sexta-feira, janeiro 26, 2018

Assumir o desafio de mudar um mercado (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.

"Market offer level.
The exchange object – the value proposition or market offer, including the products and services that make up that offer – is a central element of the understanding of markets. ... “markets are created when actors, dyads, triads, complex networks, and service ecosystems evolve through unique service provision efforts”.
the importance of defining what should be exchanged, specifically that the different market actors in a collaborative process need to define that object and the potential value it might have. That value might be idiosyncratically understood and thus differ between actors. A market-shaping strategy thus needs to include an interaction between actors in a market or a channel within it as a value proposition emerges. ... from a marketing management perspective, ... suppliers need to include downstream actors to a greater degree when the suppliers try to grow a market. A sales force, for example, can function as a direct link to the direct customer and other actors when a firm tries to shape market expectations."
Trechos retirados de "Unraveling firm-level activities for shaping markets" de Daniel Kindström, Mikael Ottosson, Per Carlborg, publicado por Industrial Marketing Management 68 (2018) 36–45

Aguardemos pelos desenvolvimentos

Eu só sou um anónimo consultor da província, estudo umas coisas, faço outras e vejo outras ainda. A minha experiência formata-me e condiciona o meu pensamento e o campo de possibilidades que antevejo.

Por isso, esta semana, numa empresa com um comportamento semelhante ao das bolas vermelhas da figura:
Perguntaram-me, qual o principal problema das empresas portuguesas (PME)?

Pensei no tecto de vidro, mas evitei a expressão e, apresentei esta figura.

Ontem, ao ler "ACO Shoes cresce à boleia da Europa de Leste" pensei numa frase recente de Nassim Taleb:
"l'entrepreneur peut tout perdre ou travailler sans compter son temps. Mais c'est grâce à ce genre de folie individuelle qu'une société fonctionne."
O que é que sublinhei? Por um lado, aquilo que é a base do sucesso actual:
"Especializada em calçado de conforto, a ACO produz 1,5 milhões de pares de sapatos, cerca de cinco mil pares por cada dia útil da semana."
Depois, por outro lado, aquilo em que a empresa pretende apostar no futuro:
"Para 2018, a empresa está a apostar em produtos de alto valor acrescentado, através da criação de um calçado mais técnico, e que se insere numa estratégia virada para o mercado português." 
Acredito que esta aposta para 2018 foi mal apanhada pela jornalista, justificação mais benévola, tal a falta de alinhamento.

Primeiro: a proposta de valor para vender sapato de conforto é diferente da proposta de valor para vender sapato técnico;
Segundo: os comerciais que vendem uma coisa têm de usar outra argumentação para vender outra;
Terceiro: as prateleiras onde se vendem uns sapatos são diferentes das prateleiras onde se vendem os outros;
Quarto: alto valor acrescentado para o mercado português é quase um oxímoro. Tirando brincadeiras e experiências de bolso o mercado português não suporta produções de alto valor acrescentado.

No entanto, eu só sou um consultor anónimo. Aguardemos pelos desenvolvimentos.

quinta-feira, janeiro 25, 2018

Assumir o desafio de mudar um mercado (parte II)

Parte I.
"System level...
This is the level at which norms and regulations set the boundaries and rules for an entire market. A narrow focus on the customer is essential but not enough for shaping a market; instead, an understanding of the whole system, including a focus on downstream actors, becomes important. To understand the system implies an understanding of the institutions as “humanly devised rules, norms, and meanings that enable and constrain human action”, and also of the institutional arrangements, such as interdependent networks of institutions. As institutions and institutional arrangements are set up by individuals, the arrangements are neither static nor pre-conceived. Instead, they are representations of the interests of different groups and can thus be acted upon and influenced, by means of an iterative and dynamic process described as ‘institutionalization’, which may involve suppliers and customers as well as other actors. As institutions have a strong influence on the actions of firms and individuals, it can be beneficial to try to influence them and thereby influence the direction in which a market develops. Consequently, addressing the system level is an essential aspect of market shaping."

Trechos retirados de "Unraveling firm-level activities for shaping markets" de Daniel Kindström, Mikael Ottosson, Per Carlborg, publicado por Industrial Marketing Management 68 (2018) 36–45

O efeito de rebanho (parte II)

Parte I.

