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sexta-feira, outubro 27, 2017

O poder da interacção

"increasingly emphasized operant resources like knowledge and skills as the basis for value traditional manufacturing companies have increasingly invested in services due to the increase in competition in traditional markets, the need for differentiation and the possibility of earning higher margins. These companies eventually become solution providers, which offer ‘a comprehensive bundle of products and/or services, that fully satisfies the needs and wants of a customer related to a specific event or problem’. ... Consequently, scholars have emphasized identifying competences and processes that enable companies to co-create solutions with the customer ...Simultaneously, the customer’s role has evolved in value-creation literature from a pure recipient of goods into the determining party in the relational value-creation process ... ‘value is always uniquely and phenomenologically determined by the beneficiary’. ... ‘value is best defined as value-in-use’ because it can only emerge or be created through the recipient’s use. Following that logic, the provider is a potential value facilitator and co-creator only through the relational nature of the joint solution creation process....Although extant literature addresses value creation from many perspectives, three commonalities emerge. First, researchers agree that the customer’s role has evolved to the locus of value creation. Second, value creation occurs as a relational process. Third, value is perceptual and the result of the customer experience."

Trechos retirados de "Hunting for Value: How to Enable Value-in-use? A Conceptual Model" de Jan Petri e Frank Jacob, publicado por Journal of Creating Value 3(1) 1–13, 2017 

segunda-feira, outubro 23, 2017

Privilegiar os inputs sobre os outputs (parte VI)

Parte I, parte II, parte IIIparte IV e parte V.
"to shift our attention from production to utilization, from product to process, from transaction to relationship. It enhances our sensitivity to the complexity of roles and actor systems. In this sense the service logic clearly frames a manufacturing logic rather than replaces it. Creative business thinking comes from applying the service logic mode of thought, recognizing that within that overriding logic there are islands of a manufacturing logic. In other words, the service logic encourages us to think in terms of value creation and Value-creating Systems. It moves us from the oversimplified view that 'producers' satisfy needs and desires of 'customers' to the much richer but more complex view that they together form a Value-creating System. Within that system the provider has to find a way to position himself, and enhance and leverage the value creating process of the customer. It helps us move from the traditional industrial notion of products as outputs to the value-creation economy notion that offerings should he seen as inputs in a value-creating process."
Trecho retirado de "Reframing Business: When the Map Changes the Landscape" de Richard Normann

domingo, outubro 15, 2017

"it took a holistic approach towards how to play"

Retirei a figura que se segue do livro "Reframing Business" de Richard Normann:
Figura fácil de relacionar com esta estória:
"Where to play: Instead of thinking about existing customers, Pro 7 asked itself, who is not buying TV advertising and why not? The answer: Start ups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Why don’t they buy? They usually don’t have the money. If they have the money, they don’t want to spend it on something like TV advertising with an uncertain outcome. And even if they were interested in buying TV advertising, they didn’t have the experience and skills to plan and execute a TV media campaign.
How to play: Instead of simply thinking about how to make the existing product, TV advertising, available to start ups and SMEs, Pro 7 took a more holistic approach, thinking about the products, services, the customer experience, but also the business and revenue models required to turn these noncustomers into customers, while at the same time making sure Pro 7 would not sacrifice its margins. The initial answer was to give away advertising minutes for free and in turn receive a share of the revenues created by its advertising. Along with this new revenue model, Pro 7 took care of media strategy and planning, spot production and execution, offering the new customers a holistic customer experience. Since its origins in 2012, the model has evolved into media-for-revenue-share and media-for-equity, making Pro 7 the first company in the world investing with its media power into start ups.
How to win: The change in the revenue model occurred only after some time. The initial media-for-revenue-share model made a lot of sense for the customers, but not for Pro 7. Only after offering media-for-equity did the new strategy create value not only for the customers, but also for Pro 7, and other equity partners, who had complained about the revenue-share model, as Pro 7 was taking cash out of the business.
So in other words, Pro 7 asked about noncustomers and what their barriers to consumption were; it took a holistic approach towards how to play, crafting a comprehensive offering, business model, and revenue model; and it thought about how to create value not only for its customers, but also itself, and its ecosystem partners."
Calçar os sapatos do cliente, ou do não cliente, e ver o mundo pelos seus olhos. O truque é deixar de pensar em despachar os outputs que se produzem e pensar nos inputs na vida do cliente. Como ele pensa, como ele opera, que medos, que preocupações, que aspirações...

