"Law 27: Play On People’s Need To Believe To Create A Cultlike Following.
People have an overwhelming desire to believe in something. Become the focal point of such desire by offering them a cause, a new faith to follow. Keep your words vague but full of promise; emphasize enthusiasm over rationality and clear thinking. Give your new disciples rituals to perform, ask them to make sacrifices on your behalf. In the absence of organized religion and grand causes, your new belief system will bring you untold power.
Step 1: Keep It Vague; Keep It Simple
To create a cult, you must first attract attention.
Do not do this through actions, which are too clear and readable, but through words, which are hazy and deceptive.
Your initial speeches, conversations and interviews must include 2 elements: the promise of something great and transformative, and total vagueness.
This connection will stimulate all kinds of hazy dreams in your listeners, who will make their own connections and see what they want to see.
To make your vagueness attractive, use words of great resonance but cloudy meaning, words full of heat and enthusiasm.
Fancy titles, use of numbers and creation of new words are helpful. All of these create the impression of specialized knowledge.
Try to make the subject of your cult new and fresh, so that few will understand it.Your appeal should be simple. Most people’s problems have complex causes, and they want to hear that a simple solution will cure their problems.
To keep your followers united, you must now do what all religions and belief systems have done: create an us-versus-them dynamic.
First, make sure your followers believe that they are part of an exclusive club, unified by a bond of common goals.
Then, to strengthen this bond, manufacture the notion of a devious enemy out to ruin you.
There is a force of nonbelievers that will do anything to stop you. Any outsider who tries to reveal the charlatan nature of your belief system can now be described as a member of this devious force.
If you have no enemies, invent one."
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