O avanço das marcas próprias da distribuição também nos diz algo sobre as marcas dos fabricantes, eis alguns trechos que retirei do livro Branding a Store de Ko Floor:
"Exactly how much choice the consumer wants depends largely on the product category and the situation the consumer is in, but in general the consumer requires the retailer to make a preselection from the enormous number of alternatives."
"Customers who are confronted with too much choice will look for independent advisors, or will simply choose the cheapest product."
"Retailers, like manufacturers, now develop brand strategies for their own products. These products are used as strategic weapons in building a strong retail brand. That is why in many cases private labels have turned into private brands." (Moi ici: este é o registo que aconselho aos fabricantes, tratar as marcas da distribuição não como entidades inferiores mas como concorrentes ao mesmo nível, tal como as outras marcas dos outros fabricantes. Daí que, nestes casos, ao facilitar o desenho de um mapa da estratégia proponha dois clientes-alvo e duas propostas de valor: o cliente final que compra e o dono da prateleira)
"Private brands are no longer overshadowed by manufacturer brands. Private labels have become private brands. Until a few years ago retailers could create a private label by just putting their name on products; it was not about creating brand associations. The brand name acted as the label. Today however, many retailers are managing their private brands in the same way as manufacturers manage their national brands. Private brands now have a clear function in the retailer's total marketing strategy."
(Moi ici: and now...)
"The products a retail company wants to sell as a private brand should be easy to produce. With complex products, specialist manufacturers are constantly able to gain a technical lead. Continuous product innovations make it difficult for private brands to acquire a strong position. Retailers usually do not have access to the required technology." (Moi ici: Meu caro fabricante como são os seus produtos, fáceis de replicar? Pouco conteúdo inovador? Acredita que a herança da marca só por si vai fazer a diferença?)
"A private brand will have a higher chance of being successful with functional products than with products that have a strong emotional value." (Moi ici: Meu caro fabricante que investimentos tem feito para desenvolver este lado amoroso entre os produtos e os utilizadores?)
"The sales opportunities of a private brand depend on the strength of competing manufacturer brands. If there are no strong manufacturer brands in a product category, it will be relatively easy for a private brand to launch in the category." (Moi ici: Isto é veneno puro, isto é pôr sal na ferida... se calhar é isso mesmo que é preciso, para que muitos fabricantes acordarem para a realidade do novo mundo e saltarem da panela como o sapo da história.)