Há dias li este trecho:
"Think “input before output”"
E dei-lhe uma outra interpretação, mais em linha com este slide:

 Pensar em output é pensar em despachar o que se produz, o que no limite significa tentar impingir o vómito que se produz, o "old focus" da 1ª figura.

Pensar em input é pensar no "new focus" da 1ª figura e perceber que o que damos numa relação B2B é um input para ser processado na relação que interessa ao cliente, a sua relação com o seu cliente.

Trecho retirado de "What’s the focus of your strategy conversations?"

quarta-feira, outubro 11, 2017

"dealing with unprofitable customers" (parte II)

Parte I.

Gosto desta linguagem da SDL para explicar o fenómeno dos clientes que destroem valor:
"By identifying and considering a range of stakeholders, firms can gain competitive advantage by engaging not only with customers but also other partners to encourage intergroup engagement [Moi ici: Ecossistema]
The SDL literature states that value is created within a service system. The firm uses its operant resources to interact with other actors in the service system and, in particular, engages with customers’ value creation as actor-to-actor. These interactions, providing they are positive, lead to an improvement in the well-being of the service system as a whole, wherein the customer and value co-creation become embedded.
Value destruction, however, arises from incongruent elements of practice, which depart from the shared understandings of practice among firm, customer and service system. If these understandings are not shared, value is destroyed rather than created and leads to the decline in the well-being of at least one of the systems and brings about an asymmetry in the service system. Instead of gaining competitive advantage through the action of the actors, the firm and the wider system are placed at a disadvantage.
Although it has been suggested that the firm thinks of its consumers as equipped with the full range of operant resources to co-create value, it may only be ‘good’ customers who are able and willing to apply the specialized skills and knowledge to gain value-in-use. The firm has customers or prospective customers who are unwilling to provide reciprocal resources who fail to understand the reciprocity of the value proposition, who are unable to acquire the skills and resources to be effective resource integrators or, who ‘may botch...’. All of these suggest that in terms of value co-creation, customer operant resources may not necessarily interact beneficially with the operand resources of the firm as required by SDL. In these circumstances, these customers may not gain value-in-use so that the firm’s service propositions will have negative value for them, both experiencing a loss. If certain customers are unwilling or unable to use their operant resources to co-create value, they cannot act as the fundamental units of exchange and hence collaborative value-creating partners. The firm may provide opportunities for these customers to learn how to develop their operant resources to co-create, but if it encounters repeated instance of value destruction, it may have to discontinue further investment in that customer and discourage further interactions.
The destruction of value is not limited to the firm/customer dyad but resonates throughout the service system."

Trechos retirados de "Selective demarketing: When customers destroy value" publicado por Marketing Theory 1–18, 2016

segunda-feira, julho 17, 2017

"you need to enter their personal story"

"Your customers care a whole lot more about themselves than they care about your products or your messages.  That’s why your marketing and sales communications shouldn’t focus on your products.  They should focus on your customers.
Every person you come in contact with greets you with a rich personal narrative going on in their mind, not a blank slate. If you want to get their attention and have them value the encounter, you need to enter their personal story, not force them into your story."
Como não recordar:
"Come and win with us" vs "Let us win with you"
Trechos retirados de "It’s not about Michael Jordan. It’s about you."

terça-feira, maio 02, 2017

"S-D logic needs to be informed by systems thinking"

"as presently constituted, S-D logic needs to be informed by systems thinking. This means more than just acknowledging interconnectedness. It requires a profound ontological shift in how we see the subject matter of science. As Capra and Luisi (2014) point out, it requires a shift in perspectives from parts to wholes, from objects to relationships, from measuring to mapping, from structures to processes, and from Cartesian certainty to approximate knowledge. Thus, it differs significantly from the more mechanistic underpinnings of scientific thought that have provided its paradigmatic foundation for centuries."

