domingo, junho 25, 2017

JTBD vs cliente vs produto

Algo que julgo que já aqui se abordou no blogue numa perspectiva próxima: Em vez de identificar os clientes-alvo, identificar o job to be done.
"What’s wrong with product managers? The word “product” gives away the problem. The product manager role is anchored in the product–which in our opinion contributes to a myopic view of the market. Since a primary function of the company is innovation, this key role should have a broader orientation than just the company’s products (see our prior article on this). This role should take on a market perspective that fosters new thinking, discovery and development that extends well beyond today’s products. To revolutionize this important role, we believe it should be anchored on the customer’s “job-to-be-done”, not the product.
A company that is focused on the customer’s job-to-be-done instead of the company’s products is much more likely to take a broader view of the market. This would include an expanded view of the competition and potential opportunities for growth.
A traditional product manager has a solid understanding of the products they create and sell. Job Managers, on the other hand, have an intimate knowledge of their customer’s job-to-be-done and the metrics that customers use to measure success when getting the job done."

Trechos retirados de "Product Managers Are Obsolete; Focus on the Job-to-be-Done"

Objectivos e a lavagem das mãos

Gosto destas relações, "Reset your brain by washing your hands":
"Researchers at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management conducted four experiments that showed that when participants cleansed their hands with a wipe, they viewed the previous goals they made as less important. However, they tended to view the goals they made AFTER cleansing as more important.
That’s because cleansing actually helps people psychologically separate themselves from previous ideas and goals, Dong explained."

sábado, junho 24, 2017

Curiosidade do dia

"Nações menos infantis não descansariam até varrer os demagogos que celebram glórias imaginárias e fintam as desgraças autênticas. Portugal, não. Portugal respeita os mortos, leia-se espera que os vivos não perturbem a “estabilidade”. Portugal observa prioridades, leia-se deixa arrefecer o assunto. Portugal não cede à baixa política, leia-se permite a impunidade geral. Portugal está unido, leia-se criou-se um ambiente hostil a questões desagradáveis. Portugal, repete-se, é uma nação muito forte, leia-se um recreio de oportunistas, desnorteados ao primeiro assomo da realidade."

Trecho retirado de "Morrer entre brutos é triste"

Para reflexão

Um texto dedicado a muita gente, "Austerity is dead. Long live austerity":
"Britain can choose to raise spending, but that will mean higher taxes.
The British public is tired of austerity. So even supporters of the government have concluded from the unexpected success of Jeremy Corbyn’s new old Labour, which promised much higher spending and fiscal deficits than the Conservatives in last week’s general election But is it safe to give the public what it wants? Brexit is likely to bring economic disappointment. To add fiscal destabilisation to the mix would seem highly unwise.
The UK will remain an open trading economy dependent on the confidence of strangers, as investors and workers. It would be idiotic to jeopardise its reputation for sound management further in return for a brief high of larger fiscal deficits and debt. Yet this does not rule out different choices over revenue and spending. That is perfectly legitimate.
It makes sense to run a still smaller deficit when debt is high and the economy is close to full employment. The aim would be to insure against any shocks that lie ahead, by reducing the debt ratio.
Furthermore, note that taxes will probably have to rise to mitigate the effects on public services of an ageing population.
What is needed is honesty: the country can choose to raise spending. But, if it wants to run a sound fiscal policy, this will mean substantially higher taxes. Labour has broken the taboo on the latter. But it has dishonestly suggested that a substantial increase in spending can be financed solely at the expense of the rich and corrupt. Yet even taxes on corporations do not fall solely, or even mainly, on the rich.
So should austerity be over? If we mean that it is safe to leave the fiscal deficit where it is, the answer is no. If we mean that it is possible to avoid lowering the share of public spending in GDP any further, the answer is yes. The argument that the UK has chronically underfunded public services is respectable. But higher spending means higher taxes. That additional taxation also needs to be well targeted and designed. The extra money raised needs to be well spent, too. Otherwise, the effort would be a huge waste. That would be quite senseless."
 Recordar "Agora é que vão começar as decisões políticas"

