Ontem tive a oportunidade, e o gosto, de fazer uma apresentação sobre a implementação de um sistema de gestão com o auxílio do Balanced Scorecard.
No final, na fase das perguntas e respostas, alguém questionou algo do género "No dia-a-dia temos tanta coisa para fazer, como é que se arranja tempo, para além do quotidiano, para pensar e implementar a mudança?"
Hoje, agora, ao pensar na questão, veio-me logo à cabeça a afirmação de Deming:
"A sobrevivência não é mandatória!"Cynthia Montgomery, na revista Harvard Business Review deste mês, no artigo "Putting Leadership Back Into Strategy" lembra-nos:
"What we have lost sight of is that
strategy is not just a plan, not just an idea;
it is a way of life for a company. Strategy doesn’t just position a firm in its external landscape; it defines what a firm will be. Watching over strategy day in and day out is not only a CEO’s
greatest opportunity to outwit the competition; it is also his or her
greatest opportunity to shape the firm itself."Se o quotidiano exercer uma pressão tão grande, que nos impede de ter a experiência de sair fora do corpo, e apreciar a realidade que nos rodeia, corremos o risco de andar à deriva, de sermos comandados pelos acontecimentos. Quando trabalhamos a duas dimensões, sem a componente estratégica a orientar a nossa actividade, corremos o risco de perder o sentido de orientação, de perder o "Norte":
“A business has to have a
clear purpose. If the purpose is not crystal clear, people in the business will not understand what kind of knowledge is critical and what they have to learn in order to improve performance.…
What do we mean by purpose? Our purpose is who we are and what makes us distinctive. It’s what we as a company exist to achieve, and what we’re willing and not willing to do to achieve it.”E não nos iludamos: "The job of the strategist never ends. No matter how compelling a strategy is, or how clearly defined, it is unlikely to be a sufficient guide for a firm that aspires to a long and prosperous life."
"Competitive advantage is essential to strategy. But it is only part of a bigger story, one frame in a motion picture.
The very notion that there is a strategic holy grail—a strategy brilliantly conceived, carefully implemented, and valiantly defended through time—
is dangerous. "... "
Great firms—Toyota, Nike, and General Electric, to name a few—
evolve and change. So do great strategies. This is not to say that continuity has no value. It is not to say that great resources and great advantages aren’t built over the long term. It is, however, to acknowledge that the world, both inside and outside the firm, changes not only in big, discontinuous leaps but in frequent, smaller ones as well"