Trecho retirado de "Service-dominant logic 2025"

domingo, abril 30, 2017

Ecossistemas de serviço

"As one zooms out from dyadic interactions and discreet transactions, the first thing noticed is that these dyadic interactions do not take place in isolation, but rather within networks of actors, of which the dyad is just a part. These networks can be seen at various levels of aggregation (e.g., macro, meso, micro). Structurally then, these networks reflect what S-D logic captures axiomatically in the resource-integration specification of Axiom 3 [All social and economic actors are resource integrators]. Likewise, they emphasize that the benefit (value) realized by a beneficiary (e.g., a “customer”) does not occur in isolation either, but rather through integration of the resources from many sources, [Moi ici: Recordar o objectivo de maximizar a criação de valor a nível do ecossistema, "The market is a goal collective"] thus best understood as holistic experiences (FP9/Axiom3 and FP10/Axiom4).[Value is always uniquely and phenomenologically determined by the beneficiary]
At first glance, it might appear that there is little new here, just the acknowledgement that service provision, value cocreation and value realization take place in networks, ... However, the S-D logic framework adds several key characteristics that are not in all cases typical of these network conceptualizations. Most obvious among these is that the connections represent service-for-service exchange, rather than just connections of resources, people, or product flows; thus, in S-D logic, network actors are linked by common, dynamic processes (service provision). Second, the actors are defined not only in terms of this service provision (resources applied for benefit) but also in terms of the resource-integration activities that the service exchange affords. Finally, the network has a purpose, not in the sense of collective intent but rather in the sense of individual survival/wellbeing, as a partial function of collective wellbeing."

Trecho retirado de "Service-dominant logic 2025"

domingo, abril 23, 2017

Produtividade para o século XXI (parte II)

Parte I.
"What is meant by productivity?The productivity of an operation is related to how effectively input resources in a process (manufacturing process, service process) are transformed into economic results for the service provider and value for its customers. As a consequence of high productivity, a favorable profit impact should be achieved for the service provider and good value created for the customers. This productivity concept is normally stated in a simplified form as the effective transformation of input resources into outputs, the quality of which is unchanged (a constant quality assumption). In services, especially for two reasons, it has turned out to be difficult to use such a productivity concept. First of all, it is seldom possible to clearly define ‘‘one unit of a service.’’ Because of this, productivity measurements in services are normally only partial measurements, such as how many customers are served per period by one waiter in a restaurant or how many phone calls are dispatched by one employee in a call centre.
However, cost-cutting changes in the resources used may equally well have the opposite effect. They may create a servicescape and service process where the perceived quality deteriorates, and customers become dissatisfied with the value they get and start to look for other options. In that case, as less value for customers than before is created in the service process, the service provider’s revenue-generating capability declines. Using a traditional productivity concept, Anderson et al.  studied the relationship between customer satisfaction, productivity and profits in manufacturing and service industries, respectively. [Moi ici: É pensar no hara-kiri em curso dos bancos, por exemplo] They found that in services a high level of either customer satisfaction with quality or productivity measured in a traditional way was associated with higher profit, but not both simultaneously. In manufacturing higher customer satisfaction and productivity levels were found to be associated with improved profits.
In manufacturing, productivity is a concept related to production efficiency. However, the problem with being an effective service organization is that productivity and perceived quality are inseparable phenomena. Improving productivity may have a neutral or positive impact on quality, but equally well it may reduce perceived quality. If the latter happens, satisfaction with quality declines, customer value goes down, and the risk that the firm will lose customers increases. Revenues go down and this may have a negative effect on the economic result, in spite of the fact that costs may have been reduced as well."
Pois, e se tudo for serviço?


sábado, dezembro 10, 2016

"como antropólogo invisível"

Quem acompanha este blogue sabe o que leio, reflicto e escrevo sobre temas como: jobs to be done, service-dominant logic, interacção, co-criação e customer-centric, só para nomear alguns temas.