O segundo viés cognitivo é o do efeito de rebanho.
"Proposition 2: The extent of managerial price herding is negatively related to the extent to which firms practice value-based pricing."
O que é isto do efeito de rebanho?
"Herding is defined as individual disregard of private information, instead basing decisions on the observed actions of the majority. In so doing, individuals assume that decisions taken by the majority constitute valuable information for their own decision-making.
In the context of pricing, managers who engage in herding deliberately disregard private information (e.g., about customers' purchase history) and instead conform to market prices. The assumption underlying this herding effect is that market prices constitute a viable point of reference. Managers may resort to herding because they believe that competitor prices reveal information about the market, or that pricing like one's competitors seems a justifiable tactic. ... many firms evade responsibility for pricing decisions by following market or competitor prices instead. Managers “do not want to stand alone when they increase the prices if the competition does not move”. In other words, managers fear accountability in the event of an unfavorable outcome. This suggests that herding's foundations may be motivational as well as cognitive. On the other hand, ... firms that “set the rules of the game” —do not hand over pricing responsibility to the market but instead price strategically. In other words, these firms consider pricing to be a matter of meticulous managerial activity.
companies that simply match competitors' prices irrespective of cost and customer considerations are mimicking those competitors rather than analyzing them; this is not competition-based pricing but rather indicates a herd mentality.
That said, the weight of the evidence suggests that price herding is habitual rather than strategic. Consequently, a herd mentality is myopic, as it typically neglects distinct product characteristics, and increases the likelihood of price wars. That being so, it becomes important to understand product differences and to withstand competitive price pressure.
The fundamental issue with price herding is its reactive nature and its disregard for potentially useful information about cost and customer value. Moreover, a strong emphasis on market and competitor prices diverts managerial attention from the effort to comprehend customer perceived value. [Moi ici: Recordar Dastardly] It also distracts from efforts to comprehend the strategic actions of competitors (e.g., their pricing strategy) and to observe or anticipate market developments (e.g., changes in market structure or segments)."
Trechos retirados de "Value-based pricing and cognitive biases: An overview for business markets" de Mario Kienzler e publicado online por Industrial Marketing Management.

Arrancar com o sistema de gestão (parte I)

Realizámos uma sessão de Kick-off com a gestão de topo onde usámos o material preparado nesta série de postais.

Vamos arrancar com a primeira sessão de trabalho na próxima semana. Eis o plano que preparei para a mesma:

Na sequência da sessão de Kick-Off do Projecto ISO 9001 ficamos comprometidos para arrancar com a vertente estratégica do sistema de gestão num "retiro" a realizar a 2 e 3 de Março.

Entretanto, para o próximo dia 29 de Janeiro ficamos de arrancar com a vertente operacional do sistema de gestão. Proponho que na reunião abordemos os seguintes temas:

  • Desenharmos uma forma simples de divulgar o projecto e o seu arranque a toda a empresa. Algo que permita responder a:
O que comunicar? (O porquê do projecto, por que é importante para a empresa. Qual o papel de cada um, quem é a equipa do projecto, qual a duração prevista para o projecto)
Quando vamos comunicar e a quem?
Como vamos comunicar e quem vai comunicar (podem ser diferentes pessoas para diferentes grupos se necessário)
  • Estrutura documental do sistema de gestão (qual o propósito de cada tipo de documento)
Manual do sistema;
Fichas de processo;
Instruções de trabalho;
  • O que diz a ISO 9001:2015 sobre a documentação (ver cláusula 7.5, por causa das regras de identificação, criação, aprovação, divulgação e controlo)
  • O que diz a ISO 9001:2015 sobre instruções de trabalho (ver cláusula 4.4.2)
  • A ISO 9001:2015 obriga a desenhar o mapa da interacção dos processos (cláusula 4.4.1 b)). 
Tenho uma base de trabalho que criei a pensar na empresa. É uma base de trabalho que vamos ter de afinar entre nós os dois, e conversando com a gestão de topo para termos uma versão final em que se revejam. Ainda que não seja a versão final, podemos fazer uma tabela para depois ser preenchida para relacionar processos com intervenientes. A ideia será pedir depois aos responsáveis que indiquem, para cada processo, quem deve ser ouvido por nós ao cartografar a descrição do processo

quarta-feira, janeiro 24, 2018

"Gaining understanding is not always the same as predicting"

Algo interessante sobre a ilusão do Big Data, de que falo aqui há algum tempo e que McChrystal descreve de forma mais eloquente:
"The industrial world, where almost everything could be measured and mechanized—where individual variables could be isolated, tested, and optimized—lent itself to this model. As complicated as it was, it almost all lay under the manager’s capacity for calculation, prediction, and control. Planned efficiency became the lifeblood of “good management.” Everything else, from physical design to organizational structure to leadership behavior, was a natural extension of this goal.
As we have crept toward the “many to many” environment of complexity, we have engineered increasingly complicated solutions: gifted managers have developed intricate protocols and organizational hierarchies to cover all likelihoods. The baseline belief that any problem can be known in its entirety has never faded. Anyone who has worked in business or government for a few decades can testify to the seemingly endless increases in rules and paperwork.
We hear a great deal about the wonders of “Big Data,” which certainly has advanced our understanding of the world in dramatic ways. Retailers can track who bought what, and where they bought it. Sociologists can sift through vast amounts of political, economic, and societal information searching for patterns. There is tremendous potential for this technology, but, as with Blue Force Tracker and the other tools at our disposal in Iraq, it is unlikely that it will enable effective long- term prediction of the type that we crave. Data-rich records can be wonderful for explaining how complex phenomena happened and how they might happen, but they can’t tell us when and where they will happen. For instance, data on the spread of a virus can provide an insight into how contagion patterns look in our networked world, but that is very different from knowing exactly where the next outbreak will occur, who precisely will end up getting sick, and where they will go next. Gaining understanding is not always the same as predicting.
Big Data will not save us because the same technological advances that brought us these mountains of information and the digital resources for analyzing them have at the same time created volatile communication webs and media platforms, taking aspects of society that once resembled comets and turning them into cold fronts. We have moved from data-poor but fairly predictable settings to data-rich, uncertain ones."