Quando poupar é pecado

Ler "The Fallacy of Cost Savings":
"The direct way to reduce costs is not very often the best choice when what you cut costs of things that are strategic, and where reducing costs actually takes money out of the outcomes you are trying to improve.
By spending more on one line, you can drive down costs on other lines. For this to be true, you must be able to justify the delta between your price and the price your prospective client is paying now—and you have to convince them that price and cost are different, and that lowering the price often has the opposite effect of what they’re trying to accomplish."
Muitas PME mudaram, deixaram de seguir a via do preço mais baixo mas nem todas prepararam os seus comerciais para a necessidade de vender de outra forma.

Do lado dos compradores (no B2B) é aquilo que há anos classifico como: o pecado de poupar:
"don’t go after potential cost savings that might reduce a product’s attractiveness (Moi ici: Pois, a minha guerra contra o eficientismo puro e duro... quando identificamos as actividades críticas de uma empresa em que o negócio não é o preço mais baixo e digo "Poupar nestas actividades é pecado!") "(Novembro de 2012)

Sem rede

A vida real é assim: sem rede.

Só nos media portugueses ainda se toleram os académicos e outros cheios de certezas e de fórmulas infalíveis
"How do you know you’re on the right strategic path? And are you making changes as you go?
Oh, goodness, have I made changes! It’s important to have deeply held beliefs about the vision. But then you have to look at the results.
What’s positive is that the plan is proceeding as we believe it should, with the growth of large new businesses that are adjacent to our core franchises. IBM will grow again. But we need to grow in the right ways. We’re moving into areas that have value and shedding ones that don’t. We could have higher growth rates, but we made a bold decision to divest commoditizing businesses before they commoditize further. The new areas are higher margin, but we have to invest in them and then scale them up.
It doesn’t matter if you’re an insider so long as you don’t try to protect the past. Then you have the freedom to reinvent yourself for the long term.
What’s the hardest thing about trying to take this transformation through to the other side?
You have to have passion. And you have to have clarity. But I think the most difficult thing is perseverance. This is a large, highly profitable company that continues to do mission-critical work serving clients around the world—and at the same time reinventing itself. As the familiar metaphor has it, that’s like changing the wheels while you’re driving. And we’re doing it all in the public eye. Above all, we need to stay focused on our clients and keep moving forward. I think the team has done a super job at this."
Trechos retirados de  "don’t try to protect the past"

Para lá da eficiência (parte II)

Parte I.
"“At one point, one of my sons was deeply into scheduling and efficiency. One day he had a very tight schedule, which included down-to-the-minute time allocations for every activity, including picking up some books, washing his car, and "dropping" Carol, his girlfriend, among other things.
Everything went according to schedule until it came to Carol. They had been dating for a long period of time, and he had finally come to the conclusion that a continued relationship would not work out. So, congruent with his efficiency model, he had scheduled a ten- to fifteen-minute telephone call to tell her.
But the news was very traumatic to her. One-and-a-half hours later, he was still deeply involved in a very intense conversation with her. Even then, the one visit was not enough. The situation was a very frustrating experience for them both.
Again, you simply can't think efficiency with people. You think effectiveness with people and efficiency with things. I've tried to be "efficient" with a disagreeing or disagreeable person ”
“and it simply doesn't work. I've tried to give ten minutes of "quality time" to a child or an employee to solve a problem, only to discover such "efficiency" creates new problems and seldom resolves the deepest concern."