Estudo-os, penso neles e tento aplicar o que posso e julgo fazer sentido nas empresas com que trabalho. Faço-o porque acredito que são mais do que mambo-jambo de consultor para enganar empresas.

Confesso que fico algo chocado quando, como antropólogo invisível, entro num bar repleto de comerciais e marketeiros honestos e trabalhadores e a trabalhar em empresas com nome e só oiço uma coisa: empurrar, empurrar, empurrar os produtos que produzimos.

sábado, novembro 19, 2016

Tudo é serviço

"Jobs theory essentially transforms products into services. [Moi ici: O mesmo que a Service Dominant Logic, ou tudo é serviço e o produto não passa de um avatar do serviço] "What matters is not the product attributes you rope together, but the experiences you enable to help your customers make the progress they want to make,"
jobs are discovered, not created.
Or consider things people don't want to do ("negative jobs" in the language of the book), such as taking a sick kid to the pediatrician on a busy workday."

Trechos retirados de "To Win Loyal Customers, You Need to Master 'Jobs Theory'"

sábado, novembro 12, 2016

"You’re No Luke Skywalker"

A propósito de "You’re No Luke Skywalker: For Career Success Today, It Pays to Play Yoda" e recordando "Mambo jambo de consultor ou faz algum sentido?":
"We like to think we’re Luke Skywalker in the story. We’re heroic, and we’re going to tell the story about all the heroic results we’ve produced – but the real way we should be telling the story is that we’re Yoda. We should be the guy helping the customers – they’re the Luke Skywalkers, the stars of the story.
When you flip those roles, it means you get rid of all the slides that show all your awesome office locations and the old white guys on the board of directors and the great logos you’ve had over the years. You tell a better story about how we get there together."

sábado, setembro 10, 2016

Práticas fascizantes

Ontem, lia "The Ecosystem of Shared Value" e, certamente influenciado por "Mambo jambo de consultor ou faz algum sentido?", comecei a associar o texto, por exemplo este trecho:
"In the past, companies rarely perceived themselves as agents of social change."
Com uma possibilidade: poderão as empresas, pensando que sabem melhor do que eu o que é melhor para mim, enveredar por práticas fascizantes e quererem impor-me conceitos, valores, referenciais e comportamentos?
Entretanto, via Twitter chamaram-me a atenção para este artigo, "Airbnb tackles racial discrimination by hosts" e, também no Twitter, cheguei a "Mark Zuckerberg accused of abusing power after Facebook deletes 'napalm girl' post".
Interessante! Enquanto falamos da oferta das empresas e pensamos no negócio estamos a evoluir para " Um ponto de vista diferente" acerca de como encarar a relação das empresas com os clientes e, em vez de pensar na oferta que temos de lhes impingir, "pensar nos resultados que eles pretendem atingir". E, ao mesmo tempo, também, estamos a evoluir para práticas fascizantes em nome de um suposto consenso acerca do que é correcto, bom ou belo.
Há que ter cuidado com estas coisas.

sexta-feira, setembro 09, 2016

Mambo jambo de consultor ou faz algum sentido?

