Um almoço na sexta-feira passada deixou-me, por momentos, com os cabelos em pé. Até cheguei a citar:
"confusing testosterone with strategy is a bad idea"Voltei a recordar o tema da conversa ao ler "How Lego clicked: the super brand that reinvented itself".
Quando a Lego começou a se afundar o que recomendaram os teóricos?
"Consultants hurried to Lego’s Danish HQ. They advised diversification. The brick had been around since the 1950s, they said, it was obsolete. Lego should look to Mattel, home to Fisher-Price, Barbie, Hot Wheels and Matchbox toys, a company whose portfolio was broad and varied. Lego took their advice: in doing so it almost went bust. It introduced jewellery for girls. There were Lego clothes. It opened theme parks that cost £125m to build and lost £25m in their first year. It built its own video games company from scratch, the largest installation of Silicon Graphics supercomputers in northern Europe, despite having no experience in the field."[Moi ici: Copiar independentemente disso ter alguma relação com o ADN]Hoje a Lego é um sucesso financeiro e uma super-marca mas não por causa destas recomendações.
"Vig Knudstorp rescued Lego by methodically rebuilding it, brick by brick. He dumped things it had no expertise in – the Legoland parks are now owned by the British company Merlin Entertainments, for example. He slashed the inventory, halving the number of individual pieces Lego produces from 13,000 to 6,500. (Brick colours had somehow expanded from the original bright yellow, red and blue, sourced from Piet Mondrian, to more than 50.) He also encouraged interaction with Lego’s fans, something previously considered verboten. Far from killing off Lego, the internet has played a vital role in allowing fans to share their creations and promote events like Brickworld, adult Lego fan conventions. [Moi ici: De certa forma é o que as PME que dão a volta fazem. Não tendo dinheiro para se perderem em diversificações que raramente resultam, concentram-se no que sabem fazer bem, trabalham a marca para B2B e fogem do preço trabalhando a relação com o cliente]Não adianta copiar o que os outros fazem. O que se aplica a umas empresas não se aplica a outras. E quem nos garante que o que os outros fazem, mesmo para eles, é a melhor opção? A testosterona não é uma boa conselheira.
“What’s made them successful over the past 10 years is their ability to create new entities, movies, TV shows, by partnering with brilliant people. They’ve said: ‘We might not make as much money if we outsource it, but the product will be better.’ That mentality is very Danish. It comes from saying: ‘We’re engineers. We know what we’re good at. Let’s stick to our knitting.’ That’s a very brave thing to do and it’s where a lot of companies go wrong. They don’t understand that sometimes it’s better to let go than to hang on.”
“The reality is that the last few years the growth has been supernatural,” Julia Goldin, Lego’s chief marketing officer, tells me. “When you look at the proportion of revenue that’s coming out of the mature markets it becomes more and more challenging with the level of penetration."
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