Excerto de: Stephen R2. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Powerful Lessons in Personal Change.” iBooks.

sexta-feira, junho 23, 2017

Curiosidade do dia

"Nos critérios de classificação, a pontuação será atribuída e majorada em função de os investimentos se realizarem em espaços “maioritariamente inseridos em zonas de intervenção florestal”, terem um “certificado de gestão florestal”, usarem “plantas melhoradas de Eucalyptus globulus”, de não estarem em zonas de Rede Natura 2000, se inserirem em “zonas críticas” ou nos tais “concelhos de primeira prioridade” – precisamente as zonas do país com maior susceptibilidade à ocorrência de incêndios florestais.
“São elegíveis as áreas ocupadas pela espécie Eucalyptus globulus em que esta representa no mínimo 75% dos exemplares arbóreos existentes e encontra-se em subprodução”, lê-se ainda no documento."

E vêm os técnicos para a TV falarem de evitar a monocultura e zonas barreira e ...

"Governo está a financiar renovação do eucaliptal em zonas como a de Pedrógão"

Para reflexão

Ontem o Filipe Garcia publicou um gráfico que contribui e muito para a compreensão das alterações em curso na Europa e que tenho acompanhado em:

Agora comparem os salários portugueses com os daquela facha dos Cárpatos até ao Báltico:

Calçado: estratégias competitivas

Tabela interessante retirada de "A inovação e competitividade na cadeia de valor da moda: parte II" que mostra como diferentes empresas do sector do calçado recorrendo a diferentes estratégias e vantagens competitivas têm resultados diferentes (facturação por trabalhador).

Para lá da eficiência

"Innovation by definition is inefficient, because you make prototypes, because you try stuff that fails, that doesn’t work. Exploration is inherently inefficiency. Art is not efficient. Human relationships are not efficient. These are all the kinds of things we’re going to gravitate to, because they’re not efficient. Efficiency is for robots.» "
Trecho retirado de "Efficiency Is For Robots", a relacionar com "When we understand"

"What won’t you be?" (parte II)

Parte I.
"Almost nothing in our daily lives is actually a winner take all competition.
Somewhere, there's someone fitter, faster, thinner, quicker, smarter, more popular or richer than you. And there's someone else fitter, faster, thinner, quicker, smarter, more popular or richer than they are. And you're (far) ahead of someone else who is busy looking at you from behind.
And yet we see people angry because someone's passing their car, or gaining more followers online. They mistakenly believe it's a race. It rarely is.
If you can use your situation as fuel, fuel to dig in and care more and do better, by all means.
But if not, ignore it. Do your work, not theirs."
Trecho retirado de "Winner take all"

quinta-feira, junho 22, 2017

Curiosidade do dia

"Please note !!...this is not my house...I stated that my house is surrounded by native trees with eucalyptus 800 metres away...not as close as the picture shown !!....I was just making an observation and used a picture which I stated was of a Portuguese farm...but have given another good example of another property similarly affected this past weekend with bad fires at Figueiró dos Vinhos. Most people understood this and I have been contacted by journalists who were very interested on the angle of the story ~ I have passed them onto the people who have had this happen in the past few days
Original Post ~ Our house is surrounded by native oak with the nearest eucalyptus about 800 m away...on our land we have olive, oak and fruit trees....all native to Portugal unlike the would seem according to studies that this would make us safer as these trees act as natural fire breaks, especially due to the Oak...A photo illustrating how Portuguese farms with indigenous trees are far more fire resistant than the eucalyptus plantations"
Trecho retirado de "Quinta rodeada de carvalhos e castanheiros escapou ao fogo"

Strategy it's about what you will do

"You can only deliver a truly differentiated client experience if you design one and do it in accordance with your strategy. Strategy isn't about what you can do -- it's about what you will do."

Trecho retirado de "Why You Shouldn't Go the Extra Mile for Customers"

Lemingues (parte IV)

Parte Iparte II e parte III.
"If you have the ability to generate greater results than anyone else, a strategy called “customer intimacy,” then you have to make the necessary investments to deliver that level of value. Look, your competitors aren’t stupid. If they have a lower price, they know that they are giving up something when it comes to customer intimacy. Maybe they decided not to make the investment in the additional people. Maybe they don’t want or intend to make the investment in leadership. To reduce their price, they have to give up something.
You have to pick a lane on these things. You can have the very best product, but you are going to have to sell at a price that allows you to deliver the very best product. If your product is your intimate knowledge of the client and the ability to work creating high trust, high value, and high caring, then you are going to have to give up low price to deliver those things."