Trechos retirados de "Team of Teams: The Power of Small Groups in a Fragmented World" de Stanley McChrystal e Chris Fussell.

Assumir o desafio de mudar um mercado

Mergulhar naquilo que passa ao lado de muita gente que olha para a cláusula 4.2 da ISO 9001:2015

"We have already noted the consensus among authors that firms act on markets and shape them, with such other stakeholders as suppliers and customers, as opposed to merely targeting selected existing segments.
Focal actors can thus influence markets – both new as well as mature markets – not only by persuasion of existing targets via such conventional marketing activities as selling and promotion but also by learning and developing their knowledge of both the market itself and the other actors within it, in a market- shaping process.
It is thus possible to discern a move away from the dominant marketing metaphor that emphasizes markets as preexisting, to be targeted and acted upon, to one that treats them as elements of ongoing processes, to be influenced and shaped by the actors involved through their own activities, and through the coordinated activities of multiple actors. Markets are thus being continuously shaped and reshaped, and our understanding of the market-shaping processes involved can be enhanced by examining the activities in those markets.
market changes can be seen as a response to actions, practices or ongoing activities
In our research, we have chosen the term ‘market shaping’ to describe the composite activities involved in shaping markets, including active and conscious choices aiming at shaping the market structure and shaping market behavior. In market shaping, a broad range of technological, exchange-related and institutional activities are deployed by the main actor in the process to influence and shape a target market.
Market-shaping activities cover a broad range: some have an operational firm-oriented focus, such as in individual selling situations, while others have a strategic, long-term and network-oriented focus, such as the changing of market norms and the way business is done in a particular market. They thus can act on a multitude of levels, spanning such activities as negotiating prices and conducting sales meetings, to increasingly systemic activities performed with long-term objectives in mind. In other words, market-shaping activities can take place and have their effect at different levels of influence, which we define here as ‘system’, ‘market offer’ and ‘technology’."
Como não relacionar este tema com o postal anterior e o enfoque no locus de controlo. Uma equipa de gestão de uma PME portuguesa assumir o desafio de mudar um mercado.

BTW, um aviso:
"Complex systems are fickle and volatile, presenting a broad range of possible outcomes; the type and sheer number of interactions prevent us from making accurate predictions. As a result, treating an ecosystem as though it were a machine with predictable trajectories from input to output is a dangerous folly."

Trechos retirados de "Unraveling firm-level activities for shaping markets" de Daniel Kindström, Mikael Ottosson, Per Carlborg, publicado por Industrial Marketing Management 68 (2018) 36–45

Nada atraente

o Paulo Peres chamou-me a atenção para um artigo que me parece muito bom, "Value-based pricing and cognitive biases: An overview for business markets" de Mario Kienzler e publicado online por Industrial Marketing Management. O artigo lida com 4 vieses cognitivos que afectam a temática do pricing por parte dos agentes económicos.

Mal comecei a ler o artigo apreciei a quantidade de autores que ao longo dos anos li e que agora aparecem num texto sobre pricing. Nomes como: Kahneman, Gigerenzer e Ariely. Depois, quando encontro uma relação entre um tema que há longos anos aqui tenho referido, o locus de controlo, com o pricing, foi ouro sobre azul. 