Ontem, a seguir ao almoço, a caminho de uma reunião numa empresa de calçado, passo por um antigo cliente. Uma fábrica de sucesso que terá crescido a sua facturação 7 ou 8 vezes desde que começámos a trabalhar juntos.
A quinta-feira deles é a sexta-feira de quase todas as PME portuguesas. Sem falsa modéstia foi uma das ideias que ajudei a introduzir na empresa. Carregar os camiões para exportação à quinta-feira é uma vantagem, por exemplo, a pressão sobre toda a cadeia de fornecimento começa mais cedo e não há "concorrência". As empresas com as calças na mão para fechar as expedições à sexta só vão atacar à ... sexta-feira. Também, a sexta-feira, já é tempo de planear a próxima semana. Mas adiante, o tema não é esse. Num dos cais de embarque estava um camião com uma lona fazendo publicidade da empresa. Além das cores, do logo, havia uma frase:
"Come and win with us"

Voltei a concentrar a atenção na estrada mas a frase não me saía da cabeça...
Quando cheguei à empresa, disseram-me que o empresário ainda ia demorar um quarto de hora. Sentei-me à mesa da sala de reuniões, abri a minha agenda, escrevi aquela frase, acrescentei um VS e uma nova frase:
"Let us win with you"
Agora que recordo isto, julgo que é o resultado da combinação da leitura de:
"So two years ago, they launched a new brand aptly called NoBull. "Our mentality is that our shoes are not going to make you fitter, jump higher, or run faster," Wilson explains. "The only thing that will make you fitter is you working hard every day.""
Trecho retirado de "Does The Sportswear Industry Ignore Serious Athletes? These Entrepreneurs Think So", artigo citado na parte I da série "Ilustração da narrativa de Mongo"

Com a leitura de "Customer-dominant logic: foundations and implications", citado em "Um ponto de vista diferente":
"In the CDL perspective, firms should be concerned with how they can become involved in customers’ lives instead of figuring out how to involve customers in the firms’ business: “There is a need to contrast the established provider-oriented view of involving the customer in service co-creation with a more radical customer-oriented view of involving the service provider in the customer’s life”."
Que acham disto? Mambo jambo de consultor ou faz algum sentido?
Em vez da mensagem, "nós somos vencedores, venham também vencer connosco", a alternativa "deixem-nos ajudar a sermos vencedores convosco"

quarta-feira, setembro 07, 2016

Um ponto de vista diferente

"“What can we offer to customers that they are willing to purchase and pay for?” (as opposed to “How can we sell more of our existing offerings?”). To answer this question, it was argued that firms must start by understanding customers and their logic. In other words, the way managers think may become an important competitive advantage.
In the CDL perspective, firms should be concerned with how they can become involved in customers’ lives instead of figuring out how to involve customers in the firms’ business: “There is a need to contrast the established provider-oriented view of involving the customer in service co-creation with a more radical customer-oriented view of involving the service provider in the customer’s life”. The difference between who is involved in whose processes is subtle but central:
Companies should try to discover the potential, unrealized value of a service by learning what processes customers are involved with in their own context, and what different types of input, both physical and mental, they would need to support those processes. This means setting out from understanding customers’ activities, and then supporting those activities, rather than starting from products/services and then identifying the activities where a company can fit in." 
Trecho retirado de "Customer-dominant logic: foundations and implications" de Kristina Heinonen e Tore Strandvik, publicado por Journal of Services Marketing, September 2015.

terça-feira, agosto 30, 2016

O foco

Excelente resumo do que está em causa em termos de mudança de perspectiva:
"Customer-dominant logic (CDL) is a perspective on business and marketing based on the primacy of the customer. Adopting this view means shifting the focus from how (systems of) providers involve customers in their processes to how customers in their ecosystems engage different types of providers. In other words, emphasizing how customers embed service in their processes rather than how firms provide service to customers.
In the service field, service-dominant logic (SDL), service logic (SL), and CDL in particular have emerged as service perspectives. These have different foci but explain the characteristics of service in society and business today. SDL focuses on systems and the co-creation between generic actors on a societal level, whereas SL emphasizes the interaction between the provider and the customer.  CDL focuses on customer logic and the customer’s constellation of activities,
actors, and experiences and the role of providers in this context
Trechos retirados de "Customer-dominant logic: foundations and implications" de Kristina Heinonen e Tore Strandvik, publicado por Journal of Services Marketing em· Setembro de 2015

quarta-feira, julho 20, 2016

"value pricing ... is about customizing an outcome for your client"