Trecho retirado de "You Have to Pay for Your Competitive Advantage"

À atenção do ministro da Economia

O impacte do fim da China como fábrica do mundo no FT de ontem:

Recordar estas palavras:
"Se a conjuntura explicasse tudo, a aceleração não seria apenas em Portugal, seria um fenómeno europeu e isso não é a realidade", acrescentou."
Segundo o ministro da Economia de Portugal só Portugal é que está a crescer...

Macacos não voam

Recordando Porter e os seus conselhos a Portugal durante o consulado de Cavaco Silva.

Recordando "Os macacos não voam, trepam às árvores, um exemplo".

Cuidado com os investimentos de alta tecnologia suportados por generosos apoios estatais se não há tradição no sector.

quarta-feira, junho 21, 2017

Curiosidade do dia

Dizem-me que é ruído.

"What won’t you be?"

"Today’s economy, he notes, is “replete with winner-take-all effects [Moi ici: Sabem que acredito que isto é passageiro, uma espécie de doença infantil das plataformas "Estratégia em todo lado - não é winner-take-all (parte V)"] and huge advantages that accrue to the biggest and best-run organizations, to the detriment of upstarts and second-fiddle players.”
But is the only strategy in our winner-take-all era to get as big as possible, to aspire to eventually serve everyone, and to meet their every need?...
We’re not trying to meet all needs. So, Amazon’s business strategy is super broad. Meet all needs. I mean, the stuff that will be in Prime in five or ten years will be amazing, right? And so we can’t try to be that — we’ll never be as good as them at what they’re trying to be. What we can be is the emotional connection brand, like HBO or Netflix. So, think of it as they’re trying to be Walmart, we’re trying to be Starbucks. So, super focused on one thing that people are very passionate about.
Michael Porter would approve. “The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do,” he writes in his 1996 classic “What Is Strategy?” In Porter’s view, sustainable competitive advantage depends on trade-offs, including the fact that it’s difficult for one company to serve all customers across a wide range of needs.
In an era where a small number of huge companies have unprecedented reach and control, Porter’s central question seems more important than ever: What won’t you be?"

Trechos retirados de "How Can Companies Compete with Amazon? Netflix Has the Answer"

Lemingues (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.

A propósito deste texto de Tim Harford "The age of the Microsoft and Amazon economy". Os teóricos acreditam nisto:
"One of my first economics lessons contrasted perfect competition, which was judged to be a good thing, with monopoly, which was not."
Concorrência perfeita significa igualdade, significa que só resta o preço como factor diferenciador. Claro que um adepto e promotor da concorrência imperfeita não podia estar mais em desacordo com a suposta beleza da concorrência perfeita. VIVAM os monopólios informais.

A Lego entrou no vermelho por causa da concorrência perfeita e saiu dela quando promoveu a concorrência imperfeita e o monopólio informal mental na mente dos seus fãs.
"This is surprising. As the world economy grows, one might expect markets to become more like the perfectly competitive textbook model, not less. [Moi ici: Em Mongo ...não será esta a via] Deregulation should allow more competition; globalisation should expose established players to pressure from overseas; transparent prices should make it harder for fat cats to maintain their position. Why hasn’t competition chipped away at the market position of the leading companies? The simplest explanation: they are very good at what they do. Competition isn’t a threat to them. It’s an opportunity."
Os números e a tendência de concentração citada por Tim Harford é ainda um sintoma do estertor do século XX porque foi neste período que se deu o êxodo industrial para a Ásia. A globalização não foi feita por empresas chinesas a entrarem no Ocidente, foi feita por empresas do Ocidente a montarem fábricas na China ou a aproveitarem fábricas incipientes na China para substituírem a produção nos mercados de consumo.