Vejamos então o primeiro viés cognitivo: A percepção da falta de controlo.
"Proposition 1: The extent of managers' internal (external) LOC is positively (negatively) related to the extent to which firms practice value- based pricing."
Racional para isto?
"Control is an important concept in psychology and sociology, frequently operationalized as a subjective, domain-specific, and outcome- oriented construct related to locus of control (LOC) ... individuals with an external LOC perceive luck, coincidence, or influ-ential others as shaping external events that they must passively bear.
Research in psychology has frequently investigated the illusion of control—that is, overestimation of one's perceived control in chance situations. In contrast, perceived lack of control is defined as the tendency to underestimate one's control over events. The evidence suggests that people tend to under- estimate their control in situations where they actually have control.
In the context of pricing, perceived lack of control manifests as a subjective perception of managerial control over pricing that leads to a concrete price outcome. As such, a range of evidence suggests that LOC affects managerial pricing practices. More precisely, managers with an external LOC react positively to pricing practices that emphasize cost- or competition-based pricing.
many managers believe they have no control over pricing and that “‘we determine our costs and take our industry's traditional margins’ or ‘the market sets the price and we have to figure out how to cope with it.’”
entrepreneurs with an external locus of control prefer low-cost strategies—that is, strategies with a focus on costs and low prices.
Managers characterized by perceived lack of control over pricing are passive and rely on docile pricing practices such as adding a margin to costs or matching market prices. In contrast, value-based pricing requires managers to actively and confidently influence pricing through their behavior—a view associated with an internal LOC."
Depois destes sublinhados, regresso ao primeiro postal, de 2007, onde mencionei aqui o tema locus de controlo e a duas perguntas que fiz na altura:
"E quando um gestor tem o seu Locus de Controlo no exterior?.
Aparecem-nos comportamentos deste tipo.
Os telejornais, os foruns, os jornais e as antenas abertas, são o palco para quem se queixa dos chineses, esses malvados, ou dos espanhóis, ou dos polacos, ou dos marroquinos, ou dos portuenses, ou dos lisboetas, ou dos bracarenses... a culpa é sempre dos outros.
E quando numa comunidade a maioria dos seus membros tem o seu Locus de Controlo no exterior? Nada atraente!!!"

terça-feira, janeiro 23, 2018

"enjoy the “quiet life.”"

"In competitive markets, managers have a strong incentive to give their best effort. But economists have long argued that when companies are insulated from competition, their managers may not be motivated to maximize the profit of the firm and instead may choose to enjoy the “quiet life.” Similarly, without sufficient monitoring by owners of the firms or the stock market, managers might be tempted to enjoy the quiet life instead of making hard decisions or taking on difficult tasks.
Taken together, our results are consistent with the quiet life hypothesis. Without competition or monitoring, managers do seem to put off hard decisions."
Trechos retirados de "The “Quiet Life” Hypothesis Is Real: Managers Will Put Off Hard Decisions If They Can"

Market shaping

Um tema que aprecio muito: quando uma empresa assume o desafio de influenciar o mercado, trabalhando o ecossistema.
"Market shaping is increasingly being recognized as a viable and deliberate market strategy, for firms that construe markets as being malleable, and thus possible to ‘shape’. A market-shaping perspective emphasizes markets as elements of ongoing processes, to be influenced and shaped by the actors involved through their own activities, and through the coordinated activities of multiple actors. Market-shaping thus aims to influence a market by means of activities aimed at a wider array of actors than just direct customers, such as their own customers, in pursuit of increased and sustainable competitive advantage. These market-shaping activities can stretch from traditional firm level activities such as sales to activities that involve the entire markets institution e.g. changing the rules of the market.
Shaping a market can often be challenging, however, especially for incumbent firms in mature markets with established market structures and behaviors or business models."
E depois, uma narrativa que me soa tão familiar:
"this firm faces increasingly saturated traditional markets, as well as potentially declining growth. To address this challenge, it has been working continuously to realize a market-shaping strategy, the foundation of which has been the shaping of previously unserved market niches into new market segments susceptible to a changed, sometimes radically different, technology. In many potential segments, the technology was not proven and had not been previously used, which required the firm under study to shape the market in such a way as to create opportunities for future market offers.
To that end, it carried out a range of single and composite activities at three levels and involving various actors. The levels could be defined as: ‘system’, concerned with a system of actors in the process; ‘market’, relating to more tangible customer-supplier relationships; and ‘technology, focused on the more fundamental aspects of building the whole operation. The actors involved would thus include both direct and indirect customers as well as other stakeholders."
Quantas pessoas conseguem relacionar esta temática com a nova cláusula sobre as partes interessadas relevantes incluída na ISO 9001:2015.

Vamos descascar este artigo com calma para tirar o máximo sumo.

Trechos retirados de "Unraveling firm-level activities for shaping markets" de Daniel Kindström, Mikael Ottosson, Per Carlborg, publicado por Industrial Marketing Management 68 (2018) 36–45

"you only see what you aim at"

"So if we are all monsters, how are we to be saved? The first thing is to understand how our worldview evolves. Crucial to this is a 20-year-old experiment on inattention – the famous Invisible Gorilla experiment. This involved recording two teams of basketball players and playing back the game to observers, who were asked to count the number of passes their team made. During the game, a man in a gorilla suit walks on to the court, pounds his chest and then walks off. More than 50% of the observers, astonishingly, did not notice the gorilla at all.
Why is this so important? Because, as Peterson notes, you only see what you aim at – not only metaphorically but also literally and physiologically. Your perception is adjusted to your aims. So if your aims are dark and corrupted, you will see the dark and corrupt things that facilitate your aims. And if your aims are high, you will see different things. Belief colours perception. This fits in with his claim that you must pursue proper meaning rather than happiness."
Recordar o que aqui escrevemos ao longo dos anos acerca do retorno da atenção. Tornamos-nos naquilo que pensamos. Se pensarmos baixo seremos baixos.