"Before you can change to value pricing, however, you must first understand the relationship between value and what you are selling,[Moi ici: O que vendemos é um recurso, um instrumento, uma ponte para chegar ao resultado pretendido]
remember that in any interaction or relationship with a client, there has also got to be a profit for the client. The total value you create then is your value and the client’s value together.
often the client doesn’t know fully what they value - what they want, in other words. Your role is to help them see what else they need, beyond their compliance requirements. You are opening the client’s mind, finding the things they care about, looking for triggers. This way you can increase the value you offer, and the price then just follows the value.
Value changes, and it changes based on time, place, location and what outcome customers are seeking.” [Moi ici: Daí a importância das tribos e de fazer crescer o cliente, educar o cliente, integrá-lo numa constelação de relações, sinais, significados] In other words, value is related to the context of the situation at hand, and therefore, a focus on value provides the opportunity to drive pricing higher.
value pricing requires pricing the customer, and not just the service or product. With that in mind, you are intentionally slowing down the sales process to explore the customer’s wants, desires and outcomes (rather than just their needs) in order to sell an expectation of future results.
value pricing is not about efforts, hours and activities, but is about customizing an outcome for your client [Moi ici: Precioso!] while sharing risk to identify and agree on the real value for your services."
Trechos retirados de "Price Services More Effectively with Value Pricing"

segunda-feira, junho 27, 2016

Alterações na ISO 9001, para reflexão (parte II)

Recordar a parte I e "how are you doing".
"Consider, for instance, asking patients exiting the hospital if they have a better understanding and/or knowledge of how to prevent future health problems or if they believe they will be able to integrate their learning from a hospital stay into their daily lives to enhance their wellness. These questions are in stark contrast to those commonly asked in patient satisfaction surveys, dealing with perceptions of room cleanliness, courteous staff, tasty food, and even whether nurses, physicians, and other providers listened and were attentive to patients’ needs. An approach that begins to capture this distinction is the Coleman care transitions program. Patients being discharged from an inpatient facility cocreate a plan for their postdischarge care. A readiness assessment tool is used to assess value alignment between provider and patient."
Tantas oportunidades de melhoria, tantas oportunidades para fazer a diferença.
Trecho retirado de "Evolving to a new service-dominant logic for health care"

segunda-feira, junho 13, 2016

Interacção e co-criação de valor

"Contemporary markets are increasingly interconnected, with actors no longer seen as part of linear value chains but existing in networks of service systems where interaction, collaboration and experience sharing take place. In such markets, traditional boundaries between the roles of “customer” and “provider” are losing clarity, highlighted by the emergence of concepts such as prosumers and post-consumers. Customers are not satisfied with the limited role of a buyer, receiver and user of a firm’s offering at the end of the value chain, but proactively engage in crafting the offering according to their personal needs and wants, and seek to also engage other stakeholders (such as other consumers, communities, firms or government organisations) in the service system to contribute their resources towards common aims."

Em sintonia com o ponto 4 e os exemplos de "Tantas lições para quem quer criar uma comunidade"

Trechos retirados de "Customer Engagement Behaviours and Value Co-creation" de Matthew Alexander & Elina Jaakkola

quarta-feira, maio 11, 2016

Acerca dos "service ecosystems" (parte II)

