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terça-feira, janeiro 15, 2008

Organizational Design

Não gosto de conversa mole, prefiro uma linguagem mais directa, mais solta, mais colorida, daí que este trecho saltasse logo, e chamasse a minha atenção:

"Organization design is often inherited from tradition and history or is the result of improvisation by imperial newcomers eager to inflict their footprint on the organization they have just recently joined. In both cases, there is often not a good fit between the design, the mission and the context. But because the myth that strategy should determine structure remains in good currency, back-of-envelope strategies are often hastily drafted, and the ensuing job of carpentering the appropriate organization (regarded as part of routine management) is delegated to junior executives as part of the implementation of the willed strategy. It is hardly surprising that what ensues is not of great significance.

It is only when catastrophes hit the organization that redesign takes a front seat. But in such critical times, again, panic strikes, improvisation prevails, and what is presented as organization design is nothing more than trite tinkering with the organization chart on the basis of something too often napkinly sketched in a most amateurish way."

Trecho retirado de "Organization Design as Governance's Achilles' Heel" escrito por Gilles Paquet e incluido no Vol. 1/ 2007, Fascículo 3 / Outubro-Dezembro da revista on-line Governância.