Trecho retirado de "Jordan Peterson: ‘The pursuit of happiness is a pointless goal’"

segunda-feira, janeiro 22, 2018

Mais do que uma treta (parte III)

Antes de mais recordar "Mais do que uma treta (parte II)" o radar para:
"o que não sabemos que não sabemos"
Depois,  considerar:
"So how can we prepare for the future? Growth and transformation invariably require new capabilities for the business, teams, and individuals. We all have to do things we’re not good at. Relying on routines, not strengths, is the surest way to build readiness for growth. Routines make it easier to execute today’s business while preparing for the future.
What do I mean by a routine? A routine is a pattern of activity regularly followed. Routines and processes are not the same thing.
Processes are sequenced activities that convert inputs into more valuable outputs. ... Routines also are patterns of activity, but they don’t drive a standard outcome or try to reduce cycle time or variability. A routine can be super simple, like starting the day by talking with your colleagues rather than opening your e-mail. This routine sparks new ideas, builds friendship, and can energize you. When you have a routine like this in place, it slowly changes how you interact with others. As you change how you interact with others, the conversations change you. Routines also can be great for teams."
Como é que se descobrem coisas que não sabemos que não sabemos? Instituindo rotinas que funcionam como um radar que capta sinais que têm de ser analisados e interpretados.

Trechos retirados de "Pacing for Growth: Why Intelligent Restraint Drives Long-term Success" de  Alison Eyring.

Tríade, Taylor, Mongo e a Al Qaeda

Em "Team of Teams: The Power of Small Groups in a Fragmented World" de Stanley McChrystal e Chris Fussell encontro um paralelismo que faço há muitos anos e que traduzo em linguagem colorida como em "os encalhados da tríade".

O mundo que formatou a tríade (políticos, académicos e comentadores) foi o mundo de Metropolis, o mundo de Magnitogorsk, o mundo da eficiência, um mundo criado pelo taylorismo:
"Taylor created a clockwork factory, systematically eliminating variation, studying all labor until he understood it inside and out, honing it to peak efficiency, and ensuring that those precise procedures were followed at scale. Because he could study and predict, he could control. He dubbed his doctrine "scientific management."
Taylor became the world's first management guru. At a paper mill in Wisconsin, he was told that the art of pulping and drying could not be reduced to a science. He instituted his system and material costs dropped from $75 to $35 per ton, while labor costs dropped from $30 a ton to $8. At a ball bearing factory, he experimented with everything from lighting levels to rest break durations, and oversaw an increase in quantity and quality of production while reducing the number of employees from 120 to 35; at a pig iron plant, he raised worker output from 12.5 to 47 tons of steel per day, and decreased the number of workers from 600 to 140.
Taylor’s ideas spread from company to company, from industry to industry, and from blue collars to white (there was one best way to insert paper into a typewriter, to sit at a desk, to clip pages together). They seeped into the halls of government. His philosophy of replacing the intuition of the person doing the job with reductionist efficiencies designed by a separate group of people marked a new means of organizing human endeavors. It was the behavioral soul mate for the technical advances of industrial engineering.
Taylor’s success represented the legitimization of “management” as a discipline. Previously, managerial roles were rewards for years of service in the form of higher pay and less strenuous labor. The manager’s main function was to keep things in working order and maintain morale. Under Taylor’s formulation, managers were both research scientists and architects of efficiency.
This drew a hard-and-fast line between thought and action: managers did the thinking and planning, while workers executed. No longer were laborers expected to understand how or why things worked—in fact, managers saw teaching them that or paying a premium for their expertise as a form of waste.
Military planners had relied on many of Taylor’s strategies—the segregation of planning and execution, standardization, and an emphasis on efficiency— for centuries before Taylor was born. But Taylor’s ideas inspired many military leaders to find fresh ways to create a more efficient fighting force.
by the late 1920s, it could seem that all of modern society had come under the sway of a single commanding idea: that waste was wrong and efficiency the highest good, and that eliminating one and achieving the other was best left to the experts.”"
Este é o molde que ao chocar com Mongo deixa de funcionar. Assim como o percebi algures entre 2006 - 2008, McChrystal começou a intui-lo em 2004 ao chocar com a Al Qaeda do Iraque. (Ao longe intuí o mesmo ao aconselhar às PMEs que seguissem o exemplo da Al Qaeda: 2010, 2009, 20082007 e 2006)
"This new world required a fundamental rewriting of the rules of the game. In order to win, we would have to set aside many of the lessons that millennia of military procedure and a century of optimized efficiencies had taught us.
In 2004, as we planned clockwork raids designed to make the most of every drop of fuel, we were manning a managerial Maginot Line: our extraordinarily efficient procedures and plans were well crafted and necessary, but not sufficient.
Over the past century, the kind of organizational measures that ensure the success
of combat parachute assaults have proliferated throughout the military, industry, and business. In today’s environment, however, these solutions are the equivalent of the provincial apprenticeship models that Taylor stumbled upon in 1874. In Iraq, the inexplicable, networked success of our underresourced enemy indicated that they had cracked this nut before we had. Managerially, AQI was flanking us."

