Depois, veio a China e as multinacionais instaladas em Portugal foram embora e as PME portuguesas, optimizadas para o negócio do preço, tiveram de fechar ou de se reformular.
Depois, veio a troika e tantas e tantas PME portuguesas da área não-transaccionável tiveram de fechar, ou encolher, ou reformular a sua estratégia.
Depois, vieram os disruptores e...
"France endured mass strikes on Tuesday as taxi drivers, air traffic controllers, civil servants and teachers demanded more purchasing power, job creation and an end to disruptive competition to traditional industries.As so-called "indústrias tradicionais", como os taxis, existem para servir as pessoas, ou as pessoas é que existem para as servir?
Hundreds of taxi drivers took to the streets of Paris, burning car tyres and blocking routes to principal airports in a demonstration that spread disruption across the capital."
Enquanto isto não entrar na mente destes dirigentes e destes políticos... vai ser só criar artificialismos à custa do activismo político.
BTW, este comentário merece ser sublinhado:
"Funny how taxi drivers in Paris do not say that a taxi license can be issued for free but that it is their union and political pressure that has prevented the city from issuing any licenses for the past 20 years, thereby creating a market for what the drivers originally got for free. Spineless officials are responsible for the chaotic situation existing with most taxis arriving at destination with the maximum 15 euro charge already on the meter. No wonder Uber delights the residents."
Trechos retirados de "Taxi drivers take to the streets in 24-hour French strikes"