quarta-feira, setembro 07, 2016

Um ponto de vista diferente

"“What can we offer to customers that they are willing to purchase and pay for?” (as opposed to “How can we sell more of our existing offerings?”). To answer this question, it was argued that firms must start by understanding customers and their logic. In other words, the way managers think may become an important competitive advantage.
In the CDL perspective, firms should be concerned with how they can become involved in customers’ lives instead of figuring out how to involve customers in the firms’ business: “There is a need to contrast the established provider-oriented view of involving the customer in service co-creation with a more radical customer-oriented view of involving the service provider in the customer’s life”. The difference between who is involved in whose processes is subtle but central:
Companies should try to discover the potential, unrealized value of a service by learning what processes customers are involved with in their own context, and what different types of input, both physical and mental, they would need to support those processes. This means setting out from understanding customers’ activities, and then supporting those activities, rather than starting from products/services and then identifying the activities where a company can fit in." 
Trecho retirado de "Customer-dominant logic: foundations and implications" de Kristina Heinonen e Tore Strandvik, publicado por Journal of Services Marketing, September 2015.

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