E depois de implementar o sistema de gestão (parte V)

Parte I, parte IIparte III e parte IV.

O processo: passo a passo. 

Depois de celebrar um contrato com o Organismo de Certificação a sua organização pode solicitar uma pré-auditoria opcional que fornecerá feedback imediato e específico antes do processo padrão começar a rolar.

O processo padrão consiste numa auditoria realizada em duas fases:

Auditoria da fase I. Esta actividade é realizada nas instalações da organização que quer ser certificada. O processo de auditoria inclui uma avaliação da documentação do sistema de gestão e do âmbito de certificação pretendido. Também está incluída uma análise para garantir que as auditorias internas e a revisão pela gestão estão a funcionar e que o nível de implementação do sistema de gestão sustenta que a organização está pronta para a auditoria da fase II. Um relatório de auditoria com resultados é emitido para permitir acções imediatas antes de avançar no processo.

Auditoria da fase II. Processo de avaliação: auditoria no local. Esta etapa geralmente é realizada várias semanas após a realização da auditoria da fase I para garantir que a organização tem tempo para implementar qualquer lacuna verificada anteriormente.

O resultado da auditoria da fase I define a quantidade de tempo entre essas duas auditorias. A auditoria no local determina a conformidade das práticas seguidas com o sistema documentado e com as normas internacionais seguidas. A fim de avaliar completamente o âmbito acordado, é necessário que os produtos incluídos no âmbito estejam em fabricação / processo no momento da auditoria. Se algum produto ou processo não estiver disponível para revisão durante a auditoria, esses itens não serão incluídos no âmbito da certificação. Poderá ser necessário visitar vários locais permanentes ou temporários onde a organização opera.

Todas as conclusões da avaliação baseiam-se na amostragem de evidências de auditoria para demonstrar a implementação efectiva do sistema de gestão, o controle sobre os processos e os progressos realizados para alcançar seus objetivos declarados.

No final da auditoria, o auditor fará uma recomendação dependente das conclusões. Esta recomendação reflectirá o nível de não-conformidades identificadas durante a auditoria.

Não-conformidades. Se uma não-conformidade crítica ou maior for identificada e for causada por uma quebra significativa do controlo do sistema, a decisão de certificação será adiada até uma acção corretiva ter sido tomada e aprovada. Uma não-conformidade menor não impedirá a recomendação para certificação, mas poderá demorá-la, uma vez que a ação planeada deve ser submetida e revista pelo Organismo de Certificação antes da decisão de certificação. A verificação e o encerramento das não-conformidades menores ocorrerá durante a auditoria de acompanhamento seguinte. Eventuais observações que a equipa auditora deixe no final de uma auditoria são oportunidades para melhoria contínua e não requerem aceitação e implementação por parte da organização.

Emissão do relatório. No final da auditoria da fase II, o auditor fará a apresentação das constatações e emitirá a sua recomendação num relatório de auditoria. Isso incluirá a confirmação do âmbito solicitado após a avaliação.

Emissão do certificado. Uma vez tomada a decisão de certificação o certificado é processado e enviado para a sua organização.

domingo, janeiro 21, 2018

Provocação para PME certificadas (parte V)

Parte Iparte IIparte III e parte IV.

Nos meus Workshops sobre a abordagem baseada no risco costumo usar uma sequência de imagens que culmina nesta:
Aquilo que era um desempenho positivo num ano passará a ser um desempenho negativo no ano seguinte se for repetido.

Por isso, faço as perguntas:
Se pesquisarmos a palavra risco na ISO 9001:2015 verificamos que aparece nas cláusulas:

  • 4.4.1 - riscos nos processos (risco de não cumprir o que se espera de um processo)
  • 5.1.1 - a gestão de topo deve promover a abordagem baseada no risco
  • 5.1.2 - riscos associados à conformidade dos produtos e serviços e ao seu impacte na satisfação dos clientes (pode ser associado não só às especificações como à adequação do produto ao job-to-be-done do cliente. O mesmo produto que se adequa às necessidades dum cliente não serve para outro cliente com um outro desafio. Por isso, foco no cliente é, também foco nos clientes-alvo)
  • 6.1 - título
  • 6.1.1 - determinar riscos, tendo em conta o contexto e as partes interessadas, e prioridades para tratamento
  • 6.1.2 - planear acções para lidar com os riscos e avaliar a sua eficácia
  • 9.1.3 - avaliar eficácia das acções para lidar com os riscos
  • 9.3.2 - avaliar eficácia das acções para lidar com os riscos
  • 10.2.1 actualizar o levantamento dos riscos se necessário, quando acontece uma não-conformidade

Onde determinar riscos?

