, it seemeth unto me that I then act and personate the god of the passion of Saumure, accompanied with his angels and cherubims.
These are my flatterers, my soothers, my clawbacks, my smoothers, my parasites, my saluters, my givers of good-morrows, and perpetual orators; which makes me verily think that the supremest height of heroic virtue described by Hesiod consisteth in being a debtor, wherein I held the first degree in my commencement. Which dignity, though all human creatures seem to aim at and aspire thereto, few nevertheless, because of the difficulties in the way and encumbrances of hard passages, are able to reach it, as is easily perceivable by the ardent desire and vehement longing harboured in the breast of everyone to be still creating more debts and new creditors.
Yet doth it not lie in the power of everyone to be a debtor. To acquire creditors is not at the disposure of each man’s arbitrament. You nevertheless would deprive me of this sublime felicity. You ask me when I will be out of debt. Well, to go yet further on, and possibly worse in your conceit, may Saint Bablin, the good saint, snatch me, if I have not all my lifetime held debt to be as a union or conjunction of the heavens with the earth, and the whole cement whereby the race of mankind is kept together; yea, of such virtue and efficacy that, I say, the whole progeny of Adam would very suddenly perish without it. Therefore, perhaps, I do not think amiss, when I repute it to be the great soul of the universe, which, according to the opinion of the Academics, vivifieth all manner of things. In confirmation whereof, that you may the better believe it to be so, represent unto yourself, without any prejudicacy of spirit, in a clear and serene fancy, the idea and form of some other world than this; take, if you please, and lay hold on the thirtieth of those which the philosopher Metrodorus did enumerate, wherein it is to be supposed there is no debtor or creditor, that is to say, a world without debts."
Assim, admiramos-nos de quê?
sexta-feira, abril 30, 2010
Reencaminhar por favor
"“Eu sigo o meu plano e sou fiel ao meu plano”, disse José Sócrates, sublinhando que “o pior seria não manter a confiança no nosso plano”."
Unlearning occurs when a new idea, concept or thought comes into play that contradicts what you’ve learned in the past."
Setting oneself on a predetermined course in unknown waters is the perfect way to sail straight into an iceberg.
Sometimes lack of strategy is temporary and even necessary. It may, for example, simply represent a stage in the transition from an outdated strategy to a new, more viable one. Or it may reflect the fact that an environment has turned so dynamic that it would be folly to settle on any consistency for a time."
The ability to focus on one task is undoubtedly useful, but focus also limits awareness.
The most worrisome version of the failure to seek information occurs when decision makers are motivated to favor a particular outcome."
So does every failure. The same is true for changes in the business environment, in the market and especially in people within the enterprise – all of these changes demand that the plan be revised. A written plan should anticipate the need for flexibility.
In addition the action plan needs to create a system for checking the results against expectations."
Diferentes propostas de valor, diferentes comerciais, diferentes abordagens
In consultative selling scenarios, the general 20th-century value proposition of ‘a little extra value for a modestly higher margin’ no longer works. The only way to win in a consultative scenario is to separate out and differentiate everything, including the sales force.
Transactional and consultative sales forces, processes and tools don’t mix. Consultative sales people are too talented and expensive; they are overkill in a transactional sale. But if salespeople are given the two models to sell, they’ll tend to default to transactional because it is the faster and in many respects easier option."
"We have analysed what has changed in selling over 2008, and concluded that sales cycles are taking up to 40 per cent longer due to budget freezes and customers’ decision processes taking longer."
"The natural knee-jerk reaction to this is to just fill the sales funnel with more opportunities – ‘surely something will drop’. No. Focus and stripping out the volume of opportunities to enable your teams to give more quality focus to less opportunity is the way to go. Better still that you nurture existing relationships, ideally where you are already trusted.
Before you sell anything, you must create value during the selling process itself."
À atenção dos chefes dos aborrecidos representantes da Clix, PT e Cabovisão
"I was reflecting the other day on the near infinite number of ways in which companies annoy their customers."
Para reflexão
"5 Terrifying Parallels Between What's Going On Now And The Great Depression"
"O 13º mês pode estar em causa"