Parte I.
"Traditionally, the majority of views on markets in the marketing literature has been grounded in neoclassical economic thought, which views markets as ‘a priori’ realities that emphasise ‘products’ as the foundational ingredients in all business activities
Markets viewed from a service ecosystems perspective, on the other hand, are neither seen as predetermined nor static, but as being continually ‘performed’ through the enactment of practices of systemic actors and their direct and indirect connections. [Moi ici: Mercados não como um dado mas como uma variável] In other words, this view highlights the participation of multiple actors, who interactively and interdependently exchange and integrate resources in ways that are much broader than restricted exchanges.
Consequently, a service ecosystems view of markets highlights that value co-creation practices are not limited to producer and consumer dyads, but that markets are continually formed and reformed through the activities of broader sets of social and economic actors. Kjellberg and Helgesson (2006, 2007) view markets as the ongoing results of three types of practices: (1) exchange practices, (2) normalizing practices, and (3) representational practices. Exchange practices are routinized activities related to economic exchanges in a market (including restricted exchange); normalizing practices are those that contribute to establishing rules or social norms related to a market; and representational practices are those that depict what a market is and how it works."
Trechos retirados de "Extending actor participation in value creation: an institutional view" de Heiko Wieland, Kaisa Koskela-Huotari & Stephen L. Vargo, publicado por Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2015

terça-feira, maio 10, 2016

Acerca dos "service ecosystems"

Em 2004 um desafio profissional num cliente levou-me a descobrir os ecossistemas da procura quando ainda eram um tema obscuro.
Quando ano depois descobri a service dominant logic foi amor à primeira vista. Todos os anos procuro apanhar o que se vai escrevendo e sinto que vamos todos esticando a nossa capacidade de desenvolver uma interpretação da realidade. Ainda me lembro de em 2011 escrever esta série "Não é armadilhar, é perceber os clientes dos clientes" para sublinhar que quando se trabalha ao nível do ecossistema a concentração no cliente não é necessariamente a perspectiva mais adequada.
"the division of actors into dichotomies such as ‘producers’ and ‘consumers,’  ‘paying’ and ‘non-paying’ customers, and ‘adopters’ and ‘non-adopters,’ is based on narrow, unidirectional, transactional, and dyadic views on value creation and delivery.
this perspective moves away from linear and sequential creation and flow perspectives of value toward the existence of more complex and dynamic exchange systems of actors (i.e. service ecosystems), in which value creation practices are guided by institutions (i.e. rules, norms, meanings, symbols, and similar aides to collaboration) and, more generally, institutional arrangements (i.e. interdependent sets of institutions).
define service ecosystems as relatively self-contained, self-adjusting systems of resource-integrating actors connected by shared institutional arrangements and mutual value creation through service exchange. According to the service ecosystems perspective, value co-creation resides in the intersections of all actors and resources that are integrated, including resources and actors that influence value co-creation indirectly. Thus, this view underlines the complex and dynamic nature of social systems, through which service is provided, resources are integrated, and value is co-created. It urges marketing scholars and practitioners to abandon the producer and consumer divide and to see all parties as resource-integrating actors with the common goal of co-creating value for themselves and others. Instead of ‘single-actor’ centricity, such as customer or company centricity, the service ecosystems perspective urges balanced centricity [Moi ici: Como não recordar "Não é armadilhar, é educar" e "Plataforma nos materiais de construção] and a more generic actor conceptualization.
The definition of service ecosystems also points to the dynamic and self-adjusting nature of these systems. ‘Each instance of resource integration, service provision, and value creation, changes the nature of the system to some degree and thus the context for the next iteration and determination of value creation’. Consequently, the dynamic and self-adjusting nature of ecosystems broadens and extends the concept of value-in-use to the notion of value-in-context. Value-in-context implies that value is not only always co-created, but also always contingent on the accessibility, evaluation, and integration of other resources and actors and thus contextually specific. Hence, value needs to be understood in the context of the social system in which it is created and evaluated."

Trechos retirados de "Extending actor participation in value creation: an institutional view" de Heiko Wieland, Kaisa Koskela-Huotari & Stephen L. Vargo, publicado por Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2015