  • nos processos - o que pode levar um processo a não atingir o seu propósito e nível de desempenho esperado?
  • nos produtos e serviços - o que pode levar a falhas no cumprimento das especificações dos produtos e serviços?
  • na satisfação dos clientes - o que pode levar a falhas no propósito de aumentar a satisfação dos clientes?
  • nos objectivos do sistema de gestão - o que pode levar a falhas no cumprimento dos objectivos da organização?
Como se começa 2018?

Viajando no tempo até ao futuro para começar 2018 com os pés em 2019!

 Que resultados quero estar a ver no meu sistema de gestão? Não os resultados do responsável do sistema de gestão, mas os resultados que interessam ao Mr. Burns da organização.

BTW, usava este exemplo em 2008 para explicar a minha interpretação para o uso das acções preventivas. Engraçado como as acções preventivas desapareceram do texto da norma porque foram integradas na abordagem baseada no risco.

"it requires deciding to do some things and not others"

"Use Focus to Invest Energy Disproportionately .
Every business has limited resources. Even in a cash-rich enterprise or well-funded start-up, resources like time and deep expertise are often in short supply. When we focus the resources that most matter to driving growth, they have more impact. We can only achieve this focus by stopping some activities. Growth leaders understand that you can only build capacity for growth by conserving time and energy by making tough choices.
Alignment is a word that means different things to different people. Certainly it means coherence or compatibility with a vision or values. But it also refers to: A process of setting goals at subsequently lower levels of the organization that, when rolled up, will add up. I call this “vertical alignment.”
Processes or activities that deliver to customers and are efficient and working together to create the most value possible. This is “horizontal alignment.” It’s easy to talk about alignment. But building all three kinds—vertical, horizontal, and alignment with vision/values—is a high-exertion activity. Why? Because it requires deciding to do some things and not others. It requires pushing back to more senior leaders who may not be happy with this action. And it can be complicated when the different people involved sit in different offices. Creating real alignment makes us go far outside our comfort zone to resolve deep-seated tensions and disagreements."
Trechos de "Pacing for Growth: Why Intelligent Restraint Drives Long-term Success" de Alison Eyring.

Entretanto, o mundo mudou

"As corporate priorities change, so should the head of strategy."
Como é que uma mesma empresa mantém o mesmo BSC há mais de 10 anos? Como é que o mesmo mapa da estratégia continua válido?

Não continua.

A maioria dos gestores que desenharam o mapa da estratégia já deixou a empresa. Os que ocupam os seus lugares agora nunca mergulharam no esforço de desenhar um mapa da estratégia. Por isso, esqueceram-no e esconderam-no. Agora só têm um BSC da 1ª geração.

Entretanto, o mundo mudou. E os erros de Zapatero continuam por aprender...
"Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself."(fonte)

Trecho retirado de "Here’s Why Strategy Chiefs Succeed or Fail"

sábado, janeiro 20, 2018

"Strategy is only strategic when it allows you to choose what not to do"

"Strategy is only strategic when it allows you to choose what not to do. Focus is only focused if it helps you do less or say no more often.
Put a check next to the points below that you agree with. The more checks, the greater your focus.

  • You can count on one hand the most critical things you must deliver this year. [Moi ici: Um bom desafio para quem está agora a iniciar o ano. Têm algum objectivo crítico para este ano? Ou será que têm demasiados?]
  • If I were to ask you and your boss your top three priorities, you’d both give the same answer. [Moi ici: Outro bom desafio... fez-me recordar a carta que Zander pede aos alunos no início do ano. Quantas chefias têm, ou arranjam, tempo para se sentar com os seus subordinados directos para definirem objectivos?]
  • You and each of your direct reports agree on their top three priorities.  
  • You made a deliberate, considered decision in the past month to stop doing something. [Moi ici: Como é o algoritmo? Encontra um desperdício, remove-o, divulga. Repete todos os dias.]  
  • You reviewed and refocused your priorities in the past month.  
  • You regularly block time on your calendar to create space to work on your top priorities.   
  • You regularly chose to stop, or not to start or sponsor, work that is under-resourced.  
  • You regularly chose to stop, or not to start or sponsor, work that is not aligned with the company strategies." [Moi ici: Ai que ataque de cinismo... sou Diógenes]

Como não recordar:
"A gestão de topo deve assegurar-se que todos os trabalhadores conhecem os Compromissos Estratégicos e compreendam como podem contribuir, a partir do seu posto de trabalho, para a sua execução. Este ponto é tão importante que a ISO 9001 tem uma cláusula só sobre ele (7.3 Consciencialização).
A gestão de topo deve assegurar-se que todos os trabalhadores sabem quais são os objectivos da empresa para os quais podem contribuir com o seu trabalho e, sabem qual sua a evolução."
Trecho de "Pacing for Growth: Why Intelligent Restraint Drives Long-term Success" de Alison Eyring.

Uma pena!

Uma pena!

Uma pena o pouco cuidado com a escolha deste título "Fugiu da “Zara-dependência” e entrou em PER(da)".

Recordo uma frase que ouvi há muitos anos a minha mãe utilizar: "currículo escondido". O título escolhido sublinha que o essencial é o respeitinho pela Zara.

Há pessoas que julgam que se os humanos tomarem decisões racionais e bem estudadas, vão sempre tomar as melhores decisões e, se algum dia baterem contra uma parede será porque decidiram mal, estudaram mal ou simplesmente foram preguiçosos ou, no caso dos empresários, sacaram dinheiro. E julgam mal:
"Lesson #2: Rational choice, chosing a dominant strategy, can lead to outcomes that suck"
Prefiro o título do "Alemã Esprit deixa têxtil portuguesa pendurada", muito mais fiel ao que se passou na realidade.

Respeitar é ser transparente

Esta semana tive (do verbo ter) um almoço com uma conversa tão boa, tão boa, que decidimos procurar repetir o encontro todos os meses, simplesmente para oxigenar a mente.

Na sequência da conversa trocamos algumas referências de livros. Uma das referências que recebi e que me deixou super curioso foi "Black Box Thinking: The Surprising Truth About Success" de Matthew Syed.

Sei que ando a ler dois livros em simultâneo, mas não resisti a espreitar:
"But what is important for our purposes is not the similarity between the two accidents; it is the difference in response. We have already seen that in health care, the culture is one of evasion. Accidents are described as "one-offs" or "one of those things." Doctors say: "We did the best we could." This is the most common response to failure in the world today. [Moi ici: Como não recordar "O Erro em Medicina" e o mais recente horror do presidente Marcelo - "Foi tudo muito rápido. Nestas situações, é tudo aleatório. Há pessoas que acabam por ter sorte e outras que não tem" - Como se se tratasse de uma roleta russa]
In aviation, things are radically different: learning from failure is hardwired into the system. All airplanes must carry two black boxes, one of which records instructions sent to all on-board electronic systems. The other is a cockpit voice recorder, enabling investigators to get into the minds of the pilots in the moments leading up to an accident. Instead of concealing failure, or skirting around it, aviation has a system where failure is data rich.[Moi ici: Este trecho deixou-me knock-out com aquele "where failure is data rich". Quantas vezes nas empresas, perante uma falha, só nos deparamos com "perhaps", "será que" e "e se"]
In the event of an accident, investigators, who are independent of the airlines, the pilots' union, and the regulators, are given full rein to explore the wreckage and to interrogate all other evidence. Mistakes are not stigmatized, but regarded as learning opportunities. The interested parties are given every reason to cooperate, since the evidence compiled by the accident investigation branch is inadmissible in court proceedings. This increases the likelihood of full disclosure.
In the aftermath of the investigation the report is made available to everyone. Airlines have a legal responsibility to implement the recommendations. Every pilot in the world has free access to the data. This practice enables everyone—rather than just a single crew, or a single airline, or a single nation—to learn from the mistake. This turbocharges the power of learning. As Eleanor Roosevelt put it: "Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself."
And it is not just accidents that drive learning; so, too, do "small" errors. When pilots experience a near miss with another aircraft, or have been flying at the wrong altitude, they file a report. Providing that it is submitted within ten days, pilots enjoy immunity. Many planes are also fitted with data systems that automatically send reports when parameters have been exceeded. Once again, these reports are de-identified by the time they proceed through the report sequence.!
Aviation, then, takes failure seriously. Any data that might demonstrate that procedures are defective, or that the design of the cockpit is inadequate, or that the pilots haven't been trained properly, is carefully extracted. These are used to lock the industry onto a safer path. And individuals are not intimidated about admitting to errors because they recognize their value." 
Isto é tão urgente mas tão urgente.

Claro que olhamos para isto e gostaríamos de o replicar para uma e outra e mais outra PME, mas tal seria errado. O caminho é procurar um ponto que possa servir de alicerce e criar dia após dia o mecanismo mais adequado a cada uma. No entanto, o maior problema é perceber que não há acidentes, tudo o que acontece é um produto perfeitamente normal do sistema que temos.

O título é uma das frases que apontei enquanto que decorria a conversa